Take My Hand



hmmmm, hehehe.


2:37pm. Seoul High

Physics Class



Popcorn.Pancakes.Fries.Burgers.Pizza.Oooh Cheesy Pizza.Doughnuts.Chicken.Bacon.Eggs.Parfet.Milk Shake. Wait, no.Banana Shake.Vanilla Ice Cream. Yeah I’ll get all of those later after school.


Wait, I think I’m craving for-





I blinked once. Then twice. And noticed that I was now standing and facing Mr. hot pot Professor Jang. Yes, I call him Mr. Hot pot. No, not because he’s a hot teacher. What do you think I am, like gay or something? And no, it’s not because he’s popular with the girls. Ew dude, he’s already an old hag. It’s because he’s always in a bad mood and oh, it just brightens my day. Tch.


We just stared at each other and that’s when I noticed how red his face was. I’m guessing he’s angry as a bull again. He held his super thick Physics book (which I still haven’t opened yet, by the way. I don’t even know where it is now) and I knew that it was the thing he just hit my head with. I swear I will kill this old man some day.


“Lee Taemin. Sleeping in my class again, eh?” Bingo.


I shrugged and just crossed my arms. He looked at me sternly. “Get out of my class and just sleep outside.”


“M’kay then.” I started heading out of the classroom with a smile on my face. I was glad that I didn’t have to sleep on my table now. It was not comfortable at all. I could feel my classmates’ eyes on me as I exited the room, but most of ‘em were just dozing off and waiting for Professor Jang to continue. I think they’re already used to seeing me getting kicked out of class. Oh well.


I slammed the door shut and leaned on the wall. I slid down on the floor and decided to just sleep to kill some time. But then I noticed someone’s eyes on me.


I turned my head to the side and saw a girl standing right there just a few steps away from me and was just staring at me. I took a closer look at the girl who had her arms crossed and had the expression on.


Then I realized it was Park Yerim, the famous junior girl.


After knowing that, I simply gave her a small wave. “Sup?”


She sat on her place and nodded once. “Hey.” Well then, I guess she knows me too, huh?


I smirked. I knew she was kind of a trouble-maker as well, and it’s so awesome that our first meeting would be like this. After both of us getting kicked out of our own class. Of course she just got kicked out like me. Hello? She wouldn’t be just standing here outside for no reason ya know.


Anyway, after that small greeting, it became silent for a while. And man, I felt so awkward. So I decided to start breaking the silence first. I couldn’t take it anymore.


“So, whatcha got in trouble for?”


“Texting.” She rolled her eyes and hugged both of her legs, causing her skirt to be lifted up as well.


I see she doesn't act very lady-like. “Yah, put those down if you’re a girl.” She faced me again and just simply…laughed. Out.Loud.


“What is so funny? It’s true. If you really are a girl you should at least act like one.”


“Dude, I’m wearing shorts inside, don’t worry. And besides, no one’s here except for you so it’s alright.” She said, grabbing her phone and started texting.


“Whatever you say.”


I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes, trying to sleep. I then heard footsteps coming and they stopped at my side. I opened my eyes again and saw Yerim’s face. This is the first time I’m seeing her up close. She definitely looks like a doll with those big brown eyes. And boy, she looks really bored. Hey, that’s how I look like when I’m in class.


“So you’re the famous Lee Taemin, huh?”




She slapped my forehead hard, which made me sit up. “What the heck was that for?!”


“Jeez, and I thought THE Lee Taemin was someone who was smart, good-looking and cool. I honestly don’t know why they talk about you a lot.”


What the hell is with this chick? She’s so frank.


“Well sorry I’ve disappointed you.” I grinned at her. “Now that you’ve met me, what do you think of me?”


She placed a finger under her chin as if she was in deep thought. “The opposite of everything I said!”


I frowned. This girl… “I never knew this straight A student was so y.”


Her lips curved upward, smiling brightly as if she just received the most amazing compliment ever. “I don’t care. At least my iness isn’t like the other girls’. I am 100% unique.”


“Oh really now? Well, at least try fixing your boyish qualities. You don't look really attractive with those qualities.”

I teased. Of course it was a lie. She was a beauty. Too bad, I have Soojin.


“Whatever. I don’t care how unattractive I am.”


“But you’re a queenka aren’t you? You should look good for the other students!”


She pretended to gag. “Ew, I am not a queenka. Don’t even call me that.”


And just then, the bell signaling for 3rd period being over just rung. Yerim stood up and dusted her skirt. I raised my hand up, asking her for her to pull me up to my feet. Don’t you know it’s hard to stand up when you don’t have the energy?


She looked at me, puzzled. I started shaking my hand. “Hurry up!”


"Ew don't touch me. I don't just let any boy hold my hand you know." Is this girl for real? Shisus.


“Ugh fine!” I stood up on my own and started dusting my pants as well.


“Nice meeting you Lee Taemin.” She said, smirking before going back to her room. I smiled, that junior sure is something…


“Taemin oppa!”


I turned around at the sound of the familiar voice. Soojin was running towards me right now. Just like Yerim, she’s also a junior. But unlike her, Soojin loves to be called a queenka. She loves her popularity.


And yes, she is my girlfriend.

What? She’s cute.


She wrapped her arms around my waist and pecked me on the lips. I instantly felt my heart pounding against my chest. What can I say, I was in love with her. “I heard you got in trouble again, oppa.” She pouted her small lips.


See how cute she is? “Yeah well, better get used to it.”


I leaned in for another kiss when…



And that my friends, is the ultimate er in the universe the diva Key.


“Key, would you stop doing that? Gosh, give them some space.” Then in came my favorite dinosaur hyung, Jonghyun. He smiled at me and Soojin.


Minho came in carrying a soccer ball (he's an athlete. But come on, that doesn't mean he has to carry a ball around all the time, right?) together with Onew, and smiled at us too. “Sup everyone?”


“Oh, you should’ve seen Key our little Minnie.”


“UGH.” I crossed my arms and they just laughed at me. Even Soojin was laughing!


“Well anyway guys, why don’t we grab some lunch huh?” Onew hyung said, and we all agreed. I grabbed Soojin’s hand and we started to move to the cafeteria. And at that moment, a girl ran past us, pulling her friend with her, to the cafeteria. And guess what, it was manly-girl Yerim. I feel sorry for her little friend. It looks like her friend's about to slip and fall. Damn, she sure is a runner.


“Did you guys see that chick? She looks hot. I so thank our school for giving the ladies such short skirts.”


Minho smacked Jonghyun’s head. Yup, that’s gotta hurt.

“Will you at least try not to be y for once?”


Jonghyun smiled cheekily before skipping to the cafeteria.



I smiled to myself. 

Yerim. Park Yerim, huh? You are one interesting girl.



Whaddup guys. Well, this chapter is obviously

much longer than the first. And yay! Taem's pov! XD

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i'll be updating soon ;)


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dm_robot #1
Chapter 19: This is sooooooo perfect like PERFECT xD
sharmikimkey #2
Chapter 19: This story is Sooooo awie <3
U rock author
Chapter 19: But Taemin-ahhh ur leaving soon to London :(
Taeminniezforever #4
Chapter 19: Sweet! ^^
Will be looking forward to the next chapter!
schwarz #5
Chapter 19: You updated!!!! Can't remember when is the last time I read the latest update.
And yeah, they're together now! *throws confetti*
Thanks for updating :D
I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 19: I love this Fanfic!!!!!! Aaaaah,its so cuuute <3 can't wait for next chapter! <3
Chapter 19: #SUPERFANGIRLMODEON! KYAAAAAAAAA OMG OMG OMG (sorry for the caps lock, it is needed) the chaptes are so cuteeee TT-TT thank you for updating authornim!!
Chapter 17: I don't want to be selfish and force you to continue writting, but I believe and know that many had come to like and love you story. Believe me, I've re-read what you write so far for many times. I would really appriciate it if you continues.

Don't take it under stress, just wrute when you really want to. I hope you're life will get better to :)
krinkle_shawol #9
Chapter 17: I`m with the others, you should really continue your fic. Its really amazing ;)) Goodluck with your problems. FIGHTING!