The Painful Truth (*,~)/

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  "Hyung, come on. Lets party. Look around, so many hot babe. This is perfect except no alcohol. Can't wait to be 18," HongKi enjoyed this farewell party while I'm sitting here alone thinking this would be my last time to see her but she not here. Probably she not coming. 

  "Dont worry. She will come. Krystal told me they will be here in any minutes," MinHyuk whisper to me make me smile. I just wanna see her. It's ok if she don't wanna talk to me. 

  "Yahh. Did both of you talked bad thing about me. Hyung!!!," HongKi show his sulking face. His childishness sometimes make us annoying. But being the only child in his family, I won't expect him to be matured. I guess that why he going well with Shinhye. 

  "Oppa. Do you want to share my food with you?, " Park Se Young sit next to me. She is my junior. I'm not really sure she in what class but for sure not the same class with Shinhye.

  "Omoo. Is that Shinhye?. So y. Why she have to come with him?. I thought he already break up with her. I saw him with a girl at my cousin birthday party. My cousin told me that they in relationship since last year. Shinhye didn't know about that?, " My blood boiling when I heard it from HongKi. Did Kai play with her?. I just wanna kill him right now. 

  I can't take my eyes from her. She look good in anything even in school uniform. But this time is different. That red mini dress goes well with her fair skin. Showing her perfect tight, curving body and that rounded shape like wanna pop out from her dress.  How can she show her cleavage? She only 16 and acting like 20 something.

  "Did Krystal lend her that dress?," MinHyuk shook his head. Look like he also enjoyed seeing her in that dress. I hits HongKi back head who almost drool looking at her. And that ert Kai so proud can hugs her tiny waist. Not only her waist, his palm was on her y bum. Shinhye look uncomfortable and keep switch his hand from her bum. 

  "Eunnie, "Suddenly Se Young calling someone eunnie and waves her hand. Shinhye turn to us and waves back. Did they know each other?. ShinHye and Krystal walk towards us with a bright smile. 

  "Eunnie. Did aunt let you wore this?. Daebak. Uncle might kill you if he see you in this y dress. Why don't you ask Kai to sits here with us. Is it okay for you Oppa?, " Se Young asked me when I'm busy scanning Shinhye from head to toe and now I'm caught red handed. 

  "I have no problem. Sure," I clear my throat and look away. I saw MinHyuk mischievous smile. Se Young pull her hand and push her to sit really close to me. She want to stand up but Se young hold her tightly. She lean to whisper to Shinhye. Then Shinhye hits her but weird she stay beside me. I just love her fragrance. It there is nobody and only me with her, I wonder if that dress still wrap her body. 

  "Oh Kai. Sits here. We have an interesting story to share. Right HongKi. I like the story that you told us ," Hongki and Se Young stare to each other. Kai look not satisfied with Se Young action but he ob

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hello..i know im always on off a bad author cuz I'm sooooo lazy.. hehe..I will travel on 18 until I'm trying to finish it.


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snowberry262 #1
Chapter 19: We are your friends here eonni and we love you so much. Please be positive and stay strong ^__^ Fighting!
Starligthangelcnblue #2
Chapter 19: eonnie dont give up please dont we understand you are a woman and we are also woman we live the same things you do please message me
jacqueline1215 #3
Chapter 19: I hope everything is ok with you.. Please don't get discourage.
kyonkichi #4
Chapter 19: hi authornim. tq for updating bt i dnt think i get this this a teaser or u saying ur nt writing any ff anymre? if its the latter, then what? why? hw long? (yoorae pinocchio style) ur fics r rly gd, i esp like mistake n still bt if u decide to stop, then i'll jst accept it. still, tq for ur fics..
ratriana #5
Chapter 18: thanks dongsaeng,lastnigth unnie reading Still as bed unnie just have time to read this right now,as bed story too before afternoon time have vacations more often with him huhhh,so u will update more often unnie ask him to take you go vacations often,hehe.saranghe dongsaeng..
Starligthangelcnblue #6
Chapter 18: omg dammm debak ohh goshhh so dammm cute yong kidnaper and make her yours again
jacqueline1215 #7
Chapter 17: Omg so that how they started. So woo bin knows that not his son.. Wonder what gonna happen to them.. Thanks for iupdating
ratriana #8
Chapter 16: i,m the yesterday holiday give u idea to continue the story?unnie wait for the next chapter,dong hung it too long.or unnie will haunt you too.
kyonkichi #9
Chapter 16: oh authornim, tq for updating anothr great chp! big hugs! regardless of this new revelation, i still wnt sh to end up with wb cos i think sh love wb too even b4 yh come. she jst didnt realised it yet. most imprtant, wb loves her vry much even since then..
ratriana #10
aghhh,,i choose woo bin.but i wont yongshin together.ottokke dear