I wanna love you

A Fashionista's Love War

Minwoo hugged Siwan by the waist and whispered an I love you to him. Siwan felt somewhat uncomfortable but didn't do anything to stop Minwoo from keep going. Minwoo was about to give a kiss to Siwan but stopped himself. He thought to himself What am I doing?

Siwan's just a hyung...but a really good one. There's nothing to stop me from loving him. He is absolutely handsome, charming, sweet, everything a man could have.

Minwoo tightened his grip. I guess i do really like Siwan then, he thought to himself.

"M-m-minwoo c-c-can y-you l-loosen your g-grip a l-little please?" Siwan finally breathed out. "Oh! Sorry hyung!" Minwoo instantly loosened but didn't entirely let go.

"Sorry Siwannie!! Are you okay? " Minwoo panicked. "No it's fine just try not to squeeze too tight next time." Siwan smiled his irristable cute smile.

"Yahh Siwan, your so cute when you smile you know? You should smile more." Minwoo said.

Siwan unconsiously started blushing. Minwoo started teasing and couldn't stop. A match made in heaven people might call it if they saw.

But of course Kwanghee dissaproved. He was practically crying when he saw the couple acting all cute.

Damn that stupid Siwan, will I never be seen? Will he ever love me? I waited so many years and this is what i get? This stupid one sided love. Siwan I miss you so damn much. Please come back to me.


Why do you leave me and go so far away. I wanna love you I cant live without you, i really need you. I wanna have you belong to you I promise that everything will belong to you....

Sorry siwan I'm sorry, what is it that I ever did to you that was so wrong? Why can't you love me siwan? I just want to love you. What is so good about Minwoo? But I will learn to understand about Minwoo I must hold my anger against him. I will support siwan forever even if I'm in so much pain

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Chapter 16: hello.. authornim r u there??
this story is lovely, update this story please..
or is this story already complete??
hottest_kissme #2
@hopelesswriter Yaay thank you for commenting!! I thought u forgot about me and my stupid stories :)
LOL I loove your imagination! I bet if u make that a story everyone will love it! Woow your so good at imagining :) lolol that's really a good idea...do u mind if I steal it? Jk it's yours!

Thanks for reading!!
hopelesswriter #3
lol. u updated.
Siwan..a piece of advice from me to you...
the one you love is neither minwoo nor kwanghee...
it's.......heechul!! xDDD
or me...xDDD
j/k....love the early part of the chapter....they're really bringing in the WAR..too bad it was a short one...i wanna see Kwanghee n Minwoo fought n then suddenly fell in love with each other...n they both left Siwan....xDDD
oops, excuse my imagination....
thanks for the update...xD
hopelesswriter #4
oh kwanghee...how can you expect siwan to be yours if you don't even try to fight for him...aish...he is so precious. xD
thanks for updates...keep it up~
Happy Valentines Day!!!! Thanks for updating~~~~~ <3333
hopelesswriter #6
haha, i purposely didn't comment on previous chapter because i need to know what happens next...
but now that you updated.....

Siwan....you're confusing me >__<
and i'm pretty sure you must be confused yourself!!! grrr. *bangs head on the wall*
n Minwoo just get over Hyungsik already...fdfhjkfhfs
hahaha....thanks for updates~
WHAT~~~~~~~~?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pout* why are they together?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Update soon!! I have to read what's next!!!

omg!!!! Kwanghee kissed Siwannie~~~~~~ YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha!!!!! I can't wait until you update again!!! <33333
Update soon cuz this is so awesome!!! <333 I love this fic so much you have no idea!!!<br />
<br />
hopelesswriter #10
*strangles Siwan*....yah...wake up! so kwanghee was ur first kiss but dude u need to see it for yourself...<br />
"i haven't had this feeling in forever. I never felt this way with Kwanghee."<br />
<br />
and *quietly squealing* at Minwoo's response....what a cliffhanger on his part >__<<br />
haha, keep it up~