
The more you hate, the more you love

Jinwoo hates it.


He literally hates it.


He hates it when Mino clings on him like a koala bear.


He hates it when Mino hugs him like he's his teddy bear.


And he definitely hates the tingles he feels in his belly. 

So, one night, when they got home from their schedules, Mino does it again. "Jinwoo hyuuuuungggg." Mino cooed and gave the older a hug from the back. There it is again, the tingles in his stomach. He really hates it, jinwoo manage a roll of his eyes before he cocked his head to the side and sighed.

"Mino-ah, go to your room and rest. Good night." He slipped off from Mino's hold and went directly to his room. He immediately plopped beside Seungyoon, sighing for the nth time.

"What's wrong?" Seungyoon inquired. He turned his head to Seungyoon. 

"Mino." He stated with a gruff before he continued "that's what is wrong." Seungyoon chuckled before saying "You know,  the more you hate, the more you love." Jinwoo scoffed before drifting off to dreamland. 



The night before Jinwoo's birthday. Jinwoo woke up from the sudden need of quenching his thirst. He headed downstairs to the kitchen. As he gulps for the last contents of water in the glass. He suddenly feels arms wrap around his waist and he jolted, almost dropping the glass. "It's just me, hyung. No need to be scared." Jinwoo sighed in relief, knowing it was just Mino. He turned around to face Mino, and their noses bumped, hot breath fanning each other's lips. His heart was beating eratically he's afraid the other can feel it. He immediately averted his gaze before his damn feelings and hormones do something inappropriate. 

"Why are you here, Mino?" 

"I saw you walk in here, so I followed." 

Minutes later, Mino removed his arms around the latter, and checked the clock hanging on the wall. 

"Ohh! It's past 12 already. Happy birthday, hyung." 

Before jinwoo could react, the latter immediately shoved a neatly wrapped box towards jinwoo. 

"Ohh, Mino-ah. You couldn't----" 

he was cut off with a lips pressed on his cheek, leaving him stunned and frozen. Mino blushed crimson before running back to his room. 


Maybe just maybe, Jinwoo thinks, Seungyoon was right. 

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maetamong92 #1
Chapter 3: Where is the sequel? I cant find it in your stories :(
elena21julia12 #2
Chapter 1: Your fic caused unnecessary and ugly squeaking from me!!!! Yes!!! It needs a longer version!!! This is too cute and fluffy~!!!!
Chapter 2: i agree prolly a longer explanation of what jinwoo feels after he realize or what not

truthfully i wasnt rly satisfied bcs it was very short ;u;
awwweee this is so cute, so fluffy, so light.. i love it!! i love how mino is the clingy one in here (because most of the fics are written ther other way around lol) thank you for this! i wish you could write more minwoo or jinyoon (or any winner ship tbh haha) AND PLEASE LET THEM BE LONGER ONES! MWAAAH <3
Chapter 1: I liked this! Even though it was really short, it was just long enough to be satisfying. I love the repetition of 'he hates it' too. It shows personality and both Mino and Jinwoo's personalities are quite accurate which I like as well. Ah, that aside, it's also really sweet because it's so simple and not cheesy. Thanks for writing this. It was good.
Chapter 1: awwww... minwoo~~~~~~~ my babies!!!!! ackkk love them so much!!!!! pls make a longer story of minwoo!!!!!! im begging you~~~!!!!!! love love love it~~~~~
MrsChoiTOP #9