Have A Blessed Day

Unconventionally Normal

Jackson groaned as he leaned his head against the glass. It felt like his skull was going to split open with the way the sun insisted on shining directly into his eyes. He really wished the earth would just swallow him whole already. The blazing gospel music coming from the car speakers weren’t helping his headache at all either. The collar of his light blue button down felt too tight around his neck. Truthfully all he wanted was to be back in bed under the covers and to sleep off this hangover, but he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t getting any sympathy from his mom who had busted into his room at 9:30am telling him to get up because they were going to church. He should have expected that she would drag them to church as part of their punishment. Their mom was an active member of the women’s ministry and went every week. He and Kyungsoo used to go more frequently, but that changed after Kyungsoo came out as a gay. Even though Soo doesn’t make his uality blatantly obvious people still talk. After awhile it got to the point the boy was no longer comfortable going and C.J. didn’t force either of them to go any longer. Except for times like this.    

Jackson groaned again and ran his hands over his face trying to wake himself up more. Christiana looked back at her youngest through the rear view mirror. In essence she should be a bit more sympathetic however this was the perfect punishment for the boy. If he was going to insist on drinking even though they both knew very well they shouldn’t be then they would have to suffer the consequences. Now she wasn’t naïve enough to think that Kyungsoo hadn’t been drinking as well. She had his punishment already in place. 

They soon arrive at the church, C.J. parking the car as the boys get out as well albeit at a slower pace. The three make their way to the church entrance, the greeters at the door bidding them a cheery “Good morning.” As they walk into the foyer C.J. greets fellow members of the congregation politely while Kyungsoo walks off to talk to members of the teen choir that he was still on good terms with. Jackson hangs back behind not really in the mood but none the less smiles politely when people greet him as well. Fifteen minutes later the praise and worship team can be heard singing from inside the sanctuary signaling the start of service.

Their church was a non-denominational Christian church with a mixed congregation. They had been going since they were about six and seven respectively so their family was known among the members. Christiana known for her work with both women’s and youth ministries, and Kyungsoo for his beautiful voice. Jackson participated in various youth activities but Chris didn’t force him beyond that. The family of three sat in the audience as service started, Jackson wanting nothing more than to go to sleep. After the pastor started service the teen choir came up to sing. Jackson looks over to see his brother pointedly drawing various scribbles in his program. He nudges the other teen with his shoulder causing Kyungsoo to look up at him. Jackson offers a reassuring smile knowing how much it hurt for Kyungsoo to step down from the choir when he loved singing more than anything. Kyungsoo gives a small smile back reassuring the younger that he was fine.

After two songs from the adult choir and doing tithes and offerings it was finally time for the pastor to preach his sermon. The pastor Choi Siwon was a very handsome and well-respected figure in their community. He was a good man just annoying as hell in Jackson’s opinion it didn’t help that he knew their family very well considering he had a long sordid past with their dad’s older brother Heechul. Kyungsoo swears the two used to in college but Heechul refuses to say anything and it wasn’t like Pastor Siwon was going to admit to it any time soon. Especially not now that he was married to his gorgeous wife Selene, oh he definitely wasn’t going to ruin that.  

Ten minutes into the sermon and Jackson could already feel himself starting to drift off. His eyelids felt like he had weights attached to them as he slowly fell into dream land. Just as his head started to fall forward he felt a sting of something popping him in the back of his head. He jolted up right and looked around confused. Turning to his left he saw his mother looking forward fanning herself with her paper fan.

“Hmm yes lord”, she hummed to herself not even bothering to spare Jackson a look as the teen rubbed the back of his head. He heard Kyungsoo snickering from beside him, and concluded from his brother’s laughter that it had been his mom who smacked him in the back of the head. Jackson crossed his arms with a huff and tried to at least pretend to pay attention to the sermon.

Forty-five minutes later service was finally over. Jackson stood off to the side behind the table C.J. was currently at selling tickets to some event the Women’s Ministry was doing. He leisurely checked his social media accounts on his phone before he felt a weight on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly to see Kyungsoo leaning on him peeking over his shoulder.

“Do you mind?” he complained with no real venom in his voice. Kyungsoo shrugged but still straightened his stance when he saw their Aunt Raven saunter over to them.

“There are my two favorite boys~”, She said coming over and giving them both kisses on the cheek. Raven James was their mother’s younger sister she was single and worked as a pediatrician. They always enjoyed spending time with her since she spoiled them rotten and was fun.

“Hi auntie” Jackson said giving her a hug.

“So I heard that a certain pair of brothers broke curfew and are grounded. Too bad I was going to see if you wanted to get lunch with me after this. Was thinking that pizza joint you both love so much.”

“Mom…” Kyungsoo whined towards C.J. who looked over her shoulder at the pair who were fixing her with eager puppy stares. She rolled her eyes giving a quick “I’ll think about it”, before going back to talking to the other woman at the table with her.

“Sissy, come on. They’ll be with me and I promise not to keep them out late. I know it’s a school night.” Raven said going over to back hug her sister, who shoved her away lightly with a smile.

“I said I’ll think about it, keep bugging me and they won’t go,” She lightly threatened.

“Okay, okay” Raven put her hands up in surrender and made to ask something else but the two were interrupted by the ringing of C.J.’s phone. The older sibling looked at her phone frowning when she saw the name on the screen.

“I’ll be right back” she turned to her two sons giving them a pointed look “Behave.” She walked away answering the phone with a clipped “Hello.”

Raven turned around shrugging her shoulders before turning as well to talk to the woman at the table their mother was previously occupying. Jackson and Kyungsoo smiled knowing that there was a high chance their mother was going to end up letting them go with their aunt since it was family.

“Well, well I haven’t seen the two of you in quite a while.” The siblings turned and internally groaned at the sight of Pastor Siwon walking up to them.

“You two grow more every time I see you. I remember when you were this high when your mother first started bringing you.” The man said giving them both polite smiles.

“It’s nice to see you too pastor and yes it has been awhile.” Jackson said giving a forced smile.

“It’s such a shame that your mother doesn’t bring you both around as much anymore. Especially you Kyungsoo we miss having you in the choir.”

“I just bet you do, but I’m sure you are very aware as to why we don’t come around as much Pastor Siwon.” Kyungsoo gave a sarcastic smile causing the pastor’s smile to falter only slightly, his mouth doing a slight tick.

“Ah yes, yes. I am well aware. I…heard that you’re seeing someone am I correct?” Siwon asked.

“If you must know, I am” Kyungsoo said with a glare.

“I see, I’ll continue to pray that you will one day see the error of the path you chose, young one.” Siwon made to turn to leave but stopped as Jackson laughed.

“And we’ll pray that all your skeletons stay in the closet” Jackson said making air quotes with his fingers.

Siwon choked on his saliva eyes widening at the implication the teenager was making. Kyungsoo smirked as well causing the man of God to narrow his eyes before turning flustered.

“We’ll tell our Uncle Heechul you said hi~” Kyungsoo called after him laughing.

At that moment C.J. came back over looking between the two suspiciously as she saw their smiles. She recognized those smiles it meant they had done something or were up to something.

“What did you two do?”

“We didn’t do anything, honest ma,” Jackson said waving off her suspicion.

“Yeah we were just talking to Pastor Siwon” Kyungsoo said pointing over to where the pastor was talking with his wife and a few other deacons. The man looked over at them and gave a tight-lipped smile. C.J. nodded in understanding before waving lightly at him.

“Well, I decided to let you two go to lunch with Raven, but this is the last “fun” thing until your punishment is over.” She explained.

“Yes ma’am” they responded in unison.

As C.J. waved at the boys leaving with her sister her mind drifted to her earlier phone call that she received. She sighed in deep thought before heading to her car, she was going to need some comfort food to deal with the return of her ex-husband. To Taco Bell she went. 



Sorry for my long hiatus, but I honestly had lost motivation for awhile. Plus a whole bunch of real world stuff got in the way. However, the creative juices are flowing again so I'll be updating more regulary. I won't give you a specific time because I sticking to personal deadlines. Also, just to warn you this is un-beta'd so I apologize for any errors. 


Here's Aunt Raven, C.J.'s younger sister. Just to give you an image to picture in your head whenever she shows up. 


Until next time my lovelies. 

*Image doesn't belong to me

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Shinee1997 #1
Chapter 3: Update soon please ^^
syran-night #2
Chapter 3: You had me as soon as you called Hyunsik Brock. Reading this is like reading my teenage life story! It felt so familiar and so homey. Please write more!
Chapter 3: Mwah hahhahahahahahahahahahaaa yasssss
Chapter 3: I love this, so glad that you're back!
Shoukryah #5
Chapter 1: Can not wait for an update!!
RanSuki #6
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward this, for sure!!!
Chapter 2: lmao you gave my nephews no time to talk. Just "take ya asses to bed. I'm tired. you're both grounded for a week"
That next update should be hilarious.
tinyboom #8
Chapter 1: omg please please please please update when you can (preferably soon :)) I have read ALLLL of the scenarios and I am just dying at your characters and how funny they are! Omg how did I not know about the Rugrats Scenarios!
man1727 #9
Chapter 1: Forget that last part of my previous comment I re-read the forward and realized their father is a producer and not around often because of his job, but I am curious to know how he feels about his oldest being gay and the younger being bi ual..mothers tend to be more accepting than fathers
man1727 #10
Chapter 1: I loved the moms POV, she does have her handful with two teen boys..I like that she is accepting of her boys ual orientation, I wonder how the father feels though and is that the reason he isn't around?