There was nothing wrong with Eunji having a new friend, right?


The day passed in a haze.

I had been ignoring everyone, including Eunji and Sooyoung. I didn’t know why I did it; I just felt like it.

Knowing them, I knew that they would be really mad. There was once when I ignored them, and when I got home my phone was bombarded with calls from both of them. I nearly lost my sense of hearing too. That was how scary they would get if they get mad.

The next class was Astronomy, and I made my way into the class quickly, and sat at the very back. While waiting for Mr. Lee, our Astronomy teacher, I stared at the classroom door and daydreamed.

A few minutes later, Eunji and Sooyoung stormed in the classroom. I looked up in surprise and Eunji’s eyes met mine. I quickly broke the gaze and looked away.

I could tell that Eunji was fuming with anger.

As Eunji and Sooyoung were about to storm to my side, Mr. Lee entered the classroom. He glared disapprovingly at Eunji and Sooyoung and pointed to the empty seats in the front row. Sooyoung sighed in annoyance. However, she and Eunji didn’t dare to disobey Mr. Lee’s orders. We all knew how deadly the consequences would be if we disobey him.

Eunji and Sooyoung slipped into their assigned seats unwillingly.

I blew out a sigh of relief.

I found myself zoning out as Mr. Lee started to drone on and on about the stars and universe. I couldn’t concentrate no matter how hard I tried. Although I tried my best to ignore it, the scene earlier kept repeating itself in my head.

I recalled Chen’s concerned face earlier. I bit my lower lip. Somehow, I felt bad for leaving him alone in that classroom.

Sorry, Chen, I said in my mind.

My thoughts turned to Chanyeol and that certain girl. Who is she? I couldn’t help but to wonder to myself.

Judging by Chanyeol’s face when he looked at her, I could tell that he really liked her. But how could he? He was supposed to be mine. I bit my lips harder and tasted blood, but I ignored the pain shooting from my lips.

Now that I looked at her closely, I knew for sure that the girl was way, way prettier than me. And it seemed that everyone liked her too.

She was certainly a lucky person. I admitted that I was quite jealous of her.

I sighed and glanced at the clock, desperate for the class to end.

“Oh Nara!” A voice seemed to call me from afar. However, there were tons of things weighing on my mind, so I ignored it.

“OH NARA!” The voice came again, louder and sharper this time.

I jumped in my seat, snapped out of my daze and looked up, only to meet an angry Mr. Lee.

A few giggles erupted in the class.

“Y-Yes, Mr. Lee?” I asked, trying my best to smile but failed desperately.

Mr. Lee narrowed his eyes at me. “I said, what is a star made up of?”

I bit my lower lips nervously, my mind in a blank. How could I know that when I had not been paying attention to Mr. Lee?

Just when I was about to surrender, someone passed a small note to me, unnoticed by the teacher. I took a quick glance at the piece of paper.

“Hydrogen and helium,” said the note.

“Erm… Is it hydrogen and helium?” I said, putting on an innocent face as if I was making a guess.

Mr. Lee sighed and looked at me hopelessly. When I was beginning to suspect that maybe someone had given me the wrong answer, Mr. Lee spoke. “The answer is correct. Next time, Nara, please pay attention in class and don’t daydream.”

I felt my face burn.

For the rest of the class, I put on an attentive face; but obviously my mind was somewhere else.


After the class ended, I exited the class with the fastest speed I could manage.

“Nara! Wait up!” I heard Eunji calling after me from behind.

My eyes widened and I pretended as if I didn’t hear her. I quickened my pace and tried to blend myself into a crowd so that Eunji and Sooyoung would not notice or catch up with me easily.

However, it was too late. Before I could do so, a pair of hands gripped my shoulder firmly from behind and pulled me aside. I looked up and noticed that I was face to face with Eunji and Sooyoung.

“Err… Hi.” I said, injecting cheeriness into my voice and faking a smile.

“Hi yourself,” Sooyoung snorted, and shot me a curious look. “We need to talk to you about something.”

I arched an eyebrow. “What is that thing that seems so important?”

“Why are you avoiding us since morning?” Sooyoung asked, getting straight to the point.

“I did?” I put on my best confused look. What a bad luck that I couldn’t escape in time. Now, I had to have a questioning session with Eunji and Sooyoung. Great.

“Yes, it is very obvious that you did,” Sooyoung glared at me. Eunji nudged her in the ribs and Sooyoung lapsed into silence immediately.

“Can you tell us what exactly had happened?” Eunji looked at me, concerned.

“Well, there’s nothing, apparently.” I said, lying again.

“Don’t you even try to pretend,” Sooyoung said, and earned another sharp glare from Eunji.

“What makes you think that something had happened?” I questioned back. I tried to look as clam as possible.

“Well, you can’t even pay attention in class today, which is something that you never done before. Can you tell us honestly about what had happened?” Eunji looked really, really concerned about me. Seeing her like that made me feel guilty.

“Yeah, we are so worried about you,” Sooyoung stated.

I gave a troubled sigh. “Well, I don’t know why I am acting like this too. My mood today is not that good, and I feel extremely tired.” But then I gave them a wide smile. “Thanks for your concern. I feel much better now.”

“ Oh…” Eunji and Sooyoung looked much relieved. They looked as if a heavy load had gotten off their hearts.

“Well, nevermind.” I said, waving a hand, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere that hung within us. “It’s lunch time already. Aren’t you both hungry? Let’s grab some lunch.”

Eunji and Sooyoung nodded enthusiastically. The three of us made our way to the dining hall.


I thought I would feel better if I had my lunch, but blatantly I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

Eunji and Sooyoung pulled me (by force, ignoring my protests with a mischievous grin) to sit with Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen. I tried to oppose, but they turned a deaf ear on me. Now, I had to see Chanyeol and Minah being lovey-dovey to each other right in front of my eyes.

The conclusion was eating lunch failed to enlighten my mood; in fact, it made me boil with jealousy.

I tried my best to ignore the two couples in front of me. I immersed myself in other thoughts as I stuffed spoonfuls and spoonfuls of food into my mouth without really tasting them.

“Err… Nara?”

I jumped in surprise when someone called my name softly. I looked up instantly and met Chen in the eyes. The scene of this morning flashed through my mind, and I looked at him apologeticly.

Chen looked embarrassed and turned away awkwardly. I suppressed a laugh. The look of an awkward Chen was too comical.

After a moment or two, Chen looked up and smiled shyly. “Well, I have something to ask you.”

I blinked. “What is it?”

“I’m thinking of going to the amusement park with you this Saturday,” Chen said and inhaled deeply, looking at me with hopeful eyes. “Will you come?”

I looked at him with wide eyes; I was too surprised to even speak. Going to the amusement park with Chen?

“Well, don’t think much, we’ll go as friends.” Chen implied after seeing me being silent for quite some time.

I stole a glance at Chanyeol and his girlfriend. Maybe, just maybe, I could cheer myself up and forget all about them by going to the amusement park. “Sure,” I replied, sending Chen a smile. “I think I can make it.”

Chen’s face lit up like a bulb instantly. “Really? That’s great! Can I have your phone number? I will text you the time after I had decided.”

I reached over, grabbed Chen’s phone and inserted my phone number. “There,” I said, and handed it back to him.


I smiled at him and turned my attention back to my lunch. I looked up, planning to strike up a conversation with Eunji but stopped when I saw her and Chanyeol’s girlfriend immersed in a conversation. They were laughing and joking as if they had known each other for the entire of their lifetime. Jealousy tried to take over me, but I shrugged it off and resumed eating my lunch.

Well, there was nothing wrong with Eunji having a new friend, right?

So after more than a week, I'm back with another chapter! Sorry for the long wait though...

I'm surprised to find a comment and I quite appreciate it although it's only two words (no offense here XD)

Do drop a comment! You can point out any mistakes or voice out your opinion about the story.

I might update on Christmas, but that depends on whether I can use the computer. It's not that I can use the computer anytime though. Sometimes I do wish that I have a laptop....

Have a happy weekend ahead of you all!!!!!!

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I have not updated for months... I'm extremely sorry for that but I'll try to update as soon as possible. Either before 2016 or the first few days of January~


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Chapter 8: Happy birthday (I guess)! Hm... I'm at a loss for words because I don't know what to comment. I've emptied my brain (for guesses on future events) so now, all I can say is: JOHNNY GOOD JOB!
-_- Um. Just don't mind the Johnny part. I can't seem to stop saying Johnny Good Job these days and I don't know why so just go along with it (please?).
I wonder what's bothering Chen. Chen is like my second bias (KyungSeok being the first—they're both in first place because they insist on it) so seeing him hurt in any stories (which, mind you, is such a small amount, save for the OTP ones) hurts me too. I always see him as the guy who is hurt in stories and it just pains me to read about that but the show must go on, leg broken or not, and fictitious stories are fictitious. They did not happen so eh. I just shrug it off (like a boss).
Haha... I'm serious when I say I really can't say much except that I'm wondering about Chen (because...look at my comment! ToT It makes me want to cry just by reading it). He's the guy in an unrequited love or the guy who had been friend-zoned. Something like that. :-(
Nara is the antagonist and she makes me dislike her so much (but I try not to). Maybe if I found out about her past, I may change my mind. Then again, maybe not. I understand her motives but I can't bring myself to support her. She's an obsessed human being. I just...can't. But anyway, I feel her "revenge/payback time" to Minah will be an interesting read. I'll go get my nachos (NACHOS FOR LIFE. I dislike popcorn so I eat nachos instead) ready and Kyungsoo's picture (in case it gets scary for me, at least he'll be there, smiling and encouraging me to go on).
Okay. You probably didn't need me commenting on different stuff that almost has nothing to do with your story so I will stop. (SELF-RESTRAINT, JUST A FEW MORE SECONDS. YOU CAN DO IT.)


...Thanks for updating! ^o^
Chapter 5: She definitely needs help.

I'm standing by my statement. She already knows she's wrong. She needs to distance herself from Chanyeol. Her thoughts are unhealthy. She scares the life out of me (she's not THAT scary but imagining someone doing that to me makes me shudder; my complete empathy goes to all celebrities and those who get stalked, like my mother was, out there). I know I'll never be pretty or popular and I sort of obsess on my own too (just not like her) but that's extreme. Σ(゚д゚lll)
I hope that Chen will confess to her and be in a relationship with her, and hopefully get her mind off of Chanyeol. But, let's be realistic here. That doesn't happen. No one in their wrong mind would change their views that easily. She'll probably (if ever) accept the confession to get close to Chanyeol and do one of these things (or more): a) you know, confess to Chanyeol; b) fall in love with Chen if he plays his cards right c) not let him in her room because it's FILLED with Chanyeol d) Chen might see it in case she decides to hide those pictures and let him in because of his suspicion e) if she falls in love with him, she'll feel guilty and f) [wow, that was a lot] break his heart into tiny pieces and probably feel guilty after she gets psychological help and apologize to him (and he may or may not accept because of finding out the truth—she's obsessed with Chanyeol—or because he understands her because he had been kept in the dark of her feelings towards Chanyeol). Okay, so that involves Chen and Chanyeol. What about her friends? Eventually, she'll distance herself from Eunji (they MIGHT fight because Nara has been avoiding her for talking with Minah and generally being close to Chanyeol) and probably Sooyoung for taking Eunji's side.

Sorry for theorizing a lot. I tend to do this a lot. ( ; ; )
I feel like she needs to get locked up into an asylum or something. That's how much she scares me. I can totally imagine her going, “Chanyeol...” *shudders*
EykaJung #3
Chapter 4: Update plss
LOL thanks for mentioning me xD btw imma am looking forward to ur fic xD update quickly!! xD