A night to remember

Once Upon a Halloween


“Sohee why do I need to do this” you ask as you once again pull at the costume that she had forced you into. “Because you are my cousin and you love me” she said without looking at you as she was arranging her costume in the mirror. You give her a look that tells her that she better try again. She lets out a big sigh as she turns around to face you “ok let’s try it this way then if you don’t do this for me than I’ll tell aunty that you skipped after school tutoring to go to that music store again” That got your attention. “How did you know about that” you ask as she turns back to put the finishing touches on her make up. ‘ I saw you when I was on my way to class you should really try and be more discreet when you know that store is so close to my school” she pointed out “didn’t think I had to be when it came to you” you mutter “normally no you don’t” sohee said “but I need you to come with me tonight I’m nervous” you turned to look at her “than why did you even agree to go on this Halloween blind date than” you ask “because it sounded fun” she says simply as if that explained everything. “Ok then answer me this why do I also have to go on one if I don’t even attend the school yet” she ignored you question and turned to look at you “how do I look” she asks you. All you could do was shake your head you really did love sohee but she tended to bulldoze everything down when she had a goal in mind “like a bunny version of Harley Quinn” she smiled “come one let’s go find my joker and your dark fairy king” you both race outside to catch the bus that was going to sohee’s university in Hongdae. As you both get closer to the campus you begin to see more and more students in costume. In all honesty you did love the costume the sohee had picked out for you but it was also so daring you would have never dared to pick it out yourself. The cut and style of it was a halter corset top with a Tinkerbelle jagged cut at the bottom. The whole dress was black and decked out in glitter. Again not your taste but then Sohee did have a flare for style. “welcome ladys” said a dashing vampire as you both walk up to one of the larger buildings on campus “heres the name of the game for the Halloween blind date, go over and find your name hanging below it should be a bracelet once it locks onto you and should glow a dim pink. Now here is where it gets interesting your destined partner has a matching one to yours in every way the closer you get to each other the warmer and brighter red it will get once you find the one your destined for tonight the bracelet will unlock itself since you have found him” you walk over to your name and place it on. “Good luck my lovelies” the vampire flashed you guys and wide fanged smile. Walking into the building it get ten times darker than it was outside and you hear the music vibrate through the walls. “Oooh mines is turning red” Sohee jumps up and down. You shake your head and look down at yours it was still pink but you ignore it that wasn’t what you were here for anyways. Going further into the party you start to explore the rest of the building and its decorations. The hall started to fill more and more with people and eventually you lose Sohee to the crowd. You wonder around some more and bits and moments during the party you swear your bracelet grows warm and red but then fade as soon as you start to search. “Hey hey” you hear sohees voice call to you from somewhere in the room. Looking around you spot her with someone as she is waving to you excitedly. You see her tell something to the guy she is with and he turns around to look at you. You mouth hangs open as you see suga from BTS. Sohee makes her way to you and pulls you to the side “oh my god oh my oh god” she just keeps repeating “is that…” you begin to ask “yup” sohee answer quickly “and is he yo ur….” You begin again not able to get the question fully out “OMG yes I heard the rumor around the school that they had something huge planned for this Halloween party but I had no idea it was a guest performance from BTS better yet the guys decided to participate in the Halloween blind date THEY ALL HAVE BRACELETS ON!!!!!!” she jumps happily up and down “I got suga I got suga” she sings as she races back to him. This put an excitement in you if sohee got suga then there was a possible chance that he could be the one destined to be yours tonight. You begin search around more now not caring about the decorations but seeing who could really be your destined partner for tonight. You open a door that turned out to lead to the auditorium of the school. “Hello” you speak out although you could not see anyone you knew he was there for the simple fact that your bracelet was growing warmer and redder with every step towards the stage that you took. When you finally got up on the stage and walked to the middle you speak out “I know you’re there my bracelet isn’t going to get any hotter or redder so you might as well come out” you speak in no direction in particular. All of the sudden the light in the room go out and a spot light focuses on you. You are blinded for a second when you hear his voice “I was hoping I would get you my dark fairy queen hoping from the moment I saw you step on campus” you hear the smile in his voice. As you vision adjust to the light you look to the person that has joined you on stage and you jaw drops as you see…………………

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