Jonghyun Visit 11

I'm a Goner, Somebody Catch My Breath

Kibum sits hunched outside of the restroom, silent.

Jonghyun takes a seat next to him, “may I ask why you’re sitting outside of the restroom.” Key taps his index finger against his lip, his expression remains vacant.

He points into the room with a shaky finger, “I’m scared of the shower again.”

“Again? You were scared of it before?” Jonghyun asks. Kibum nods, his lip begins to quiver as his eyes water. Jonghyun places a reassuring hand on the still pointed finger, “when did this fear start?”

Key blinks allowing a tear to escape his red eyes, “after the dream. The one of Minho and me in the shower.” Kibum begins to groan as he grabs at his hair aggressively. Jonghyun tries to pull the shaky hands out of Key’s hair. Proving unsuccessful, Jonghyun pulls him in for a hug. He covers Kibum’s free ear before beginning to hum. “No, no, no, no, no!” Kibum screeches as he shoves Jonghyun away. “What are you? Who are you! Why does my ghost know that?” Key bellows as he moves to his feet.

Jonghyun stands up slowly, “Key, please calm down.”

Don’t tell me to calm down!” Kibum shouts as he backs away slowly.

Jonghyun steps forward in response, holding his hand ahead of himself, “all right, okay. You’re not in the right frame of mind, Key. I’m trying to help you.”

“Are you!” Kibum yells. He turns away, bolting for the kitchen. He opens a drawer hastily. He pulls out a knife and holds it up to his neck.

“Key, stop!” Jonghyun screams. He cautiously steps forward.

“Don’t move!” Kibum yelps pressing the blade onto his throat.

Jonghyun freezes, “all right, fine. I’ll stop moving. Let’s just talk.”

“Talk about what,” Key spits past a windfall of tears.

“Let’s talk about you. I want to talk about you,” Jonghyun speaks in a hushed tone. Kibum doesn’t respond. “Tell me about your husband.”

“I loved him. I loved him so much,” Kibum’s crying becomes harsher.

“I know you did, Key,” Jonghyun tilts his head as he whispers, “tell me more.”

“He,” Key’s short unmanageable breaths make it difficult for him to speak, “was a good person. He didn’t deserve what I did to him. He didn’t deserve it.”

“What did you do, Key” Jonghyun questions.

“I killed him,” Kibum snivels. Jonghyun begins to step forward, “stop! Stop right there.” A hand grabs at Key’s knife. An arm wraps around Kibum restraining him. Key struggles with his assailant for control of the knife.


“I told you—

The words fade into a hollow sound.




Cookies ... I slept all day yesterday. I really like your ideas Saina96. Lol yeah I know moveslikeshinee, sorry. Thank you, Yamilin. :D Please don't be sad that its ending guys, you'll make me sad T^T 

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Kairi_Moon #1
Chapter 74: That was a good story. Good job.
Engravedintomyskin #2
Chapter 74: TT_TT I will miss you so much I loved this story so much. I hope you have a bright future thank you. XD
thepaperpackage #3
Thank you for giving the story an audience. I really appreciate it cookies. Thank you DarkScene13 I'll miss you too TT^TT
thepaperpackage #4
Saina96, Minho was Key and Key was Minho ... does it make sense? I was afraid it wouldn't v.v
DarkScene13 #5
Chapter 74: Very sad ending, I'll miss this story like no other. Goodbye Author, thanks for all the great times we've shared, maybe there will be a next time.......I'll miss you
Saina96 #6
Chapter 74: Oooo sad ending T__T your writing touched me so much , it was a great mysterious sad story!
I'm also happy because after all of my dumb theories one was true ^_^ remember ? The one I said white rooms were for madhouse or something?!
But there's something I still don't get it...umm at the ending who died?or was it just minho leaving key to work abroad?how can minho and kibum be one person? O_O
thepaperpackage #7
Because they did have to leave, and they did leave. They had some abroad work they were asked to take care of.
Oh god, i can't believe i was right asdfghskajhs
Just one more question! Why were 'Minho' and Jinki always saying that they had to leave?
thepaperpackage #9
I was planning to write shorts to explain your questions further, but I'll have to think it over.
thepaperpackage #10
Moveslikeshinee, yes he was Minho the whole time. Jinki was Minho's (who is Key) co-worker and friend. 'Minho' couldn't shower with Key because of his injury. He would've needed to cover it before getting wet. That man was the guy who Key when he was in the psychiatric facility. The room number Key had for that place was seven.