
Love is a Verb

Note: (unbeta-ed. congrats my infiniteu oppars in this MAMA 2014! you guys rock. and sorry for this delay cos i was preoccupied with various things. thanks for the comments they're so awesome i feel like i dont deserve them. you guys are the best. *hugs*)


Since he has his hoodie on, people don’t recognize Myungsoo. But even though it’s like that, some people take a double turn to look at him closely. Not like he can help it really. Being the visual of Infinite Power, it is given that people will recognize him even when he wears a potato sack with disheveled hair and grease.  

His phone rings and seeing it is their manager, he remembers that he’s supposed to go back as soon as possible. Myungsoo answers it quickly but before he can utter a word of apology, he is cut by his manager’s words.

“Where are you? I need you to go here as soon as you can. I’ll message you the address. Please make sure that no one recognizes you. Hurry.” his manager says and the line is dead.

He wonders why the call is abrupt. Something is off…

Few minutes pass and Myungsoo arrives at his destination. With his hands in his pockets, he enters the restaurant. He asks a passing waiter that he has people waiting on him under a reservation. The waiter assists him to the private room that he asked. Sending him off with a respectful bow, Myungsoo opens the door and meets the eyes of s and their manager. The atmosphere is tense and he has no idea why. But he has this feeling that it’ll go badly because the company president is also present in this so-called dinner.

“Myungsoo, you’re here.” their manager says and heaves a sigh of relief.

“So tell me how you caused this mess.”, their company president calmly asks. He stares at the three of them and casts him a glance. Lee Jung Wook, a man in his thirties, looks regal in his three piece suit while leaning in his seat with his arms crossed.

One thing about Jung Wook is that he knows exactly if a person is talented or not. He looks at his talents as if they are fruits. Whether you are an unripe fruit: needs more training and appeal or a ripe one: the ones who possess great potentials or prodigies at birth. Or a rotten one: the ones with 1% talent and 99% effort kind. If you would ask where Myungsoo belongs at his first years of being a trainee (according to Jung Wook), it would be the third one. The reason why he is still in the company is because JungWook told him that he is a “pretty face that girls will love ”. And it pisses Myungsoo to the core because he is definitely not just a pretty face. He is a musician not a ing flower boy.

“It wasn’t our fault really.”, Sunggyu says meekly and looks at Hoya and Sungjong as if pleading for help.

“I remember that I specifically told you many times to tell your managers--”, Wook continues.

Hoya interrupts,“We know but--”

Myungsoo is confused. What mess are they talking about? And they’re the one who caused it? How is that even possible? All he did is having his regular coffee fix and that’s it. He is alone all day after all so he speaks up before any confusion in his mind ensues.

“Wait. I don’t understand. I’m not really following this conversation at all.”

The president sighs and says to the manager. “Show him.” Their manager fiddles with his phone and hands it to him shakily.

It is a video file and Myungsoo clicks play. He isn’t sure where it is taken but he is sure that in the video there’s Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungjong. Sunggyu has his cap on while Hoya and Sungjong has their sunglasses. At the first twenty seconds of the video, the three is seen to be having a fun and lively discussion with themselves. He can hear random girls whispering in video. (Is it them? Sungjong is so cute. I wonder where’s Myungsoo? Can I take a selca with them? This is so daebak!). As seconds passed, he notices that girls are starting to crowd the three. Then all of a sudden, the camera shakes violently making Myungsoo dizzy. Even so, he sees how the girls mobbed the three and smothered them almost to death. High pitch screams can be heard. Then the video rotates at a 360 degree angle and everything suddenly stops.

Myungsoo may not be sharp but he’s not dumb. He knows that something bad happened after the last frame of that video.

“The issue here is not only how you managed to go out without telling us but your safety too. What if you got hurt? What if those fans got hurt? Or worse died? We cannot compensate for their lives. I just hope you keep this in mind. You should be more cautious of your actions. Be responsible, guys. Just because I give you the freedom you have now doesn’t mean you have to abuse it.”

The president looks really disappointed in them.

 “Uhm, excuse me… I still can’t see what it has got to do with me. I’m not in that video so why do I feel like I’m being scolded right now too?” Myungsoo breaks the silence.

Jung Wook scoffs as he looks at him. “Really, Myungsoo? They told me that you ditched them so they went off on their own. You have your own share in this mess. Technically.”

Before Myungsoo is confused, now he is ing pissed. He has nothing to do with the incident. If this has something to do with the animosity between him and the three then they’re taking it too far and serious.

“Is that what they told you? That I ran off on my own? Wow… just wow.”, Myungsoo scoffs. He can’t believe that this day would come. The day that he can hurt somebody because of unsuppressed anger.

“It really is Myungsoo’s fault. We told him that we should go together and tell the managers that we’ll just take a look at the area but he refused. He went on his own without even telling us.” Sunggyu says after a short silence. Sungjong nods his head in approval and looks at Hoya for confirmation. Hoya merely shrugs.

Sometimes, you only have yourself to trust. Myungsoo thinks and sighs in defeat. He is no match with these three evil incarnate. If he opens his mouth in protest, he knows that it will be the beginning of the end of his life. He hopes that he talks to them private soon. He needs to set the records straight.

Suddenly a loud gasp is heard.

 “Oh, I see what the problem here is. You hate each other’s guts. Or more specifically, you three hate Myungsoo. It’s a three-on-one battle.”, Jung Wook looks at them as he rubs his chin, looking like an expert detective who unfolded the secrets of a mystery. He stares directly at Myungsoo and announces, “You’re an outcast.”

Congratulations on stating the obvious Mr. President. Myungsoo thinks.

“Well, this is a major problem. I was not aware that a rift has been happening behind our backs.” Jung Wook looks at the managers and asks, “When did you notice this strange behavior of these young lads here, huh?” The managers look at him and shakes their heads, silently saying that they haven’t got the slightest idea that this is happening.

Myungsoo looks at the three and says, “Can I talk to you? In private.” The three exchange glances with each other and nods.

“Oh wait. Here.” Jung Wook stops them and fumbles in his coat pocket. He pulls out four tickets to a cinema and hands it to them. “Take a selfie and upload it on your social media accounts. Go be friends or something.” He waves his hand away. “Come back here after you sort this out.”

 Myungsoo leads the ways and ends up in the emergency fire exit of the restaurant.  The place is deserted so he is pretty sure that no one else will be able to hear their conversation.

“Why did you bother on pulling off something like that? What did I ever do to you?” Myungsoo starts. He knows that the members are not fond of him. He gets that. He just doesn’t get why the three of them must do these extreme measures just to see him suffer like this.

Sunggyu snickers and looks straight in his eyes. “Oh. It was a mistake. Myungsoo-ah.

He closes his eyes and pleads. “Can we please stop it? It is hard enough being miserable when no one’s around. It’s childish. Do you want me to leave the group? Just say it to my face rather than doing all of these things.”

“Not really. Just do your best being an Infinite Power member now that Jae Suk’s gone.” Sunggyu shrugs and puts his hands inside his pocket as if the conversation isn’t a big deal at all but his eyes stated otherwise.

I knew it. Myungsoo counts in his head to hold on his temper. He doesn’t want to get angry at something he has nothing to do with. He has enough roller coasters of emotions for this day.

“Why? Is it my fault that he got kicked out? Did I ask him to leave so I can debut with you guys?” he opens his eyes and looks at them with dissatisfaction.

“Good point. But if Jae Suk was replaced by someone more talented than he was then I wouldn’t be this angry.”

It seems like counting one to ten doesn’t help him calm his temper now. He pushes forth and lands a punch straight to Sunggyu’s jaw. The older stumbles and falls flat on his . Sungjong screams and comes to Sunggyu’s aid immediately and helps him up. Hoya, on the other hand, raises his fist to punch Myungsoo but he abruptly stops. All Myungsoo can do is stare at Hoya’s raised fist and wait for it to make an impact. But Hoya just stares at him intently and studies his face. He drops his hand slowly.

“Hoya-hyung! What are you doing?! Sunggyu-hyung’s hurt.” Sungjong screams at Hoya looking extremely pissed. “Why didn’t you punch him?”

Hoya looks over his shoulder and says, “It’s not worth it. Come on.” He doesn’t wait for Sunggyu or Sungjong to come with him and walks away. Sunggyu glares at Myungsoo, “We’re not yet through, you bastard. You’ll regret what you did to me.” He points at his injured jaw and winces at the pain. “This is just the beginning, Myungsoo.” He marches towards the direction of the restaurant and bumps his shoulder. Sungjong immediately follows, not really giving attention to Myungsoo.  

Myungsoo stands in the middle of the hallway, feeling completely alone and helpless. He never felt so lost.

Little they know, someone is there with them the whole time.


Back at the dorms, Myungsoo sat on his bed with a heavy heart. He doesn’t know what to do anymore. It seems like it’s just yesterday when he is still a normal teenager. He would play basketball and arcade games with his friends then they would go get something to eat. A typical thing for a high schooler like him. But ever since he committed himself to be in this kind of path, he promised to give his all. He doesn’t mind the physical pain due to extreme vocal and dance trainings or the horrible taste of strict diet. All he cares about is getting to the top.

But now all he thinks is how to get out of this mess.

When he first joined the pioneer members of Infinite Power, there were three. He heard a rumor that it was a four member group before but something came up so he was the one to replace him. He also thought that they would welcome him with arm wide open. But he was wrong. They ignore him, only to talk by themselves and excludes Myungsoo from all the activities involving the group. It stings. He didn’t expect that but he refuse to know why they acte that way. He tried to be understanding; convincing himself that it was only for a short time. That the members were only having a tough time to accept the fact they’re going to be with him.

Looking back at this, maybe they hated him after all.

Myungsoo goes to his study table and pull his laptop from its bag. He pushes the power button and the laptop flares to life. He types the address of their fan café and reads the threads in there. Everytime he is stressed out, he always go to their fan café and interact with their fans. This way he can ease up and be reminded that there still people who look out for him. It gives him strength every time he sees a comment telling him to keep on fighting.

Myungsoo sees the latest threads and reads, “Breaking news! Infinite Power in jeopardy?”

He clicks the links and sees and video file uploaded. He presses the little arrow it and the video plays. It is a video of the four of them standing in the fire exit hallway earlier. From the moment he asks what is their problem with him to the moment he punches Sunggyu and Hoya’s disinterest to fight back… Everything is caught on tape. He scrolls down a bit further to look at the comments.

Nolimitlove: “Myungsoo oppa that was so mean TT_TT Sunggyu oppa fighting!!!!!”

hojongshipper: “We want KIM MYUNGSOO OUT OF INFINITE POWER!!!!!”

parkbyuns: “I always knew something was off with that Myung dude. Never ever trust boys with pretty faces.”

canUsmile: “Is this the end of them? Is this a publicity stunt? I’m not buying this.”

GYUmyo:“He’s totally right. Myungsoo is not that great. In fact, HE ING .”

myungswifeu: “Please don’t judge Soo oppa. Maybe this is happening for a reason!!”

ilovegyu: “Bye everyone. I’m leaving this fandom.”


Myungsoo’s hand goes numb and his eyes begin to sting. He doesn’t dare to go down any further of that thread. He knows that there will be more hate in there. Well, maybe not all of it but he is sure that people are convinced that he is the bad guy in their group. That he doesn’t deserve to be in the stage with them.

Probably half the world hates him by now.

Suddenly, his phone starts to ring.


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Sungyeollo #1
Chapter 3: Aw. Myung. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 3: Omg y so meanies!!! Poor myungie!
Chapter 3: Oh no, poor MyungSoo, it's so sad T_T They are so mean with him, I'm kinda afraid of what will happen or what will MyungSoo do...
studentcouncilpres #4
Chapter 2: noona~ Please write more! Update ~ update ~
matsukazeai #5
Chapter 2: omg...this story sooo cute..omg I can't stop smiling ! its sooo sweet kkk..
fighting...I'll wait for ur next update ^_^
kim_cloud #6
Chapter 2: huaaaa... sooo cute!! Myungyeol moment in the first chapter wawawawa.... you exceed my expectation author-nim!! you made a new plot where their meeting was really possible! And I love the trio fools hahaha... they're really awesome! witty yeol, silly namoo, and kind-innocent dongwoo... they're really hilarious and a bit trouble maker hahaha... Love this!! If I could punch the upvote button twice and more I'll definitely do it for this author-nim!!! XDDDD ah and don't forget to update this soon... dramatic effect in the next chapter maybe hahahaha.....
Chapter 2: Awesome stories..
Please do continue this stories because i felt bad if not ending with good chapter..
Please write more...
Chapter 1: Yay in speaking of HSLO can't wait for the next ep when woo n yeol on the floor! Hehe!
Anyways I still love wooyeol drama than myungya!!! Fighting!
Chapter 1: i'll wait for ur update dear,, ^_^
UmmaNi #10
Chapter 1: Looking forward to this. Bullied Myungsoo fic gets me.