
True Love Lasts *HIATUS*

Sen's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs wafting through my room. That smells good, I thought. I quickly put my slippers on and went downstairs. 

"Yes, oppa. K, bye see you soon!," I heard Yoomi talking on the phone while flipping over a pancake. "Who was that?," I questioned. Yoomi turned instantly red. "No one!, " she said in a defensive voice. "Whatever," I rolled my eyes. 

"So we're having an American breakfast today? How come? Is today a special event?," I asked. "Uh huh. Because I wanted to have an American breakfast, nothing's wrong with that and yes today's a special event." 

"How?," I said absentmindedly. "Well, we're going to Toronto today!," Yoomi said excitedly. "We've been to Toronto lot's of time before," I said as a matter-of-factly. "Yeah but this time we're going to Toronto with Big Bang! Isn't that exciting?"

"Well, yeah but-," I stopped mid-sentence. "Did you buy the airplane tickets?" Yoomi whistled cheerfully. "Already taken care off. I bought them online last night when you fell asleep." She put down a plate with pancakes, eggs and bacon in front of me. "Enjoy," She smiled.

I quietly ate my breakfast while Yoomi was still whistling happily to herself. What's wrong with her?, I thought. I finally finished my breakfast and put my dishes on the sink. I was getting ready to wash the dishes when Yoomi came up behind me. "I'll do the dishes", she offered, smiling. 

"Ok, something's wrong with you today," I eyed her suspiciously. "What do you mean," she asked innocently. "Well, first the breakfast then the phone call and nown you're offering to do the dishes. I know you hate washing the dishes." 

"I don't know, I just wanted to do something nice for you, so. . .yeah," Yoomi smiled sheepishly. "Whatever. I'll just get ready then." I walked up the stairs.

I was getting ready to go into the bathtub when I heard muffled voices by the bathroom door. I put my ears by the door and listened. "So oppa, can we share the same hotel room?" A pause. "Please? Wait, what? Yes? Yey! I love you so much, oppa. Bye! Can't wait till later!" What the heck?! Who was that? Was that her boyfriend? Wait, she has a boyfriend? I am going to get to the bottom of this! But first I have to take a shower.


When I came out of the bathroom twenty minutes later Yoomi was on the couch happily texting away. "Ahem," I cleared my throat. "I'm done. If you need to go you can go." Yoomi looked up. "Kay." She got up. "By the way I have to go home to pack my stuff. I'll come back to pick you up at 6 (pm) though, okay." I nodded. I headed towards my room. I opened my closet, thinking of what to wear. After 10 minutes of silently debating what to wear I finally settled with a plaid romper and a cardigan. After drying my hair I started packing the things that I would need for our trip. 

Clothes, check.

Toothbrush, check.

Shampoo and conditioner, check

Sunscreen, check.

Camera, check.

Passport, check.

Wallet, check

Pillow Pet, check.

The list went on and on. At around quarter to 5 Yoomi came. "You ready, she popped her head into my bedroom door. "Almost. I just have to get my ipod and my magazines." I said, while running around my room. "Oh, and I also have to call my sister." 

"Don't worry, I already told her while I was at my house. (a/n: Sen's sister was sleeping over at Yoomi's house because Yoomi's sister and Sen's sister are friends) you should've seen my sister's and your sister's faces. They looked so retarted while squealing like crazy fangirls." I snickered. "You mean like how you were at the Big Bang concert?" A pillow came slamming to my face. "Shut up!" Yoomi said playfully.

"Whatever," I said, running down the stairs, while carrying my suitcase and my sidebag. Yoomi came running after me. "Yah, it's 6 already we have to go." She screamed. I stopped. "Ok, get out of the house then. I have to lock the door. Yoomi walked out the door.

After 5 minutes I went into the car. I was surprised to see Yoomi's mom in the driver's seat. "My mom has to go pick up something so she offered to drive us to the airport," Yoomi said, as I sat beside her. "Hi, Mrs. Lee," I greeted. "Hello," she greeted back. 

The ride to the airport was very nauseating. Hyper Yoomi plus loud K-pop music plus Mrs. Lee's fast driving equals me wanting to throw up. I didn't though because we slowed down as we entered the airport. Mrs. Lee stopped. "Have fun, girls!," she said. "Neh," I answered politely. 

"Where's Big Bang?" I heard Yoomi instanly ask. "I can't see them either," I said. "Let's look for them." After 10 minutes of frantic searching we found no traces of Big Bang anywhere. "Maybe they already left?," I said worriedly. "No way, it only 6:30. The flight's at 9," Yoomi said frowning. "We came too early then."

"Yeah, maybe," Yoomi looked worried. We decided to sit down. I was listening to Sunset Glow when someone tapped me on the back. A man with an obvious fake moustcahe grinned at me. I know who this is, I thought smiling. "TOP?" I asked. "Nope, I'm *Mr. Banana," he said laughing. 

"Did you only come right now?," I asked. "Yup, sorry to keep you waiting." "It's ok," I said. He nodded. I looed over to Yoomi who was giddily hugging all the Big Bang members. She hugged G-Dragon the longest and she blushed right after she let go. G-Dragon blushed too. I thought back to the phone conversations I heard ealier. Hmmm, I thought.



Hello, everyone! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Comments are always welcome. I'll be very happy if you do! :D



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update please
itsjustmeXD #2
Chapter 16: Ghehe top omg haha XD I really like this story :D
EHEM~ the over use of OTL. LOL. EHEM~
Reading your fanfic Danielle~ btw its good!
AHHHH (: I dont mind the changes! I just cant wait for the update!(:
loveeee it!