your boyfriend's best friend is like his dad, so next time greet him as father-in-law


Because Mark should have known better when Jaebum started asking him about his future plans.


( college!au )

Actual first markjin fic I've ever written back in forever ago?? It's still ehhh for me at some parts but i am not about to revisit this tragedy

i hope it's still alright!


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Chapter 1: Ahahahahaa this is so mushy and funny XD
Thanks for writing this because this really boosted up my mood~
MarkJin is <33333 Jaebum and Jackson, lmaoooo!
And the maknae line is so cute :)
johnducan #2
Author-nim, this is such an lovely story. Could you please grant me the permission to translate it into Vietnamese for our fellow Vietnamese JinMark shippers? I will surely credit the story to you and provide you with the link to access Vietnamese version. Thank you for such a cute story :3 <3
Chapter 1: this made my week and i could actually see this playing out irl because they so would! hehe this is now my all time favourite markjin slash hyungline fic; it was so cute and so real and idk im just all warm and giddy rn ♡♡
This is one of my most favorite markjin fics! Read this before in your lj as well :)
keiryow #5
Chapter 1: sooooooo cuteeeeee~~~~
i really like it..
i've read this before @ your lj and hkjfhkhfkja love this sooooo muchhhh dkahkdaj
flywith-me #7
Read this at lj and it was adorbs

Great job!
esthieIgot7 #8
Chapter 1: cute! Jaebum really was like Jinyoung's dad. lol. Really protective. and lmao with the talk Jaebum gave Mark.
candycane23049 #9
Chapter 1: This was too cute, Jaebum being the protective best friend and then Markjin. :)