Believed, Deceived, Saved [HIATUS]

          The teacher rambled on and on about half angle identities and I stared out the window, spacing out, thinking of what Donghae had said the day before. Boa had cheated on him? No way, she seemed so sweet. I'll buy the excuse that their dads work together but it's impossible that she slept with somebody other than her boyfriend. It must have been true, though, judging from Donghae's state while speaking of it. It was obvious he still loved her but if they were to start anew, the trust wouldn't be there anymore. After dating someone for 3 years whom you'd known since high school and was someone you could entrust your deepest secrets with, you can't just get back together after being abroad for 2 years and getting cheated on. Or maybe Boa just showed a different side of herself when she was around me and my parents. We didn't bond that much but I did regard her as an older sister. It's possible that she and my brother had a history of quarreling before, however he did a good job of keeping it from me. If he confided in our parents, they did a good job in hiding it from me, too. Maybe they thought I wouldn't care too much since Donghae was a capable person who could surpass his own dilemmas.
          On the flip side, I just couldn't imagine betraying my partner like that while he studied overseas. It would have been stressful enough to be hundreds of miles away from a loved one, what good would it do to cheat? Unless Sehun had somehow seduced her? It wasn't completely unlikely. Sehun apparently has a long list of people he'd slept with. Boa does have a slim, fit body, too. Maybe she caught his eye while at their dads' workplace and he was simply bored.
          “Hello? Earth to Yoona. It's lunchtime, hurry up! Taeyeon and Jessica are waiting for us,” Seohyun said, waving a hand in front of my face to snap me out of my daze.
          “Huh? Oh, sorry. Let's go,” I apologized, grabbing my wallet from my bag and walking out with Seohyun to the cafeteria. We grabbed some food and found Jessica waving us down at a table near the window.
          “Baekhyun stole Taeyeon away for lunch so they're together. Just look at them being all lovey dovey with each other,” Jessica said as we set our trays down and took a seat. I looked out the window and saw Taeyeon getting fed by a smiling, fluffy haired guy with a somewhat feminine face. “It's like they're little kids feeding each other on a play date,” Jessica spoke again, pointing a finger into and pretending to gag.
          “It's young love,” Seohyun laughed. “My mom has a video of me doing that with my crush in pre school.”
          “How did they meet?” I asked. “He must love her a lot to have gotten back together even after she slept with someone else.”
          “They went to the same cram school in middle school,” Jessica explained. “Even though Baekhyun was a year younger, he studied really hard to skip a grade to be with her.”
          “That's really sweet,” I smiled. I could see why he'd still love her even after getting betrayed. But at least Taeyeon only hooked up with Sehun after the breakup, unlike Boa. Seriously, no matter how many times I thought about that, I still couldn't get over the fact that someone as nice as Boa would do something so terrible.
          “Does Sehun really have a lot of one night stands?” I asked.
          Seohyun said, “He does, actually. There are even people betting when he'll break up with Tiffany.”
          “When did he become like that? Or has he always never taken relationships seriously?”
          Jessica sighed. “Rumor has it that he was different in middle school. Apparently he had a girlfriend he really loved but they fought a lot. Then one day they had a really bad argument and she went and gave her ity to his best friend. After that he kind of lost it and started sleeping with anyone and everyone.”
          “Wow,” I said sadly. I stared at my plate and pushed the food around with my chopsticks. “I wonder who his girlfriend was.”
          “It's just a rumor anyway. There's another one that his girlfriend died in a car accident when her parents were driving her to Sehun's house. But no one really knows how he came to be like this since no one went to middle school with him.”
          I looked out the window, my eyes scanning the schoolyard for Sehun. Spotting him, I wondered how heartbroken he must have been before the big change. How many girls had he slept with already? I wanted to ask him but I didn't think I could. It really must have been a lot, though, since people were betting on his breakup with Tiffany.
          But how could they do that? Sehun and Tiffany didn't strike me as the type of people who only played around. At that moment they looked happy together, laughing and having fun with each other and their friends. What if I could be in Tiffany's place? I could stare into his handsome brown eyes and get lost in them. I could touch his ashy brown hair and run my fingers through it.
          “Don't look too hard, Yoona, you might fall in love,” Seohyun broke my train of thought and winked at me. I flushed a deep red and lowered my head, embarrassed, and continued eating.
          The bell rang to signal the end of lunch and I downed my water quickly, rushing to throw my trash away and get to class. I slung the straps of my back pack on and gathered my books hurriedly, unaware of the girl holding a smoothie and walking into my path. We crashed and I stumbled back, tripping over my feet and falling, dropping my books in the process. A frustrated cry resonated throughout the halls and I looked up from the floor. My jaw dropped to the ground as I saw who was standing above me, pink staining her crisp uniform.

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Chapter 3: Hmm tiffany right ??? I really want to know why sehun be like that i hope next chapter yoona will try talking wiyh sehun hehheh
Chapter 2: Wohoo sehun slept with many girls already wohoo and one of it was donghae girlfriend poor him .. so thats why in the foreword say like that now i understand why hmm update soon author
Chapter 1: Wohoo tiffany be the hahha i want to see it hehehe ... cant wait till one day sehun love yoona
LivesIntheStars #4
Chapter 1: I like it so far ^-^ ♡