
In the End...

Yifan spent a lot of his time hanging out with Miyoung at his house, and his Grandmother just couldn't seem to get enough of the young girl that Yifan brought at her request. Miyoung didn't quite hate the fact Yifan invited her over either. It had become a regular thing.

What Yifan wasn't expecting was for Miyoung to invite him over for dinner.

"What do you mean 'You don't know'?" Miyoung had asked him when he replied to her offer. Yifan just shrugged, because in all honestly, he really didn't know. Miyoung seemed unhappy with his response.

"Just for dinner! Besides, it's my turn to let you come over. It'll be... a change in scenery." She said, with a hopeful voice. Yifan looked up from his book he just so happened to be reading, to the girl that sat atop of his desk. She sat there, cross legged, with a jacket on her lap, and her face turned downward to stare at Yifan. Yifan only sighed as he took one look at her big brown eyes and closed his eyes in defeat.

"Alright, alright. Tomorrow."

The dark haired girl beamed at him with a beautiful smile, and then hugged him as she hopped off the desk.

"Great! My parents will be so happy to see you!"


When Yifan told his Grandmother of the news, she was beyond happy. She shrilled in a voice that was only used when Miyoung was involved.

"This is wonderful! I'll iron your clothes and make sure you clean yourself well tomorrow!" She told him during dinner. Yifan only rolled his eyes with a smile before continuing to eat his food.

"Of course Grandma.."

That night, his Grandmother fussed about what he wore and how his hair would look. Of course he did not object to anything because he only wished for her to be happy, so he just smiled the whole time without fail.

When tomorrow came, Miyoung was estactic about it. Though Miyoung was well liked in school, Yifan didn't think she brought anybody home to hang out. She told him about it one time, though Yifan couldn't quite recall it at the moment. He stood there, leaned against the door frame of his classroom as Miyoung chattered happily about what was on the menu that night.

"Your Grandmother said you liked meat, so I told my father to buy lots of it!" She said, throwing her arms out to emphasize how much meat her father bought. Yifan laughed before ruffling her hair in a friendly way, and watched as she pouted.

After school, Miyoung promised to pick him up at precisely 6 o' clock.

"Until next time.." She had muttered as he left. Yifan only smiled and hurried home. When he returned to his small home, his Grandmother was as busy as ever. She was ironing clothes, and cooking and also arranging a flower bouquet.

"This is a gift for Miyoung's parents, you must give it to them okay?" His Grandmother ordered, her eyes looking at Yifan, dead in the eye. Yifan shivered and nodded. His Grandmother laughed her melodic laugh before hugging Yifan tightly.

"Smile a bit Yifan. Stop looking so serious."

Those words seemed so familiar to Yifan, but he decided to shrug it off when his Grandmother ushered him into the bath that awaited him. When Yifan was properly dressed (after quite a few changes at his Grandmother's request), he grabbed the flower bouquet just as the doorbell rang.

It rang at 6 o' clock.

Miyoung stood, impatiently on her toes as he opened the door. She smiled brightly at him and he smiled softly back. Before the male could step a foot out to go, his grandmother stopped him.

"Hello Miyounggie~" She cooed. Yifan almost groaned while Miyoung slid by him to have a quick chat with Yifan's Grandmother. Yifan found himself rolling his eyes, not in a annoyed way, but an endearing way. While the two chatted right by the door, Yifan's eyes looked toward the bright blue car that parked right in front of the house driveway. It was slightly dark, but Yifan raised his hand, as if to say hi, and smiled.

"Come on, Miyoung..." He said as he grabbed the said girl by the arm. She hurriedly said her good byes with her cheeky giggling before he had finally shut the door. He sighed and watched as she hopped off the porch steps like a child.

"Miyoung, this is for you... and your parents." He said quietly, handing the brunette the large bouquet of colorful flowers. Miyoung giggled again, before taking them.

"Thank you very much Yifan."


He can feel nervousness settle in his stomach and flip flop it's way up his throat as Yifan sat straight up at Miyoung's family's table. The steam of cooking meat filled the large house's walls, and Yifan would have been dreadfully hungry if not for the woman that sat in front of him. Miyoung sat by his side, fixing up a vase for the flowers he had brought.

"Miyoung has said so much about you! Gosh I remember when you were just a tiny boy... Can you believe I've only met you twice?"

Yifan definitely knew where Miyoung got her talkative personality from.

"Honey, you're going to talk the night away if you don't stop talking." Yifan heard Miyoung's Father say from the kitchen. Yifan turned his head to look at the man, who stood over a marble island tabletop. He held a pair of metal tongs as he flipped meat over and over again, repeatingly. He figetted in the wooden chair, in which he sat, nervously looking from Miyoung's mother to Miyoung's father. He felt the girl beside him poke him in the shoulder.

As her mother turned and stood up to playfully bicker with her husband, Miyoung turned to whisper to Yifan.

"Don't worry about them," She said. "They're just really excited you're here."

Yifan managed a nod, and awkwardly fiddled with his thumbs. He felt hot in his fancy plain shirt, and he wiped his sweaty palms on his dark colored jeans. Miyoung wore a simple sundress, that swung and swayed whenever she turned.

"Thanks for the flowers, Yifan. My parents really loves flowers." Miyoung said, giving the colorful plants a lookover and placing it into the middle of the dining table. Miyoung sat down with a sigh.

"My house isn't like yours, is it?" She asked.

Yifan took this time to look around himself. Miyoung's house was bigger than his, obviously, and it was cluttered with homely things. Miyoung had assured Yifan that their house had the potential to be cleaner but Yifan honestly didn't mind of the mess. A floating staircase of small fairy lights flew above the dining table, aluminating it just bright enough. The boy looked another way, and glanced at the wide, spacious living room. Unorganized books, materials, etc were spread through the said living room and Yifan was curious as to what Miyoung's parents did.

"My mother creates clothes and fashion, and is also an interior decorator. My dad works as a stay at home artist and a photographer of nature. They're creative, don't you think?" Miyoung explained, as if knowing what Yifan was thinking. He smiled softly before turning behind him.

There was a long hallway of doors, just beyond the living room, and Miyoung had promised him that he would get a full tour, after they had finished dinner.

"So, Yifan, does it seem homey to you? I want you to feel comfortable.." Miyoung said quietly, giving him her sparkly, hopeful eyes. He nodded with a smile before giving her a look of endearment. He was so grateful that she even felt that way.

"Food is ready!" The two kids heard Miyoung's parents chirp from the kitchen. Once again, Yifan sat up straight as Miyoung's parents came to sit down with plates in their hands. He gulped as the Father sat right across from him. Miyoung's father was a gentle looking man, and so did her Mother. But their eyes were very much like Miyoung's, which had a particular flare he liked.

Yifan wasn't talkative during dinner, he never was, but he spoke when necessary or when they asked him questions. Miyoung's parents were kind throughout the whole thing.

As promised, Miyoung gave Yifan a house tour. Her house is very large compared to Yifan's house, but that made it all the more interesting. The house was painted different colors in each room, with certain designs etched on the walls.

"Courtesy of my Mother." Miyoung had said when Yifan had first noticed.

They had music rooms, filled with expensive looking instruments and equipment that Yifan could never afford. He kept quiet, and moved along as Miyoung dragged him by the hand to each room.

"And this is my room!" Miyoung trilled as they stopped by a pretty plain door with rose petals painted on it. Yifan stared it with interest before his palms began to sweat.

"I-I don't think your parents will ever let me enter there." Yifan said with a low voice. Miyoung laughed softly.

"No, it's okay... I trust you."

When the young girl opened the door, Yifan didn't know what to expect.

The room was extravegent, yet very simple. Unlike the other rooms, her room was plain white with swirls painted on the walls. There were paintings, which looked self painted. There was a painting board, and a palette awaiting on the side. The room smelled of baby oil and faintly like paint. Her bed was large and filled with pillows. Her windows were almost as large as the bed and stood as a place for the pastel pink curtains. A vanity stood in the corner, filled with no makeup but sketchbooks and paint brushes as well as pens and pencils.

"Excuse the mess," Miyoung said, as she began pushing paintings that were on the ground, and made a pathway to walk through.

"I never knew you were into art." Yifan remarked, some paintings that he passed by.

She knew about being an artist after all.

"Well, I saw that you liked to draw and I wanted to try it out too." She said so quietly that Yifan wasn't quite sure if he had heard it right.

They were beautiful, each and every painting that stood in that room. They were mostly ink paintings of fruits and simple things like flowers. There was a few that had a sheet covering it and Yifan grew closer to the mysterious stands. Miyoung hissed at him and whacked him on the hand.

"Don't see these yet! They're not finished!" She scolded him, pushing him away from the sheet covered paintings. He laughed before trying to get to them again, but only as a joke.

"I'm serious Yifan!" She hit Yifan on the chest, before giving him a very serious look. Yifan could tell she meant no jokes, and he stepped away.

"Alright, I'll stop." He said with a soft understanding smile. Miyoung sighed with a deep breath before bringing him away from the mysterious stands and toward the window. The window was a double door and opened to a small gate that led to the garden. Before Yifan could open the door to go outside, Miyoung stopped him.

"Let's not go out to the garden yet. You can't see anything at this time of night."

Yifan nodded before stepping sideways to lean against the doorframe. It was pretty dark outside and Yifan could barely make out any plants, let alone flowers.

"Did I tell you, you look nice?" Miyoung whispered quietly as she leaned against the doorframe across from him. Yifan found his face heating up before shaking his head.

"T-Thanks." He said. "I think you look nice too." He added, looking away.

She quietly said a thank you, before Yifan saw her stare outside with a distant look.

And at that moment, Yifan found her the most beautiful.





Long time no see~




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2407briana #1
Chapter 8: Whoa. His parents are here
Chapter 7: hey! I found your fanfic 20 minutes ago (?) and i love it. Usually i'm a silent reader, bcz i speak only spanish and my english is so bad, really, but, i want you to know , this fanfic is incredible, i really like a lot, djsfhasjdgajhsgdfahgsdhakdfasgfas it's very interesting.
2407briana #3
Chapter 7: Awee.. Luhan might be the brother!
bebelover #4
Chapter 4: Dawwwwwww, sooo cute!
Chapter 2: Heh this is so cute :)
Chapter 1: I like where this is going :) Continue the great writing! I'll be here to cheer you on! Hwaiting!