She Looks Familiar

A Cinderella Story
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On Saturday, Eunjae and her stepfamily went shopping. They went from department to department. And each time they bought an item, poor Eunjae has to carry their bags. The family had finished buying some expensive jewelleries. "Come along now, girls!" called Mrs Choi. Soojin and Sooyoung followed behind, along with Eunjae carrying lots of bags.

The family stopped at a hat shop where they are trying on some hats to buy. Sooyoung was busy trying on a hat. Soojin was making a hard choice choosing two hats.

She turn to her mother. "Omma! Which one do you think looks better on me?" she asked.

"Why don't you try one by one and let me see?" suggested Mrs Choi. Soojin tried on the first hat and then the second one. "Hmm....I can't decide, my dear. Both of them look beautiful on you." 

"Excuse me, madam. I believe I had the perfect hat for you," the sales person told Mrs Choi. 

"I will be right back, girls," Mrs Choi told her daughters and went inside the shop. Soojin saw Eunjae, who was staring into space, called her. "Eunjae! Eunjae ah!!" Eunjae turn around and respond to Soojin, "Ne?"

"Which hat do you think looks good on me?" asked Soojin. "Is it this one? Or this one?" Eunjae examine her closely. After Soojin tried on the two hats, she come to her conclusion. "I don't know much about hats. But.....I don't think they flatters either on you." 

Soojin gasped at the answer. She glare at Eunjae angrily. "Oh! How dare you, you ! I don't even know why I asked you in the first place."

"Why don't you buy both of them instead?" suggested Sooyoung. Soojin stare at the two hats. "Yeah. Maybe I will." Mrs Choi came out from the store. "Girls. It's time to pay for your hats. We have to move on." 

"Ne, omma!" the girls replied. Soojin took the two hats into the store to pay for them. "Aren't you going in to buy your hat?" Eunjae asked Sooyoung.

"That's alright. I don't need hats at the moment," said Sooyoung, shaking her head. In a few minutes, Soojin and Mrs Choi came out with three bags and they hand them to Eunjae. Eunjae, whose arms were getting tired of carrying so many bags, took them instead. "Now, let's move on to the perfume store," Mrs Choi announced.

"Omma! I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere to eat?" suggested Soojin.

"I'm hungry too, omma," Sooyoung chimed in.

"Very well, girls. Let's stop at this restaurant and eat," said Mrs Choi. The family wanted to go in but they stop and stare at Eunjae. She accidently drop one of the bags, making the clothes fall off. "Ya! Be careful with our items, you clumsy girl!" scolded Mrs Choi.

"Joesung-hamnida!" Eunjae apologizes and quickly pick up the clothes and putting them back in the bags.

"Have you ever see such careless girl in your life?" Soojin boasted proudly.

"Don't be so mean, unnie," said Sooyoung. But Soojin did not listen. Mrs Choi pull out some money from her purse. "Eunjae, why don't you buy the groceries while we're having lunch? Here are some money. The list is right here and make sure you don't leave anything out!" 

"Ne, stepmother," Eunjae obeyed. 

"Omma, why don't we take the bags with us? Eunjae can't carry the bags around while she's doing the grocery shopping," Sooyoung suggested to her mother. Mrs Choi look at her daughter and agrees. "Maybe you're right, dea

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sorry, guys. i had to make some changes in chp 14. i hope you don't mind.


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Chapter 1: noo poor Eunjae
Chapter 25: Hahaha! I was surprised to see a here actually! The story was so innocent, then there's suddenly a . I enjoyed this story. Thank u. Pls inform me if u have new stories. :)
lulu88 #3
Chapter 25: Thankyuuuu~~~ :)
IT Is happy ending , every one got what they want and in the end she got to achieve her dream to become an idol ^^
I'm happy that her stepmother and stepsister got what they deserve :D
Chapter 24: Haha! It sounds like a children's fairy tale. But at last, the two Chois are gone!
lulu88 #5
Chapter 24: Funny , they really go the shock of their lives :)
lulu88 #6
Chapter 22: Hahahaha they started to save money already :)
lulu88 #7
Chapter 21: Woaaah finally Eunjae , you got your love back , I'm happy for them now :)
Is she going to be an Idol ????
They are getting married :DD
Chapter 21: I love your story <3 Keep going !!!!
Chapter 21: Kyaaah~!!!!
That was wonderful! I'm glad that they opened their hearts to each other again!
Chapter 19: Aish, use your head too Kyu! You really don't want to live with a woman like Soojin for the rest of your life, do you? Get away!