I'm losing it...

Fairy Tales



Daehyun doesn’t know a thing about fairy tales… or should I say Disney fairy tales…


A pair of soft and plump lips fell on YoungJae’s in a pure and chaste kiss. At first just gently touching his, staying on his, enjoying the feeling of just the softness, then moving slightly and at the end nibbling on the younger’s bottom lip. YoungJae stirred in his sleep, the enchanting feeling drawing him in, making him respond to the kiss. It felt like he was kissing a cloud, so fluffy? The kiss was just so very blissful. The lips against his felt so gentle and tender. YoungJae felt butterflies fluttering in his heart, making him want to never pull away. It was just that sweet.   


YoungJae knitted his brows slightly when he felt the sudden shifting of weight on top of him and than realization dawned on him. His eyes snapped open to Daehyun straddling him. With lips still against YoungJae’s, Daehyun mumbled “Good morning Cinderella”

YoungJae’s eyes widened. “umfff!” He tried to push the older boy off him but when it was of no use; YoungJae’s reflexes kicked in and he kicked Daehyun off him with a knee to the gut. Sitting up straight, he glared at the boy on the floor. “What the heck Dae!?”


“What?!?” Daehyun replied dumbfounded. “Aish~ YoungJae… Is this what I get for waking you up with true loves first kiss??”  


“What? T-true loves-?” YoungJae glared at the older boy for ruining his sleep and… well kissing him without permission or his knowledge and for making his cheeks burn. ‘Stupid cheeks’


“True loves first kiss” Daehyun replied cutely.


“True loves first kiss?” YoungJae repeated in the ‘you’re unbelievable’ tone, rubbing his temple to calm himself down. “Daehyun… you know it’s our day off right?”

Daehyun nodded like a happy cute little puppy. “Then why the heck would you wake me up!?! We never get to sleep in!”


“Well… I just thought my little mermaid shouldn’t be kept locked up in this big bad room forever and get breakfast with me!”


YoungJae blinked. “What?”  


“What?” Daehyun asked confused but still smiling with glee. 


“Never mind” YoungJae waved his hand dismissingly. ‘I’m not going to get it anyway, might as well just let it pass…’ YoungJae thought to himself before replying “Let me freshen up”




The dorm was very silent today as it was B.A,P’s day off after quite some time. It was very much acceptable that everyone was still resting or so they thought until DaeJae spotted a disheveled Himchan sitting on the sofa and intensively staring at the door.   


“Hyung… if you keep staring at the door like that, you’re going to burn holes through it” Daehyun commented  “and then we are going to need a new door and  I’m not going to pay for something I didn’t break… or ruin… or eat… or-”


“Yeah we get it Daehyun” YoungJae interjected.


Himchan was going to make a snarky comment but whatever he was going to say was cut short with the clicking sound of the door, indicating it was being unlocked. Himchan promptly stood up and went to stand infront of the door waiting for the person to come in, leaving YoungJae and Daehyun to watch from the side lines.


The door opened and a very tired eyed leader Bang entered the dorm, only to stop in his tracks as he saw a fuming Himchan. The ends of Yong guk’s lips instantly turned upwards into a breathtaking smile. He moved closer to the male for a hug, only to be rejected.


“Did you eat?” came the question.




“You look horrible.”




“One day… Yong guk… we get ‘one day’ off and you just spend the night composing!!”


Himchan went on, basically due to his concern for his lover as Yong guk listened with soft smiles and tried to calm him down but it was of no use. Daehyun who had a glass of water in his hand, came close to YoungJae and whispered “Beauty and the Beast”


YoungJae shook his head and whispered back “yah… don’t call Yong guk hyung a beast”


“Who said I was talking about Yong guk hyung” Daehyun replied before drinking the water, only to spit it back out (Thankfully not on YoungJae) when he heard Yong guk soothe Himchan by calling him “baby...” That earned him not only YoungJae’s surprised and slightly disgusted and unimpressed expression but also both his elder hyungs attention.


“Let’s go to my room… Chanie” Yong guk said, almost whispering the last part as he pulled Himchan along with him towards his room.

“Himchan hyung!” YoungJae called out. “Who’s going to make us breakfast?”


“Just eat an apple or something” Himchan replied before he disappeared in Yong guks room.


YoungJae shrugged “might as well…” He said more to himself than anyone else as he picked up the reddest apple from the fruit basket. Just as he was about to take a bite;


“Rapunzel No!” Daehyun screeched and slapped away the apple from YoungJae’s hand that went flying until falling on the floor and then rolling away.




“Don’t you know you can’t eat anything that Captain Hook tells you to?” Daehyun said with seriousness, putting his hands on YoungJae’s shoulders to make the younger of the two look at him. “tsk… what will you do without me…”


YoungJae blinked “Who the heck is Captain Hook?!!”


“Himchan hyung” Daehyun said as a matter of factly.


“I thought he was the beast”


Daehyun let go of YoungJae “How can Himchan hyung be the beast? He’s too pretty to be a beast”


“And Captain Hook is pretty?” YoungJae really wanted to face palm right now. “Than what should I eat? Prince not so charming”


Daehyun grinned cheekily. “Does my princess want me to make them breakfast?”


This only caused YoungJae to roll his eyes. He was so going to punish the maknaes! This was probably all their fault. They must have made Daehyun watch Disney movies with them. Was that what they were doing up all night? He was going to skin them alive!


Murderous thoughts… murderous thoughts… that were what YoungJae were having as he watched Daehyun cooking around the kitchen and singing something… God forbid that YoungJae understood. But all those thoughts disappeared as soon as Daehyun placed the food on the table. It was everything that YoungJae liked and in the end he couldn’t help but smile at the goofball in front of him who had this huge happy grin on his face.


“You’re really happy today, aren’t you Dae?”


“mhm” Daehyun smiled.


YoungJae couldn’t take his eyes off Daehyun as the older boy took off the apron, to think that he would even look cute in that. YoungJae mumbled out a soft “Thanks” It was barely audible but Daehyun heard it none the less. Both of them ate breakfast comfortably while stealing glances of the one another from time to time.




JongUp rubbed his eyes as he came out of his room with a sleepy Zelo tagging along behind. Both the maknaes went to the kitchen, ignoring the hyungs that were probably getting ready to go outside.


“hyung? Where are you guys going?” Zelo asked, sitting on the table.


YoungJae had just seated himself on the sofa to wear his shoes “Oh… just up till the convenience store. Do you guys want some-thing…...” His words got dragged in the end as Daehyun sat down on one knee and picked up his shoe and made YoungJae wear it.


“It’s a perfect fit…” He looked up and YoungJae swore the look on Daehyuns face made his heart skip a beat that is until… “… Kida”




Zelo and JongUp suddenly had to hold in their laughs but a snicker left JongUp none the less.


“ow!” Daehyun held his nose as he groaned. Rubbing his nose Daehyun quickly got up after YoungJae and called in his Busan accent “YoungJae”


Was it just him or Daehyun suddenly sounded really cool? YoungJae cursed inwardly ‘stupid Busan mode’

He turned around “what?” Only to suddenly have a white colored artificial flower from their decoration flowers being infront of his face. Daehyun smiled, taking YoungJae’s hand and placing the flower in his hand. YoungJae raised an eyebrow. He really shouldn’t be surprised by Daehyun now…




YoungJae could feel the heat creeping up to his cheeks when Daehyun lips made contact with the soft skin of his cheek. “Let me get my wallet…”

YoungJae couldn’t move for a second. He looked down at the flower in his hand and smile broke out on his lips. A cough from Zelo interrupted his thoughts. He looked up to see the maknaes knowing grins.


“What?” YoungJae shook his head “haha this? This is nothing… don’t give me that look.” He stated, pointing the flower at the two “that look is for Himchan hyung alone. Only he gets flustered by it. You can’t use that on me”


“Sure~ hyung” JongUp grinned.


“What? No no no” YoungJae waved his hands “ah… why me?” YoungJae let out a heavy sigh as he looked at the picture of him and Daehyun that was placed on one of the shelves. ‘Who the heck put this here?’ YoungJae thought to himself as he walked towards the picture frame.


“If there's a prize for rotten judgment…” YoungJae touched the frame. “I guess I've already won that…” He turned the frame down. JongUp and Zelo looked at each other. “Is hyung really doing this?” Zelo whispered to JongUp who shrugged in return.


“No man is worth the aggravation

that’s ancient history, been there, done that!”


“Who’d’ ya think you're kiddin'

He's the Earth and heaven to you

Try to keep it hidden

Hyung, we can see right through you…”  JongUp started singing. He stopped for a second with a smile on his face to look at Zelo, urging him to sing along.


“er.. Gi- I mean boy, ya can't conceal it

we know how ya feel and

who you're thinking of~” Zelo continued.


YoungJae scoffed “No chance, no way… I won't say it, no, no”


“You swoon, you sigh

why deny it, uh-oh” The maknaes sang in sync.


“It's too cliché

I won't say I'm in love” YoungJae continued


“I thought my heart had learned its lesson

it feels so good when you start out

my head is screaming get a grip, Jae!

Unless you're dying to cry your heart out

Oh” Hitting his sweet and smooth notes.


The maknae enthusiastically sang their part

“You keep on denying

who you are and how you're feeling

Baby, we're not buying

Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling

Face it like a grown-up

When ya gonna own up

that ya”


“got,” Zelo shot arrows at JongUp.


 “got,” JongUp returned the arrow shot


“got it bad~” They both sang together again with happy grins.



Himchan groaned ‘what the heck were those guys doing?!’ He tried snuggling deeper into Yongguk; who just wanted to place kisses all over his lover but it was really hard to do with dongsaengs singing in the background.


YoungJae was singing his part with ease, occasionally singing the notes that came beautifully.

“Whoa: No chance, no way

I won't say it, no, no”


“Give up, give in” JongUp said as he saw YoungJae looking attentively at Daehyuns rooms’ door. A grin crossing YoungJaes lips.

“Check the grin you're in love”


YoungJae quickly interjected

“This scene won't play,

I won't say I'm in love~”


Zelo continued

“You're doin' flips read our lips

you’re in love”


YoungJae denied again

“You're way off base

I won't say it~”


The incredible matchmaker maknae line looked at each and rolled their eyes.

“He won't say… he's in love~”


YoungJae grumpily looked at the two

“Get off my case!

I won't say it”


Himchan’s voice came through the closed door of Yong guk’s room.

“You punks better stop singing and keep it down before I come out their and spank all of you!! Aish~ Don’t make me come out there!!”


JongUp and Zelo quickly scrambled away with their food to JongUp’s room.


And then Himchan’s voice came again. “and yah! Yoo YoungJae! Shessh!

Don’t be proud

It's O.K. you're in love! We all know it!”


And YoungJae smiled to himself alone, holding the white flower in his hand.


At least out loud,

I won't say I'm in love…”



As on que Daehyun jumped out from his room scaring the heck out of YoungJae “Prince Ali!! Fabulous he!! Ali Abab- oh! aww you guys done already??” Daehyun whined. “How could you guys sing without me??”


“Daehyun you were just standing idly inside the room, weren’t you?” YoungJae raised an eyebrow. “Waiting for me to… finish?”


“Yes. No. Maybe… I was looking for my wallet!”


YoungJae groaned “let’s just go…” He said, getting up and making his way towards the door. Daehyun just grinned and ran up to the younger boy, slinging his arm around his shoulder. “You know you sang Mulans’ part perfectly.”


“Shut up…” YoungJae said as he let out a sigh and looked away in embarrassment. “Oh! Wait? Hey! Why the heck am I all the princesses??” YoungJae asked looking at Daehyun.


“You can’t argue now, you just sang a princess’s song” Daehyun hummed joyfully.       



oh my~ so many of you subscribed!! O.O Thank you so much!!! =D I hope you liked the cracked humor though hahaha xD and enjoyed the story. ^^

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Chapter 1: cant stop laughing when daebutt call yjae rapunzel HAHA
Rojas1994 #2
Chapter 1: this is the cutes thing i have read i loved it
felixlalala #3
Chapter 1: TOO MUCH CUTE >▽< ♥♥
Chapter 1: Omo~~ Disney-romantic-pick up line? Kkk~ They R cute. Dae is so damn cheesy. N Jae, don't lie with urself, Ur Cutie-pie^^ BangHim moment, little, but it's perfectly-adorable. Duo maknae's so naughty; enjoy teasing their hyungs^3^
candypunch #5
Chapter 1: OMGosh lol this story was everywhere
So mega cute <3
KeyboardHero #6
Chapter 1: So cute :3 I love Disney princess \(//∇//)\