Fin / Finish / The End...

Best way to spend your weekends

Now, unless you live in a whole different universe where there are more than seven days per week, on Earth, there are seven days per weeks as every Earthling knows. Admittedly, most people would, and still do argue about which day, is it Monday which is dreaded by most students for it is the start of a boring week, or is it Friday which signalize the incoming short break from school called the weekends that is the best. But, it is not far-fetch to say that, as majority of people would surely agree, the weekends are indeed the best time of the week.

Why? Mostly because it the days that you can just doze off till noon, skip breakfast and have brunch at 2 o’clock without taking a shower, or just snooze all the stress that was accumulated from working, or studying for students all week off. Yes, two whole days to blatantly forget everything about school –or work, depend on your position- and completely ignore the alluring calls of the homework-again, or work- and simply laze around your room.

And for a particular boy, with his eye catching hair of his that a certain someone personally dyed for him a few days prior into that of a light purple, not too overpowering and strong in colour, just a light and calm shade of purple, plan to do just that. More so as the boy name Lee Chanhee is slightly under the weather since quite a while now. Chanhee was not one for dyeing his hairs. He, or so he believes, is not like ‘him’ who can easily pulls of any kind of hair colour and still look good no matter how ridiculous the colour is.

But alas, the saying everybody has a price have never been more accurate, and in this case, literally.

After all, he did succumb to the request of his best friend, no, they, or to be more precise, ‘he’ had shatter their already strong if not unbreakable bond that is their friendship and reformed it to something even more powerful, majestic even. Something far more beautiful with rose petals mixed with glitters raining down the sky and rainbow decorated all around and cupid, who finally catches up with the ever progressing world and abandons his old fashioned way of shooting arrows with a bow and gets himself a fire-arm that is capable of constantly spewing love bullets everywhere now.


Goodness gracious, we’ve trail off our topic here haven’t we? Where were we again? Ah yes, the saying ‘everybody has a price’ is portrayed by Chanhee perfectly. The innocent, doe eyed boy ultimately cave in to ‘his’ demand of dyeing his hair to its current colour with a simple promise from ‘his’ side that ‘he’ would give Chanhee a ‘gift’.

Boy was Chanhee quick to change his mind.

Whether it is because of the said promised ‘gift’, or if it’s because it is ‘him’ who asked Chanhee to do so while pouting his oh-so-kissable lips of his, Chanhee have no idea. He has no intention of finding out either. It simply doesn’t matter to him as it is related to ‘him’.

Ah, curious of who this lucky particular individual who knows when to stay silent and simply listen whenever Chanhee was having a bad day or when to have good natured-banter with Chanhee to ease the older boy of his pointless worries? Why of course, the said ‘he’ from before is Lee Byunghun, or else known as L.Joe by their peers and is also commonly known to everyone as Chanhee’s former best friend and is currently, and hopefully forever and ever boyfriend.

Shifting with the intention of finding a more comfortable position to be on his inviting and very comfortable king size bed, Chanhee opt to lie side way, drawing his legs toward his chest to be in a fetus position. Can’t leave the fact that he didn’t forgot to give a bone crushing hug to Byunghun’s promised ‘gift’, a medium size doll in the shape of a white in colour bunny. An incredible cute and adorable bunny if Chanhee may add.

In normal circumstance, Chanhee would already drift right back to dreamland. Yet much to his dismay, he didn’t. In spite of the fact that it is beyond subtly, on microscopic level really, Chanhee can feel something is off. A feeling you would have just before the trouble comes crashing down your shoulder, the so called 'calm before the storm'.

But more importantly… He can smell it and he’s not even kidding.

A soft and delicate yet at the same time strong scent invade Chanhee’s sense of smell and the boy can’t help but to frown at the smell. Don’t get him wrong, by no mean is the scent bad in anyway. As a matter of fact, Chanhee, who is yet to completely waken up, can only say the first thing that comes to his mind at the scent that it “Smells delicious’’

Such is the reason why Chanhee frown at the mysterious scent that’s floating about in his room and is originating downstairs, probably from the kitchen. He can’t think of any reason as to why the scent is there in his supposedly empty house, and even more so as how the scent come to be in the first place.

‘My parents are out of town for the weekends to celebrate their anniversary-after much hardship and ordeal that I, their only son, who albeit is not in the pink of health is fine enough for them to leave to enjoy their anniversary somewhere that is nice and romantic. So how come I can smell this divine scent that is food downstairs?’ ponder the poor confuse boy while still lying on his bed while still have his eyes close as he snuggle under his source of warmth, his chicken imprinted blanket.

He need not to wonder for long though as the answer comes strutting onto his bed not a second later with a loud, “Rise and shine sweetie pie” with an all too familiar husky voice that Chanhee have come to love and adore and recognize.

It took him a few second to realize it but as he finally did just as the owner of the voice sit down on the bed. That is if the bed dipping is of any indication. Regardless, it finally clicks in Chanhee’s mind.

For one, it’s Byunghun. Or at the very least, the voice is very, very similar to the said boy. Secondly, the younger, or the owner of the voice that is similar to Byunghun's unique, husky voice is in his room. Thirdly, he doesn’t recall giving the said boy a key to the house. Hence the million dollar question reveal itself in shining light, ‘How the hell did he get inside the house and more importantly, WHY IS HE IN MY ROOM?!’ Surprise with the sudden appearance of his boyfriend, Chanhee slowly open his eyes, trying to peak at his surrounding to see if his boyfriend is really there. He’s slightly scared that he might be delusional -for not seeing your loved one for a whole week tends to do just that to most people -and is just imagining Byunghun being there. What a scary disease, Lovesick as many of the poor victims of such vile disease call them, is indeed.

It is completely and utterly impossible for Byunghun to be there inside Chanhee's room. After all, how could someone like Byunghun, who lacks both the method and the means of entering the house to be inside his own. Thus, Chanhee deduce that for the younger to be inside his room is down right out of the question.

Or is it now?

Nonetheless, despite his long hypothesis of the situation, Chanhee has yet to fully open his clear and beautiful eyes. And opening his eyes, Chanhee blinks multiple times to get rid of the sleep dust off his eyes. That is till an all too familiar face, a handsome one while we’re at it, suddenly appear right in front of his face and manage to both startle and deliver a heart attack on poor little innocent Chanhee.

Luckily, before all the existing mirror and glasses in the area of the vicinity of the house, around 2 kilometers in all direction, shatter into tiny, tiny pieces thanks to Chanhee's powerful voice, something soft and succulent and rather, sweet and addicting stop him dead on his track. It's someone's lips.

To say that he's surprised when he open his eyes and is kissed by someone who he has yet so see, do no justice to explain his feelings. Then again, to say that he is unaware of the identity of the person kissing him is also an understatement. After all, it seems his body's memory is better than his currently nonexistent brain memory as his lips, blatantly ignore Chanhee's command and try respond to the kiss.

But alas, everything good must comes to an end sooner or later and the same rule applies to Chanhee and his little situation as not second later after Chanhee respond to the kiss, the kisser pulls away.


"Whyyy" a moan subconciously slip out of Chanhee's lips.

"Someone's eager isn't he-" sadly, he didn't manage to finish his sentence as Chanhee swiftly slap the back of the kisser's head with deadly precision thanks to years of practise. "Owwwwwww. That hurts Chanie" pout the boy.

"Good, I'm glad that hurts Byunghun. That was my intention in the first place" said Chanhee, crossing his arms in front of his chest to prove how serious he is to his boyfriend.


"B-But why baby? I didn't do anything wrong" Byunghun now direct his mighty pout that can easily makes normal people drop on their knees as they coo at how cute he is.


But it's Chanhee here and he have grown immune to his boyfriend's pout ever since the hair dye incident. That doesn't make it any easier for Chanhee though. Unable to take any more of the adorable pout, Chanhee quickly redirect the flow of conversation.


"R-really now?" ask Chanhee, mentally giving a pat on his shoulder for stuttering only once. "Then what the hell was that?!"

"What was what?" innocently question Byunghun.

'His innocent face might fool others but I know better. I know him inside out like the back of my hand... That may sounds rather suggestive to some people so thank God its just me rambling nonsense about how L.Joe is anything but innocent in my mind. God this naughty boyfriend of mine...' Chanhee decided for protect what's left of his innocence- that is if he have any left after being thorough ravished by a certain mischief boy...- he'll just stop there for sake of any innocent soul

''The kiss!" he almost scream that word out. "Why the hell did you suddenly kiss me like that?!"

"Why?" again, with that innocent look on his face Byunghun questions Chanhee yet again. "Can't I kiss my own boyfriend that I haven't seen for almost a whole week now?"

'Now that he put it that way, I can't possibly be mad at him... Not that I was mad at him for real before or anything-'

"But of course, if you didn't want to kiss me than that's fine. I'll just leave you to your breakfast than" Byunghun is quick to continue. He even went as far as standing up, pushing the smirk far away before Chanhee stop him.

"Stop guilt-trapping me Byunghun" mumble Chanhee as he softly pull Byunghun back on the bed. "I won't give any comment on whether or not I like kissing you or not. I'll leave that to your imagination as I'm sure you're smart enough to do the equation based on how I act when you kiss me" quite a mouthful that is to be said in one breath but Chanhee manage to say it anyway.

"But" sternly continue Chanhee, he resolve stands firm. "The fact remains that I'm still sick and if you kiss me, you might get infected" For some reason, he gets a bad feeling after explaining the reasoning behind his actions earlier.

"Awwww, how sweet of you baby-" cue the sweet grin from Byunghun. ''-But I'm afraid you're already too late" continue the younger. "I think you might've already infected me something"

Hearing that, Chanhee literally jump onto Byunghun. Checking the younger's temperature by placing the back of his hand on Byunghun's forehead and simply check the younger of any sign of illness.

"Oh? But that's odd. You don't have a fever-"

"Oh but trust me when I said I've caught something" The bad feeling continue to intensify inside Chanheec making him frown in distaste. and wonder. "I've been infected by a disease called 'Lovesick' "

'Go figure' Chanhee mentally face palm. 'What was I expecting when I said that to a sweet-talker like Byunghun...' That being said, Chanhee decide to play along with Byunghun's antic out of boredom. It got nothing to do with him blushing and acting like a teenage girl in love on the inside. Nope, nothing of that sort at all.

"Oh my, that sounds serious Byunghun. Maybe we should go and meet the doctors after this"

"No need" quickly refute Byunghun. "I've already meet a doctor that specialize in this particular disease"

"Is that so? Then what did he say?"

"He told me that this disease is incurable and very, very, very deadly" with each said 'deadly', Byunghun punctuate each word by going an inch closer to Chanhee's face. "He also told me that if left untreated, it may lead to death"

"But I thought you said that it's untreatable?" Chanhee have an inkling of where this is going to lead them, and though he is somewhat reluctant about the ending of this play of theirs', it's not entirely going against him. So depending on how Byunghun act, he might reward Byunghun by giving the younger the ending he so desired.

"It is" Byunghun move even closer when he said that. "But there's multiple ways to prevent it from progressing into the critical, and hence deadly stage"

"And what ever could this 'prevention' method be?"

"Well... like I said, there's  various ways. But I think rather than explaining it to you, it'll be even better to just demonstrate it to you" Byunghun move even closer, bumping their forehead to each other and by now there's no more than 2 inches between their lips,

"Hmmm... Maybe later Byunghun" shrug Chanhee, moving away from Byunghun, putting a good distance between them. As far as they can get away from each other whilst still sitting on the same bed that is.

But nonetheless, boy is the look on Byunghun's face priceless. The poor boy must have not expected Chanhee to simply reject him after playing along so far into the play.


'Let's see how far I can push him shall we?'


"Byungie,-' Chanhee calls out for the yet again pouting and whining boy. "-what's that behind you?" the older boy forcefully tear his sight away from the adorable sight that is Byunghun and look at the steaming bowl behind him, on his bedside drawer.

"Oh that? Just a soup I made for you"

'Awwww.... He sounds so dejected that this is starting to make me feel bad... But no! I shall persevere and survive this!' Chanhee made up his mind and steel his heart. 'And first, a little application of my own interpretation of 'carrot and a whip'. And by 'carrot' I mean a little torture... On Byunghun's side that is'

"How sweet of you Byungie" coo Chanhee, 'now for the carrot' He push the smirk that is threatening to surface any second now down his throat and throw his arms around Byunghun. "You cook for me even though both of us know that you can't cook to save your life"

Chanhee nuzzle his nose on the crook of Byunghun's neck, purposely pressing his lips on the exposed ivory skin before sending open mouth kisses on the skin. He knows very well that it'll send shivers down Byunghun's spine.

'Does that like make me a sadist or something?' a moment of brain-fart from Chanhee, 'Meh, who cares'.

"C-Chanhee?" Byunghun's voice sounds rather timid, frighten even and Chanhee is savoring every bit of it. "W-what are you doing?" the way he is stuttering now when he was all smirk and confident and as some people call him, a total 'femme fatale' before is simply interestingly adorable.

Chanhee opens his mouth before quickly close it again as a sudden pain shoots through his head. 'Damn you and you kind migraine. If not for you, I would gladly continue this torture, I mean, 'carrot and a whip' with Byunghun'

"Chanhee?" Byunghun calls out for the second time after hearing the small groan of pain from Chanhee that the older didn't even realize he made.

"Hmmm?" speaking is rather hard when you're tying to cope with a bad migraine.

"You okay there?"

"I'm fine. Just a little head-" a moment of euphoria descend on Chanhee. If this were a cartoon or a comedic movie of some sort, a light bulb would light up above Chanhee's head.

"Hmmm. I would seems that I've also been infected with the same disease as you Byungie..."

"Huh? Disease? What are you-" It would seems that Byunghun forgot his own play... How irresponsible of him.

"What was the 'prevention' method you speak of again? 'Cause I sure could use one right one" Chanhee pull both of them onto the bed, pulling the blanket above them as he did before continuing. "Rather, maybe you should show me. After all, both of us are more of an 'action speaks louder than words' kind of guy right?"

"Well then, should I show you the world way then?" He didn't really wait for Chanhee's response though. Maybe the frustrations from being rejected earlier start to pile up now.

Just like before, Byunghun inches closer and closer, bumping their forehead together softly and pressing their nose together as  result. Chanhee is in the mood, but of course, not everything will happen your way right?

"Your nose is really cold-" Way too spoilt the mood.

Now Chanhee understand the agony of being rejected and feeling annoyed that Byunghun is destroying the mood, he took the initiative to make the first move.

"Oh shush you..." groan Chanhee as he forcefully mash their lips against each other.


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Rinininette #1
Awwww I wanna have a caring boyfriend too~ and then just teasing him like Channie hehehe
BunnyPie #2
Chapter 1: Aww...that was cute! ^^
Loved it♡♡♡