Forty Two

Blue Blossom


 The whole group came back out and performed three more songs which had all of the White team up on their feet and singing along with the girls who were nailing it in on stage. The lights went off and the fans started singing the girls names and about how much the fandom loved and supported them. Leo didn’t know the song the fans clearly prepared ahead of time but he happily watched as hundreds and hundreds of people lovingly supported his girlfriend.

The lights came back on and Ara was standing on the stage wearing a cute puffy pink dress and her hair was pulled up into cute pig tails. Music started playing and Ara started dancing and singing N.CA’s “I’m different” while the crowd happily sang along. A lot of the guys were going insane with how cute Ara was and how she looked like a fairy princess and less like the sassy queen that they knew she was. Bomi was turning into a crazy fan as she snapped pictures with her professional quality camera that she had snuck in her bag. Zico and CAP were turning into Ara fan boys as they screamed the chant with the rest of the fans and were standing up by the end of the song. She winked and shot little hand guns at the crowd before cutely waddling off stage. Zico and CAP couldn’t shut up about how adorable Ara was and how they wanted to kidnap her and make her their little sister. Leo thought about just going to another seat so he didn't have to listen to them, but he was too lazy to move. 

A video came up on the screen and it was a hidden camera prank the girls had played on Juhee. Ara and Gayun pretended to be fighting as Juhee entered the practice room. Their leader asked them what was going on but Gayun just angrily stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Juhee went over to Ara to figure out what was going on, but then the camera focused on Suyun who was having a hard time holding back her laughter. Gayun then came back and the girls continued to fight about stupid things.

“I DON’T WANT TO BE A PART OF LOVE-E ANOYMORE IF I HAVE TO CONTIUE WORKING WITH A STUPID CHILD LIKE YOU!” Gayun yelled and all of the fans screamed out their disapproval. All of the girls on the videos were shocked as Juhee tried to pull the girls back together to work out their problem. After struggling to get the girls to even look at each other, they finally decided to break it to their leader that it was just a prank. When they pointed out the cameras Juhee sunk to the ground and covered her face.

“YAH! I THOUGHT YOU ACTUALLY HATED EACH OTHER!” Juhee screamed out as Ara forced her to pull her hands away from her face, showing that the leader was sobbing. All of the girls tightly hugged Juhee and the fans cheered. Even the members of the white team were clapping when the girls got along.

“Prank success!” Hanbi walked over to the camera with a huge smile on her face and placed her hand over the lens, sending the arena to be covered in darkness. Then the lights came on and the stage was beautifully decorated to look like a jungle with vines and it even had men in loincloths. Juhee and Gayun came out onto the stage dressed head to toe in red. Gayun was wearing high waisted red shorts and a red long sleeve shirt while Juhee wore red skinny jeans and a red tube top. The girls did a duet to Hyunas ‘Red’ which once again had to crowd going crazy. The two of them stormed to the centre of the stage and shook their bodies to the music in such a way that everyone became infected with the spirit of dance. No one was sitting still as they moved and grooved along with the song. When the song ended another short video came on which ended up being an interview with each of the girls.

If you had to be stuck on a deserted island with another member in the group who would it be?

“Ara.” Suyun easily said and the fans wooed.

“Suyun unnie of course.” Ara said with a scoff and everyone cheered in agreement. Leo was not going to get used to the fact that people paired his girlfriend up with another girl and that the two of them fully fed the fans desire to see them together. Leo only focused on Suyun’s answered and gave to appropriate response to each girls answer. When the light came back on Suyun was standing at centre stage in a beautiful white ball gown that sparkled in the light. Her lips were painted blood red and her eyes were framed by long, thick eyelashes. On top of her silky, straight hair were a crown of light pink flowers that perfectly tied the whole look together. Leo sat on the edge of his seat, staring at the goddess standing in front of him.  She placed her hands on the microphone stand that was wrapped in the same flowers that she was wearing on her head.

“Can you get a picture of this?” Leo muttered to Bomi but she was already two steps ahead of him as she was already taking pictures of her best friend. As soon as Suyun sang the first note Leo was covered in goosebumps with his mouth hanging open. He knew Suyun was a good singer but everyone was shocked at the powerful voice that came out of her tiny body. She was singing ‘Bound to you’ by Christina Aguilera and even though the song was in English, everyone could tell that the song was emotional.

Sweet love, sweet love; trapped in your love. I’ve opened up, unsure I can trust. My heart and I were buried in dust. Free me, free us.” The words smoothly flowed out of as she looked out into the crowd, staring into the eyes of every single person in that arena. Leo sat there and silently watched as Suyun soulfully sang her heart out to everyone. As the song reached its tears started to escape from Suyun’s eyes and Leo’s heart squeezed painfully tight. (3:20)

Do I risk it all? Come this far just to fall, fall.” Suyun sang her heart out as tears poured down her face and she didn’t even seem to care if her makeup got ruined. She was throwing herself into the song and showed everyone just how sensitive and beautiful she was on the inside. The song ended and the music stopped but Suyun was silently standing in the spot light before everything went dark.

“DON’T CRY! DON’T CRY! DON’T CRY!” The fans started chanting to try and comfort Suyun who had already left the stage and was getting ready for their next performance. Leo slumped back into his seat with his jaw still hanging open. He wanted to run down onto the stage and embrace Suyun and never let her go but he imagined every male fan wanted to do the same thing.

“Suyun sounds like an angel.” Kangnam said to Leo who just nodded in response. He wanted everyone in the whole arena that Suyun was his girlfriend and that he was amazingly proud of her. There was nothing wrong with bragging and Leo would have done that if he wasn’t left completely speechless from her performance. 




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Chapter 100: What happened? Not a single comment after 2 years
Chapter 100: Dammmm. This is so good! I keep on pressing the next button, I love how the character's characteristics is developed around the story, and also how the story revolved. Very realistic.
RandomWriter2325 #3
Chapter 100: Oh my goodness, the final chapter. I really can't believe it's over. This is seriously one of the best stories that I've read on this site. It might be weird but I'm actually so proud of how your writing matured over the course of the story and I'm so so sad to say goodbye to the characters. I hope you'll continue to write more stories, I can't wait to read them. Much love!
Chapter 24: I wish kpop has more of this duet thingy again! I mean back then we have 2pm and Snsd doing Night Fever or something and there was also 2pm and MissA with their dance and all. T-ara and Mblaq if I'm not mistaken had their part too. I want of that you see. Now we have like lots of new girl groups and boy groups but why they don't get to perform like those seniors in their glory years? You guys agree? Lol~ and the last time I watch something like that was Girls day and Vixx doing Trouble Makers Now! Other than that I couldn't remember. And they should really bring back Romantic&Idol! How I miss that show.

Anyway your story is good that was why I never commented because I kept clicking the next button >< At first I thought that the show would be like a game show for a day of shooting just like the Dream Team or the Crown Prince or something like that but it's actually more like a battle show between idols but yeah ok Suyun and Leo seem sweet and all. Bomi is super cute and fun! I can imagine her and Zelo and Zico and totally can't imagine Cap since lol not a big fan and Kangnam liking Suyun is unexpected because he is most likely to be the funny one but turns out he is the second-male lead that got rejected. Oooh and I sensed something on Mark. I totally ship him with Suyun too~
Congrats on being promoted! c:
RxpeMxnstxxxx #6
I was going to search for VIXX stuff. Then boom. This popped in my features.
Btw Congrats on getting featured!
Congratulations! ^^
animeraven259 #8
Congrats on getting featured!!!
Chapter 5: hahha so far five chapters in and this is adorable xD
Love the banter in the group text by the way, they made me smile ^_^