Does That Mean We're Meant for Each Other?

Does That Mean We're Meant for Each Other?


She hated being prim and ladylike, not all men are gentlemen some are scum and she learned that acting feminine can bring out the worst in some men. So she cut her long, dark hair, dyed it with streaks of auburn, discarded her dresses and skirts replacing them with shirts, shorts, and loose pants; her closed shoes, pumps and sandals replaced with sneakers and flip flops. When her parents found out, she didn’t give a care after all they were thousands of miles away from where she is.


“Hey!” someone said and patted her shoulder when she turned to look the guy backed away and apologized. “Sorry I thought you were someone I know.” Eunhyuk said and walked faster towards the university. Amber let the incident pass by, it wasn’t the first time some guy approached her and mistaken her for another guy.

“Did you scare that guy away?” Sullie her friend asked, walking with her.

“He thought I was someone he knew.” Came Amber’s bland answer. Sullie giggled.


Donghae was happily enjoying his cup noodles inside the gym when Eunhyuk entered with a ball tucked in one arm. He related the incident that happened as Donghae noisily sipped the soup to the last dropped.

“I swear, both of you look alike even the back view.”

“You mean I have a woman’s curves or she doesn’t have curves?” Donghae said with a smirk.

“No, you don’t. Yes she has but she wears guy’s clothing which makes it difficult to decide what she is.” Eunhyuk answered as he shoots the ball, which passed through the netted hoop. Donghae came out bursting with laughter. He wiped off the tears at the edge of his eyes, picked up his guitar case and mailbag-type bag.

“Actually Hyukkie, I’ve heard of her. She’s a Literary major, her name is Amber. Why I know this? Because we have the same minor class, the professor thought we were siblings. You know how I immediately doze off on History but I spent almost the whole 45 minutes comparing our looks. And…”

“And what? You agree to what I say right, what if you were actually twins separated when you were little.”

“Have you been watching soaps with your sister again, you do know how far-fetched your idea is? And I don’t think we’re that similar, maybe it’s just because of the hair or something but really, I think you people need glasses. See ya!” Donghae left for his first class.


Donghae made a turn to his locker to get his books for the morning and was shocked to see letters overflowing and a few tiny boxes of chocolates sitting on top of his books. When one girl bravely approaches him and personally handed over her box of chocolates Donghae remembered that it was White Day and that clearly explained the scented letters and chocolates. He beamed a smile at the girl and thanked her then gathered the letters spilt on the floor and carefully put them inside his bag. By lunch break, Donghae’s bag was filled with different shaped boxes all containing chocolates instead of the usual books and pens. He realized his friends were also lavished with the intoxicating sweet food and found it difficult to find someone to share his own fortunes, even Shindong was rejecting his offer.

“Sorry Hae but you came too late, aside from what I already have, I’ve also got a few of Teukie’s, Kangin’s, Heechul’s, Kibum’s, and Sungmin’s.” Shindong said.

Donghae retreated to the auditorium, where he hopes no one aside from his friends could find him, after all, no one comes in other than theatrical plays and such other than that it was a place for hiding and solitude and at this moment he needed both to finish his composition. He found a comfortable area on stage and immediately began with his work, he was so engrossed with composing that he barely noticed someone standing and leaning against the edge of the stage. He jerked when he finally saw the person and thought for a second he was looking at his reflection.

“Sorry for the disturbance but,” Amber said politely and took out two boxes of chocolates from her bag and passed it to his compliant hands. “Don’t get the wrong idea.” She immediately said. Donghae laughed at her, knowing what she thought he was thinking.

“Let me guess. They confused you for me?” Amber nodded. She watched Donghae set the guitar and notebook aside and opened one of the boxes, she saw him sigh. Donghae pursed his lips, replaced the lid and slid both boxes to her.

“They’re yours. Anymore of these and I’ll definitely be confined in the hospital for tonsillitis.”

“Then why do you even accept the chocolates if you can’t eat all of them?” she saw Donghae’s bag and was amazed as to how much the guy has received over just half the day. “So you just give the rest away without even caring for the person’s feelings?”

Donghae went back to writing music after stuffing his mouth with milk chocolate.

“If I’m such person then I wouldn’t even bother accepting any of it. I know that some of the chocolates are home-made and even if they were just bought in a store I’m still thankful that they’ve spent money for me, if I don’t accept it then I’d be shattering their happiness. That would make me into a cold, conceited guy and I don’t want to be branded as such.”

Amber grabbed the boxes and stuffed it inside her bag.

“Alright I’ll help you deal with your ‘sweet’ problem. I’d better go I think I’ve somehow disrupted you with something important.” She waved her hand to bid farewell while Donghae slightly tilted his head and smiled as he returned to his work.

Amber have met a lot of guys, of different styles but it was one of those rare times that she was impressed by a man’s attitude, and Donghae left a deep impression on her. How could anyone ever mistaken her for him when she could clearly see that they were different, perhaps on an angle, maybe from their hair style but all together they were different.

“Amber!” Luna called out, elbowing her at the side.

“Sorry, what was it you were saying?”

“Help me out a little, you and Donghae have History together right? Could you take this to him?”

“No way. I could just accompany you, for moral support, but not take that myself.”

“Oh alright.” Luna said with a pout.

They walked together towards the classroom. There weren’t many students yet and it wasn’t hard not to notice his guitar standing askew against the wall. He was about to sleep, Amber knew from the way his eyes looked heavy and the frequent yawning.

“Ummm… excuse me.” Squeaked Luna, Amber made a face.

Donghae straightened on his seat an eyebrow arched when he saw Amber’s reaction.

“Donghae I… ummm… please accept this.” She said, with her face down, eyes shut, hands handing out the pink colored box. Donghae looked at the box wearily but still received the gift and instantly smiled at Luna charmingly the moment she bobbed up. Luna left just as soon as the professor arrived.

“I see you’ve been one of the crowd’s favorites again Donghae.” The professor remarked. Donghae made a salute to the professor then immediately placed an arm over the desk, bending it slightly as he rests his chin over his knuckles as he gazed on the box sitting on top of his desk until he fell into slumber. When class was over Donghae went to the professor’s table and endowed him with one of the gifts he has, which the professor gladly accepted.

“Why’d you made that face when you’re friend gave her chocolate?” Donghae asked.

“I don’t know, guess I’m still not used to her or any of my friends acting clumsy just for a guy.” Amber replied, Donghae silently laughed. They coincidentally rode the same bus, and sat on the same seat.

“You’ve never liked someone did you?”

“Is something wrong with that? What’s wrong with prioritizing my studies first?”

“Nothing, don’t be testy I was just asking.”


“Why are you giving me presents? You girls do know I’m one of you?” Amber asked, she was surprised to see a small group of girls ambushing her early in the morning of Valentines day, asking her to accept their presents. “Aren’t the boys supposed to give on Valentines day?”

“Yes, but it’s just that we admire you. Not that we swing that way but, you’re really cute Amber.”

“Girls are supposed to accept gifts on Valentines Day, so please…”

Amber gave out a sigh and although it was strange she accepted their gifts. She continued receiving presents for the rest of the morning and although it wasn’t as much as Donghae’s she was already tired or accepting any of them. She wanted to escape then a thought came over her – the auditorium – it was like sanctuary for her.

When she reached the silent haven of the auditorium she remembered another thing, it was the first place she ever had conversation with Donghae and she realized that it had been awhile since they really talked, oblivious to what she was really thinking, she hoped to see him again, crouched at a corner of the stage, he clips the first fret then began strumming and plucking on the strings of his guitar, scribbling notes on his notebook, and singing a few lines to see if the notes fit. But when she reached the foot of the stage, Donghae was nowhere in sight, so she climbed up and lie down, dangling her feet at the edge.

“I guess I’m not alone today again.” Donghae called out, his voice slightly echoed. Amber sat up and watched Donghae sat beside her. “Hiding from your admirers?” an eyebrow cocked up.

“Well I’m thankful there are just a handful of them. And I don’t even know if I should be happy after all some of them are girls.”

“You can’t blame them, you look, dress and sometimes act like a guy even during that performance you and your friends had during the university’s Founding Day.” He could see the blush forming on her cheeks. Amber gathered her things and motioned to leave.

“Where are you going?” Donghae asked.

“Leaving. This was your hide out first and I don’t want to disturb you.”

“I can share and I won’t be doing anything other than sleeping but since you’re here, mind listening to what I wrote?”

“You’re done with the song?” Donghae nodded and started strumming and plucking, and then he started to sing.


Just when she was beginning to love Seoul, her parents imposed her to get on the next flight to the US. She liked being with Donghae, with him she could just be herself. She understood why the other girls would trouble themselves for him, he was sweet, caring, and genuine aside from how perfectly handsome he physically looks. Knowing that perhaps it was her last chance to listen to him and be close to him, to have him alone to herself, she attentively listened to him and chatted with him.


“Amber.” Donghae called. She was surprised to see him got off the bus as she did. She waited for him to catch up to her. He carefully took something out of his bag and placed it on her arms. It was a teddy bear, a box of chocolate and a stem of white rose.

“Someone mistook you for me.” She joked. “That would be a cruel joke since my hair’s a bit longer now. And you couldn’t be a messenger, I’m not on the same level of popularity as you are.”

“No. They’re from me. It’s Valentines Day and usually a guy gives the girl he likes a present to let her know his feelings.”

“Ummm… but I don’t know if I could reciprocate your feelings. It’s not like I don’t like you. Now that I think about it, I really do like you but,” she sighed deeply, she never knew it could be this painful to leave. “I’m going back to the US tonight and I don’t know when I’ll be back if I can come back.” The smile and warmth in Donghae’s eyes never faded, perhaps there was a glint of hurt but even her bad news did not made him falter.

“I’m relieved to know that you like me too and you don’t just see me as someone who looks like you although I don’t think we do. If we really won’t be seeing each other again can I request for something?” Amber waited patiently. “A kiss. A goodbye kiss from you.” with heart racing rapidly, hands turned icy cold, Amber moved towards Donghae and kissed him lightly.


She hated her social status, sure her parents had agreed to let her choose how to present herself. She had her hair cut short again, kept her boyish look and the charm that goes with it but she could never escape the arrangement her parents has set up for her. She purposely ruined every blind date that was matched up for her – sons of wealthy Americans, Chinese tycoons and other Asian and European affluent families that could be a potential merger for their family’s business.

She was sulking at a corner at one of the parties organized by one of her father’s friends. She knew that she was there for another match-making. It was more irritating since it was a Masked ball. A guy approached her and she planned to reject him when he spoke in Korean which made her think twice. For the first time in months she has no complaints of her partner. She was even thankful that she was dragged out of the party and into the garden where there was a huge fountain at the middle. She took off her high heels and plunged her aching feet on the cool water not caring what her masked partner thinks, who knows he could be the ‘fiancé’ her father said.

“You looked suffocated.” The guy said.

“You have no idea.”

“Want to get out of here?” he asked with a yawn as he loosened his tie.

Amber placed her mask down and looked up at the guy.

“It would be better if I could go back to Korea. I miss my friends and…”

Suddenly they heard clicking of heels, it was Amber’s mother and another lady. Amber could see the embarrassment and anger in her mother’s features.

“Amber, I see you’ve already bonded with your future fiancé.” Her mother said. Amber looked away from them and rolled her eyes, before she turned and slowly lifted her feet off the water.

“She hasn’t done anything strange has she?” there was concern now in her mother’s voice. The guy chuckled and smiled.

“No, madam, she has been nothing but natural.”

“And you boy,” now it was the other lady’s turn to speak and scold. “Look at your tie. This isn’t a lowly party or club so make yourself presentable Donghae!”

Amber jolted from the mention of the name and looked up at the guy, a sigh escaped him. Slowly, he took off his mask and looked straight at Amber’s eyes.

“Mother, do you or don’t you think we look alike?” Donghae asked as he broke the eye contact between them, tilting his head slightly, a playful smile on his face.

The two older women gaped at the slight resemblance of their children and their expressions softened when they saw how their hands linked.

“There’s some similarities. Why do you ask Hae?”

“Nothing. I just heard an interesting belief that when a couple looks alike they’re destined to be together.” Donghae replied softly as he looked at Amber, eyes filled with affection, as if he was talking to Amber and not to his mother. She contained the happiness building inside her, she tried to look annoyed at Donghae for hiding from her his true identity. He’s gonna have a piece of my mind, she thought but she cursed herself for smiling so broadly at Donghae.

- END -

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Chapter 1: Awww. How I wish for more. Haha. Anyway, beautiful story! :) Thank you for this ^_^
Chapter 1: Awww. What a beautiful, beautiful ending!!!! Love it. Thank you for this :)
Chapter 1: *ugly sobbing* this was too beautiful!!! It wasn't even that sappy but gah the ending slaughtered me! (Especially cause I was listening to Donghae's beautiful while reading) any who I really loved your story! ^^
geronajoy #4
i totally looooooove this!!!!!
Whoa, I love this story!!!!XD lol I never knew how can Donghae and Amber be so cute!!!XD But they are!!:D Aww, they're gonna be engaged!!:D
Evil_angelELF #6
reread !!
great love story! i really enjoyed reading it!
hae_ki #8
thank you for taking time in reading and commenting. <br />
this is already a repost hehe... <br />
yeah~ i'm not sure what to call this pairing and i don't usually write 'normal' pairings but since it's donghae i'm giving an exception XD<br />
i guess the longer they stay together the more similar they'd look in the years to come.
awww~ such a nice story, love it, don't usually see these two paired up..<br />
and btw, I gotta agree on the couples looking similar, I've seen and know couples that are married and do have a slight resemblance it's kinda weird and interesting ^_^<br />
thanks for the story!
OOOH MY GOSH, I don't ship HaeBer or.. is it dongber? or Amhae OR WHATEV BUT MY GOD THIS WAS SO FLUFFY AND CUTE!!<br />
:D <333