Chapter 6

Sparkling Night
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Seohyun arrive in front of the gate of her house in Seoul hesitate to come in. However she thinks about it, she doesn't know if it was the right decision she was making, to let go of her love and marry someone else for the sake of her family's business. She already promised to her mother anyway.


The door was open showing up her shock servant, before she run to call her mother in her bedroom. Her mother come not long after, blinking her eyes twice afraid if it was only an imaginary scene she pictured in her head before taking Seohyun in her embrace. "Joohyun-ah, you are back." She whispered before her tears run down freely in her cheek. "Are you alright?" Her mother was checking on her from top to toe to make sure that nothing happen to her, even a little scratch.


Seohyun nodded, a tear escaping her eye, too overwhelmed with the occasion. Her mother brought her to the couch and start asking her where she was hiding. She told her where she was and told her mother how sorry she was.


"How is dad?" she asked.


"He is fine, but doctor told him not to force himself too much with work."


Seohyun was fidgeting in her seat, hesitate to tell her mother if it was okay for her to not marry someone she doesn't know before and she promise she will work harder to prevent the company to collapse as the exchange. Her mother as if can read her thought is holding her hand and smile lightly. "Joohyun-ah, Omma is sorry, you must experience something like this." Hearing her mother comfort words, Seohyun can't find the courage to refuse her mother's request. Her mother arms wrapped her when she broke to tears.


She walks to his father bedroom and find him sleep peacefully. She walks closer and sit beside his father's bed and hold his hand gently.


He was a little bit sick since his business went bankrupt. It was a bad investment he makes when his business partner was cheating on him and takes all his money away. It was almost ruining his own company if not for the loan he borrows from the bank. But the business not goes smoothly somehow, he needs more investment, more money to keep the empire he build since he was young. And her mother came up with the idea, marrying her with an heir to save the company behind his father's back.


Opening his eye slowly, he squeezes her hand, realize he was awake, she smile softly. "Appa? Are you okay?"


"What do you mean? I'm the one who should ask. Are you okay? Where are you all this time?"


"Appa..I.." A tear escape from her eye. It was sadden her to saw her father in this state, yet she still can't do anything to help him. She felt bad to even think of refusing her mother request to help him.


"Sstt..gwaenchana.. As long as you were back safe and healthy, it's fine." The hand wiping her tears is big and warm, although it was stronger in the past. The tears run down freely in that warm embrace.



It's been a week since she came back to Korea but it felt like years already. She terribly misses him, but she should restrain herself from contacting him. They will never happen anyway. She was regret of not taking any pictures of him when she has the chance. Now she can't even saw him, although she can recall it clearly in her head how his feature is. How his signature cheek bursting is whenever he smile. His snaggletooth that is very charming with his crunchy laugh. Can she even use crunchy to describe it? She chuckles at her own silly thought.


Yong.. What are you doing right now?


Her mother is come to her room and sits beside her in bed. "You aren't sleep?"


Seohyun can't even sleep well these days but she only shooking her head and smile slightly as the answer to her mother. "Not yet."


Her mother handed her an envelope, very pretty envelope with a red stamp on it. "What is this?" She asked, curiosly.


Her mother asks her to tear it open. "It's an invitation from the Jung family, to celebrating his son as the new leader of Jung's Group." Her mother explained. "I heard his father wants to match him with one of the daughter in this social circle."


She looked up, searching her mother's eye. "I already sent them a wedding proposal. They said they will consider it. Mr. Jung is your father close friend in this circle so we can have a high chance to get this if only Mr. Jung is the one making decision." Her mother is looking at her intensly. "But Mr.Jung wants his Son to consider it himself and making the decision. So.. Joohyun-ah, I want you to prepare for the event. No matter what, you should get his attention. Remember our family is at the stake."


Seohyun is just at a loss of words. She can’t refuse what her mother's wants and she can't be selfish either.


Is this the only way?




Yonghwa was walking back and forth in his new office. It's been a week since he can't contact her. He was trying to call her but the number he was trying to reach was no longer available and he try to ask his assistant to reach her in his apartment in France yet the place was find empty. He is devastated as to where she is belongs. Did something ha

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hero622 #1
Chapter 16: i reread (again) this story, and realize (omg) its been 5th years ago since your last updated..
i hope you’ll continue this story authornim, because i want our YS to be happy in this story.. kkkkkk

p.s still waiting for your update! fighting!!
now i remember. this was the first ever YS fanfic that i read. my baptism of fire, so to speak. LOL!
CoreZone_69 #3
Chapter 16: Hello...NEW subscdiber her...and waiting cot ur updTe.
Chapter 16: Please update soon ( ^ - ^ )
rinyyulia #5
Chapter 16: Authornim.....are you there?
Ironcatnguyen #6
Please update this fic soon! I'm waiting for you!
cayoon #7
Chapter 16: please update this story authornim..i'm waiting for this story..>.<
marquez #8
update pls.
heejung1489 #9
Chapter 16: pls update your story~
Universrun #10
Please update this story it's really nice please
don't stop I really love this story and I really wanna know what happen until the end. please continue
fighting authornim !!