Eighty Two

Blue Blossom


*Two updates today*

Suyun woke up the next day at the crack of dawn and shuffled out of her shared room. She went straight to the kitchen and started up the coffee machine while she wandered around pulling out stuff for her cereal. Everything was completely routine until Hanbi woke up a few minutes thanks to the delicious fragrance of the coffee.

“Good morning and happy birthday unnie.” Hanbi said through a yawn as she pulled out her mug and placed it on the counter beside Suyuns.

“Huh?” Suyun questioned her.

“Happy birthday….it’s your birthday today….June 10th 1992…you’re twenty three today…” Hanbi walked Suyun through it until a light bulb went off in her head.

“It’s my birthday today!” Suyun said a little too loud and Hanbi just shook her head.

“You’re the only person who could forget their birthday.” Hanbi poured coffee for the both of them as Suyun happily bounced on the spot.

“I’ll be right back!” Suyun grabbed some sunglasses and a hat to hide her crazy hair before she slipped on some shoes and headed out of the dorm and into the main lobby of the building with her keys in her hands. She quickly ran to the mail box and opened it, pulling out a stack of letters from the company and the other girls’ personal mail. Suyun looked over all of the mail until she had gone through each piece of it. The smile that was on her face froze into a pain grimace. “Oh yeah…” She closed the hatch to the mail box and headed back into her dorm.

“Which cereal do you want unnie?” Gayun had woken up and was wandering around with Hanbi trying to make enough coffees for all of the girls.

“I’m not that hungry.” Suyun muttered placing the pile of mail onto the table and going back into her room. The two watched her disappear and just shrugged their shoulders figuring that Suyun wanted a few more minutes of sleep before they had to start getting ready. Suyun walked into the room and instantly crawled into the closet, closing the doors behind her. Juhee was startled awake when she heard the closet door close and looked around to see if there were any nightmare monsters walking around. She crawled out of bed and walked over to the closet, flinging open the doors and saw Suyun curled up into a little ball, sniffling.

“What’s wrong?” Juhee asked as rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“It’s my birthday.” Suyun said through her tears and Juhee just nodded her head as if she understood why that made her so upset. It wasn’t like Suyun had ever cared about her age. “Every year on my birthday my mom would write me a huge letter telling me how proud I made her.” Now Juhee understood and stood there sombrely, not really knowing what to do. Suyun crawled out of the closet and headed over to her little storage box that was tucked away into the corner of the room and pulled out a bundle of letters that were tied together with a piece of red string.


“Every year….my whole life…she has been so proud of me…but now she’s gone and I will never get another letter…I will never get to talk to her on the phone and thank her for the kind words…” Suyun’s hands were shaking as she cried. Juhee had walked over to Suyun and placed her hands on her friends shoulders. She had been doing so well up until this point and had been dealing with her mother’s passing like a champion.

“Suyun unnie you know that no matter what she still loves you, right?” Juhee rubbed Suyun’s arms and she slowly nodded her head, her tears slowly drying.

“I know, it’s just that…” Suyun ran her finger tips over last year’s date that was scrawled onto the letter in her mother’s perfect, flowing hand writing. “…I never expected this to be the last one.” Suyun’s voice cracked and she lowered her head. Juhee nodded her head and the two tightly hugged while Suyun cried into her leaders shoulder.

“HEY UNNIES! DID YOU ALL HEAR THAT-“ Ara burst into the eldest girls room and froze when she saw Juhee and Suyun. The leader glared at the maknae with a burning gaze that made her retreat while giving her apology.

“What’s going on Ara?” Gayun asked as she munched on an apple and pointed to her bedroom door that even she was afraid to just barge into.

“Suyun unnie was crying again.” Ara said, feeling terrible that she had just ruined things for them.

“That …” Gayun nodded her head in sympathy. “So what did you want to tell them?”

“Oh, I’m in my first scandal!” Ara perked up and held her phone up for her to see. EXO’s Sehun and Love-E’s Ara seen on a late night date.

“You’re dating Sehunnie?” Gayun asked in a casual tone. It was a well-known fact amongst other idols that Gayun, Hanbi and Ara were fairly close friends with a lot of EXO and that they often talked amongst each other.

“No way! I would never date that brat! I was hanging out with him and Chanyeol but the paparazzi just happened to take that picture.” Ara scoffed at the idea of dating Sehun. In the beginning of their acquaintance she was a little star struck because he was a member of EXO and that made her nervous, but now Ara and Sehun were close friends and she could never see him as anything more than just that.

“You were with Chanyeol?” Gayun perked up when she heard that name and Ara just smirked.

“Yeah…he kept asking if you could hang out but that was on the day you were working on the upcoming single.” Ara and almost everyone else in the idol world knew that Chanyeol had a little crush on Gayun. The only one who didn’t seem to know was Gayun.

“Well that . I would have loved to have hung out.” Gayun walked away from Ara, wanting to finish the conversation but the maknae wasn’t going to allow it.

“Why don’t you and Chanyeol oppa go on a date? What’s the worst that could happen? Nothing. You two just stay friends. BUT you two could end up really liking each other and be the ‘happy-virus-charismatic-rapper couple’. Wouldn’t that be exciting?”

“That’s a stupid couple name.” Hanbi commented and Gayun agreed.

“The name is not what’s important right now! I can work on it some more, just give me some time. I’m a little on the spot right now.” Ara shot a glare in Hanbi’s direction but she just ignored the maknae and went on with her daily routine for getting ready. “Gayun unnie, just agree to go on one date with him.”


“Why not?~” Ara stomped her foot like an angry toddler.

“Because the only idol I will ever date is Zico sunbaenim.” Gayun pulled out her phone and pointed out how the background was a picture of Zico while he was performing on stage. Gayun walked away to get ready but Ara grew determined.

“New project…get Gayun unnie and Chanyeol oppa to date….I shall call it operation ‘Happy Virus’…it shall be magnificent.” Ara laughed manically in the middle of the dorm. Suyun and Juhee walked out of their room and saw Ara standing there cackling like an evil master mind while Hanbi and Gayun completely ignored her. Juhee pointed towards Ara with a confused expression and the two just shrugged their shoulders.

“Ara what the Hell are you doing?” Juhee asked and the maknae snapped out of the quickly, remembering that there were other people in the room.

“Uhh…nothing unnie…” Ara awkwardly laughed before getting ready. The girls headed out to their regular salon to get their hair and makeup done for the fan meeting that they were having before they left for China and was now a small birthday party for Suyun who looked gloomy the whole day. When they stepped out of the van for the event they were greeted by the sound of their cheering fans. The girls smiled and waved, thanking them all for coming down. It was an outdoor event so they walked up to the small row of chairs that had been set up for them and microphones. They all stood in a row in front of the fans and were getting ready to do their introduction when Suyun noticed something a little out of place. Standing in the very front row was a young girl with sunglasses, a face mask with EXO on the front and a small plastic bag in her hands. Normally it wouldn’t bother Suyun but it just seemed a little weird that the girl would wear another groups product to a fan meeting. Suyun couldn’t take her eyes off the girl and watched as she reached into the bag and pulled out something that looked like a hard ball. The girl pulled her arm bag and was aiming straight for Ara who didn’t seem to notice.

“ARA!” Suyun stepped in front of the maknae as the girl threw the thing in her hand that made direct contact with the side of Suyun’s head. The ball exploded against Suyun’s head and red paint splattered all over her. In an instant everyone was screaming. Security guards pounced on the girl who had a full bag of the paint bombs and she was yelling that it wasn’t her fault and that she was aiming for Ara, not Suyun. The girls managers quickly ushered the girls back into the van as fans were taking pictures and video of everything that was unfolding. It was like a mini riot as fans all shoved and yelled at each other, trying to either get at the angry EXO fan girl or take pictures of the girls. The girls jumped into the van and their managers quickly drove off, not really wanting to sit back and wait for something else to possibly happen. Suyun was tightly squeezing her lips and eyes shut so that the paint wouldn’t get in them. All of the girls were fussing over Suyun and trying to get rid of the paint on her face. Their manager finally had to pull over to they could help Suyun wash the paint out of her face. Within minutes Suyun and Ara were all over the news as the reporters blew everything crazily out of proportion. Suyun was so shocked with what had happened, she was staying completely silent as Juhee poured all of their water bottles over her face and Hanbi used her spare shirt to wipe away the paint so their eldest member could at least open her eyes.

“Happy birthday to me.” Suyun sarcastically said which made Gayun chuckle. Juhee glared at her.

“Sorry….wrong situation to laugh at…my bad…”



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Chapter 100: What happened? Not a single comment after 2 years
Chapter 100: Dammmm. This is so good! I keep on pressing the next button, I love how the character's characteristics is developed around the story, and also how the story revolved. Very realistic.
RandomWriter2325 #3
Chapter 100: Oh my goodness, the final chapter. I really can't believe it's over. This is seriously one of the best stories that I've read on this site. It might be weird but I'm actually so proud of how your writing matured over the course of the story and I'm so so sad to say goodbye to the characters. I hope you'll continue to write more stories, I can't wait to read them. Much love!
Chapter 24: I wish kpop has more of this duet thingy again! I mean back then we have 2pm and Snsd doing Night Fever or something and there was also 2pm and MissA with their dance and all. T-ara and Mblaq if I'm not mistaken had their part too. I want of that you see. Now we have like lots of new girl groups and boy groups but why they don't get to perform like those seniors in their glory years? You guys agree? Lol~ and the last time I watch something like that was Girls day and Vixx doing Trouble Makers Now! Other than that I couldn't remember. And they should really bring back Romantic&Idol! How I miss that show.

Anyway your story is good that was why I never commented because I kept clicking the next button >< At first I thought that the show would be like a game show for a day of shooting just like the Dream Team or the Crown Prince or something like that but it's actually more like a battle show between idols but yeah ok Suyun and Leo seem sweet and all. Bomi is super cute and fun! I can imagine her and Zelo and Zico and totally can't imagine Cap since lol not a big fan and Kangnam liking Suyun is unexpected because he is most likely to be the funny one but turns out he is the second-male lead that got rejected. Oooh and I sensed something on Mark. I totally ship him with Suyun too~
Congrats on being promoted! c:
RxpeMxnstxxxx #6
I was going to search for VIXX stuff. Then boom. This popped in my features.
Btw Congrats on getting featured!
Congratulations! ^^
animeraven259 #8
Congrats on getting featured!!!
Chapter 5: hahha so far five chapters in and this is adorable xD
Love the banter in the group text by the way, they made me smile ^_^