
Luminosity (rewrite)
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Ah it's been weeks on end since I last updated! >.< my hmwk has been piling up so much that I haven't got the time to write so I'm sorry for taking so long T^T



The inside of the manor was vast and a cool air dispersed through the rooms as if a fog had strewn over the vicinity. The ceiling was an abstract form of mosaic glass that was painted a dull eery gray, making the outside seem as if it looked polluted and contaminated. The bottom floor's structure was similar to that of Dara's home, only the foyer contained large book cases plastered against every wall. Dusty manuscripts of spells stood on every ledge including brewery, witchcraft, wizardry and dark magic filled every nook and above each shelf was racks of different coloured vials and potions. Every corner held traces of spiderwebs and a spiral staircase that was opaque and formed with a strange crystal substance.



The boys gathered in the main hall, locking the doors behind them and gasping when they saw the girl pick up a large charcoal coffee table.



"Whoa m-miss!... I-I'm sure we can talk about this, I mean you don't have to rage at us. Please don't-" Suho broke off as the petite girl threw it against the door instead.



"Shut up and just help me barricade the damned door!" She said, as she made her way towards one of the large bookcases.



Being exposed to an actual threat that was different from her father was completely new to her and the shear thrill was somewhat compelling and fearsome. It was never in her right minded nature to act tough and vigilant like this, but she had to take action before they could be killed.... Something connected and drew her to protect the six strangers she hadn't even met officially.



"Maknae see? Right here is an example of how I like my women, feisty and very very commanding. Also someone who can talk back to Suho gets an A+ in my books." Kai winked while Sehun snorted.



"More like scary..." He mumbled.



"I heard that!! Don't make me hit you with this instead!" The girl quickly turned and threatened him with a book entitled "50 ways to decapitate a human." from the shelf.



"Here miss, let me just help you with that bookshelf... Don't mind our maknae, he's a child." Sehun huffed at Baekhyun who offered his assisstance, earning an approving nod from the girl.



"Finally, someone who understands." He grabbed the right side of the shelf while she took the other and with combined efforts, they pushed it against the doors.



"Well are you all just going to stand there and watch? Or do I need to throw a book at each of you?" She crossed her arms and the rest of the boys gulped, finally deciding to lend a hand.



"And why exactly are we doing this?" Kai muttered, raising an eyebrow.



He'd much rather be getting to know the girl on a personal level, first and foremost the beauty's name.



"Well I don't know... One reason I might think is that if we don't barricade those doors, we'll either be chopped into tiny microscopic pieces by that automaton, or skinned and used as a disguise so it can obliterate it's next victim. Let me tell you, I ran about a mile not stopping because it chased me from my home... It killed my imo and the other twenty servants and now it's after my blood, but I'll never let it catch me." She walked right up to the tall tanned boy and looked him straight in the eye.



"Oh... S-sorry." Kai paused, looking anywhere but her and unable to speak further.



"Haha! I think I like her, she made Kai silent for once in his life." Kyungsoo whispered to the others, eliciting chuckles from them.



"Well we haven't encountered a beautiful female in ages." Chanyeol sighed, still in a daze.



"Or rather a female that hasn't been charmed just by looking at Mr. Arrogant Prince here. He subconsciously bites his lips and all the women go crazy for that." Baekhyun said, pointing at Kai.



"I do?" He said with a not-so-innocent tone and the other five rolled their eyes in distaste.



"Don't act so surprised hyung. This is exactly why I never hang around you when we're doing groceries, you attract female hordes by the dozen like a huge magnet." The maknae said.




"Will you guys shut up and-" Before the girl could finish speaking a strange demonic echoing sound erupted from the arched rooftops.



The amplified noise caused the glass ceiling to explode into single miniscule pieces, causing Sehun, Kai, Suho, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun to quickly use their jackets as a means of protection.



The same intensity he had previously felt when he had his dream was burning and stringing through Chanyeol like an adrenaline rush, which caused him on an impulse to run towards the petite girl. Grabbing her arm and pulling her close, he then seized the layer of thick woven durable cloth of his jacket and pulled it over them, sheltering them like an oversized umbrella.



Somehow with the combined suddeness of the explosion and shimmering glass pieces falling from above as if they were tiny ice crystals, the two failed to notice the strange and sudden eradications of their hearts.



"Y-you alright?" He asked softly, arching his back downwards to meet at eye level with the small girl.



"Y-yeah... I'm fine, you?" She turned away for a split second and tried to brush off the redness of her now-enflamed cheeks.



Strange was the fact that they were complete strangers, and now at this very instance they were sharing such an intimate moment, as if they had known each other forever.... Somehow the sentiment was comforting for the both of them.



After the descending glass had finally receded the rest of the boys brushed some of the fallen shards away and shook their blazers clean.



"Umm... Thank you." She finally said, giving him a slight smile and he felt as if the world had turned upside down, as his ears began turning a rosy shade of magenta. (A sign that he was completely and utterly flustered by retrospect)



Before he could even respond though, she quickly turned to her left and started waking into the other rooms to inspect them.



"What the hell just happened?" Suho said, dusting his sleeves.



"The frequency of that demonic sound completed shattered the roof. But the windows are completely untouched, no scratches, cracks, nothing. Must be the warlock's enchantment, but why was it strong enough to break the roof? The first murder, could it have been a demon's doing?" Her voice echoed from the first room.



"OWWWW!" The sound of Kai's voice broke her thoughts as it resounded from the main hall and she quickly ran back, seeing the boy cry out in utter pain.



A sharp glass fragment had embedded itself into his arm and a small streak of blood had begun to seep from it.



"This is why we don't go around wearing sleeveless shirts to show off our muscles." Kyungsoo said, only annoying Kai.



"That isn't helping y'know?" He groaned in pain when he tried to touch the damned thing and yank it out

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 11: Please continue your story 🙏🙏🙏
mySEP_12 #2
Chapter 11: please update author-nim ?
Chapter 11: Great story, hope you finish this story.
TakenIsUsername #4
Chapter 11: I like this story very much :)) please update if you have any time.
Chapter 11: i'm really enjoying this kind of stories, fantasies with mysteries
ugh, i really miss this story especially the kaidara because there are rare kaidara stories in aff -,- and this story saves all my thirst for kaidara.. yay!
Chapter 11: Aaaah! I missed you so so much! But yes, lovely poster you got there! You'll do a new story, well i hope you'll add a LuDara & KaiDara in there too. Anyways, That DaraSoo moment is always cute, i mean they are so comfortable with each other. Sehun tho ~ maknae is hella scared of her. And the silly thing Suho did .O my gosh gramps, have some chill you'll get your powers soon. I already miss KaiDara in here. Im excited for M, but im enjoying the K group right now too. Thank you for this, and yes we understand you. Life happens, im just glad youre back! Hwaiting! ^-^
ShaiRa1009 #8
Chapter 11: KYAAAA Thank you for the update authornim! I definitely enjoyed this chapter. Oh my god Suho is so adorable!! Yehet! One by one they’re discovering their powers already. I so love your stories, authornim! You’re amazeballs! <3 And weee! Good luck with the dating <3 Yieee!! :""""> And oh~ I really love KaiDara here! The chemistry is uncanny! <3 Maybe a little SuDara too? Haha! I really love Suho. Kekekeke!! :""""> SeDara? HAHA I’m so sorry. Can’t help but ship our Ssantokki with everyone. :)) But omo! Can’t wait for EXO-M to appear as well and reveal those mysteries that binds all of them. Gosh. I can’t stop saying this but really authornim, I really love this <3 Thank you so much! Fighting! (I’m so excited to read more :D ) <3
allysaxox #10
Chapter 10: I'm currently reading the Clockwork angel and I imagined Tessa as Dara, Will as Chanyeol and Jem as Kris. And you're right the story was indeed amazing. Bit by bit, I was starting to enjoy it and so do reading your story :DD