The Type of Jealousy Oh Sehun Loves

"Hi, Sehun." 




Sehun didn't recognize his lover since he dyed his hair black, he was thinner now and his eyes are swollen. Luhan obviously hasn't fully recovered yet. 


They've been away from each other since Chuseok. Sehun along with Suho and Tao went on a vacation and Luhan went back to his hometown in Beijing to visit the hospital since he's been really sick. 


Luhan missed their two-day concert in Thailand and now he will put up a good show for his hometown. Sehun approached Luhan and hugged him tight, Sehun said, "I missed you so much, Lu. Are you you sure you can do this?" 


"Yes, I'm sure. I want to make my hometown happy." Luhan managed to answer even though he really isn't feeling okay. He didn't get enough sleep because of his massive headache and ever since Miranda Kerr followed his Sehun on Instagram. Yes, it sounds very shallow but how can he not get jealous of a Victoria's Secret angel? 


"But, you don't look happy... hey, babe I'm here now." Sehun pulled Luhan close to his chest and rested his chin on top of Luhan's head. 


Luhan missed his Sehun so much. It felt like they've been separated for years but Luhan still feels empty. He wants Sehun to hold him like this forever but he needs to settle something first... 


He pushed Sehun away from him rather strongly and folded his arms in front of his chest. His foot tapping the wooden floor at the backstage and Luhan pouted his lips. 


"What? Babe...Come here." Sehun said pulling Luhan towards him but Luhan shrugged Sehun's hold and asked him to back off. 


"Didn't you miss me too? What's wrong?"  asked Sehun confusedly because this is not what he expected from his babe. 


"Well, I missed you but I think you need some explaining to do." Luhan answered, his brow raised at his boyfriend, eyeing him sternly. He looked like a raging girlfriend trying to attack his boyfriend.


"What do I need to explain?" Luhan wasn't removing eye contact with Sehun. He was thinking really hard about what he did when they were away from each other and then it suddenly hit Sehun, "Oh. Babe..." Sehun slowly walked behind Luhan and back hugged him. Firmly holding Luhan's hands together so that he wouldn't be pushed away again. 


Luhan heavily sighed since his boyfriend is way too irresistible. "Babe, maybe Miranda followed me since I'm handsome..." Sehun laughed dryly and Luhan hit him in the head, "Shut up!" 


"Why? Don't you find me attractive?"  Sehun asked then left a kiss on Luhan's cheek. 


"No..." Luhan said teasingly. 


"Really now? You don't find me attractive?" Sehun left another kiss on Luhan's cheek. Then another one then another one until Luhan gives up on Sehun. 


"Yes, yes, yes!! You're handsome most appealing boyfriend in all history. So please stop peppering me with kisses." Luhan pleaded as if he was disgusted with his boyfriend but deep down, his heart is fluttering and wants to be kissed more. Sehun wrapped his arms tightly around Luhan and they just stayed like that for awhile. 


"You're so cute when you're jealous." Sehun said almost a whisper in Luhan's ear and rested his face on Luhan's neck. 


Sehun runs his nose up and down Luhan's neck, smelling his boyfriend's sweet vanilla scent Luhan giggled and made conract with Sehun's face, "Stop smelling me, it tickles. Hey please stop..." 


Sehun  stopped to capture Luhan's lips with his and kissed him tenderly and sweetly since they've been longing for each other. Luhan kissed his boyfriend back rather needy but passionately. Their lips crashing together following a slow rhythm which made their hearts beat fast. Sehun can feel Luhan's heartbeat over his chest and with that he deepened the kiss and a smile escaped Luhan's lips.


Sehun pulled out from the kiss and looked at Luhan straight in his eyes and teased his boyfriend, "I wish all of Victoria's Secret angels follow my Instagram. I love jealous, Luhan." 


Luhan crinkled his nose, pouted his lips and looked at Sehun's eyes embarrassed. Sehun laughed and said, "I love you so much." Then kissed Luhan's lips again.



a/n: There goes my hunhan fluff :D hope you guys like it! 

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Chapter 1: aw~ this is cute *hits my kororo
Chapter 1: That was short but adorable and cute. :3 Love your writing style.
I completely agree authoring :) keep the feels alive!!