Another Cinderella Story : It's Okay, It's Love

I kept wandering back and forth in in front of Jongin. It’s already two days after the the ball, and I’m still not done with my theory that my partner on that night is Do Kyungsoo. 100 percent sure. Same goes to Jongin, he did thought that his partner that night is Jung Soojung, which constantly drove him crazy. God, it’s so confusing. I’m happy that Kyungsoo was back — only that I kept thinking why he didn’t comeback earlier. Why must now? And another thing: Jung Soojung. Is it a fate that both of them were coming back together? What is actually happening? Is it a coincidence?

“Could you please stop? I’m getting dizzy here.” Jongin said to me while massaging his forehead slightly. I stopped and took a seat beside him, exhaling a heavy breath. I just can’t help it — it’s totally confusing.

“Jongin, could you tell me what’s actually happening?” I said, sounding quite frustrated. My mind is driving me crazy, and I kept having delusional thoughts regarding Kyungsoo. Oh god, what if — it’s not Kyungsoo? But again, I’m sure that I’m not mistaken. Whenever I thought about my partner during the last ball, it kept reminding me to Do Kyungsoo. The way he gripped my hand, the way how gentle he led the dance and the way how she called me with that ‘princess’ title. Everything feels like dejavu.

“I don’t know. I was confused too. Or perhaps, is it a coincidence?” Jongin came out with a guess. I couldn’t help but agree. At least, that’s the most positive assumption and logic conclusion.

“Come on. Let’s stop talking about this.” Jongin stood up from his seat, a hopeless expression was plastered on his face. I blkinked a few times as I saw him ruffling his hair frustratedly. Uh-oh. He couldn’t even hide it from me, I knew that he felt the same as me. It’s just amazing to think about how sync both of us were.

“Cut that crap off, Kim Jongin. I know that you’re curious too.” I said, mocking him. Jongin rolled his eyes, reaching for his black coat which was hung on the sofa right beside him. “At least, I’ve made an effort.”

“Effort?” I raised my eyebrows. Jongin nodded while mouthing a ‘yeah’ silently. “I already assigned some people to investigate whether, Jung Soojung is in Korea right now. I suggest you to do the same thing too, Miss Son.” Hearing Jongin’s words made me to clenched my teeth. He took a great step at least. I also felt like wanting to do the same yet something was holding me back.

“Good luck with that.” I wished him, causing him to glance at me weirdly. “Don’t you want to see him again?” He asked me. I tried to draw a smile, being ready to say my thoughts.

“Of course I do. I freaking do. But he already promised me that he’ll comeback. The only thing that I need to do is to wait. Even though waiting is such a difficult thing, yet I believe that when the time comes — it will feel like as if you just achieve a sweet victory. Don’t you think so?” Perhaps that my words caused Jongin to be drown in silence for a while, maybe he felt quite absorbed. But really, I just want to share what I thought. I believe, when the time comes, we’ll meet again. And that time, I promised myself to not let him run away again. Never.

“Fine. You win, Miss Son.” Jongin let out a sigh of defeat. My smile became wider. Aw, just look at him. My bestfriend just got influenced by my words. Maybe I should write a novel after I stopped working in the company. Nah, that’s impossible somehow.

“You still love him don’t you?” Jongin’s sudden question hit me like a truck. I was snapped, of course. I don’t know — because for some reason I started to have a little doubt on Kyungsoo. Why did he came back now? Why not earlier? And the most important thing is, why didn’t he greet me just like how it was supposed to be? Did he planned to make a surprise or what? He just makes me felt damn confused with the situation.

I shook my head off as I stood up from my seat. Jongin looked at me weirdly as I didn’t answer his question. To tell the truth, it was difficult for me to answer to his question right now — I need to discover the real situation.

“I have a meeting to be attended. Make sure that my office is clean when you left, alright?” I reached for my dark-red coloured blazer, and made my steps towards the glass door. I heard a heavy sigh being released by Jongin before I exited my office.

“She’s in the state of denying.” Jongin whispered to himself.

“Why didn’t you just act like as you supposed to do?” The lady in front of him talked, her tone is a bit higher. He acted calm, bringing the edge of his cup of tea to his lips. Mmm, it smells nice indeed.

“I’m speaking to you.” He ignored her again. The lady in front of him looks frustrated, and it makes him felt entertained a bit. It’s hard to believe, but he did have this kind of satanic side of himself.

“Answer me, Do freaking Kyungsoo.” That’s the cue. He took a sip of his herbal tea and averted his gaze towards the lady in front of him. “You’re so eager in ruining my teatime, Jung Soojung.” A calm smile was drawn on his lips, once again causing the lady to feel irritated. Kyungsoo slowly put his cup back on the table and took a deep breathe before he started.

“I’m still not ready yet to meet her. Not when she’s with Kim Jongin.” Mentioning the latter’s name made the lady in front of him shot a bitter smile. He probably understood how the lady felt. They shared a same feeling. It’s unfair to be separated from their beloved ones.

“Are you sure... That Jongin is really with her?” The lady sounded slow, there’s a slight of disappointment in her tone. Kyungsoo shrugged, it’s too early to make a conclusion — but he’s quite 55% sure. He came up with the conclusion that Son Naeun and Kim Jongin are still together because he saw them together. At the Blue Sapphire Ball, after he left her alone in the crowd. Jongin did approached her. Only that he didn’t tell Soojung the fact. He just can’t.

“I miss him.” The lady confessed. Kyungsoo nodded slightly, totally understood her feeling. He didn’t even expect that the two of them would be linked together because of these two persons — Son Naeun and Kim Jongin. Spending all of his years in States, Kyungsoo found Soojung as his neighbour and he got close with her because of — she quite reminds him to Naeun. He did hope for Soojung to replace Naeun in his heart, but it would never happen. Soojung and Naeun are quite the same yet, Son Naeun could never be replaced. He told about that to Soojung but instead, the girl just laughed it off. That’s when he started to tell her everything, every single story and experience that he had with the person named, Son Naeun.

Only that, they encountered another story after he mentioned Kim Jongin’s name. That’s when he knew that Jung Soojung and Kim Jongin are actually related to each other. Soojung did the same, she started to tell him the story about her days in high school with Jongin before she was fated to fly to States. It’s funny whenever they thought about it. And Kyungsoo, being the older one — he already treated Soojung like his own little sister. He’s comfortable with her, and he knew that how much Soojung loves Jongin deeply in her heart. It makes him smile whenever he remembered the day that they promised each other — to comeback to their mother’s country and discover their love together.

“Hey, Kyungsoo.”

“Hm?” The latter responded.

“Promise me that one day — we’ll comeback together. And, we’ll find them.” The girl said as she watched the blue sky.

“Are you sure?” He asked again.

“Yes.” She replied with confidence.

“Okay.” A promise was made.

“You’re dozing off again.” Soojung’s words snapped him back to the reality. Kyungsoo blinked for few times before taking another sip of his tea. Soojung watched him wearily, something seems like bothering her mind and Kyungsoo couldn’t guess what it is. He didn’t even bother to ask after all because he knew that sooner or later Soojung would tell to him by herself.

“Hey, Soojung.” He responded after being silent for quite long.


“I want to find her.” Soojung is quite taken aback by his words as she didn’t understand it.

“Who?” Few line of wrinkles were drawn on her forehead as she was confused. Sighs, Do Kyungsoo’s mind is so complicated to be read.

“My Son Naeun.” A smile crept on his lips as he pronounced the beautiful name. Only by saying her name could already make Kyungsoo feels like he is the happiest man on Earth.

“But you already did. You did found her at the ball, remember?” Yes, it’s true. He did found her, and to be honest it reminds him to the old days. The days that he missed the most.

“Did I? Somehow it still feels like a dream.” Another sigh escaped from Soojung’s lips. It’s always hard to read the latter’s mind. Sometimes, she felt like it’s not fair because he usually read people’s mind easily, but when it comes to himself, no one could guess what he’s thinking. Do Kyungsoo is quite complicated.

“I know, I know. Gosh, now that you’ve found her you should do something like seriously.” The lady crossed her legs, glancing towards the window. “What can I do Soojung? She has Jongin.” Once again, the latter just made her irritated. It’s not that she hated the fact that Jongin and Naeun might have been together, but the way Kyungsoo put it — it sounds like he completely gave up over his love. And Soojung hates that. She knew that Kyungsoo wasn’t the type that would give up easily when it comes to anything.

“I don’t know how to put this but — I have faith in Jongin. They might’ve been together but at least, I’m pretty confident that Kim Jongin hasn’t given up on me yet. Not yet. And I believe in that.”
Kyungsoo stood up from his place, causing Soojung to do the same too. God, he’s so stupid. Thank god that he has Soojung who’s not as stupid as him. “You’ve made me realize about something. Thank you, Soojung-ah.” With that, Kyungsoo left with a new hope embarking in himself. A new hope to gain back his first love. Soojung let out a relieved sigh, she’s glad that Kyungsoo finally realized of what he should do. As for herself, she’s still thinking about how to confront Kim Jongin after all this years. Well technically, they did met during the ball but — Soojung still wants to make sure that Jongin still longing for her. Sighs. Love in reality isn’t as easy as told in fairy tale.

Knock knock.

“Yes, come in.” I said while her eyes still glued on the proposals in my hands. It’s already been a week since the ball and I finally went back to my daily routine. Duh, seriously — I freaking took three days off after the ball because I didn’t feel like working at all. My mind was in mess during that time and I needed a little time to chill. So now, I’m finally went back to work and my soul was half-dying because of several amount of proposals being stacked on my working table. Phew, banzai.

“Uh, Miss Son.” Seulgi entered, trying to be a little careful in speaking since I was so busy examining the proposal. She waited for a little bit until I closed the file that I’ve been reading. “Yes, Seulgi. What is it?” I reverted my attention to her.

“Uh, another invitation came in.” Seulgi handed me a white-coloured envelope with some beautiful flower patterns on it. I raised my brows as I reached for the simple-but-elegant-looking envelope. There’s my name written on the envelope.

“Where does this come from?”

“Oh, it’s from Alpha Millennium Corporation.” I drew few lines of wrinkles on my forehead. As far as I remembered, I never ever heard of the company’s name or there’s no any partners of her company with that name. Was it a fraud company? But it’s impossible.

“Tell me about this company, Seulgi. I never heard of it.” Sighing, I lied my back against my comfy office chair. A sudden relief came as I already finished all the unsettled works that I’ve left.

“It’s a new company that just being established from an heir, probably from one of the big companies in our country.” I nodded my head while listening to her explanation. “The heir of the company decided to grow their family business by establishing a joint company which is Alpha Millennium Corp. and there’s might be a big possibility that they will make a proposal to become the partner with our company.” Well, that’s how business always works. The new company would want me to attend the ball, since Son Corporation is considered as one of the rising companies in the industry. That explains the reason why my company got the invitation to go the other company’s ball.

“Alright, then. I’ll think about it and notify later whether I’m going to attend the event or not. And as usual Seulgi,” I gave a reassuring smile towards my secretary. “Please make some research regarding the company’s background.”

Nodding her head, I gave the sign for her to dismiss. God, my life lately has been so tiring. Not to mention that I do have a lot of things to be thought. Do Kyungsoo is one of the matters of course, the most important one.

“Soo, just what kind of the game are we playing here? I knew that it was you, but why didn’t you show up properly in front of me?” I massaged my forehead as I thought about the matter again. It’s so confusing. Even though I’m not 100% sure that the guy from before is Do Kyungsoo, yet my instincts strongly said so. I am always hoping for him to back, all the time.

I lost in my thoughts, until the sound of my phone ringing brought me back to reality. The caller ID, Kim Jongin showed up on the screen. Ah, this guy. I pushed to receive the call. “Yes, Jongin.” I greeted.

“Says, have you gotten any invitation to uh, ball today?” I raised my brows as I heard him. That’s odd. “Uh, yeah. I did.” I could hear the sound of Jongin’s tongue clicking across the line, “Well, me too. Isn’t it weird?” Jongin’s question made me to look at the elegant invitation card earlier once again, “Alpha Millennium?”

“Yes.” Jongin’s answer made me let out a soft gasp.

“No doubt. It’s him. And also, her.” I heard Jongin’s voice on the other side of the line. What did he meant by that?

“Him? Her? What are you talking about, Jongin?” I asked him for explanation. For some reason, sighs there were so many things that I’ve been confused of. All of these things were happening so suddenly. There were things that I couldn’t even brain. Ugh, .

“Uh... I know that you might didn’t want to know but — I’ll tell you these information that I’ve made based on my research.”

“Your research?”

“Yeah, my research. Because I believe that Soojung is back.” I gasped softly, as Jongin continued his words. “And so does — Do Kyungsoo.” Oh god, I could faint right now.

“W-what are you saying? You mean, Alpha Millennium is—” I couldn’t continue my words. I’m just so speechless to even say anything. God, what kind of game are we playing here. Why must all of these things become a mystery to me?

“Both of them own it. Apparently, Alpha Millennium is one of the sub-company of the famous and one of the most well-known branch, Do Corporation. You know what it means, right?” Jongin’s voice almost sounded like mocking. It’s amazing though, the fact that Jongin actually made some research in such a short time never failed to impress me. But now, the main question which was lingering in my mind now — why didn’t Kyungsoo come to her instead? Why must he did this anonymously. Perhaps, was it a surprise?

“I don’t understand this, Jongin. What’s happening? How come these two, the love of our lives became so connected to each other? I just can’t brain this.” I expressed my current feelings towards my dear best friend. The soft sigh could be heard, which also meant that Jongin himself didn’t know what was going on. Both of us were so confused as hell.

“Me neither. I don’t know how these two got connected. The another thing, they are partners. I’ve checked every records about the relationship between the Do’s and the Jung’s— and apparently there’s no any tie or relationship between these two families. If you are confused, then I am too. Right now, I only want an explanation.” Yeah, Jongin was frustrated for sure. For God’s sake, he’ve been waiting for Soojung’s return for like forever. Yet, it was too early for both of us to draw a conclusion about the relations between Kyungsoo and Soojung. They might could only be just business partners. Well, she hoped so.

“It’s okay, Jongin. I guess that we have to attend the ball to find out. Don’t you think so?” I said, trying to suggest a solution for our confusion. For some reason, I could sense Jongin’s smiling right now, his fist balled up in the air.

“You’ve made the right decision. See you at the ball, I guess?” He said, with a high-spirited voice. Whoa, what a brief change. He sounded so confused at the beginning but now look at him, so eager to find the truth.

“Yeah, sure. You’re my partner, after all.” I said, smiling with full of meaning. Just wait, Do Kyungsoo and Jung Soojung. We’re going to find out about you guys soon, and stop this hide-and-seek game. And Soo — I’m not going to let you go away from me again.


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Finally an update after a very very long time TT I want to apologize to my dear readers and subscribers for not updating sobs college life is tough indeed!


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fionyeo #1
Chapter 15: Welcome back. Have been ancipating this story and glad to have a new chapter. Thank you and look forward for the new one !!!
hanjunghye #2
Chapter 14: your story amazing, i'm really love it..hope you'll continue and finish this story although it's been 2016:-)
inawarah26 #3
When will u update this story again?
koala_panda #4
Are u not going to continue the story?
blackpearl__ #5
Chapter 14: Author nim .. When will u want to update!!
Chapter 14: Omo he's back!! *fangirling* I can't even control me feels!! ><
inawarah26 #7
Chapter 14: Chapter 13: waiting for your next update...your story is amazing!!! Daebak!!!
Chapter 14: He's back!!
Chapter 14: Finally.... But why are they so suspicious?
Kawaiido19 #10
Chapter 14: ing finally ....