Chapter 2

The Queen of Joseon

"Let her through !" The king's voice pop from the corner. Haejin push through them and head to the king. "Father......what about my father ? Why isn't he with you ?" But the king stood quiet. Haejin feel like something isn't right. She hurried to her father's room and slam the door open to see his father lying there with his blanket over his head. "Father....."

"Agassi..." Junbi rushed in, finding Haejinhugging her father with the blanket still covering him. "Naeulri..." Haejin shook her father but he didn't make a sound at all nor wake up to see his beautiful daughter. The king stood outside of his best friend's room, waiting for Haejin to come out. "Tomorrow send someone to help them pack their stuff and then on the palace." He said to his men. "Ye, Jeonah." They both nodded their head. Haejin finall comes out, "Jeonah.." She said in shock, expecting the king has left already.

"Tomorrow my men will you to the palace, so pack your bags tonight." The king said. Haejin freeze at the order the king gave her. "Jeonah, I can't. No one will...." The king cut her off, "My men will take care of everything here. So just go pack your bags and wait for tomorrow escorts." Haejin opened to protest but said nothing and quickly obey the king's words.

Haejin and Junbi pack their stuff together when Junbi talks out of nowhere. "Agassi, good luck okay." Haejin got confused by her words, "Good luck ?" Junbi nodded, then tears falling out from her eyes. Haejin move to the side and turn Junbi's face to look at her. "What are you talking about ?"

Junbi didn't answer and continued to cry. Haejin repeated herself, "Junbi what are talking about ?" Finally Junbi spit it out, "Jeonah...will send me back to my family. He said we can't be together, Haejin."

Haejin tighten her grip on Junbi's hand. "What ?" Junbi look away, not saying anything. Then, "Jeonah said that to me." Both of them feel devasted, like it was going to be the end of the world.


The king sit quietly in his office quater. Trying to think of who should he send to go Lady Jung. "Eunuch Han ?" He called out. Eunuch Han appeared at the door, "Yes, Jeonah." He bowed his head.

"Go get Sejah for me." The king ordered his eunuch. He bowed again and step outside.

Minseok appeared in his father's office after being addressed by Eunuch Han. "Abba-mama." He greet his father with a gentle voice.

"Wait. What ?!" Minseok look confused, "You want me to a lady that I don't even know ?" The king nodded his head. "But Abba-mama, how would I know it's her ?" Minseok starts to make excuses. The king took a deep breath and then let it out. "Sejah, it's not that hard to a lady in." They stared are each other with father-like-son eyes.

Minseok with his bodyguard and the people who carries the palanquin stood outside of Haejin's house. Junbi and her sit in the empty room that used to the hers. "Agassi, you should go now. They must be waiting for you." Haejin didn't look at her maid, instead she has her head down looking at the floor. She didn't have the guts to look at her, who has been taking care of her for so long now.

Haejin gets up and head outside, she walk towards the door that leads to the men outside waiting for her. A palanquin and two riders, they both were looking away. Haejin couldn't see their faces but didn't care much because it must be regular guards. The man at the far left opens the lid for Haejin to get in. As she sat, tears run down her beautiful sad face, "Father...."

"Jeonah, Lady Jung has already arrived." Eunuch Han reported. The king's face lights up with excitement and quickly gets up from his melanchony chair. "Alert her that I'll be visitng." Eunuch Han bowed as the king walks past him.


Haejin sit uncomfortably on the big, comfy purple bed sheet. It has cherry blossom on it adorning the patterns on the sheet. She move around, shifting her body side to side. "Lady Jung, Jeonah is here to see you." Right after that, the king slide the door opens. "Jeonah !" Haejin quickly got up and move to the side of the room. He went and sat on the bed sheet, motioning his hand for her to take a seat, "Please sit."

Haejin sat down in front of the small brown table. She crosses her fingers together over her turquoise skirt. "Jeonah..." She said putting her head down. "Are you uncomfortable here ?" The king asks. She shook her head, "No, I just want my maid to come with me." The king nodded his head, "But she can't."

Silence grew over her, she feels as if her lips were sewed up together. "Haejin...please don't." He said looking at her face.

"Jeonah, how could I not ? Father left me, my only friend can't even stay with me too." Tears running down her cheeks. "Haejin, don't be upset. You won't be alone anymore. I promise, I will bring you happiness. Well not actually me, but someone else." The king said. Haejin look at the king's happy with a mixture of sad smile he have on. She want to believes that but fear overcome the king's warm promise.

"Jeonah, I fear-" The king cutted her off. "There will be nomore fears. I can assure you, Haejin." She let out a small sigh, "I hope so..." The king left the room, leaving her in a rare position. Now she doesn't know what to do, who is that person that the king brought into their conversation. 

"Abba-mama." Minseok rushed in his father's office. "You went to visit Lady Jung at her quarter ?" The king stood up, nodding his head. The silence broke when Minseok slam his hands on the wooden table, "Why ?!"

"Because she is very special." The king answered. Those words struck Minseok in the chest, "What ? So is she going to be your 3rd consort ?"

"Sejah, don't jump into the conclusion." The king furiously said. Minseok stared at his father with hated eyes then walked out of the office.

"Sejah ?" The queen said as Minseok slammed the door. She went up to Eunuch Han, "What happened ?" Eunuch Han squeezes his hands together under his clothes. "I don't know." He answered. The queen quickly head inside, encountering the king holding his forehead.

"He has mistaken me." The king said as the queen sat down next to him. "Jeonah, it's okay. He'll understand when the time comes." The queen held his hand. The king put his head up and smile at his queen. "We're growing old now."

"Jeonah....." Tears filled her eyes.


"Lady Jung, are you in there ?" The maid outside called. Haejin fixed her sitting position then answered her, "Come in." The maid gently open and close the door. Haejin examined the maid's worry face, "What's wrong ?"

"Sejah is here to see you." She said. "What ?!" Haejin frightened. She quickly think of something, "Tell him I went out to the garden." The maid bowed her head and head back out. "So, is she in there ?" Minseok asked. The maid came down the porch, "No she went walking around in the garden." Minseok look around. "I'll come later then." He head back to his pavillion. The maid let out a sigh as if she was just rescued from a bit storm.

Haejin tries to listen but heard nothing. The maid came in and tells her that the prince have left already. "Thank you." Haejin appreciate her kindness. The maid blush, "It's nothing, Lady Jung." Haejin stood quiet. "Say, how about becoming my own personal maid." The maid jumped, "Lady, I cannot-"

"Please." Haejin cut her off. The maid smiles, "Okay. Ah...Call me Eunjung."

"Eunjung.." Haejin repeat after her, "You can just call me Haejin." Eunjung surprisely react, she doesn't know if she could call her by her name or by Lady. "But Lady Jung..."

"It's okay, I know. Just call me whatever feels right to you." Haejin smile at her. Eunjung bite her lower lip nervously, then bow down. "Thank you, Lady Jung."

"Oh ! Minseok !" A young man called over to him. Minseok turns his attention just find his best friend, Doojoon. "Where are you going ?" He asked. Minseok held his hands together at his back and continues to walk. "Nowhere, I'm about to go to me room right now ?" Doojoon nod his head, "I see."

"What about you ?" Minseok ask him. "Me ?" He peeked his head forward. "I'm about to go on an adventure." He laugh. Minseok glared at him and look away. The conversation between them died off until, "So. Are you attending the meeting tomorrow ?" Doojoon asked. Minseok thought for a bit then answered, "No."

"Why not ? I heard my dad said it's going to be an important annoucement." Doojoon said as they stopped at Minseok's quarter. They stared at each other. "Important or not, I don't want to go. I might pass this time." Minseok said. Doojoon squinted his eyes at him, "Somehow our little Prince is growing up." Minseok punch him, causing him to step back a bit. "I just don't want to go. Tell me about it if you do go." Minseok enter his quarter then into his room. Doojoon watches ats the two maids close the door behind him. He smirks, "That's my little Minseok."

"Eunjung, I'm going to explore the palace a bit." Haejin said as Eunjung close the door behind her. "Lady Jung, you might get lost. Want me to come with you ?" Haejin turn around, "It's okay, I won't get lost that easy. The palace might be new and big for me, but I'm good at my directions." She turn back and start walking. Eunjung puts on a worried face, "What if you 'do' get lost." She said to herself.

Haejin turned at the corner and starts wandering around. Everything is humongus. The buildings are beautifully architeched with patterns. She continues to walk around without looking where she is going. Then she stops at a colorful, full with all kinds of flower place. "This must be the garden." She said to herself happily. "I never thought that gardens can be this pretty." She smiles.

Minseok feeling stuffy in his own room, he decided to take a little walk. "Just some air, then I'm coming back in." He said as he stood in front of his room. Before he leaves his quarter he tells the maids to not let anyone into his room. And that he is taking nap if someone comes to visit. He walks to his garden which is half a mile from his quarter.

"La la la la la la la la..." Sings Doojoon as he was skipping around. Then at the corner of his eyes, a young noble girl smelling flowers in Minseok's garden. "Oh !" He yelled, pointing at her. "Don't pick those flowers !" Haejin look at her hand which is holding the flower stem. "I'm not. I'm just smelling them." She said back. Doojoon walks forward, "If you pick them, the owner will be very mad at you." Haejin step back from the flowers. "But I'm not."

While the two are arguing, Minseok popped up from the other entrance. Haejin's back was facing him and was blocking half of Doojoon's face. "Who are they ? What are they doing here in my garden." He asks himself. He stood there to see who they are and tries to listen what they're talking about. "I told you, you can't pick them." Doojoon said. 

"But I'm not." Haejin continues to talk back. "Look, I saw you okay. You were about to pick them." Doojoon said back. Haejin gives him an irritating look. "Whatever then, I'm leaving." She took off while bumping in to him. "You !" Doojoon turned around and points at her. Minseok look at the two of them, still couldn't find out who they are. "Not my problem." He walk away.

"Hey you ! I'm not done talking with you." Doojoon followed her. Haejin ignores him and try to figure out where she is. "Am I lost ?" She thought. Doojoon catches up to her, "Look here." He pulled her arm, causing her to lean her body forwards. But he catches her, "Uh..sorry." Haejin look down, both hands on her shoulders. She step back, "Don't touch me."

"I said sorry !" Doojoon also step back. "What are you doing here ?" He asked confusingly. "Who are you anyways?" But Haejin ignores him and continues to walk. Doojoon feels like he doesn't even exist in front of her. "Am I invisible or what ?" He thought.

Haejin turned around, "Where are we ?" Doojoon jumped, looking at her weirdly thinking who's this woman. And how could she be lost ? Haven't she been in the palace before ? Doojoon stood quiet so Haejin asks again, "Where are we ? Do you know ?"

"Why are you asking me, when you're the one who was ignoring me first." He said to himself. "Look if you're not going to answer me then, fine." Haejin took off. Doojoon smile, "You're going the right way." He mumble. Haejin turned around. "What did you say ?"

"Nothing." He shook his head. Haejin ignores him again and keep on walking forward. "Ignoring such a handsome man, huh." Doojoon said. They both stopped at a pavilion where Haejin mouth dropped wide open. "What's with her face ?" Doojoon said to himself.

"Wow. I never thought the palace would be this beautiful. I mean they have so pretty places." Haejin looked over the pond fills with bright pink lotus flowers. Doojoon interrupted her fantasy with the pond. "You know, this place isn't for someone like you. This place is for the King and Queen only." Haejin's imaginationss got blown away by that. "Is that so. Well...I suppose leave then." She walks out of the pavilion.

The King was walking to his pavilion that is going to be his son's soon, while he encounter Haejin. "Jeonah..." She step back and bowed her head. "What are you doing here ?" He asks her. I feels scared as if she did something wrong. "I...uh...I just want to explore the palace." 

"That's a straight answer." The King laughed. "Well do you like this place ?" 

"Huh ?" Haejin jerked her head up and look at the King. "This place is beautiful, but it's not meant to be mine. I'm sorry for being here." The King laughs again, but this time louder. "Don't say such thing, this pavilion welcomes their new member."

Haejin confusingly look at the King. What does he mean by welcome their new member ? How is she a member of the royal family ? She stood there with questions filling her mind.

Chapter 2 ended.

Haejin was escorted into the palace by Minseok, but he wasn't paying any attention to her at all. Then he got mad because he thought his father is going to make her the new consort. Haejin meets with Doojoon, Minseok's best friend. The King encounters Haejin in the royal pavilion saying that she is wlecome there all the time.

New Characters !!!


Minseok's best friend-


Likes Jiyoung(will appear later)-



Haejin's personal servant A.K.A a sanggung-





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