Final meeting

Connected by a Red String

Chapter 11

Jin felt a sense of freedom and he closed his eyes to feel the sensation take over his body, mind and soul.  His body floated as if it were as light as feather and he opened his eyes to witness the darkness was being pierced by light as bright as the sun. Then as the darkness disappeared he saw Rapmon parallel of him.

Rapmon gave him that cheeky smile, “you did it, you finally freed yourself,” he then flew towards Jin and took the other into a big hug, “I finally have you all to myself.”

Jin hugged Rapmon back and kissed the other with passion, “I missed you so much!”

“I am glad you were able to finally get yourself free Jin, I have been waiting patiently for centuries.”

“What do you mean?” Jin asked.

“You were bonded to her by a contract you made with her as a child,” Suga said, “As long as you considered her a friend, you were a part of her and she a part of you. That’s why you could never die,” he continued, “That’s why no matter what we tired we couldn’t save you because a contract between a demon and a human cannot be breeched unless the human dies or the contract is made. This one was especially hard to break because Ira had made it so that neither happened.”

Ira that had been frozen by shock regained her senses and was furious when she saw the two hugging and flew up to them and just as she was about to attack them Suga flew over and blocked the two.

“Sister, it’s over,” he said with a glare, “You cannot interfere with Seokjin’s life any longer. He is not bonded to you by a contract anymore.”

“I don’t care, I am done playing games with him,” Ira yelled, “Move brother, I will give him what he wishes and kill him so that he can join me in hell forever.”

Suga burst into blue hued fired and he yelled, “How much more lives do you have to ruin to get it into your dense mind that you cannot always get what you want!”

“Millions,” Ira said as she burst into red flames and launched herself towards Suga a whip forming in her hand, “I want every living beings with a soul to feel the sadness I feel.”

Suga also launched towards Ira flying straight towards her as his wings transformed into sharp swords and he pulled out one, “They already do, but instead they use this sadness as an experience that shapes them up to be better people with twice the heart that they had before.”

Ira’s whip slashed towards Suga and red hot feathers shot towards him like arrows, “I DON’T CARE!” she yelled tearing up, “I DON’T CARE!!!”

Suga blocked all her arrows with a blue hued shield around his body and cut the ironed whip, “I love you sister but you have blinded yourself from reality, this is for your own good,” he said as he reached for another sword with his left hand and threw it towards Ira.

Ira dodged and shot more flaming feather arrows towards Suga as her whip got a hold of Suga’s left hand. Suga held onto the Whip and pulled it towards himself. Ira melted the whip and flew backwards. Then at that moment of hesitation Suga soared towards Ira and stabbed her heart. Ira eyes widened with tears still falling from her them as she held onto the sword. Her red flames died down and a tear rolled down from her left eyes before she burst into a ball of fire.

Just then Jin swooped down to where her soul was and held it. Suga looked at Jin but didn’t say anything as his vision was clouded by water, his tears. He hadn’t cried since his lover was taken prisoner by Ira his sister that was no more.

Suga looked down towards earth and cried, “Mother, mother I killed Ira. I killed my sister.”

The earth looked mystical as light simmered from the ground and birds flew with their beautiful colours. A beautiful maiden with such wonderful earthly features appeared in front of them, “You did what you had to do, my child. The demon sloth, your sister wrath misused her position and did some horrible things,” her tears like the ocean fell, “I am miserable that I as her as your mother couldn’t do anything.”

“Mother, what do I do now? What do we do?” Suga asked as he wiped his tears away.

 “My child I cannot do anything, but what needs to happen is for everything to go back to how it was supposed to be before your sister meddled with nature and its natural course.”

Jin went up to the beautiful maiden with Ira’s soul, “Gracia, the earth itself. I have a favour to ask of you.”

Gracia looked at the soul of her deceased daughter, “What is it my child?”

“Ira, as much as she harmed, she did so because all she wanted was to be loved. However to get love she chose all the wrong options. I, I would really like my friend to be able to experience love as a human,” he looked up at Gracia with pleading eyes, “Please, make it so that she will be reborn as a human.”

Rapmon also joined Jin, “she deserves to learn the harshness of love and the happiness of it too and the best way to do it is as a human being. As they, as we often experience it throughout our lives. For being a human is both a gift and a curse.”

The bright red soul floated towards Gracia and she gave a warm smile, “so be it,” then she looked towards Jin and Rapmon, “Your natural courses will set sooner, so, do what you must before you regret it,” the she looked at Suga, “My son, your sister might be dead and the heavy burden of being her killer will take a load on you but I will put you in charge of your new baby sister as punishment. As life must move on and time should never be stopped because of nature things will be as they are supposed to be.” Then like the rays of the sun she disappeared.

Suga looked at his mother one last time and then towards Rapmon and Jin, “You two have been the best of friends a demon could have. I will miss you two.”

Jin smiled, “It’s been tough and I hope you do your duty well and take care of yourself Suga!” and hugged the other, “Thank you for everything that you have done for us.”

“I will miss you, my friend,” Rapmon said and hugged Suga who faded away with a smile on his face.

“Now, then what do we do Jin?” Rapmon asked as he looked at Jin with the biggest smile.

Jin smiled back, “Call me Seokjin, Namjoon!” then he suggested, “As much as my life has been fake the people around have been always real. Can we say goodbye to the boys before we spend our last hours as spiritual beings together?”

“Anything for you Seokjin, my love,” Namjoon replied, “But, I must warn you they do not have any memories of you because they have gone back to their natural courses.”

Seokjin nodded his head with a sad smile and the two vanished and transported themselves just outside the shop. It was late evening in Toronto Canada, the Piquant café was closing soon because on a Sunday it would close early. Inside, there were few customers still eating and enjoying the café’s music. There were four waiters sitting behind the counter waiting with a smile for another customer to walk in.

Seokjin and Namjoon walked into the café with nostalgic smile on their faces. As they went to the counter they were greeted by cheerful baristas.

“Good evening,” Jungkook greeted, “what would you like?”

“We would recommend the delicious B.B.Q and ham sandwich with roasted black coffee and caramel for the autum season,” Jimin informed.

Seokjin smiled at the two cheerful boys and laughed even harder when he saw that V and Jhope were flirting behind at eyes view with no shame.

Jungkook turned around to see what Seokjin was laughing at and rolled his eyes as he turned around to explain, “Please, excuse those pathetic excuse of owners. After their marriage nothing has been the same.” 

“We are still the same you brat!” Jhope yelled at Jungkook, “It’s just V’s become even more beautiful than before, not like he wasn’t just as beautiful before.”

“Aww, baby!!”

“We will be the same soon, babe,” Jimin said with a wink to Jungkook.

Jungkook rolled his eyes again, “Keep on dreaming, Jimin.”

Namjoon interrupted them, “Can we both have French vanilla to go!”

Jimin and Jungkook nodded their heads and made the drink and after it was paid for it was time for their goodbyes. Seokjin looked at the boys one last time before they exited the place. However, before they could get anywhere the both of them were stopped by a voice calling for them.

“Excuse me, umm… do we know you?” Jungkook had yelled out loud running outside the café followed by the rest of the boys.

Seokjin and Namjoon turned around to see that all the boys were out of the shop to interrogate them. Seokjin smiled, “no, but you guys remind me of my brothers in Korea.”

Jimin went and hugged the couple and said, “OMG, we are from Korea as well, hyungs!”

“Hyungs,” J-hope and V yelled and joined the hug and after a moment filled with laughter the hug ended.

Seokjin took the chance to scold them one last time, “Jimin, please don’t stop being yourself and stay the positive ball of sunshine that you are,” then he looked at V and J-hope, “You two might be married but be sure to treat each other well as well as your dongsaengs,” finally he turned to Jungkook and said, “don’t be so hard on yourself and jimin and live a very good and fortunate life, jungkookie,” and hugged the younger boy.

“Take care of yourselves!” Namjoon said, “You guys were the best of friends that anyone could have had in their life.”

Everyone smiled warmly but Jungkook was the only one silent and stared at Seokjin and Namjoon with glossy eyes, “How do you know our names?”

Seokjin was startled at the question but answered anyways with a statement that he was told before, “We frequent this café shop a lot but I guess you guys just didn’t notice us.”

“Will you come again?” Jungkook asked desperately; he was tearing up, “Will we see you again?”

“Sadly, today is our last day in Canada before we tour the world as photographers,” Namjoon replied, a white lie that was necessary.

Jungkook full on started sobbing without knowing why, why were these strangers affecting him so much. Seokjin wiped the boy’s tears and hugged him before he let go of the other and took Namjoons left hand and walked away.

Finally, they transported into a place nearby a lake that had no soul around. It was just Seokjin and Namjoon in the middle of nowhere as the lake was reflecting the wondrous moon. They stood there in silence in each other’s embrace before they knew it was time to go. Their bodies were starting to fade, slowly.

“What a life we have lived,” Seokjin said as he stared at the moon, “Beautiful but crazy.”

Namjoon smiled at the statement, “What people do for love huh?” and then he hugged the other tightly, “I loved you in this life and I hope the red string of fate lets me meet you for every life I live so that I can love you for eternity.”

Seokjin looked at Namjoons eyes, into his soul and whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Namjoon replied looking into the depth of Seokjins eyes and as they kissed they disappeared like magic and it was only the lake, the moon and its reflection.


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uhhh.... it ended.... tralalalalalal


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finally finished reading it! Awesome, cute ending!!
greenmimi #2
Chapter 14: great story, I loved jikook here they were cute, wish there was more to read about them XD
Useless_kpoper #3
Chapter 10: This is such and interesting plot, please update so I can find out what happens!!
mayoq123 #4
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 10: such a tease!!! it's getting there isn't it? this is so nice imo can't wait~
Hurry up and update already!!! I miss this story!!!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 7: it's so can he managed to get that vision everytime n still won't tell to anyone? my God...
I still don't get what rapmon has to do with Jin's vision.. we all get that rapmon might be inside that vision but who is he now? he seems know a secret but omg omg i really need an update kyaaah
Chapter 7: that guy was probably rap mon! but does jin have a memory loss or something??
Chapter 7: what happened eh???? :"""

update soon