First and Last

Last Kiss

Byun Baekhyun POV


It’s been a week since I moved to this apartment. I don’t really want to get along with people around cause the reasons I’m here is just because I don’t want to have a long journey just to go to the office. I need more rest than before. So all I want is just to live my life quietly.

But I can’t ignore this one man that keep on being nice to me every morning. He always use a white shirt and waiting for his girlfriend in the park before they go to work (I guess) together.

“Working out every morning?” he asked as I sit beside him. I just nodded since I’m still panting after the long run around the residence.

“Waiting for your girlfriend again?” actually, this is the first question I’ve ever given to him.

“Oh, you know it too? I thought you always ignore me hahaha”

“I tried but you always sit here every morning. Guess I need to make friends after all” I raise my hand, asking for a hand shake and he accept it whole heartily with a big smile.

“Byun Baekhyun, you can call me Baekhyun”

“Do Kyungsoo” he said.

“Ah she’s coming, I’ll go now. Talk to you again tomorrow!” he pats my arm and run towards the girl.

“Okay take care”


I look at them. Unknowingly smiling as Kyungsoo help his girl to walk steadily. That girl is kind of limping when she walks. Maybe she hurts her leg before I moved so all I know, that girl is always walking like that.

I stare at the sky that is getting so much brighter. I drink from my water bottle once again and stand up. Wish there won’t be any rain today. I’m too lazy to go back home drenched.






I just realize that Kyungsoo’s girlfriend is living next door. I know it when I saw Kyungsoo that girl a couple of days after me and Kyungsoo know each other. Now that I look at them, I know that Kyungsoo is always bright and active while the girl always have her poker face all the time and just being quiet.


“Baekhyun!!” I smiled at him when he greeted me with his smile that looks like a heart shape.

“Escorting your baby girl?”

“How do you know that I call her baby?” asked him, widening his eyes.

“I don’t know, just saying it. Trying to mock you actually hahaha”

“Ah I thought you know her. Have you ever talked with her?”

“What is this? Jealous?”

“Oh come on!” Kyungsoo pats my arm. He is SO friendly.

“Hahahaha nope. Why?”

“Try to be friends with her” I cringe my eyebrows when he said that.


“Nothing… Just maybe she needs a friend”

“Ah I’m tired, can we just talk in my apartment? I’ll make you some coffee”



I don’t know why I even invite him when I never really invite anyone. I guess he is nice and I’d rather just make friends with one person but we can be really close, than make friends with so many people but when in real life we just know each other.

Kyungsoo seems like a bright person. He has that baby face that will make him looks a lot younger than he is, but his way of talking and the way he always took care of his girl makes me know that he is a dependable man.

“How old are you?” asked him as I turn on the light.

“24. How about you?”

“The same with me. Work in an office?”

“Are you interviewing me?”

“I just want to know hahaha. Okay I’ll tell you first then” he initiate to tell me about himself first since I don’t really want to talk about that kind of thing.

“Okay. I’ll make a coffee for you, you can tell me” I grabbed a cup and start making him a coffee. Kyungsoo sat in the sofa and I guess he feels quiet comfortable here. But his eyes keep on scanning around my house. Like a cat coming to a new house.

“I’m a music teacher in 2 schools, and I live alone.” He started.

“Me and my girlfriend have been going out for 3 years, and I asked her to marry me 3 months ago and she said yes. She is an office worker. And she is a year younger than me”

“Why are you introducing your girlfriend too?”

“I don’t know I just feel like it hahaha”

“Okay...” I gave him the cup and go to turn on the TV.

“Yes I’m an office worker. I used to live with my brother but he passed away a few months ago from a car accident...”

“Oh I’m so sorry about it”

“It’s okay haha. So yeah, now I live alone, in a new apartment. Oh, I’m new here actually”

“Yes, I know it” He said. I nodded and after that we started talking about another things till late at night and he said he needs to go. I feel tired too after all so I didn’t even him outside.


In the morning I saw that Kyungsoo left his little note book. And I just realized that he didn’t touch his coffee at all. Why didn’t he just say he doesn’t want a coffee instead of making me served it and throw it away? That weird bastard.

“Oh...” I gasped as I realized that I just cursed him. I never cursed people that I’m not close with. I guess I’m used to him now. He is fun anyway so why not?


It’s Saturday so I decided to go watch a movie or something after I have my breakfast. I walked to the parking lot when I see Kyungsoo’s girlfriend, and as usual, Kyungsoo comes running towards that girl and they walked together to the bus stop. I’m thinking about telling him that he left his notes but seeing that bright smile that looks so excited makes me hold that idea and decided to greet him later.

That girl really is quiet and seems like always ignoring Kyungsoo. But I think she is just like that. Remembering that Kyungsoo even wants to get married to her, maybe that’s just her personality.






Today is such a long day and I go back home as soon as I finished my work. I haven’t seen Kyungsoo and his girlfriend for 3 days in a row till I finally see his girl walking alone after work. She is walking in front of me and I decided to ran towards her and ask about Kyungsoo’s whereabouts.


“Hi!” I greeted her and she stops walking. I stopped in front of her. She’s scanning my face, seems like trying to remember where did she saw me before.

“I’m your neighbor” I said.

“Oh… Sorry I can’t really remember someone I didn’t know before” she answers, still with her expressionless face.

“Hmm, actually I know you. I’m Kyungsoo’s friend and I’m wondering, can you give me his phone number? Cause he left something in my apartment” I said to the point since she seems like not the type of person that will talk with a stranger. The complete opposite from Kyungsoo.

Suddenly she widened her eyes and I can see that she looks at me in a different way. She looks shocked, but happy, and... sorry?

“You are... Kyungsoo’s friend?”

“Hmm yup! But we didn’t really know that long actually so I don’t know his phone number” I said in hesitant. Confuse with her expressions and the way she talks. Suddenly I can see her eyes reddening. But then she smiles and starts saying something, that I really, really can’t understand.

“I guess you haven’t heard about this. But Kyungsoo passed away 3 months ago. We were in a car accident, and he had a massive bleeding in his head. Just... save that thing, maybe he wants it to be yours”


I feel my body frozen as that girl walking pass by me. Leaving me with my widened eyes and all the questions in my head. I turned around to ask her but I see another person in front of me.

“He-Help me...” he said as tears dripping from his eyes.

“Who… Who are you actually?”





Hyojin POV



I stare at a picture of me and Kyungsoo that we took 2 years ago. I smiled a little and it with my finger.

“You know, someone came to me and said he is your friend. He didn’t know that you are not here anymore. Actually I feel happy at first… I feel like, at least you are still alive in someone’s heart. But I guess it’s not fair for him, so I told him.” I took a deep breath and sigh.

“We really should’ve take more pictures you know, we look so young here”


I put back that picture and go to the kitchen to eat my dinner and my medicine. My life has been so boring since I’m literally alone. I have no one to depend to cause Kyungsoo was the only person I can trust to. Since that day, I never really communicate with so many people. I don’t even know why.

My doctor suggest me to go to a psychologist since I changed too drastically but I just can’t really talk about anything that happened 3 months ago. I think I’m just taking that grieving step too slow and need more time to be alone.






“Hi!” that voice again. I turned around and see the man from last night. I smiled at him and he run towards me with his tracksuits.

“Working out?” I asked and trying hard to be as nice as I can. I can’t just talk to him like how I talked lately with him, cause he’s Kyungsoo’s friend and I just don’t want him to think that Kyungsoo’s girlfriend is a brat.

“Yeah haha. Going to work?” he talked to me but his eyes is like wavering to something beside me.

“Yes. I’m taking bus from there” answered me as I look around and see no one.

“Okay, let’s talk again later before you missed the bus!” I just nodded and he waved while running.

I take a look at the sky and see that it’s cloudy. I really, really hate rain. That night, it was raining too...






It’s been the 3rd week since I know that neighbor. His name is Baekhyun and he really knows about Kyungsoo. It’s weird that he didn’t know Kyungsoo for so long. But Kyungsoo never mentioned his name too back then so I think it’s just Kyungsoo that always being too open to many people.

“You like this, right?” Baekhyun gave me a big basket full of belgian chocolate milk.

“Oh my god, how do you know?” I widened my eyes and take one pack of it.

“Someone told me haha”

“I guess I know who it is” I smiled at him.

“Would you come for a coffee… or tea? Actually, I have something to tell you”

“What is it?” I cringe my eyebrows in confuse.

“Just come first!” I just nodded and come with him.

I feel like Baekhyun is hiding something from me and I don’t feel good about it. He keeps on saying things not necessary and keeps on giving me food. Another hour passed and he keeps on being restless.


“Okay Baekhyun if you have nothing important to say, I’ll go now” I said as I stand up.

“No no don’t! He will kill me” he said with a widened eyes.

He grabbed my hand and asked me to sit beside him.

“Shut up I will do it in my own way!” he shouted to his left side.

“What the hell was that?” I look around and see no one around.

“It-It’s kyungsoo...”

“What do you mean?”

“Kyungsoo is here” I widened my eyes. Feel like my heart is going to burst, I look at him in disbelieve.

“What do you think you are doing?”

“Listen to me Hyojin... Kyungsoo is worry about you, and... and I can see him”

“Turns out you are a bastard after all” I get up and leave him but he catches me immediately and turned me around.

“I know you won’t believe me but he has no time anymore, and you need to listen to me” he looked at me, pleading with his eyes. And I just can’t believe what the hell is going on. I feel the heat in my body and my eyes. I feel the tears dripping from my eyes. I wiped it right away with my free hand.

“Baekhyun-ssi, I don’t know what you are doing right now but please, please stop” I plead him and try to get away from his grip. He let me go, and he looks into his left side.

“Baby, please believe him. I need you to believe him” Baekhyun said. I feel like being slapped in the face cause I really, really know that tone.

I can’t understand anything and run outside Baekhyun’s apartment with all the tears in my face. My body is shaking like crazy and I don’t know what to do. I ended up kneeling in the way till I realize something.

What if it’s really him? What if I will regret this moment till the rest of my life? I get up with all the strength I have and walked back to Baekhyun’s apartment. I pressed the bell and Baekhyun opened it right away.

“Make me believe your words” I said as I push him still with my shaking hand.

He closed the door and holds me to help me sit. He grabbed and my hand to make me feel better. Though it’s useless. My tears just become more violent and I can’t stop crying. I feel like I’m going back to that day where I just know that Kyungsoo leave me, alone.

“I… I never thought that kind of day will come, ever, even once. I know that people will die eventually, but I haven’t even answered his questions. Baekhyun, if you can really see him, please tell him yes. Please tell him that I want to marry him and I didn’t say it that night cause I just want to make him feel special too.. Please Baekhyun… Tell him…” I cried and talking uncontrollably and Baekhyun wipe my tears.

“He knows. He knows it, you don’t need to feel like you haven’t answered him , he knows it”

“How does he know? Tell me... Tell me something that can make me feel his presence. Please...”

“That night, he thought he can propose you in the bus station cause you both meet there for the first time. He already prepared it all but it was raining, so he just brought you to the restaurant where you both have your first date. You said you will answer him the next day, and you kissed him instead. But the accident happened, so you never got the chance to say yes. But that kiss is enough for him. That’s what he told me”

I cried harder, Baekhyun hugs me and I just can’t say anything. Baekhyun knows all the things that happened that night. It’s impossible for him to know it if he can’t see Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo is really here.

“Is he here?” I asked with my hoarse voice using all the energy I have.

“Yes...” as Baekhyun answer me, I feel like I can feel him too. He is here.

I miss him so much. I can’t see him but I can feel him. I wish I can touch him, I wish I can, at least, once hear his voice again.

I put my hand in Baekhyun’s chest and push him so he let me go. I looked at him and I don’t know why but I see his eyes reddened.

“Why are you crying?” I asked when I see his tears.

“I… I was in that accident too… There is a problem with the brake and the road is so slippery” I widened my eyes in shocked. Is… Is he…

“My brother has tried his best to stop the car, but he can’t... And he passed away the next day. I’m… I’m so sorry that I have to be the one inside that stupid things that killed Kyungsoo” he is stuttering and he looked at his left side again. I know now that Kyungsoo is there.

I hugged Baekhyun again. Now trying to soothe him though I’m still sobbing uncontrollably too. I didn’t know that the driver passed away. I don’t want them to contact me cause I know that it will just hurts me more. But now I know that it’s not only me that is hurting.

“Kyungsoo is a really, really nice guy. He is so bright, so nice, and fun” he said. I let him go and he looked at his left side again.

“I wish we can meet before that accident… I wish we were friends before so I will know that I can’t go around you..” I just stare at that place blankly. I don’t know what to do or what to say. And at that time, Baekhyun take a little not book from his pocket.

“He wants you to have this. He said you will know after you read this”






Hi fluffy baby…


I know that this is a sudden visit for you, but actually, I never really leave your side.

I said it before that I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and I’m happy that I can keep that promise.

You know, many movies will tell you that the death of one of the lead role is a sad ending story, when actually it’s not. Don’t you think that it’s the most beautiful thing?

You know that there is only you in my heart now.

I’m sorry that I can’t be with you for a long time,  I’m sorry that I can’t be the one that hold you later in the altar, I’m sorry I can’t keep that promise, I’m sorry I make you cried.

But thanks for filling my days, thanks for always waking me up with your kiss, thanks for holding me whenever I feel like the world is not holding me hard enough, thanks for always give your smile and laugh for me, thanks for always being the only one for me, thanks for loving me just the way I am.

Now stop crying, cause I will never be able to leave you crying. Stop thinking that you won’t be able to live your life again without me, live your life just like when you are with me. Found someone, fall in love, and get married.

I love you, so much, and I believe that there will be someone that will love you more than I am. That will be with you till the end. That will hold you till the rest of your life, and wipe your tears away and change it into a smile.

Make me as someone you can depend to even when I can’t be with you again. Please be happy, smile again, make friends and be healthy.

I know saying I love you will never really explain what I feel. But this is the least I can do. So please remember.

I love you. I love you so much, Hyojin. I love you.






3 months ago... 




“Would you let me be your husband?”

“What?” I widened my eyes. Staring at him and the necklace he’s holding.

“I won’t give you any ring now, but I have necklace here. So… Would you?”

“Are you asking me to marry you?”

“What do you think?”

I laughed a little. I can feel my face got reddened and he smirk at me.

“I will just tell you tomorrow… Or the day after tomorrow”

“Why?! You don’t want me as your husband?!” he stand up from his chair right away and put the necklace. His widened eyes makes me weak all of a sudden. He is so cute at time like this.

“What do you think?” I stand up and cups his face with my hands and tiptoed to plant a light kiss on his lips. I looked at him and smile. He smirked a little before he holds my face and leaned his face to me and kiss me. Deep and gentle.

This is the day that I’ve been waiting for in my life. Where I know that I will spend the rest of my life with someone that I really love, and can makes me fall in love with him every single day over and over again.












Hi! So this is another one-shot from me hehe wish you can enjoy the story and get all the messages and feels I'm trying to send to all of you. Thank you for reading this saaaaad sad story! I din't really open my aff so if you want to talk to me, you can go to my twitter or to my askfm! :D

See you in my next one-shot!

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AshraAb #1
You had me in tears :,)
Chapter 1: suratnya bagus :')
Luloverdose #3 it love it. a lil bit scary actually,,,ahahahaha. <3
Chapter 1: awwww i really love this one shot! thank you for making such a beautiful story❤️❤️
tennisdelight #5
looking forward on this :)