Kyumin: Everlasting Love (part 3)

Behind the Last Curtain Call

Sungmin’s POV

Ring… ring… ring…

I heard my phone ring as Kyuhyun came in our shared room. “Aren’t you answering that?” he asked as he gave me a back hug. His back hugs always make me forget about my worries and troubles. It’s as if the time stopped and the only thing that mattered was the two of us in that moment, nothing else.

I just shook my head no. The phone stopped ringing and within a few seconds, it rang again.

“Why not? It might be important,” he reasoned as he fiddled with my hair.

I cannot help but feel guilty as I could feel a pang of pain in my heart.

“Kyu…” I muttered almost inaudibly.

He just replied with a hum and a peck on my cheeks.

The phone rang for the third time and this time Kyuhyun swiped his finger to answer the call and held the phone by my ear.

“Hello…” I answered as I took the phone from his hands.

“Hi honey, I’ve been calling you since this morning. Why didn’t you answer?” my mom scolded me.

I rolled my eyes as Kyuhyun guided me to the edge of the bed and made me sit at the edge. He sat behind me and began massaging my back.

“I didn’t want to hear what you have to say,” I thought to myself. I released a long sigh and instead of saying what I really wanted to say to my mom, I answered her and said, “My phone was on silent since we were rehearsing,” I lied.

“I understand honey,” my mom said. “Listen… I talked to Saeun’s parents and they said that they have an extra ticket for Saeun’s musical. Why don’t you go? You mentioned before that you have a week off next week right? Why don’t you go to the musical and go on a couple of dates with her,” my mom proposed.

“But mom… a few of the Super Junior members and I were going to Jeju for a few days,” I replied as my anger began to rise.

Ever since my musical’s opening night, my mom has been setting Saeun and I together. It’s not just my parents though, her parents are also in on it.

I could feel slight pressure on my back and saw Kyuhyun continue massaging my back. He mouthed, “Are you okay?” I looked at him and saw a look of worry apparent in his face. Seeing him worried about me clenched my heart once again and made me feel guilty.

“You always use that excuse. You guys see each other almost every day. Why can’t you spare a few day for Saeun,” my mom asked.

“Mom… we planned this trip as soon as we were informed that we had a week of vacation without any group activities. You can’t just tell me to cancel my plans,” I complained.

I could feel Kyuhyun giving me a back hug as I took a deep breath.

“I’m your mom and I’m doing this for your own good. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. I’ll contact your manager beforehand and ask him where you are so I can send someone to pick you up from there. You’ll be going to the military soon and you need to get engaged or maybe even get married before you go,” my mom said before she hang up on me.

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. She didn’t even let me speak. She just said what she wanted to say and didn’t even listen with what I had to say. It’s true that I didn’t come out or tell my parents that I’m in a relationship with Kyuhyun but how can they plan my marriage without even consulting me first?

“Are you ok?” I heard Kyuhyun ask as he tightened his embrace. He gave me a peck on my cheek. He then started leaving butterfly kisses on my jaw and continued leaving kisses at the nape of my neck. “Try to relax,” he muttered with his lips still hovering on my skin.

I hope that my parents are just going through a phase because I’m not going to follow their arranged marriage. I cannot imagine myself marrying anyone who isn’t Kyuhyun. Since we’re both in Super Junior, I doubt we can go public with our relationship, much more get married. However, I don’t need a certificate that declares our status. As long as we’re together, that’s all I need.

I never counted the minutes Kyuhyun and I were together before because I knew that we will never separate. We love each other and working together in Super Junior is enabling us to work close to each other. Now it feels as if our time together may be limited.

“Let’s elope,” I managed to say.

Kyuhyun stopped rubbing my shoulders and turned me around. I was looking at him and saw him wipe the tears that already fell from my face.

“What?” he asked as he continued to wipe the tears that never seemed to stop.

“You love me right?” I asked in between tears.

“Of course I do. What’s wrong Min?” he asked. His face scrunched up a bit and saw worry visible in his face.

“I love you Kyu. I’ll receive my draft soon. Let’s enlist together. There’s no minimum age that you have to be to enlist. You don’t have to wait until the last minute. We can do it together,” I explained as tears continued to fall.

I don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to wake up in the morning knowing that Kyuhyun won’t be the first face I’ll see.

“Oh… you meant enlist,” Kyuhyun said as he gave a small smile. “I thought you said elope,” Kyuhyun continued.

“I did say elope. After we finish our military service, we can go on hiatus and study abroad. You can do your masters at the performing arts school in the US or something. What’s that school that specializes in the performing arts in New York? We can take a hiatus from group activities for a while. We’ll be together just you and me,” I proposed as I tried to plan what we should do.

“Are you talking about Julliard? Julliard is really competitive to get in to. Even if we apply and audition, we might get cut. I’m also not really confident with my English,” Kyuhyun explained.

“That’s fine. It doesn’t have to be Julliard,” I said. I don’t know what I did that caused Kyuhyun to try and soothe me again.  He was comforting me as I continued and said, “I don’t care where we go as long as we’re together, just you and me.”

“Tell me Min, what’s really the problem? Be honest with me. What did your mom say?” Kyuhyun asked in between massages.

“I love you Kyu. I don’t want to lose you,” I answered as I managed to dodge the question.

“You’ll never lose me. I’m like a boomerang. Even if you chase me away, I’ll still come running back to you,” Kyuhyun reassured me as he kissed away my tears. “I love you too Min. I love you so much but I can’t really make a big decision this quick without knowing the reason why,” Kyuhyun said with a small smile.

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes. He was waiting for me to say something but I just don’t know how to say it. After a few more minutes, I barely managed to say, “My parents are already arranging my marriage.”

“Is it the girl who came to  your musical? Her name is Saeun right?” Kyuhyun asked.

“How do you know?” I asked.

He just shrug his shoulders as he gave me a small smile.

“I‘m sorry Kyu. I should’ve told you earlier about my parents’ actions. I just didn’t know how to tell you. They’ve been calling me non-stop and have been setting up dat-” I began to say when he interrupted me.

Kyuhyun asked, “Is she good to you?”

“I didn’t mean to hide it from yo-” I tried to say.

Kyuhyun interrupted and asked again, “Is she good to you? Does she treat you well?”

“Why does that matter? It’s not like I would obey my parents and actually go through the marriage,” I protested.

“Stop going in circles Min. I was just asking if she treats you well,” Kyuhyun said.

“She’s a family friend. She’s a noona that I know since I was young,” I stated.

“So you’re close to her?” Kyuhyun asked.

“We sort of grew up together when I was younger but when I became a trainee, we didn’t spend as much time as before,” I explained.

“If I wasn’t in the picture, would you marry your childhood friend?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Why are you saying things like that Kyu? Did you even listen to anything I’ve said? I said that we were just family friends, nothing more,” I clarified.

“You still haven’t answered my question. Does she treat you well?” Kyuhyun asked again.

“Why does that even matter?” I questioned him.

“Answer the question Min,” Kyuhyun said as he took my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine.

Kyuhyun held my hand before but somehow the way he’s holding my hand right now feels different. He didn’t say anything and I remained quiet as I continued observing him. I looked at him and he was just looking at our intertwined hands as he drew invisible patterns at the back of my hand with his thumb.

After a few minutes of silence, I answered, “I guess so.”

I noticed him look away from our intertwined hands as he replied, “What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t really get what you’re asking,” I replied.

“I just want to know if she understands you, if she’s able to handle and comfort you when you’re having your mini tantrums, if she your remembers your birthday,” Kyuhyun began to say when he stopped midsentence.  I looked at him and saw him stare at my hands again but this time, he held my hand with both of his hands. He coughed as and cleared his throat before he continued saying, “You know…  small things that would help understand the complex guy behind the charismatic persona.”

He looked at me and smiled. He smiled radiantly. However, his smile didn’t reach his eyes. His eyes were telling a different story.  

He let go of my hand and caressed my cheek. I couldn’t help but close my eyes at the familiarity of his touch. “Does she treat you with great admiration and treat you like a precious jewel that you are,” Kyuhyun asked.

“Cheesy bastard,” I muttered with a smile.

Once I opened my eyes, I looked at his face and saw his eyes glimmer with unfallen tears.

I was brought back to reality and remembered his previous question. I got frustrated and replied, “Why does that matter? You’re all that I need.”

“Get to know her. Let her know how awesome Lee Sungmin really is,” he said with a smile that never reached his eyes.

“Why does it sound like you're sending me off?” I asked as I fear what his answer may be.

He didn’t say anything for a few minutes. He continued to caress my cheek  as we just looked at each other for a few minutes before the first teardrop fell from Kyuhyun’s face. “We should break up,” he muttered.

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. The tears began to fall as I tried to think of any alternatives to what we should do. “Kyu… it’s not too late. We can still elope. We can enlist in the military then study abroad. We don’t have to study in Julliard. Maybe we can study in Berklee College of Music. I heard that it’s a good school for music. We can enroll there and study how to compose songs and enhance our knowledge in music. We can still create our own music together,” I began to ramble when Kyuhyun stopped me.

He gave me small smile and began to say, “Listen Min. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea okay? I don’t want to break up with you but-”

This time I was the one who interrupted him, “Wait…are you really breaking up with me?”

“Listen to me Min. Listen before you speak,” he said as I complied. I waited for him to continue and he said, “I love you Min. I love you so much but I think it’s time for us to break up. Our time together has been wonderful. I thought that debuting in Super Junior has been the best thing has happened to me but I was wrong. In a way it is, because through Super Junior I met you. However, our time and memories together has been the greatest thing that has happened to me. Our struggles, our accomplishments, everything has been a great memory to keep. Unfortunately though, all things must come to an end. It doesn’t mean that this would be the end of us.  No… that will never happen. I’m just saying that this chapter of us is ending. I will remember our time together as amazing memories of you… of us.”

“What are you trying to say Kyu?” I asked through blurred vision.

I felt his familiar hands wipe the tears from my face.

“What I’m trying to say is that my love for you will never end. I will continue to love you until the end of time. I’m just saying that our time as boyfriend and lovers are ending. I’m still here for you as your best friend, a brother, and a fellow member. This is just another chapter that’s ending but our story will never end. I will continue to love you,” Kyuhyun explained as he closed our distance and gave me a hug.

“I love you Kyu,” I whispered with a heavy heart.

“I love you too,” Kyuhyun whispered as he pulled away from our embrace. He kissed away my tears but this time, his own tears were slowly mixed with mine. “Always…” Kyu added as he gave me one last kiss.

A/N: How was it? I thought that this would be a oneshot but it got longer than expected. I think that this would be my last Kyumin centered fanfic after I finish this short story. It would feel weird for me to write fanfics about Kyumin when Sungmin's getting married lol.  I'm sure you guys have heard that our the aegyo king is getting married. I'm really happy for him. At first I was shocked to hear the news because he just confirmed that he was dating but as long as he's happy, I'm happy for him. I'm glad that he has found someone he loves because he's not getting any younger lol. They should all get married and have Super Junior mini running around:) Continue supporting Super Junior and especially Sungmin right now because immature "fans" are angry with him.

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Chapter 3: Sounds interestin so far