
Connected by a Red String




“Seokjin, honey please don’t wonder around too much,” a woman yelled at a child as she was holding onto a big box, “We just moved in today and I don’t want you to get lost.”

“Arraso umma!” Seokjin replied and started walking down his neighborhood to see if he could be friends with anyone. However, before he met anyone in the sidewalk he found a trail made by a red string. Being curious, he followed the trail rolling it into a ball at the same time. After some waking he found the rest of the string being unstrung by another small boy just like him.

The boy looked up at Seokjin and then at the ball of red string he had in his hands, “Hey, why’d you steal my red string? You thief!”

“I didn’t mean to, I just saw it and decided to follow it and uh, uh...” Seokjin replied tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

“It’s okay, It’s okay don’t cry,” the other boy said with a wide toothless grin, “My name is Namjoon and I am seven years old. What’s your name?”

“Seokjin, eight years old” he replied wiping his tears.

Namjoon went and put out his fist, “Cool your older than me, let’s be best friends jin!”

SeokJin bumped the others fist, “Ok, let’s be best friends! Oh, but I have to ask my uncle Suga if I can be your best friend. Since, I am best friends with him and also my cousin Irene.”

“Hmm… I didn’t know uncles could be best friends,” Namjoon said, “one of my uncle is cool but the other is crazy,” then Namjoon held out his hand to Jin, “wanna go meet them? They work in this cool café called Piquant and its right there. My parents also work there but they hardly do any work.”

Seokjin smiled and held the hand that was given to him and nodded his head, “Uncles can be best friends, but you can also be my best friend.”

“Uh huh, ok let’s go,” Namjoon said and started leading Seokjin down the streets of Toronto towards a small café called Piquant.


bye bye

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uhhh.... it ended.... tralalalalalal


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finally finished reading it! Awesome, cute ending!!
greenmimi #2
Chapter 14: great story, I loved jikook here they were cute, wish there was more to read about them XD
Useless_kpoper #3
Chapter 10: This is such and interesting plot, please update so I can find out what happens!!
mayoq123 #4
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 10: such a tease!!! it's getting there isn't it? this is so nice imo can't wait~
Hurry up and update already!!! I miss this story!!!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 7: it's so scary...how can he managed to get that vision everytime n still won't tell to anyone? my God...
I still don't get what rapmon has to do with Jin's vision.. we all get that rapmon might be inside that vision but who is he now? he seems know a secret but omg omg i really need an update kyaaah
Chapter 7: that guy was probably rap mon! but does jin have a memory loss or something??
Chapter 7: what happened eh???? :"""

update soon