



“Hello …”


“Jinki … are you busy now?” the girl on the phone says with her trembling voice.


“Nara, are you okay? What happens?” Jinki says, worry is evident in his voice.


“I am tired Jinki. I am really tired, I think I cannot go on anymore,”


“Nara, don’t be stupid! Where are you now?”


“I hate my life Jinki. Why can’t I be free? Why I have to have problems? I am tired Jinki. I just want to have a happy life, I just want to feel peace, is it too much to ask for?”


“Of course not, Nara. Please listen to me, you will be fine. You still have me, remember?”


“You have no idea Jinki!! Shut up!! You have no idea how it feels to be me!! you have no idea how it feels when your parents always argue, you have no idea how hurt it is to be not worthy enough for your parents to pay attention to!! You have no idea how it feels when your parents are too selfish to think that they still have children that seek and need their love!!! You have no idea Jing!! You have no idea how it feels when your sister cries, asking you why your parents always argue and neglect her!! You have no idea how it feels when you need them to comfort you, to be there for you, just to tell you that they love you and care for you but they are not here!! They never say they love us! They never be here for us! They choose to neglect us because money are more important, their work are more important! Their friends need them!!


“You don’t know how it feels because you are not coming from a broken family!!! You live happily with them! They care for you! They love you! Always standing beside you! Being there for you!! Why can’t I be like you Jinki? Why can’t I be happy? Life is so cruel Jinki, life is sooo cruel … life even goes further in adding my misery … those bullies, those punches, insults … I am tired Jing, I am so tired …”


“Nara, please .. please tell me where you are right now, please don’t do something stupid .. please”


“I am sorry Jing, I am too tired, hahaha .. funny isn’t it? I am crying a mess right now, yet nobody cares, I am drowning too deep, yet no one notices it … life is , Jing!”


“Nara, you still have me … I will always be there for you, we are best friends, right? Please …”


“I want them Jing!!! I want them!!! I want them to know how miserable I am, I want them to know that I need them, I am craving for their love Jing!!! Maybe I am strong when I have to face those bullies, maybe I am healing when they punch me, insult me because I know that they are nothing for me, they are nobody .. but I can’t take it anymore if my parents neglect me, Jing, I can’t take it anymore when they don’t care about me … my own parents Jing, the ones who brought me here, the ones who are supposed to take care of me … the ones who are so valuable for me …


“Do you know? Last night I talked to them, telling them to stop arguing because they could make Nari worry, telling them to solve their problems without shouting and screaming, because fighting would never solve the problems … but you know what they said? They said they didn’t care about it .. they said just went away and not to disturb them, they said that I was just a burden … perfect right?” the girl is a crying mess now, sobbing uncontrollably while talking on the phone.


“Don’t listen to them Nara, you are so valuable for me, I care for you! You still have Nari, you still have your dreams to live on. If you go, who will tak care of Nari? If you go, who will take care of me? if you go how will your dreams come true?”


“Don’t worry Jing. You guys will be fine, maybe if I am gone, my parents will realize that they still have a child to take care of, maybe if I am gone my parents will start to realize that Nari needs them. Maybe if I am gone, you will find someone more worth it? Remember, nobody likes me, nobody cares for me, Jing. Maybe they will feel relief if I am gone. No more scumbag or loser. My only dream is to live without burden Jing, I want to be free,”


“Nara, please!!!!”


“Goodbye, Jing. Thank you, I Love you, you know I love you right?”


Tut tut tut …..


“Hello ,,, Naraaaa!!! Naraa!! Please!!! I love you!!!! Naraaaa …”


Tut tut tut …..


Jinki is brought back to reality when he feels that someone is calling him. he just smiles when he recognizes the person who calls him.


“Oppa, come on lets go! My Mommy and Daddy have been waiting for you, we need to get going now. We don’t want to be late to the cemetery right? I want to meet Nara quickly! I really really miss her sooo sooo much!”


“Okay okay ,, come on!” Jinki just smiles and ruffles her hair.


Nara, look, Nari is happy now. Your parents have changed. But how about me? I need you so much Nara … please please come back to me …








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