Jonghyun Visits 13

I'm a Goner, Somebody Catch My Breath

Kibum moves toward the couch. He peers over at Jonghyun who’s ignoring him for the most part. Jonghyun is far too busy reading the content inside a manila folder. Key brings his legs onto the furniture and hugs them as he continues to watch Jonghyun read.

Jonghyun closes the folder, “let’s talk about the events after the accident shall we?” Kibum doesn’t respond. He swallows nervously at the thought. “I know you’ve dreamt about it often at this point.”

Kibum clears his throat, “I haven’t dreamt about that lately. I’m on a different dream now.”

Jonghyun places the folder on the coffee table, “I know what dream you’ve moved onto, but I have no interest in that dream. Tell me about the accident.”

Key scowls, “why? It seems you already know everything.”

Jonghyun crosses his arms, “you’re very good at avoiding questions. Tell me what happened right after the crash.”

Key shakes his head as he averts his gaze, “We were stranded out there for some time. The road we were driving on seemed to be completely empty. I was able to unbuckle myself from the car and crawl out of the wreckage. Everything was so blurred. I tried to crawl back to the road to try and wave someone down. I could feel my fingers burn every time I dug them into the snow. I remember seeing a figure standing out in the distance. I tried waving at them before flipping over. The cold was beginning to make me sleepy.

“I remember waking up to the people in uniform dragging my body away. I remember yelling at them to get my husband. He hadn’t woken up from the accident and he was still in the car for all I knew. As much as I yelled … they didn’t listen. I wish they had. Some part of me still feels like if they had gotten to him earlier he still would be with me today,” Key pats under his eyes to keep the tears away.

“After the accident you were both sent to the hospital,” Jonghyun continues. Key nods. Jonghyun gestures towards him, “After you were discharged you went home. What happened on the day you went back to visit your husband?”

Kibum mashes his hands together, “he died.”

“Tell me exactly what happened,” Jonghyun pushes.

“He died! That was it! I went to go see him and he died before I could even say goodbye! that fact that he was in a coma! Some part of me needed him to know that I still loved him, whether he was unconscious or not!” Key screams. “I was feet away from that ing room and he died! It’s like I was some ing poison. My presence alone hurt and killed him!”

“So you never saw the body?” Jonghyun questions.

Kibum laughs at the ridiculous question, “oh I saw it all right. It was the stuff of nightmares. He didn’t even look like my husband anymore. All the bruises, the scrapes and the tubes … even with all that color I could see his cold pale skin the clearest.”

Jonghyun reclines into his seat, “did you go to his funeral?”

“No,” Key taps his chin with all four of his fingers.

“Why was that?” Jonghyun inquires.

Kibum quickly moves his hand to rub his temple, “I wasn’t strong enough okay? I needed to grieve alone. Seeing his body the first time was enough.”

“So … you didn’t go,” Jonghyun whispers, “how do you know there was a funeral then?”

“Because I know his loved ones would have held one for him,” Key answers.

“Loved ones,” Jonghyun pauses, “what loved ones?”

“His family,” Kibum glares at Jonghyun for questioning his response.

“So you met his family?” Jonghyun enquires.

“Well … no,” Key staggers.

“How long were the two of you together?” Jonghyun prods.

“Four years,” Kibum mumbles.

“Interesting and in none of those four years did you meet these fabled relatives?” Jonghyun queries.

Key straightens up, “I remember him telling me he wasn’t very close to his family. It’s why I never met them. Even if his family didn’t give him a funeral I’m sure his friends did.”

“So he had friends? Did you ever meet any of his friends? Can you tell me one of their names or give me a description of the people he hung around?” Jonghyun investigates.

Kibum shakes his head wearily, “no … I can’t remember any of them.”

“So how do you know they even existed?” Jonghyun interjects.

“What are you insinuating?” Kibum yells.

“Nothing,” Jonghyun casually waves fit off, “I just think it’s interesting how your mind’s so quick to fill in the blanks with whatever’s convenient. It’s not uncommon for the brain to do that, but still interesting. Have you ever heard of split-brain patients?”

“No,” Key admits.

Jonghyun interlocks his fingers, “It’s a very interesting little group of people that were given a procedure to cure a severe form of epilepsy. Doctors understood a great deal of activity between the left and right hemispheres of the brain occurred when a person had a seizure. A doctor thought of a practice after seeing one of his patients lose his bouts after developing a tumor on the piece of the brain that connected the two hemispheres. The procedure would split the two hemispheres thus keeping the large amount of activity from ever occurring. The doctors always feared the possible results, but decided to test the theory anyway. The patients that were put through the practice found their seizures had lessened, making the remedy a success. It was what would happen next to the patients that was quite intriguing.

“At first it seemed as if nothing was wrong. The patients did not suffer from a split consciousness or a loss of self, as the doctors had theorized. This made was a very confusing end result. It wasn’t until further testing that they finally noticed the little cues that had slipped the researchers watchful eyes. The cues that showed the drawbacks, like slight shifting of the head,” Jonghyun turns his head slightly in both directions, “to feed information to both hemispheres.”

Kibum finds himself intrigued by the story, “how did the doctors find out?”

Jonghyun rubs his hands together, “they isolated the visuals as well as disposed of any other subconscious cues in controlled testing. Once a proper technique was found others played with the idea. It seemed that even though a person felt no change in their personality, they were unaware of the vast difference in personality between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Depending on the tasks the different hemispheres could excel or fall into a default mode, so to speak. The left hemisphere was often a thinker. When given a random pattern of two and asked to guess what would follow, the left would look for a sequence and work from there. The right brain however would look for the more dominant in the pattern and stick to it.

Jonghyun crosses his legs comfortably, “However if the right brain is given something it was specified for, it could also find sequences. The left brain would be at a loss in such areas and become random in its decision making. In another study patients were shown two images to both eyes separately. This showed another inquisitive phenomenon. The test would go like this: A picture of a baby diaper was showed to the right eye and an image of a cow was shown to the other. The patient was then asked to choose from an assortment of pictures visible to both eyes. The right hand chose the baby while the left chose milk. When asked why the person chose the pair the individual would quickly respond with something along the lines of, ‘diapers go on babies and you give babies milk.’

Jonghyun unclasps his hands to set them on both sides of his armrests, “The answer was second nature to the patient, but he was oblivious to the fact that his left hemisphere had completely made up the answer. The left hemisphere had no memory of the cow the left eye saw, so it couldn’t have made the connection that cows produce milk. Instead it saw a hand pick milk and made the unknown answer correspond with what it already knew. It would have been impossible for the patient to have said ‘I don’t know.’ Because the left brain interprets all the information and finds logical answers for unknown results. It refuses to notice its own blind spot. The same goes for everyone else on a much less excessive scale.”

“In reality everyone only sees a very small circle of clear visibility,” Jonghyun traces an invisible circle a good distance away from himself, “everything else is just background or blurred for the most part. We can point at things outside of the circle and name it, but we aren’t really seeing it. In fact we’re barely even focusing on it. What we’re actually doing is remembering what we saw earlier and calling it what it is, or we can see its vague characteristics and discern what it is through memory and quick process of elimination.

“The same can be done with a keyboard. If you were to look at the center of a keyboard, you’re only looking at a small grouping of letters like G, T, F, and H. You think you’re looking at the entire keyboard, but in reality you’re seeing a vague symbol that your mind fills in with the letters you associate that shape with. It also helps that the sequence of letters on a keyboard never changes so you can quickly identify the placement of further keys. Our eyes are meant to pick up on very vague pigments and movement to subconsciously build the world around us. To see everything in our view as clearly as we see our small circle would be too stimulating. It would be too much for our current brain to handle. The brain is a muscle seeing all of that would only strain it. Our brains do so much with so little recognition of it,” Jonghyun shakes his head, “It’s why it has always angered me to hear people say we only use ten percent of our brain. It’s feels as though that person is belittling all that the brain does, almost taking it for granted.”

Key rubs his head, “you … said a lot right now.”

Jonghyun laughs, “I know. I became a bit side tracked, but my argument still stands! How much of what you’re saying is true and how much is your brain filling in the rest?”





Cookies! I got two more subs :D I welcome my new cookies. Also thank you for the upvote. Oh my goodness thank you so much Cephei! I'm not sure when you'll get to read this, but I want you to know I appreciate the kind words >.< Lol don't worry Moveslikeshinee I'm not very good at writing so it will probably hurt me more than you. May I ask why their are quotes over ghost? Thank you Yamilin :3 So you think Minho's a time traveler? 0.o

P.S: you guys... Ode to Sleep by Twenty One Pilots is my life right now.

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Kairi_Moon #1
Chapter 74: That was a good story. Good job.
Engravedintomyskin #2
Chapter 74: TT_TT I will miss you so much I loved this story so much. I hope you have a bright future thank you. XD
thepaperpackage #3
Thank you for giving the story an audience. I really appreciate it cookies. Thank you DarkScene13 I'll miss you too TT^TT
thepaperpackage #4
Saina96, Minho was Key and Key was Minho ... does it make sense? I was afraid it wouldn't v.v
DarkScene13 #5
Chapter 74: Very sad ending, I'll miss this story like no other. Goodbye Author, thanks for all the great times we've shared, maybe there will be a next time.......I'll miss you
Saina96 #6
Chapter 74: Oooo sad ending T__T your writing touched me so much , it was a great mysterious sad story!
I'm also happy because after all of my dumb theories one was true ^_^ remember ? The one I said white rooms were for madhouse or something?!
But there's something I still don't get it...umm at the ending who died?or was it just minho leaving key to work abroad?how can minho and kibum be one person? O_O
thepaperpackage #7
Because they did have to leave, and they did leave. They had some abroad work they were asked to take care of.
Oh god, i can't believe i was right asdfghskajhs
Just one more question! Why were 'Minho' and Jinki always saying that they had to leave?
thepaperpackage #9
I was planning to write shorts to explain your questions further, but I'll have to think it over.
thepaperpackage #10
Moveslikeshinee, yes he was Minho the whole time. Jinki was Minho's (who is Key) co-worker and friend. 'Minho' couldn't shower with Key because of his injury. He would've needed to cover it before getting wet. That man was the guy who Key when he was in the psychiatric facility. The room number Key had for that place was seven.