Not So Easy

Heartbreaker || HunHan Shortstory

When Luhan came home that day, he went straight to his room, threw his backpack away and fell down on his bed.

A couple tears that he had been able to hold back for so long, managed to slip through. He grabbed his pillow and curled up against it, pulling his arms around it.

It didn’t take long before his ringtone could be heard. He already knew who it was. On his way home, he’d texted Baekhyun: Sehun’s a , I saw the picture.

He took his phone out of his pocked. ‘Hey’, he snuffed, holding his phone against his ear.

‘Are you home?’, Baekhyun asked.


‘Okay, great, I’ll just come in then’.

‘Thanks’, Luhan said, after which he put his phone away.

Only a couple seconds later, he heard steps on the stairs. Baekhyun opened the door. ‘Aw... Luhan’, he said, closing the door after him and walking over to the bed.

Luhan sad up straight and wiped some tears from his cheeks.

Baekhyun sad down next to him and laid an arm around his shoulders. ‘Did someone send it to you?’, he asked.

‘No, I saw it on someone else’s phone’, Luhan answered while he laid his head on Baekhyun’s schoulder. ‘I should’ve listened to you...’. More tears rolled down his cheeks.

Baekhyun pulled him into a comforting hug. ‘It’s not your fault’, he said.

‘The way you talked about him, I thought he’d changed too’.

‘Well, he hasn’t’. Luhan wiped away some tears again. ‘At first I was so mad, I wanted to rip his eyes out, but-‘.

Baekhyun interrupted him by laughing. He leaned back a little and looked at him. ‘You could never to that’.

Luhan sighed. ‘I know, but I wanted to. Now I feel empty... Is that normal?’.

Baekhyun nodded. ‘That’s exactally what I feel whenever I fight with Chanyeol. First I want to kill him, but then I miss him’.

Luhan’s face saddened. ‘At least you always get back together’. New tears began to fall from his eyes.

‘oh, no, no! Don’t think about that’. Baekhyun tried to wipe the tears away. ‘Luhan, for real, you don’t deserve him, you deserve someone who will make you smile, not someone who makes you cry’.

Luhan blinked a couple times. ‘Thanks...’, he muttered.

‘Seriously, you will find someone who will love you forever, not some dickhead who will cheat on you. Look at you! You are so beautiful! Let him know that you don’t need him. He’ll regret it’.

Luhan nodded. ‘I will, thank you’.

This is why he texted Baekhyun. Only Baekhyun was able to tell him such things and make him feel better.

He took a deep breath. ‘Oh, I will’.




To be honest, Luhan had been thinking about a way to give Sehun his payback the entire night. He wasn’t able to sleep anyway. He thought about how he wouldn’t look at him, straight up ignore him or say some awefull things to him. In his head, it were great plans. Unfortunetally enough, they didn’t work in person.

It was the next day right before school started. Sehun was walking though the school halls. All he had been thinking about was how stupid he’d been. He had found someone who genuinely cared about him and ofcourse he had to screw it up. But he was determinded that this wasn’t the end.

So, his face brightened when he suddenly saw Luhan walking ahead of him. ‘Luhan!’, he shouded.

The older boy didn’t look around, but his shoulders tensed, which meant that he had heard him.

‘Luhan!’, Sehun shouded again again. He started running.

It was as if Luhan only started walking faster.

‘Hey!’. Sehun grabbed Luhan’s wrist and stopped him.

Luhan pulled his wrist out of Sehun’s hand. ‘Don’t touch me’, he said, but way less harsh then he had intented to. He wanted to just walk away, but he couldn’t bring himself to.

Instead, his gaze kept clued to Sehun’s face. He looked a little hurt, which surprised Luhan.

‘Look, I know you saw the picture and I’m sorry, I don’t know why-‘.

‘I don’t want your apology’. Luhan shook his head and looked away. Although he still liked Sehun, an apology was way too easy.

‘C’mon don’t be like this...’, Sehun said, trying to get the eye contact back.

‘How can I not be like this?’. Luhan turned his head to Sehun again. ‘How would you feel if I cheated on you?’.

Sehun’s expression changed to thoughfull for a moment. ‘Well, we weren’t really dating, so you can’t call it ‘cheating’, really...’.

Luhan’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his face. Withour saying anything, he turned around again in an attempt to walk away.

Sehun sighed, grabbed Luhan’s shoulder and turned him around again.

‘I said don’t touch me!’, he shouted, way more confident now.

Sehun let go of him, shocked by the sudden outburst and the fact that Luhan’s eyes were slowly becoming a little red. ‘I didn’t mean it like-‘.

‘How did you mean it then?’.

‘I was just...’, he started, but stopped talking once he saw Baekhyun walking around the corner.

Once they made eye contact, Baekhyun’s expression changed. ‘Hey!’, he shouted, rushing over to them.

Luhan looked over his shoulder, relieved that Baekhyun was here to help him.

‘Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage already?’, he asked Sehun, who rolled his eyes.

‘Can you please just go away? I was talking to Luhan’.

Baekhyun frowned. ‘Don’t you tell me what to do, go away youself, you stupid cheating dickhead’.

‘I hope I didn’t hear that right’, Jongdae suddenly said.

The three of them turned their heads.

Jongdae came walking up to them. ‘You didn’t really call him that? Did you?’.

Baekhyun crossed his arms. ‘I did, what are you gonna do about it? huh?'.

Jongdae clenched his jaw. He stepped forward. ‘Listen, you arrogant-‘.

‘Not here’, Sehun said, laying his hand on Jongdae’s shoulder and pulling him backwards.

At that moment, the bell rang.

‘You’re lucky this time’, Jongdae said.

Baekhyun laughed a little. ‘I’m not afraid of you’.

Jongdae stepped forward again, only to be grabbed by his arm by Sehun and get dragged away. ‘We’re not done yet!’, he managed to shout.

Sehun sighed. He should find another way to get Luhan.



I'm not even going to waste your time by trying to apologize for not uploading for so long. I have a new tecknique, tho: First writing the entire story & then uploading it on aff.
Sounds way better, doesn't it :D ??

Anyways, thank you for reading, you're awesome !!

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noemimart #1
Chapter 11: Wow! The ending was too sudden. I was expecting more.
Chapter 11: they made up!!! :)
Chapter 11: Awww they finally made up! I almost start crying when Sehun walked away because he was so hurt ;;-;;
Chapter 9: I find it cute that they keep saying cheating when they weren't together in the first place xD
Romeee #5
Chapter 9: Hampsink wat doe jij omg :(
faithlu #6
Chapter 8: My poor baby! He doesn't deserve it! ;;-;;
Sehun better have a good as hell plan to make it up I swear!
theCraft #8
theCraft #9
Chapter 7: woooooow cute to an in 0 flat....
Chapter 7: Omg Sehun you did not do that! WHAT ABOUT LUHAN YOU IDIOT?!
Luhan is probably gonna see it and then it's going to run home while crying and Sehun will be tuning after him or something idk >.<