So close

B some1 U would B proud of 2 know


Now every time you see “_____” put a guy’s name in it and let it be someone you know.


(Jonghyun’s POV)

“!” I can’t believe what I’m seeing and kick the door out.  “Release her!” I say with a threating voice. “Ha ha ha..and who are you?” The freaking disgusting guy is asking me. I raise my eyebrow “Seriously?” he don’t know SHINee? This guy don’t got TV...

“Yah! Seriously”

“Oh okay…But then it’s none of your business, release ____!!!!”


“Because if not Imma hurt you!”

“Ha ha oh how” he pulls the trigger. Then he adds “I want at least 1 million dollars!”

“But…but that is so many money! Are you crazy!?”

“Hmm… it’s your choice!” He starts to point the gun in the direction of ____’s head.

“NOOO!!!!” I kick him down and bites him on the face.

“AAHHHHRRGG!!!” While he is screaming he also released the gun and a ball come out. The ball hits him in the heart “AAHHH!!!” a lot of blood is spreading out from his left chest all I can do is watch with disgust. Then he loosed the gun and it lands on the floor with a bang! “AHHHH!!!” I get also hit by the ball, and it goes straight into my right arm. Blood is fussing out too, but I know that ____ is watching, so I try to stay cold. I release ____  from the chair she is bended tightly on and she looks at me with fear in her eyes. “OH Jonghyun! Are you okay!?” She looks at my arm. I put a hand in front of my damaged arm, so it can’t be seen. “I’m fine…Let’s go before this freak comes to live!” I take her hand and we both run down stairs. “J-Jonghyun you don’t look right!” she got tears in her eyes.
“Don’t cry okay? I don’t like it when beautiful girls cry” I get her up on my motorbike. I can feel her holding me tight around my waist…ahh what a nice feeling.

“How do we get back to SM?”

I just smiles confidently “I got a GPS on my phone” I takes my phone up “DAMMIT!”

“Oh no what is it?”

“Flat battery…”

(Ae Cha’s POV)

Okay…here we go…I hope he likes SHINee. I poke him on the shoulder and he looks weird back at me. “Hi” I says smiling.

“Hi” his voice is very cold saying it.

“… you look like Jonghyun?”


“Eh…do you like SHINee?”


“Okaaaaay… did you ever had a dream about being a pop star? Well… now you got the chance to be SHINee’s Jonghyun’s double ganger!”

“What’s wrong with you?” he looks annoyed at me and gets up from the bench.

“NO WAIT! What is your name?”

“My name?”
“YAH! Your name!”

“Fine! My name is ____

_____ You have to come with us”

“Why? >_<”

“Because we need you KAY!” Sally takes ____arm and walks. He tries to break her hold, but dang! She is strong. “No this is kidnapping you hear me!? KIDNAPPING!”

“See I told ya!” Mizuki says.


_____! God it’s a long time”

“Yeah how did it go with that audition?”

“I’m going to compete with my group against five other groups”

“Wait…these girls is a part of your group?”

“Yeah…we are missing one, her name is ____ and she is kidnapped”

“Oh no! That’s terrible”

“I know right! Now Jonghyun from SHINee is going to find her and meanwhile, we have to get a person that can play Jonghyun until he comes back”

“And that would be me?”


“Hmm…I can always trust you Mizuki.. so I say yes!!!”

“ALRIGHTHY LET’S DO THIS THING!” Mizuki and ___slap a high 5. “How do you two know each other?” I say after being speechless for a while.

“Mizuki…Mizuki saved my life”. Me and Sally can’t believe it.


“Mmmh yes. My stepfather pushed me out of a bridge…and Mizuki saved me from drowning”

“WOW! MIZUKI!!!” Mizuki blushes.

“I own her my life” He hugs Mizuki tightly.

“aaaawww…” I say.

“Ae Cha ! You just ruin the whole romantic thing >_<” Sally roll her eyes at me.
“Sorry >_< *GRR*” 

(Your POV)

“Flat battery…” Jonghyun looks disappointed on his phone, he is almost going to smash it, but didn’t do it. I clap him on the shoulder and says “Thank you for saving me” I hug him, he hugs me back. I like this feeling, having him around me, now a tear is about to some out. Jonghyun sees it and wipe the tear away.

“Why are you crying?”

“I...I...I’m happy…”


“Happy because of you. You saved me and I was so scared and didn’t know what to do…you made me feel save again...thank you (lol it rhymes again!!!)” the hug is long and I close my eyes while during the hug. I feel so close to him…just so close.

After a long hug, he breaks it and looks at me. “We have to come back”


“Let’s follow the signs to Seoul, we are 15 kilometers away from Seoul. It can’t be that long”

“Yeah, let’s go”

(At SHINee’s meeting)

“WHAT IS TAKING JONGHYUN SO LONG!?” Their manager hits the table.

“I’m sure that he is right on the stairs sir” Onew says with a sweating head. All of SHINee is sweating of nervousness.

“Here he is!” Sally opens the door. “Hi Jonghyun here..” The guy says.

you did a great job on the makeup Zuki” Sally wishpers.

Thanks” Mizuki winks back.

“You look different today Jonghyun…oh there is not time! We are already late with 15 minutes! Okay here we go. The party for welcoming is….” The manager explains while pointing at some diagrams.

____ breaths reliving out. Good he didn’t took a better look on me or something...pheuw! The SHINee guys are also very relieved. “The girls did it! Now it’s up to us not letting this so called Jonghyun get catch…if he get caught…SHINee might be over! Or what? Can our manager be that evil and just dump us? No no he is a big man with a warm heart…” Onew thinks.

“ONEW! ATTENTION!!!” Their manager looks with killer-eyes.

God we are so dead…-_-…



School starts again tomorrow waah wahhh ;(   THX for reading ^^

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romeyu #1
This is a good one.
This is really good!
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 20: I love it I couldn't stop laughing and my favorite part was when they did the prank calls lol! :) you did a great job!
mary_210 #4
Chapter 20: It's so good :) I loved it! The part where they called key and said it was his old muffin that he threw away got me laughing so hard, kekeke :)))
novelle_freak #5
Yaaaay 459 views :3
chrlnleong #6
Bwahaahaha:D omg i laughed until i started crying especially at the part where Key gets a call from his old 'muffin'...ohmygosh...*pants after laughing too much*
chrlnleong #7
I think she will definitely beat komari in the competition... Please updte soon
chrlnleong #8
Omg;) that song is really cute!
chrlnleong #9
Yayyy:) Big Bang won!!!!! Omg it was in the newspapers...
Penguin_Panda16 #10
Whoo! Go kpoP! Thanks for the update !