

The jokes all started the same. The band will be on some variety show or doing some interview and the topic on looks would come about.It always did, right after the rankings of the best singers and the best dancers. Right away they all jumped at the chance to give Hyukjae grief, saying he was the ugliest or the last in the band when it came to the looks department. There was always comments about his smile or his eyes and everyone would join in. The lead dancer would take it all in good humor and laugh with them but if the jokes continued on too long his smile would become more forced and the laughter more hollow. By that time Leeteuk would step in and bring the conversation elsewhere. But the damage was already done by that time.  This was one of those moments and the band was far more insulting towards their lead dancer than normal. The only one who did not join in the teasing was Donghae. He never joined, and was normally the one who compliment the dancer.

By the time the band was heading back to the dorms Hyukjae was barely saying a word. They all began to feel guilty and wondered if they'd gone too far with their jokes. It didn’t help with their conscious that Donghae was sitting next to the silent dancer glaring at all of them. When the group arrived at the dorms Hyukjae was the first out of the van and inside the building well before anyone else. Which was impressive since he was in the back of the van. By the time everyone else was able to get to the dorms, Hyukjae was already shut up tightly in his room with the door locked. The group exchanged more worried looks as Donghae sent them a withering glare before he took off towards Hyukjae's door. The other members looked as if there were going to followed but were stopped when Leeteuk shook his head. He knew that the best person to handle an upset Hyukjae was Donghae. With a motherly smile he ushered the rest of the band to the kitchen where he made everyone tea and coffee.

On the other side of the dorm Donghae was patiently trying to coax Hyukjae to let him in. But the dancer seemed more determined than ever to keep everyone including his best friend, out. But Donghae has always be a persistent person when it came to Hyukjae.

"Come on Hyukkie, please let me in…" He whined through the door.

"Go away Donghae, I just want to rest."

"Let me rest with you!"


"We don’t have to rest. We can just hang out or watch a movie. Or even listen to music. We could even go outside if you want." Donghae paused as an idea came to mind. "Hey Hyukkie, do you wanna build a snowman?"

There was a loud thud against the door which Donghae would have guess to be Hyukjae's shoe. The younger man grinned and was about to start singing when there was an auditable sigh on the other side of the door. Donghae leaned close to the door. He was finally cracking something with the other.

"If I let you in do you promise to let me rest?" Hyukjae asked quietly.

"Yes." Donghae promised quickly.

There was a pause then a shuffle of feet as Hyukjae came up to the door. After a second pause there was the distinctive sound of the door being unlocked and opened enough for Donghae to slip in. Once the other was in the door the younger took a good look at his best friend. Hyukjae looked drained, there was obvious shadows under his eyes and it looked like he aged a good ten years. There was obviously a lot of exhaustion he was experiencing but Donghae knew that it also had to do with the teasing as well.

Hyukjae didn’t give him any time to ask as he made his way back to the bed. Throwing himself on the top covers he picked up his phone and began to play with it. Donghae followed and laid down on the other side of Hyukjae. Wrapping his arms around the thin waist he propped his chip on Hyukjae's shoulder and locked down at the phone curiously. What he was expecting was maybe a game or Twitter account. But instead he saw Hyukjae had his search engine opened and showing results for two words.

'Plastic Surgery.'

Alarmed Donghae grabbed the phone out of Hyukjae's hands. Hyukjae gave an angry cry and turned to get it back but Donghae held it out of reach.

"Why are you looking up plastic surgery Hyuk!" The singer demanded.

"I don’t have to tell you anything. Now give me back my phone Donghae."

"No! I won't let you, you don’t need it. You're perfect the way you are."

"Always being considered last in looks? That is why I'm so perfect?" Hyukjae snapped back. There was a hitch in his voice as he began to get emotional.

Donghae dropped the phone away from them and pulled the other more into his arms. The man didn’t cry but the heaving shakes against Donghae told him that all the members teasing was finally getting to him. Donghae was ready to go to the kitchen and beat up all the members for making Hyukjae so upset but first he had to comfort said best friend.

"Hyukkie you know that they were only teasing. And I know they went over the line this time but they all do really love you. We all love you for exactly the way you are and don’t want you to change anything. So don’t ever change your looks."

But I'm ranked last." Hyukjae muttered under his breath against his chest.

"No I think you are better looking than all of them."

"Better than Siwon?"







"Well Heechul-hyung is more beautiful than handsome and I'm pretty sure we all lose in that category so don’t worry."

That made Hyukjae laugh lightly at that. Pulling away he offered a shy smile that Donghae easily returned with a soft one of his own. The two curled up together again and Donghae pressed a kiss to the brown locks of the other. It was nice to know he was finally able to make the other smile again.

"My Hyukkie is always perfect in my eyes and never needs to change anything about him. So no more talking about plastic surgery or anything like it ok?"

"Okay. Thank you Hae." Hyukjae whispered as he fell asleep from all the emotional stress.

"Anything for my Hyukkie." Donghae whispered as he followed him to dream land. But not before sending a text to Leeteuk letting the leader know that his favorite dongseang was better.

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Chapter 1: I alway wonder why they said he ugly... I think he is the most handsome man in the world... And he is getting more and more handsome these days ... I couldn't help but love him more... He is the definition of perfect...
Chapter 1: ASDFGJJLLM this kind of jokes are always upsets me DD; how the light in hyukjae's eyes always dimmed a little once they started talking abt these stupid ranks! hyukjae is handsome, he's so y & definitely a right definition of perfection! ;_____; why people WHY. thanks for sharing btw~
Chapter 1: i really dont get why they called him ugly ;; he is so perfect in my eyes ;; n im going to strangle sj if hyukkie is sad because of this. good story u wrote ;)
Chapter 1: I don't like it when they tease Hyukkie (they do in rl) I just watch him laugh along and smile nonetheless wondering if this is how he really feels. I think he doesn't take it to heart though. He knows he's handsome despite the teasing. Great story btw! Hope Donghae really does this if Hyukkie feels this way too. Eunhae~~
JunoSJ #5
Chapter 1: Well if this happens in reality,I'm going to strangle all of Super Junior members for hurting Hyukkie!!
Renaka #6
Chapter 1: my eyes are moist. I wonder why? =) THANK`s
Chapter 1: this is way too cute thank you for making it<3