Fated to love you

This Time, Yours will be Mine.

After the scandal two years ago. Everything back to normal again. Top always beside dara.  No matter what happen their have each other back. He always there when dara need time to heal her broken heart. Slowly dara come back with cheerfull personality. 

Top stil remember when he must go military service. Dara cry that night. 

"I dont know if i can live without you around me?" Dara said with sad tone.

Top just smile with dara word. If someone hear that word, they must mistake the meaning. As if she have relathionship with top. In reality, not like that. Their just friend. 

Top happy with that status, because when dara and jiyong break up. He has time for dara without feeling akward. He can visit dara often. He can run to dara if something happen with his life. Top have place to come back, something make his feel the happines, comfort, and perfect. This place like home. And that place  is in dara hug.

From the begining he has something to dara. Feeling he should'nt have. Because there is jiyong make a line that dara his. Top stop the feeling that time, dara happines all mater for him. To see smile in dara lips enough for Top to stop. He didnt want become enemy for family just because love. 

Jiyong his brother and dara his nona that his love. So kill his love much more easy than to see broken heart two people that his adore.

But love not about happines and romance. Top become someone to see how this couple strugle, fighting, cry, pain just to keep their relationship. The scandal just of their strugle. As family Top dont want to blame anyone. Althouhg Top still think the way jiyong end his relathionship with dara not that gentle. Why must revealing to public? In the end, top always try the best for the two. Specialy to dara. Top think dara need help the most. 


Two years try to help dara healing her heart. Many more accident happen. Top life in urgent. Scandal come time by time. Top lost in that. Everything didnot happen like his wish. Everthing mess. But this time dara always beside Top.

Top can't forget when his lost his mind and that happen. And he end in the hospital, he still remember clearly that dara crying while hold his hand tight. He hear his mom talk to dara.

"Dara is not your fault"  my mom try to persuade her.

"Ani omma, its mt fault, how can im not there when he need me the most. Its my fault" dara cry.

That time i'm back to my world. I'm such idiot, crazy, how can i make my family, my member and dara suffer for something that must i handle nicely. Im feel stupid, in thirty my age i dont mature enough to handle my problem. 

After the accident i try to life with so much gratefull for everything I have. And dara is one of that. 

Back to when i must go military service. That time everthing not clearly good, still have issue go around that time. Dara most of the time become ninja to make me feel not lonely. Almost every night she come to check me at the home. Cook for me even she didnt great at cook, but try to make it.

"Its Oke dara, im not leave forever, its just military servis you still can see me" I teasing her

Her pout hear my answer.

"But....you always there, now you gone. What happen if i need your hug" she said

Im smile with that clingy word. Yaa, that dara. 

" You can handle this, if you need hug there is seungri, youngbae and daesung you can hug" im answer with smile didnt leave my lips. I love to teasing her

"Or jiyong if you want.." im continue

She hit me hard. I still laugh. After the break up I often use jiyong name to make her mad. I love her mad face. She so pretty.

"Choi Seunghun..." she still hit me

Im grab her hand and hug her this time. It heavenly. Its my hapiness. 

"Dara, its not just you to miss my hug, but me too. I promise if you miss my hug or me miss you. I will make time" 

She hug me tight. I dont know what the hell we are relathionsip. But this feel right. Maybe in the future we become something. I did not want to imagine that. Im just want to pray in the future we still have this feeling. Just it.




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