
don't touch my pet

"- It's not like I don't trust you Wonsik, you've spent the whole month with Taekwoonie and he's alive but I'll feel better about giving him to you if you still would write to me about him.. Only for the first month hm? I want to be sure that you guys are getting along well - Hakyeon said and smiled at Wonsik. "

Day 1

Here am I, writing to you for another month. Why did I agree to this, hyung, I'm not a girl to keep a diary and it definitely feels like it. What is more important, I feel really lame, doing it for the second time. Leo's sleeping in my room, well, now I guess it's ours. When his heat has ended he was really tired and slept for the whole weekend. I pity him for having such a thing but he's really brave. I have plenty of new projects to do and what is really bad news for me, I'll have to do practice at art shop but Hongbin already agreed to look after Leo. Everything works nice, I have classes in the morning and at the time when I'm back home Leo's waking up, so he's not alone at all and if he's, he's sleeping. But again, plenty of projects and I'm afraid that he would be mad at me for not paying enough attention to him.. We will see! Keep your fingers crossed for us hyung! I really like him.

Day 3

The last sentence sounded really gay, I didn't mean it to be like this of course. I have to admit that Taekwoon is really one of a kind, even if he wants to help me, he's ending doing something wrong and destroying my work or part of our apartment. Yesterday evening, I was doing my first project in this month, it was a simple painting but it took me really long to finish it and when I finally did it, I was too tired to go to bed. I decided to take a nap on my desk, it's not the most comfortable place at home but not that bad either. And well, Taekwoonie wanted to help of course. I was almost sleeping on my still-wet painting so Taekwoon took it away, then covered me in blankets and probably went to bed. In the morning I didn't even have time to be thankful to him because when I saw my painting my heart stopped, I swear. I was supposed to give this painting to my teacher today and there were Leo's finger prints in the corner of my work!! It wasn't his fault because he had no idea that it's still wet when he was taking it away but still ugh... I managed to cover it somehow but my teacher gave me THAT LOOK which means exactly "you finished it 5 mins ago, don't you?" ...

Day 4

Nothing interesting had happened, I just wanted to tell you that Taekwoon is so clumsy that sometimes I can't believe he's a cat boy. He stumbled over his own tail and felt down. Does he even remember that he has tail? He bruised his knees and chin and now he's hiding under blanket and crying that he's ugly and I can't see him like this. It was so hard to clean his wounds, sigh. But after all, I gave him some cookies and now he's munching them under the blanket. I hope he won't crumble because I don't want to sleep in tiny pieces of cookies.

Days 5-10

I was really busy nowadays with my projects, I had to finish everything before going to this art shop but I managed to do everything without any troubles. I even talked to this teacher which took my still wet painting and explained him the whole thing with Leo, he changed my grade to higher one! And wished me a lot of luck with my cat boy, ah, thank you teacher TT TT But hey, listen, 3 days ago we went to the shop with Leo, our fridge was totally empty and there were no more sweets so Leo begged me to go and buy something instead of ordering take out. Leo was pretty excited for shopping, I still don't know 85% things about him, does he like shopping? Seems like he likes it. Anyway in the shop, Leo was running from one side to another, taking all stuff that we need but mostly things which he wants, I don't even know why did I agree to it but yeah, he was really happy throwing all the things to our basket which I was carrying of course. When he was finally done with packing thousands of sweets, he saw some shelves full of perfumes. I should have told him not to go there. But I didn't. He jumped there even more excited and started to sniff different perfumes and he was quite careful but his tail... Sometimes I have this feeling that he doesn't fully control it. Of course he crashed some perfumes and thanks god, the lady who came to us, fall in love with Leo when she saw him so I didn't have to pay for it, I just bought huge chocolate for her. Leo as always overreacted the whole thing, locked himself in his room and for the next two days he was ghosting around our apartment with dropped ears. Now he's fine I think, I bought him the same huge chocolate and he hugged it with so much love in his eyes. I don't understand his love for sweets sometimes..

Day 12

HYUNG I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S SO.. I DON'T EVEN HAVE WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT!!! I'll write tomorrow, I need to return someone's pet..

Day 13

So, yesterday I was doing my last project before going to art shop. I've finished everything but then one crazy professor popped out of nowhere with one more project and well, I had to do it in hurry to be able to go to my practice. When I was in the middle of doing my art work I realized that I don't have white paint. White paint is the most important one! I couldn't go to shop by myself because I had no time for such a thing so I sent Leo there, I gave him piece of paper with scribed down what exactly I need. His job was to go to shop which is pretty near to our home, show this little piece of paper and pay for my paint, there is nothing which could go wrong. But of course with my lovely Taekwoonie everything went terribly wrong. At least he bought the white paint.
He came back home with another cat boy! Smaller than him, looking as he's about to cry. Well, I'm pretty sure that he might cry when Taekwoon was dragging him here. Anyway he said that it's Jinwoo, he got lost so he decided to take him home. I've spent almost 30 minutes trying to tell him that he can't just take someone from the street and bring him home! Taekwoon was totally offended by my words telling me that the weather is really bad, it's going to rain pretty soon and cats hate water, cat boys as well. He was right here but jesus christ, hyung, you know what I mean. I scolded him, really scolded. At the end Taekwoon started to cry and shouted at me than I'm just stupid human who doesn't understand pets. Of course he locked himself but what was new, he came back to his old room. I felt really bad back then but had no time to think about it as I quickly ran to return Jinwoo. He had bracelet with some mysterious KSY on it and phone number. It turned out to be his owner and he was really grateful that I found his pet because with his friend and another pet, they were really worried. He sent this 'another pet' to pick Jinwoo. He turned out to be a very, let's say, sass cat boy, with parted hair and high self-esteem which was beaming from him. His name was Taehyun. He scolded Jinwoo but hugged him after it and thanked me once again because Jinwoo has this magical skill of getting lost everywhere. Whatever, I wanted to be alone as soon as possible because the mewls coming from Taekwoon's room were driving me crazy. When they finally were gone I tried talk to Taekwoon but he really didn't want to see me and screamed several "go away". So I left him alone.

Day 14

He came to me this night, after our very first fight. He cuddled next to me, looking for my warmth. I mumbled quiet apologies but I'm sure he heard them. Then I kissed his forehead and he meowed happily. He's the cutest at moments like this..
Is it okay to feels something more to just a pet? I mean, obviously, he's not just a pet for me but you know what I mean...
You know...?
I hope so..

Day 15

Leo's weird today. Is it possible that he feels that I'm gonna leave him for some time? I mean not exactly leave but I'll be at the shop from 8 AM till 6 PM so it's almost the whole day, for the whole week. I don't want to leave him for 3 weeks at once so I managed to split it into three months. But it means than in next 2 months I'm gonna spend one week working, leaving Taekwoonie alone. I offered him sweets few times but he refused eating them. Hyung, I'm worried ;~; He's by my side all the time, talking about some meaningless things but he's doing his best to keep me interested in him. It's not like I want to leave him, but I have no other choice. I told him about Hongbin, that he is really handsome and he will come here and pet him, give him candies but still, Taekwoonie is really tensed all the time. What to do TT TT

Days 16-17

Hongbin said that Leo is in our room for the whole time when he's here. He is only coming out at meal times. I don't know what to do to make him stay with Hongbin. Now they both are worried, Hongbin that Leo hates him for some unknown reason and Leo that I'm out for the whole day. I was really excited about working at this art shop but it doesn't seem that nice anymore..

Days 18-19

I was too tired to even talk with Hongbin. There is a lot of work at the shop, so when I finally came back home I'm going straight to the shower and couch, because I don't even have energy to go to the bedroom. Oh and I have to mention that for the last two days I was at home around 9-10PM.. I don't have any time for Taekwoon, sigh. I'm being too nice to my coworkers helping them with their ..

Day 20

red_beans: Wonsik, is it normal that your pet skips meals?
ace_ravi: Of course not!
red_beans: He told me to go away and that he's not hungry.
ace_ravi: Are you human or pet, tell him that he has to eat and don't even listen to what he's saying. I'll try to be back at normal time, but I can't promise anything.

red_beans: I gave him a lot of sweets as you told me earlier and he came out. I'm not sure if he's not sick, he has light fever but in general, he seems to be okay.

ace_ravi: Binnie, please tell Leo that I'll be late today as well..
red_beans: He's mad at you to this point that he started to cry telling me that you don't want him anymore, dude, don't be nice to people, be nice to your pet.
ace_ravi: Pet him or something, just make him smile. Or at least try to stop his crying. You know that I don't want to be here but I want to finish my stupid studies, it's more important than him, I'm sorry.
red_beans: Why do you even decided to keep him..
ace_ravi: I don't have time for conversation like this right now.
red_beans: Just like for your pet.

Day 21

It seems like Taekwoon hates me. He slept in his old room and didn't want to come out to say good morning or goodbye or anything. I left him huge pack of candies. I need to talk to Hongbin, maybe he should take him home? But there are only two days and I'll be free! I'm not sure if I want to cause even more stressful situations for Taekwoon, it took him few days to accept Bean and not look at him like he wants to kill him just by staring. Ah, it's driving me crazy, I want this week to end and spend some time with Taekwoon.

Day 22

red_beans: Is Taekwoon sick? His skin is burning and he's mewling all the time.

red_beans: Yah, Kim Wonsik! He's being weird today. I started to pet him but he made really strange sound and almost bite my hand to make me go away. Should I leave him?

red_beans: DUDE, YOUR PET KISSED ME. Can you come back home? I wasn't ready for your pet being like this but I must admit that he's pretty good at kissing. He seems to want more.

red_beans: ???????????????????? dude

Day 23

, I totally forgot about Leo's heat. I'm still not used to it uh. I lied at work that I can't stay that long today because I have to go to the doctor... But owner really likes me so he agreed that since I stayed longer few times, today, I can go home earlier. I made it before Leo even woke up so Hongbin didn't have to come, speaking about him, how could he kiss my pet?! My lovely Taekwoonie.. I swear, when I saw him yesterday with Leo's arms wrapped around him I was near to breaking his jaw. I showed him out of my apartment and yelled at Leo. How could HE! My pet. After all I did to him? Does he want to change his owner by every single heat? I will give him punishment, he will regret his actions.

Day 24


Day 25

By punishment I mean not doing anything with his heat hyung, keep calm. But anyway, his meows were so miserable and loud and I couldn't do anything with him laying on our couch or more like trying to hide himself from everything so I took him. I'm sure that you don't want to listen about it, I don't want to talk about it either but still, we are not talking with each other. Even if we had . What a boy, jesus christ.

Day 27

Leo came to me asking for Hongbin's phone number. I've never yelled at him like this. IS HE EVEN FOR REAL? I told him that if he likes Hongbin so much, he has 5 minutes to pack his stuff and I'm giving him back to you or maybe to his lovely Hongbin because it seems like things between us are not going to work anymore. I know that it was too much, I realized it by the time when those words left my lips but it was too late and I was hurt too. He left the room going to MY bedroom and I went to kitchen to make some coffee because I was too furious to deal with him at this moment. Too bad for me. The next thing that I knew was Leo pouring at me red paint. I swear to god, I almost killed him at that moment. This ing bastard. What does he even think doing it? This little er knew that you can't remove this paint from clothing and since my hair were almost blonde because the blue color faded so badly it also changed my hair's color. I took him by his shirt and threw into his old room, locking it from outside. Once again, I know, I was too harsh for him but I just went with the flow of this sick situation. I've had enough hyung, take him back, if you don't want him anymore, you can pass him to Hongbin, I'm sure he will adopt him with open arms..

Day 28

I unlocked doors of his room at the morning and left him some food. He was sleeping curled into ball in the corner of the room, covered in my blanket. His face was swollen and there were signs of his now faded tears. I felt so bad about hurting him like this. I won't give him back to you hyung, I'm sorry for my words but mostly my stupid actions. I realized something important today.
Also, I had to shave my hair because of the dots of red paint. I tried to bleach it but it didn't work and my hair after it were in really bad condition so there wasn't any other option than shaving...

Day 29

I woke up earlier to make up for my behavior. I've planned dinner, watching movie together and more. But the most important thing, I wanted to apologize to him for everything what happened for the past week. For not being with him, for staying so long in my job, for leaving him with Hongbin and yelling at him, even if he just wanted to do something with his heat with was bothering him so much. I didn't even have time to pet him, it wouldn't help of course, there is only one thing which helps him in his heat, but maybe my presence would make it a little easier? I don't know, there is still so many things that are unknown for me about Leo and cat boys in general. You didn't bother to tell me anything hyung and I have to discover everything on my own, so it takes more time. But going back to my making up plans with Leo, he was still deathly offended and I'm not even surprised but for me, at this time, it was a blessing because I could do everything without him peaking out to see what I am doing. It took me a lot of time to cook something edible and tasty but I managed to do this and not destroy nor burn the kitchen. I was really proud of myself. Then I picked a movie, which Taekwoonie really likes. This is one of those little things that I know about him. Everything was ready so I went to take a shower, dress nicely and wait for evening. Even when Taekwoon is really mad at me if he smells nice food he will come out his room. And it worked this time as well. Around 7 PM I knocked at his door and after good 15 minutes of begging him, he came out. His face was still swollen and there where new trails of tears. He was probably crying for the whole day because I didn't even try to talk to him. But now, I was doing my best to repay for the last two days. We ate our dinner in total silence, he was still feeling uncomfortable. I said sorry few times but he didn't seem to believe me. After the dinner I took him to living room, to watch his movie. I catch the tiniest of his smile but it was the sign that I was doing it right. In the main scene, where the characters were confessing to each other I decided to say my apology. I don't know if he believed me but I said that I'm not planning on giving him to anyone, that I was simply jealous about him kissing Hongbin and I know that it was my fault that he was with him, in the middle of his heat, but I'm a student and I HAVE TO do my practice even if I don't want, which is obvious of course. I told him everything which he deserved to finally hear. After my speech Leo cuddled to me and we've spent the whole evening watching romantic comedies.

Day 30

Oh, there is one important thing which I forgot to tell you hyung. I confessed to him. I totally fell in love with him after those two months of living together. I can't imagine my live without him doing all those stupid things which he is doing, stumbling over his own tail, destroying my paintings, spilling my paints.. I'll learn what to do when he's in heat, to make him feel more comfortable, I'll learn everything which I have to know about him. He was trying his best to be good for me and now it's my turn to be as good as I can for him!

Oh hyung, one more thing.

He said that he loves me too.

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Authornim, please do write the ....thanks! :D
Chapter 1: sssssoooooooooo ssssweeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love this!!!!! I LOVE wONtAEK!!!!
hominho #3
Chapter 1: Awwww. You included Taehyun!! YYYAASSSS! And a lil bit of Leobin too! Doubles yas!!! :))))
jasminemaki #4
Chapter 1: Taekitty is so~~~cute!
poe_rea #5
Chapter 1: It's too cute~~ Leo~~
Chapter 1: awww~~ omg my feels ♥♥♥ the way you made this like some kind of diary actually very interesting. thanks for making & sharing this ♥
Chapter 1: naw taekkie said he loves wonshik back how sweet ;;
still waiting for the eue