Silly Love (*,~)/

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 "Hyung, why you have to walk so fast. Wait for me, " HongKi have to run to catch up. I hate the way MinHyuk smile to me. This stupid HongKi don't even understand that I like that smart girl. 

 I remember the first day we meet. She was with Krystal that time. Her sweet smile make me amazed. She kind of girl that hard to get. I love the way she laugh with Krystal. When they together, she so friendly and talkative. But she stop talking every time I'm around her. I wonder what if she really reading her book or pretend like she did just to ignore me. 

 Her cold expression when she look at me make me harder to breathe. Why did she hate me so much?. What have I done?. Or maybe she like me?. I don't think so. I never saw her jealous when I'm with Yoona. I hate when I can't read her mind. She so stubborn!.

  "What happen to Hyung?. Why he look angry?, " I stopped walking to face him. Should ni tell him to stay away from her?. Why can't he realized by himself?. No, I can't reveal my unsure feeling. 

  "It is because someone stupid hugs her favourite girl, " MinHyuk sarcastic smile like a slap on my face. HongKi look confused. He scratch his head try to figure out what happen. 

  "Who hugs Yoona?. Lets go. He really need to be beat," I can't belueve this silly HongKi. No wonder he got the last place. MinHyuk still look at me with his sarcastic smile. Like challenging me to tell HongKi the truth. 

  "Yahh. Pabo. Why you have to like that girl?. Don't you have someone else to like?. She arrogant,stubborn. She hate stupid person like you. What wrong with your eyes?, " HongKi smile like crazy guy. His face suddenly turn red. Make me wanna punch him. Don't he dare to think about her.

  "Ohhh. Why did I feel like Hyung know her better than me?. But she cute. She kind to everyone. She don't have to be friendly. I prefer her to be kind than friendly. I will be jealous seeing her talks to other guy, " That what I feel too. I feel insecure seeing her with other guy. I heard that there was a student from other school that really like her. He was the football captain team of Ja

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hello..i know im always on off a bad author cuz I'm sooooo lazy.. hehe..I will travel on 18 until I'm trying to finish it.


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snowberry262 #1
Chapter 19: We are your friends here eonni and we love you so much. Please be positive and stay strong ^__^ Fighting!
Starligthangelcnblue #2
Chapter 19: eonnie dont give up please dont we understand you are a woman and we are also woman we live the same things you do please message me
jacqueline1215 #3
Chapter 19: I hope everything is ok with you.. Please don't get discourage.
kyonkichi #4
Chapter 19: hi authornim. tq for updating bt i dnt think i get this this a teaser or u saying ur nt writing any ff anymre? if its the latter, then what? why? hw long? (yoorae pinocchio style) ur fics r rly gd, i esp like mistake n still bt if u decide to stop, then i'll jst accept it. still, tq for ur fics..
ratriana #5
Chapter 18: thanks dongsaeng,lastnigth unnie reading Still as bed unnie just have time to read this right now,as bed story too before afternoon time have vacations more often with him huhhh,so u will update more often unnie ask him to take you go vacations often,hehe.saranghe dongsaeng..
Starligthangelcnblue #6
Chapter 18: omg dammm debak ohh goshhh so dammm cute yong kidnaper and make her yours again
jacqueline1215 #7
Chapter 17: Omg so that how they started. So woo bin knows that not his son.. Wonder what gonna happen to them.. Thanks for iupdating
ratriana #8
Chapter 16: i,m the yesterday holiday give u idea to continue the story?unnie wait for the next chapter,dong hung it too long.or unnie will haunt you too.
kyonkichi #9
Chapter 16: oh authornim, tq for updating anothr great chp! big hugs! regardless of this new revelation, i still wnt sh to end up with wb cos i think sh love wb too even b4 yh come. she jst didnt realised it yet. most imprtant, wb loves her vry much even since then..
ratriana #10
aghhh,,i choose woo bin.but i wont yongshin together.ottokke dear