¡~MAD CASTLE ROLEPLAY~! | Anime fb rp | Claude wants more people~! Izaya is desperate for Shizuo!

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Come and join our mad clan here at Mad Castle Anime Roleplay~!

The one place where guys from all animes unite in all sorts of ways~


please don't mind the layout right now. That will be added in later. Read the rules and join us today, yes? 



1. This is strictly a closed ANIME roleplay. Which means, do not talk to anyone outside of the rp and ONLY males from any anime allowed
2. Double accounts allowed but inform an admin first before doing so. Be sure to be active on both
3. Be active at least 3 days a week
4. 1st and 3rd POV allowed
5. Please inform the admins of the following: Leaving | Character Change | Relationship Changes | Double accounting | Pregnancy
6. Yes, guys, mpreg is allowed. You must stay pregnant for a month before giving birth. We don’t need guys popping out babies every day/week please
7. in room, PM and/or on your own posts please. Don’t spam someone else’s post with your …
8. Use brackets to indicate OOC talk [], (), {}
9. Please speak in English only unless in OOC
10. No , bullying or insulting other people. If us admins see/hear about you doing this, you will be automatically kicked out of the roleplay and blacklisted forever.
11. Two weeks dating ban. One month relationship before engagement. One month of engagement before marriage
12. Drama is allowed but please don’t make it too extreme. IC drama is allowed but to an extent while OOC drama is highly limited

So, are you interested in joining us here at Mad Castle roleplay? If so… join us. Don’t be afraid. We’re all mad here

How to join
1. Comment in this format: 
2. Make your account within 3 days of being accepted. Put mcrp as your alternate name 
3. Add both admins: head admin, Claude / co-admin, Izaya
4. Wait to be accepted, added to the groups, and introduced by one of the admins before adding anyone else

Password: Fave anime movie

Arrivals |  Admin Notice |  Confessions |  Dorms |  Outside |  Rage |   |  OOC


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Kuro Kazamiya

Shounen maid Kuro-kun

+ My neighbor Totoro