Just Shut Up

Shut Up

A/N: Sorry about all the weird update malfunctions for this story :( AFF was giving me a difficult time...sighhhh

Jiyong’s POV:

Who knew this would take so much time? I rolled my sore shoulders, but this will be worth it. Her smiling face will be worth all of this hard work. I frown as I stare ahead of myself, I just hope it will be finished in time. I have about 7 days for everything to be perfect, I frown even more, after yesterday’s work I almost collapsed from exhaustion. Everything around me seems like a blur, the only thought of continuing my work in mind, I wonder how much is still left to be done?

“Earth to Jiyong!” a girl called out to me.

I look up and see Kiko, “Hey!” I smiled.

“Everything is almost ready! Just leave it to us, we got your back,” she gave me two thumbs up.

“Really?” I smiled even wider. All of those sleepless nights are coming to an end already? I don’t have to lie to her about where I’m sneaking off to anymore? My smile softened, “That’s great news. I could hug you, well almost. Dara made me swear never to hug any other girl,” I smirked.

She laughed, “Not even girls that are strictly friends? Aigoo, she’s as silly as ever. She’s really lucky to have you.”

“Nah,” I shook my head, “I’m the lucky one. She’s silly because she loves me.”

“Aigoo, I just got chills!” She rubbed her arms, “Too much cheesiness. Anyway, I’ll catch you later,” she waved as she walked away.

I continued on my way and saw another figure approach me. My smile immediately disappeared, Dara? What if she heard what Kiko told me? Does she know? Is the surprise already spoiled? Wait, what are those on her knees and elbows, scrapes? I narrowed my eyes and started to see dirt and blood along small cuts on her arms, “Dara…” We need to get those cleaned up. I extended my arms toward her, but as I did that she took a step back. Why? Pain from the rejection shot through my body, did she just back away from me?

“Let’s break up,” she said.

Those words echoed in my ears, she couldn’t have possibly have said that. No, no, not my Dara. There is no way, I must have misheard her, “Wh-what?” I stuttered.

“I said let’s break up Jiyong,” she said in a strained voice.

My whole body felt numb as the word once again resonated within me, “W-why?” Why? Did I do something wrong?

“I…” she clenched her small hands, “I like someone else.”

No, I shook my head, no, this can’t be real. I must have been so tired from yesterday that I’m still asleep. This is a horrible dream, a nightmare. I pinched my arm, hoping that everything will disappear, but there she was, clear as day. I reached out for her once more, successfully grabbing her wrist this time, “Please,” I begged, “Please, don’t.”

She struggled, trying to break my hold on her.

“Please!” I beg even louder, people have started to stare at us, but I couldn’t care less about them, “Don’t leave me, please.” I collapsed onto my knees, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. This isn’t our future, “Please,” I say again, “tell me it’s all a lie, and take those words back. I’ll do anything.”

She looked down at me and hesitated. “I can’t. I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.” I see tears start to form at the corner of her eyes.

“Please, don’t do this to me, don’t do this to us, I love you,” tears are starting to cloud my vision.

She shook her head, “Please, Ji, let go. I’m sorry,” she managed to wiggle her wrist out of my grasp.

Is this it…are we really…I could almost hear my heart breaking.

“Please be happy, Ji,” she turned and walked away from me.

My whole body gives out, no, this can’t be real! I pound my fist into the pavement, not even feeling the pain and blood coming from it. This is just another nightmare, wake up already god dammit!

“AHHHH!” I scream, be happy? I can’t be happy without you, I look down and see my tears mix with blood on the black of my hand. Everything was a blur, I can’t even recall what happened after that.

“Hey bro,” I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I stop in my tracts, not even bothering to turn around.

“Snap out of it,” Daesung walked in front of me, “You’ve been dragging your feet around all week, what’s the matter man?”

I placed my hand on top of his, pushing it off, “I…”

“Is this,” he looked at me with concerned eyes, “Is this about noona?”

Pain shot through me at the mere reference to her, I grit my teeth trying to ignore the pain before I nod.

He forcefully placed both of his hands onto my shoulders startling me, “Hyung! Tell me, tell me what happened 6 days ago.”

“She left me…” I hollowly said, I don’t want to face reality.

“Did she give you a reason, huh hyung?” he shook my shoulders trying to regain my attention.

“She…” my heart tightened, “she said she likes someone else…” Tears start to form at the corners of my slightly puffy eyes.

“Did she tell you she doesn’t love you?” he asked to my surprise.

I glared at him, “She didn’t, but if she likes someone enough to dump me, doesn’t that mean she doesn’t love me anymore?”

He shook his head, “Get a grip for a second. Did she even indicate she had no more feelings for you?

I try to think back to that horrible day, “I…she never said anything directly.”

“Then there’s hope! Hyung! Go out and get her back. I guarantee she still loves you,” he forcefully shook my shoulders, “And it would be a much better plan than you moping around the office all day, even the boss is worried.”

“But…what if,” I bit my lip, “What if she’s already with Donghae? What if…what if she’s telling him all the sweet words she once told me? I would die on the spot. Those lips that once said all of those things, the lips that I kissed, saying those things to someone other than me! Her sweet voice and smile aimed at him and not me,” I try to get a hold of myself, “I don’t think I could withstand that pain.”

“What are you doing right now, huh hyung?” You are dragging your feet everywhear thinking ‘what if? What if?’ and getting even more depressed when you could just find out if those ‘what if’s’ are actually true. Yes, I know it’ll tear you apart if they are, but man up,” he said seriously, “go to her, tell her that you will never let her go. Fight for her. Make her fall in llove with you all over again if you have to. I can’t stand to see you like this anymore.”

His words were like a punch in th efface. What have I been doing? Without her, I’m nothing, just a shell of a man. No matter what I need to get her back, I’ll never let her escape again. I pull him in for a hug, “Thanks bro. I really needed that.”

He chuckled, “What are friends for?”

I let go to see his eye smile, “I better get going, I need to think of a plan.”

“Oh, I already got that covered,” he grinned, “be at the fire escape between the fourth and fifth floor tomorrow after work. 6pm sharp. Make sure to enter from the fifth floor, and make sure to be as quiet as possible when you enter.”

I raised an eyebrow, “That’s…oddly specific.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I can guarantee she’ll be there, but you need to follow everything I just said,” he said seriously, losing the smile, “Don’t go looking for her before then, promise?”

I sighed, “Yeah…”

“Good,” he smiled again, “I’ll text it again to you later. Now get going, go home and get some sleep. Not to be rude or anything, but you look like .”

I laughed, that was the first time I’ve laughed since that day, “Yes, sire,” I sarcastically saluted to him before leaving.

From: Daesung

To: Me

Remember! Today at 6pm, go to the fire escape between the fourth and fifth floor! Make sure to enter quietly from the fifth floor! Good luck, you got this. Fighting! ^o^/


I chuckle at the message before looking over at the clock, two more grueling hours until then.

During those two hours, I felt like I could hear every second tick by. Damn, that clock is just way too loud, I scowled at the clock located across the room. As soon as the clock hit 5:55pm, I quickly packed everything into my bag before sprinting to the fire escape. Gently I pushed the door on the fifth floor like Daesung said. Cries could instantly be heard. Making my way down, I saw two people sitting on the stairs, facing the fourth floor door. Recognition hit, Donghae had his arm around Dara’s shoulder while she was bawling her eyes out. Next thing I knew I was running, forgetting that I had to be quiet.

“What the did you do to her?!” I yell as I punched him square in the face, before he could respond I grabbed Dara’s wrist. I was running with her in tow away from him. Our surroundings instantly blurred, I didn’t care where we were heading as long as it was away from there. When everything started to clear up, I heard the sobs behind me, I instantly stopped.

Facing her, I could see that my grip was hurting her, but I refused to let go.

“Let me go!” she cried.


“We…we’ve already broken up, let me go,” she begged.

I angrily raked my hand through my hair, “You can’t expect me to just sit and watch you cry for him Dara,” I said.

“It’s not any of your business,” she spits out, hiding her face under a curtain of hair.

“It is my business!” I clenched my fist.

“You aren’t my boyfriend anymore,” Those words burned into me.

I felt my grip slacken, but not enough for her to be able to escape, “Do…” I gulped, “Do you really like him that much?”

She hesitated before nodding.

I shook my head trying to refuse it all, “shut up,” I harshly whisper, she finally looked up at me, “don’t tell me you like him,” I looked into her eye, “don’t say his name please,” I already feel my tears forming.

“Please, Jiyong let me go,” she asks again.

“No! These past days have been torture for me, please. I don’t want to be strangers,” I shook my head trying to hide the tears, “please, it’s too painful without you.”

She started struggling even more, even using her other hand to push my chest away. I didn’t move, I won’t let her go until I hear the words I want to hear. “I will use all of strength so that you can’t escape from me,” I jerked her forward into my embrace. Her struggling stopped, “Let me be selfish,” I whisper into her ear,” and never let you go, please.”

“But-but,” I felt her tears start to seep into my shirt, “Aren’t you happier without me?!”

I pull away in order to look at her, “What are you-” I shook my head, “Without you I feel like dying, the pain here,” I release my grip from her waist to form a fist and hit my chest, “is excruciating. This stupid heart, even if I try to forget you, my heart knows it’s true owner, it keeps wanting to break out of my chest and run to you. Please, come back to me baby,” I plead.

“What….” Her confusion apparent even through her tears, “I thought you wanted that foreigner! You looked so happy with her, and I-I,” she looked towards the ground, “aren’t I the one ruining that happiness?” she ended quietly.

My eyes widen, is that what she really thought? “Kiko is just a friend, but you,” I cup her cheek with my free hand, “You’re the source of my happiness.”

“But when you saw me, you instantly started frowning!”

I raised an eyebrow, “Me? When?”

“The day….the day we b-broke up.”

“I was frowning at your scrapes, you’re so clumsy. I feel like I need to be with you 24/7, which I wouldn’t mind doing,” I smiled sincerely, “Speaking of which,” I frown at the memory, “what were those scrapes from?”

“Ummmmm,” her cheeks started to turn pink, “Some girls pushed me when they were telling me about how I was taking away your happiness by being with you,” she said quickly out of nervousness.

“Is that why you…”

“I’m sorry for not being strong enough, it’s just you…you…I couldn’t tell, you looked so unhappy. I love you so much, if I was the source of your unhappiness I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. I’ll do anything for your happiness,” she lifted her hand to cover her eyes.

“Including breaking up with me…?” I ask.

“Yes, including that. No matter how much it hurt me, if it’s for your happiness, I’ll do anything,” she sobbed.

I pulled her to me again, “You silly, silly girl, don’t ever do that to me again,” I whisper into her hair, “I’m going to die young otherwise. You are my happiness Dara, never forget that, I love you,” I gently kiss her head.

“I love you too.”

“Ah!” I quickly pulled away from her remember what day it was today, “Come!” I turned and stated running again, texting in the process.


To: Everyone

From: Me

The sun already set so it’s on! Be there in half an hour.


Thank god all of this preparation was done in advance. I finally stopped running when we reached the office building’s rooftop. Letting go of her wrist, I face her, “Close your eyes.”

After giving me a confused look she lowered her eyelids. I walk behind her and cover them with my hands. After everything started to fall into place I leaned in to whisper in her ear, “This is what has been making me so tired recently, okay…you can open your eyes now,” I removed my hands.

In front of us, where there was usually another advertising billboard were glowing letters. Those letters read: “Happy 1000 day together Dara, I love you – Ji.” Following those words was a glowing image of couple chrome heart rings.

I slowly walk to her side, “Happy anniversary baby girl,” I smile as I show her the rings from the image.

Once her eyes pulled away from the billboard to the rings she started crying again.

“What’s wrong? Did I mess up?” I panicked.

She giggled and shook her head, “It’s perfect,” she smiled.

I slip her ring onto her finger, “You’re perfect,” I whisper and stare at her lovingly.

She pouted,” Just shut up and kiss me already baby boy,” she grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me in for a kiss. I eagerly kissed her back.

For her, I’ll do anything.

~At the building across from them~

Author’s POV:

“It looks like everything worked out perfect. Thanks Donghae,” Daesung smiled as he slung his arm around Donghae’s shoulder, “This plan wouldn’t have worked without you.”

“No problem, they belong together. Plus there is no way Dara and I would ever be like that,” he grinned back, “I bet they’re making out right now.”

“Haha, probably,” Daesung laughed.

“So where’s my payment for helping, huh?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Huh?” Daesung asked in confusion, lowering his arm, looking at Donghae skeptically.

“Where’s my kiss?” Donghae wiggled his eyebrow suggestively.

Daesung’s eyes widened, “WHAT?!”

“I helped you, so I need my payment. Pucker up!” He puckered his lips and leaned toward Daesung teasingly.

“GAH!” Daesung pushed him away.

“I even took a punch in the face because of this,” he pouted.

“Shut up!” Daesung cried as he looked away.

A/N: Hahahaha, the ending with Daesung and Donghae wasn't supposed to be part of this but...ehehe, it just happened?

This story was actually supposed to be much longer, about 11 chapters, with a more complicated storyline and characters but I decided against it. I'll keep that storyline in mind though!

Thanks for reading, comments are greatly appreciated!

Rant: I hope readers and writers (especially for Daragon) remember that what we do is for fun, and we're writing these stories/characters based on our image of these people in real life. But these characters aren't the real people, the real people/idols could be completely different from the image they give to us fans. Just keep that in mind! (this is just based off what's been happening recently) Don't hate and be positive! For me, I like reading Daragon fanfics because the stories are really interesting, so I hope people will continue to write them :(

~Without you I'm not happy, but I hope your happy~ 2ne1 "Happy"

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OMFG THIS IS IRRITATING ME SO MUCH!!!! The website won't let me save my chapter TT-TT


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Chapter 1: I don’t even there is a girl who is so idiot like Dara at first.. BUT the ending tho kekekekek
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha!!! The sacrifices that Daesung has to do for Jiyong and Dara. Ahahahahahaha! Aigoo! My stomach hurts from laughing too much!
Chapter 1: Proper Communication is the key to all misunderstanding..
Kekeke.. Donghae and Daesung is so funny..
Chapter 1: Daragon fanfics are the source of those applers who's mending their heart because of what happend... But I'm getting mad for GD for not clearing every thing... My heart still believe in Daragon maybe they were a couple before or until or maybe something just happened in between..,
GirliedeDios #5
Chapter 1: What can I say, your stories keep me occupied yesterday. I can't argue with you. We all have our own fantasy with this ship. But as a fan got affected with what I read or saw but nevertheless I love them together. Seeing them near each other. Reading the characters you guys created about them. I tremendously enjoyed them. Thank you for sharing this story.
Chapter 1: Wah, I also love Daesung - Shut Up.
LOLing at last part hahaha simple sweet story, thank you authornim :)
Rainshi #7
Chapter 1: The last part is the best.lol
purple_sue #8
Chapter 1: Haha..love the last part..
DaragonButterfly #9
Chapter 1: Love it thanks for sharing