Hyukkie Vs. Ghost

My Name Is Cheese, And I'm Truly Yours ☺


{ un-beta-ed } 

Tonight was one of those precious nights where Donghae would be spending time at my house. This was the 17th time he had spent the night, and yes, I counted on my calendar, and yet I was still as nervous and fidgety as I was during the first night we had.


I blushed uncontrollably. “God, that sounded so wrong, Hyukjae.” I told myself and just deadpanned at my own thoughts.


I looked around nervously and nodded my head in relief. Yes, everything was under control. I cleaned my house, I swept the floor, I did my laundry, and I made some caramelized popcorn. Everything was perfectly ready for our movie-cuddling night. I took a glance at the clock on the wall and sighed.


“Still 2 hours until he would come.” I sighed yet again before I placed my self on the long couch. I tapped my fingers on the armrest as I impatiently waited for the clock to tick by.


“Aish. Stupid clock! Why are you ticking so slow!?” I yelled angrily as I threw meticulous glares at the innocent object. It had only been 29 minutes since I last looked at it and I still had 1 hour and 31 minutes to go through. I let out a loud groan and sank myself deeper in the couch.


That was when the doorbell suddenly rang and I heard a loud chirpy voice beaming through my house.


“Hyukkieeeeee, I’m hereeeee! Where are youuuuu?” My eyes lightened up almost immediately as I jumped out of the couch and dashed rapidly towards the door. I smiled widely when I saw him beaming his beautiful smile after he had closed the door. I intentionally did not lock the door every time I knew Donghae would be coming. I didn’t care if a burglar could have sneaked in as I did that. I still wanted to let him know that my house would always open its door for him. 


“Hai, Boo. Come on in!” I tried to control my voice as much as I could. I didn’t want to sound so chirpy. That was supposed to be Donghae’s job while I took on the cool boyfriend material kind of job.


Donghae had already rushed into the house even before I invited him in. He dumped his bag on the floor just beside the couch and quickly hopped onto it. I followed him soon after. Donghae turned to look at me and beamed another smile.


“Why are you here so early, Hae? I thought you had homework to do first?” I asked, suppressing myself from beaming equally wide at my bubbly boo. His smile widened into a cute grin as he looked away from me, his face shaded with intense blush.


“I already finished them last night. I wanna come here sooner.” He honestly answered my question as he nibbled on his lips. I couldn’t suppress the smile anymore as I flashed him my gummy smile. And I swore I saw him blushing even deeper when he caught my smile. I felt my heart swell with love.


“A-anyways, Hyukkie! What movie are we watching tonight?” He then asked excitedly as he blinked his eyes at me. He looked too cute, I didn’t know if I could resist myself from hugging him if he kept on doing that. I chuckled heartily and just shook my head softly as I stared into his eyes.


“I don’t know, Boo. What do you want to watch?” I asked. Oh , that was a wrong question, Hyukjae. Wrong question. I saw how Donghae’s eyes gleamed with sparkles almost immediately as soon as I had asked him that question. Excitedly, he stooped his body to the side of the couch and grabbed his knapsack before he took out his one and only DVD, beaming that adorable hopeful look on his face.


“Can we watch Finding Nemo tonight, Hyukkie? Pleaseeeee? Pretty pleaseeeeee?” He pleaded cutely. I panicked and couldn’t stop myself from yelling.


“NO! WE CAN’T!” My voice probably boomed so loud, Donghae flinched his body at the sudden outburst before he regained his usual bubbly self and just pursed his lips into a very long pout. He was sulking. I nearly wanted to give in to his demand, but no, be strong, Hyukjae!


I remembered the last time I complied to watch Frozen, he couldn’t sit still and just had to jump up and down in excitement right in front of the TV while I was left all alone on the couch. It’s not like it’s not okay, but I was cold and body heat was the best and easiest way to stay warm. So uh, yeah… No, it’s not an excuse!


“But why can’t we watch Nemo, Hyukkie? Nemo is so cute….” I heard him whined, his lips pursed into an even longer pout I had ever seen and I couldn’t help the urge to just latch my lips onto that kissable lips. I just swallowed thickly.


“I’ve always wanted to watch The Conjuring, Hae. You don’t want to watch it with me?” I pursed my own lips into a pout, and I saw his eyes flickered and I knew immediately that his resolve was starting to waver.

“But we already watched a horror movie the last time I came! It was scary! I don’t like it!” Donghae crossed his arms cutely at me, still trying to reason with me. I just went straight to place myself just beside him real close and quickly pushed on the play button before I placed the remote control back onto the coffee table.


“Hyukkieeeee!” I heard him whined again loudly. I just kept quiet and grinned naughtily.


“It won’t be scary anymore if I did this, right?” I said to him as I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled his body closer to mine. I laid my head on his and planted a soft kiss on his temple. I felt him hesitating at first before he finally gave in and snuggled closer to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly


“Fine. But if I found it scaring me even while we’re cuddling, we’re watching my nemo. Okay?” I just chuckled heartily as I nodded my head.


“Anything for you, my bubbly Boo.” And I just pulled him even closer to me and started to plant soft kisses all over his head and face, my eyes still fixated on the movie. I felt him squirmed in my arms as he leant in closer to my touch.


“Scared, baby?” I asked him and I felt his head shook against my neck. I smiled contently.


“It’s not scary anymore.” He started softly “If you keep on kissing me that is…” he muffled his voice into my shoulder and I just couldn’t help the chuckle escaping my mouth.


“Aish, needy, aren’t we, baby?” I chuckled some more when I felt his fist softly thumping on my chest; his face was all heated up.


“Fine. Finding nemo it is, then.” He suddenly said as he threatened to pull away. I just immediately held him tighter in my arm and quickly planted my lips gently onto his forehead.


“Sorry, Hae.” I kissed the corner of his eye. “I still want to watch this movie.” I said, ‘I'm not gonna risk my body heat….’  The thought crossed my mind as I kissed his temple and observed the feature of his face. I felt his arms around my waist again and I just continued on planting soft kisses on his face.


My eyes practically glued to his cute face throughout the whole movie as I pulled him even closer.


And I just kissed him some more, struggling to spare the lips just so my Bubbly Boo could watch the movie. That was when I felt him tightening his arms around me and buried his face into my chest as he let out a small squeak. I just giggled silently.


"Yup, I should download more horror movies." I whispered to myself.


"Hm? Did you say something, Hyukkie?" Donghae lifted his head up and met my eyes, his eyes rounded and blinked cutely at me, but I swore I saw a glint of fear beyond that cute look. I just grinned naughtily as soon as a thought crossed my head. I shook my head playfully.

"I didn't say anything. Did you hear something, boo?" I feigned innocence and I felt his body tensing up. I had to supress the grin on my face.

"Oh, could it be... you heard a ghost...?"

"W-what, there is no g-ghost in this w-world..." He tried to look strong. I frowned.

"Are you sure, Hae?" I furrowed my eyebrows even harder before I hitched a breath as I looked over his head. "O-oh my g-god. Wha-- what was that?!" I bulged my eyes out as I stuttered on my words. Donghae immediately buried his face into my neck again and crushed my body in his trembling arms.

"NO! OH MY GOD! NO! DON'T TAKE MY HYUKKIE AWAY FROM ME! NO! GO AWAY, YOU BAD GHOST GO AWAY!!!" I would have laughed my out at his sudden funny outburst if not for the sincere words he had screamed out and the tears that were dripping against my neck. I felt my heart filled with so much love, I just wanted to keep him for myself forever and spent the rest of my life with him.

I quickly caressed his head softly as I cradled him in my arms.

"Shhh, baby. The ghost is not here anymore. It's not taking me away."

"Liar! It's going to kidnap you!"

'If it's going to kidnap someone, it would have kidnap you, baby. Because you're just too pure of a soul, and I'm just very lucky to have you.'


I just shook my head and smiled. I knew what I had to do. I just bit on my lips as I tried to force my pride and ego to the back of my mind. I took a deep breath and quietly let it out.

"Go away, you feisty ghost! Don't you bother my bubbly boo or I'll castrate you to your second death!" I pretended to shoo the ghost away, my voice as sharp as I could make as I used up all of my acting ability -- if there was even one in me. And then I hugged Donghae back and kissed his head tenderly before I told him,

"See, Hae? I drived it away so it's not here anymore. You don't have to be scared now." I kissed the bridge of his nose softly once he removed his head from my shoulder, his eyes welled with so much tear, I couldn't help but hear my heart hummed a love song with every thump it made.

"Aish, Hae. You're really just too cute." I grinned foolishly as I pinched his nose. He pouted.

"I'm not cute. My face is full with tears and snot right now." He chewed on his lips as he bent his head down. I propped my thumb and index finger on his chin as I lifted his head up. And before I realized it, I had already leant in for a kiss.

I softly planted my lips against his thin ones, I saw him fluttered his eyes shut through the corner of my eyes, before I pulled away and collided our noses together, our foreheads glued. I felt his face burning up in my palms and I just couldn't help the soft giggle I made out.

"I think you don't have to worry about that anymore, Bubbly boo. I kissed you so many times already with the snot and tears on your face. It just felt incomplete if I kissed you without the salty taste." 


I just laughed some more as I kissed his lips one more time.

'I just can't get enough of you, Hae. And I know I never will.'

Enough fluff? hihi. So, i was considering to make another sequel, probably the last one, as requested by some of you lovely readers <3 but i'm still thinking, so, i published this short drabble first to quench your fluff thirst in the meanwhile. eheeee :P 


p/p/p/s: comments? Upvotes? Some cheese? 

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Chapter 1: Hyukjae, tHE ANKLE MASSAGE
Chapter 1: I cried when they had a fight, died because of the cheesiness and came back alive for the sequel. But disappointed when found there to be no sequel updated but I settled it with the fluff and cuteness in Ghost part. Also I loved this Hae and Hyuk in this fiction way too much.

Thank You for sharing this fanfic authornim.
OMG!!!this story is sooooo cute and fluffy <3
HanBaram #4
Chapter 2: Omg. I love thisssss
Chapter 2: Ehehehe so cheesy :)) Love this ^^
StarryDream4 #6
Chapter 2: So cuteeeeee >_<
Chapter 2: Cuteee.. . But I can't vote now..
My connection a little bad.... :(
LEHJ04 #8
Chapter 2: Kya!!! So fluffy and adorable <3
I cried when they were fighting :'(
Thanks for sharing~
Chapter 2: omfgggggg ;;;;;;; you did consider a sequel, definitely a yes from me! /o/♡ AND THIS ONE IS FREAKINGLY CUTEEEE I CANT--UGH. and the ghost's part is utterly adorable! i cant 8'(((( gah cant wait for your sequel ♡
Chapter 1: the ending so cute...n.n

thanks for sharing this lovely story...<333