Bitter Return

You and I

"It's been a long time since I came around
Been a long time but I'm back in town."


Lying was what Yerin was best at, she had learned at a young age how to lie. Yerin could paint the most beautiful of lies, she learned to paint on a smile and pretend everything was okay. They say that children often mimic the behaviors of their parents, perhaps that was the reason she was so good a pretending her problems didn't exist. Her mother pretending she didn't know about her fathers affair and her father pretended to be the perfect father, for her sake she had once heard her mother tell a woman in the salon. Yerin believed that she learned how to be a woman from her mother, she was considerate of other peoples feelings she went out of her way to make sure she didn't upset anyone or let them know she was upset.


When she met Mino everything seemed great, their relationship was great and she felt like she was on cloud nine, she never had to lie when she was with Mino. Until Mino started missing dates and started hanging around with a new crowd of friends. Sure Yerin recognized he was chasing down his dream to be a rapper but she couldn't help but feel like she was being left behind. Not to mention the constant feeling that there was another girl, even though she had no proof. So Yerin lied, she lied when she told Mino it was okay that he had missed their anniversary dinner, she lied when she said it was okay that he missed her piano recital and she lied when she told him that she didn't like his best friend.


For Yerin, Hanbin was dangerous when she met him she felt and instant attraction, it might about been the way he bit his lip while he stared out the window but she was instantly attracted to him. He was captivating and alluring, but completely off limits. First because she was in a relationship and secondly because he was Mino's best friend and she would never come between their relationship.


At first she tried to distance herself from Hanbin, she would make excuses to not hang out with Mino and his friends. Ninety percent of the time she would politely decline their offers to include her in boys night, usually she was able to slip away from the rowdy group unless Mino whined for her to stay. Eventually she couldn't hid behind studying and Mino started dragging her along more often. During those first few months she was happy she could smile carefree, the she found out about Mino's lies.


Maybe it was the feeling of belonging and how she loved hanging out with Bobby, Jaehwan and even Hanbin that she barely noticed Mino was pulling away, that he was distancing himself. At first it was a text message 'hey babe I miss you. Stop by later?' Yerin wasn't nosy she wasn't looking through Mino's text messages she just happen to see the message. She played it off like she hadn't seen it, then there was the times when he was “busy” with his music he would come by to walk her home smelling like perfume. Yet she continued to pretend she didn't know lying to herself that it could be a misunderstanding. It wasn't a misunderstanding.


While Mino was busy with his “Music” she was busy studying for her entrance exams she was praying to get into a specific school but didn't want to get her hopes up the competition to get in the school was extremely difficult and even then most people didn't make it past the first semester. So she kept her options open if she didn't make it into the performing arts school in New York she would attend one of Seoul's best universities. She would study in a small cafe not far from school or her home, sometimes she would spend her free time there as well writing lyrics and poetry and the thoughts she couldn't let free verbally.


It was at the cafe that she became closer to Hanbin, she remembered him coming in one afternoon and asking her to hang out and despite telling herself not to her heart fluttered at the idea. Some part of her felt like he pitied her and that's why he became friends with her, she thought that maybe he was just doing it because she was dating Mino, but there was always a slight sliver of hope that he might like her. As crazy as that seemed.


Yerin realized that she wasn't just attracted to Hanbin, what made Hanbin so dangerous was that she liked him. She liked his passion for music, and his knack for taking the old and making it new. The way he spoke was like poetry, and when he danced she would stand frozen in her place in awe of what he could do. She often wondered how he could move so fluidly as if he hadn't a care in the world. She almost always found some lame excuse to tag along with him to the dance studio whether it be homework or a place to spend spare times. She envied his talent, she envied how effortless it all seemed to him dance, music, and lyrics just flowed through him like a steady stream.


Yerin knew every line and wrinkle on Hanbin's face, she had etched it into her memory. She loved the way his lips stretched into a small smile when he was trying to pretend something she said wasn't funny, or how he laughed when Bobby cracked a joke. He could burn holes with the glares he sent at everyone but her, and she found to most his glare was enough to send them running. She knew just by looking at his face when he was angry or upset over something or when he was lost in thought.


Yerin hated that Hanbin bottled everything up, when ever he was having a difficult time with school, family, or work he'd disappear for a few hours to clear his head. When he'd come back he would pretend as if nothing was wrong in the first place, although she had told him he could talk to her any time he always chose to hid away his feelings. Yerin knew how much pressure he was under he had to make good grades to get into a university to his fathers liking in order to continue music, and in order to pay for college he had to work two jobs. When ever she'd ask him if he was okay he'd just shrug and tell her he was fine that he would figure it out eventually. Yerin recognized his lies because they were the very same ones she had told him countless times.


Hanbin seemed to be the only person who could see past her prettily painted lies, he could tell they were counterfeits and often he tried to call her out on it. Yerin didn't want him to worry so she'd send him a smile and tell him she really was alright. Hanbin had seen her cry a few times and she had always felt bad because of it, she never wanted to put a strain on Mino and Hanbin's friendship but she realized over the course of a year that Hanbin and Mino rarely ever hung out and they rarely ever spoke. She couldn't help but feel like it was her fault.


“Hey sorry I'm late babe” Mino smile as he pulled out the chair next to her and plopped down, there it was again the smell of perfume. Yerin tore her gaze and her thoughts away from the window to look at him, he was the first guy she had ever fallen in love with, he was funny and carefree. She wondered if things would have been different if she had been more open about her feelings but she knew that it didn't matter now, the past was in the past.


“We should talk” she bit her bottom lip, today she decided she needed to end things, she needed to let go of Mino. After dating for two years she was scared to end things but from her perspective they hadn't really been in much of a relationship for the last six months.


“About what?” Mino asked his demeanor changing from carefree to worried, it was times like that when she wondered if Mino really did care about her. Did he realize how much he had hurt her in the past with the lying and the cheating? It was times like that she realized she was just like her mother she was hiding behind her lies and Mino was hiding behind his.


“I know about her” she frowned cutting straight to the chase “I've known for a while now, I hoped it wasn't true but I can't keep pretending I don't know” she blinked fighting back tears it hurt more to say those words out loud than she had imagined it would be.


“Babe” Mino started reaching up to brush the now fallen tear off of her face, Yerin turned dodging his hand.


“Please don't touch me” she whispered as she cleared her face of all signs of tears, she refused to let him see her fall apart “Lets just end things here, I”m leaving for the states in a few weeks. I don't want to hold you back and I don't want to be held back”


“You're leaving?” he asked eyebrows furrowed in confusions, it must have been a shock for him hearing that she was leaving.


“I got accepted into that school I applied for, so I'm going” she explained as the waitress sat their drinks down at the table. “I got my letter yesterday. Honestly its a blessing I got accepted because if not I think I would have stayed with you until you dumped me”


“I'm sorry” he buried his head into his hands and let out a sigh, Yerin knew Mino didn't want to hurt her and that he really did love her but she couldn't continue to be with someone who was going to continuously hurt her.


“Saying sorry doesn't fix anything, the past is in the past lets just move on” she replied she didn't want to lost Mino, maybe they could eventually be friends. Maybe one day when it didn't hurt too much to think about how he betrayed her or how she had let him.


“I know” Mino nodded as he looked up from his hands “Can I at least write or call you in the states?” he asked.


“Sure” she responded even though it was another one of the many lies she had told him. Keeping in contact with Mino meant holding on to the past and she wasn't sure she wanted to. Yerin wasn't even sure why she had said yes in the first place maybe it was because he probably wouldn't call, perhaps it was her giving him a chance to be her friend. When Mino left she let out a sigh feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, that is until Hanbin walked into the cafe with a huge smile on his face.


Crushed was how she remembered Hanbin's reaction to her leaving, he tried to brush it off as if he didn't care that he was happy for her but she could tell he was upset. His bottom lip twitched and he tried to look anywhere in the room but at her. Yerin knew for some time now that Hanbin had feelings for her, or at least that's what she thought. Hanbin wasn't necessary nice to many people. He had a seemingly cold exterior to and an unapproachable aura about him, but when Hanbin was with her things were different she noticed that he smiled more when he was with her than when they were at school. She noticed that he treated her differently then the girls at school and it wasn't just because she was Mino's girlfriend because Hanbin was completely indifferent to Bobby's girlfriend.


In the airport she wanted nothing more but to break down and tell Hanbin how she felt about him she considered it when she ran back to hug him, but there was still something holding her back from telling him. She told herself that she would wait until she got back from New York to tell him about her feelings, she couldn't ask him to hang on and wait for her just like he wouldn't ask her to hang on and wait for him. Although not telling him was a risk because he could meet someone while she was away and fall in love with someone else, Yerin cried at the thought on the plane, she never imagined that the boy who saw he off to the States wouldn't be the boy who picked her up when she returned home, because Hanbin had promised to call.


“Where are you? I can't see you?” she said though the phone as she bounced up on her toes to search the crowd for her friend. The airport was extremely busy today, probably because classes has let out for the summer and everyone was leaving or returning from their studies or vacations. She was no different classes had been let out for the summer and she was finally able to come back home to Seoul, she was so excited to be back she couldn't sit still on the plane. She couldn’t wait to see her friends, New York was great and she had met so many people there but New York wasn't Seoul and she had missed her friends, family, and food. Yerin couldn't wait to get home and surprise her mother, she couldn't wait for the home cooked meal that awaited her.


“I'm right by the luggage claim. What are you wearing?” he asked through the other end.


“Crop top and shorts, just like all the other girls here” she helplessly answered through the phone as she searched the crowd how hard could it be, she knew his face like the back of her hand. “God why am I so short” she whined into the phone as she squeezed past an old lady “What are you wearing dummy?”


“Black jeans and a white tank top” she could practically see him shrugging his shoulders with his response “Oh wait I think I see you' he replied voice excited like a child in a candy store. She looked around once more and noticed him waving down a girl from another direction with a roll of her eyes she headed over to him.


“Idiot” she muttered as she tapped him on the shoulder lightly “I'm over here stupid” she said startling him


“How was I supposed to know I haven’t seen you in like two years” he complained as he turned around to face her “Holy you got hot!” He exclaimed giving her a once over. Yerin wouldn’t say she was hot, since moving to the states she had gained a few pounds other than that she had only cut her hair chin length and dyed it blonde.


“Shut up Mino, lets go I'm hungry and tired” she smiled it was good to be home “Are you sure your roommates are cool with me staying there tonight?” she asked as she yanked her suitcase off the conveyor belt, Mino stood to the side with his hands in his pockets “What a gentlemen” she whispered to herself.


“New York changed you, You're so thug now” Mino joked as he reached for her other bag, he had a smirk on his face “Yeah, Taeyoung and Jinwoo said it'd be cool” he said as they headed to his car, she wondered what Mino's roommates were like, were they the same people he was hanging out with two years ago she hoped not because she knew those guys were trouble.


“Hey thanks again for helping me out,” she smiled up at him “My mom is going to cry when I surprise her tomorrow”


“Really Yerin, Its not a problem quit mentioning it” Mino smiled stuffing her luggage into the car. “Aren't you and Hanbin still friends?” Mino asked missing the way Yerin physically flinched at the sound of her former friends name as he started the car. She frowned looking out the window as they pulled away from the airport, two years ago she had left this same airport with high hopes only to return with nothing but old memories.


“Ah, I don't know we haven’t talked in a while” she shrugged trying to play it off like nothing was wrong, there she was again lying. She smiled at Mino hoping he would change the subject she didn't want to talk about Hanbin she didn't want to be reminded of the broken promises he had made her while she was in New York.


“Must be the new girlfriend” Mino shrugged like it wasn't a big deal but Yerin felt her world crumble. 




AN: Hey guys so a possiblility of a double update tonight.  I realize there was not  any Yerin and Hanbin interactions in this chapter but don't worry its coming next chapter.... how did you guys feel about the new girl friend bomb I just dropped? Are Mino and Yerin getting back together? Hmmmm so many questions so little answers. Next Chapter we get BOBBY! Isn't that exciting? 


Anyways I had to split this chapter into two chapters becasue I realized it was super long and needed a split. Anyways let me know what you think. (I personally feel like chapter 1 was writen much better but I digress) Let me know? Theories? Idea's? Comments? 

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Chapter 4: Pls update soon! The story is great! I'm really looking forward to what will happen next. Fighting!❤
hanbinieee96 #2
Chapter 4: Next Chapter juseyoo~~♡♡
Michigo_lady #3
Chapter 1: That's fabulous! Can u tag me if u post IKON fics?
Iluvlipsticks #4
Chapter 2: Pls update soon!!! I want the feels lol good story though! ❤️
yenyie #6
Chapter 1: I'm confused... Is it Han Bin Or Jinhwan? Hahahah there's Jinhwan coming out when you're talking about Han Bin xD but awesome chapter 1! :)
spark17 #7
Chapter 1: right now~~~
EXOticJuly #8
Chapter 1: Right now!!!