Chapter 1

Home Of The Lost: Below Paradise

"No, mom. I don't want to go home." Everyone thought she was a freak anyway, why bother? Jenny sighed as a tear fell off her face. Rushing to wipe it away, Jenny tried to cover the hiccup caused from her cry by pressing her lips together in the mean time. She was a mess.

A month passed since Jenny's last blind date and it's ridiculous finale and ever since then, Jenny endured countless sudden breakdowns, which resulted in problems with work and stronger OCD. The last time she went out of her house was a week ago, since she was forced to go shopping. Even then, she felt as her head was about to explode.

Her mother begged for her to go to her parents, in their hometown near the ocean, but as Jenny vowed three years ago, she refused to return. That town did nothing but awful things to her. From awful classmates, to abusive family, she knew that she couldn't handle it.

Her mother divorced her father not too long ago, but stayed in their family home, with her father moving out to his own mother.

But that never meant that he would stop harassing them.

Jenny had a brother from her father's previous marriage, but she never knew him as he lived with his mother in Busan. She didn't want to know him anyway, since she heard nothing but bad things about him.

"At least go to the doctor."

Jenny knew she had to do so, but even if her mother requested, she had no intention of going to the psychiatrist.

"Kris, I would like to speak to you." Dr. Kim pulled the boy from his chair and as he ignored his confused, he dragged him to his office. "Yes, doctor?" Kris asked, his mouth still full with his unfinished lunch. What a drag, his mother packed him his favorite and now he left it on the table. Rule number one in medicine - don't leave your perfectly tasty lunch to other residents, especially after you have pulled off a 48 hour shift.

Dr. Kim took out a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Kris. "Go there and make her get admitted to this hospital." It was as if he was in a gangster movie. "Do I drag her or something?" Kris laughed but upon seeing his chief's serious look, his laughter turned into a gulp. "Her name is Jenny Kim. Her mother called and told about her condition. She has OCD and for the last month she has failed to perform her daily routines." Ruffling his already messy grey hair, Dr. Kim sighed. "Aish, I am tied to a patient today. She is my niece so be careful with her. She has my temper."

Kris stared at the address and smiled. "Omo, it's close to my house. How have I not known her?" Upon receiving no response, he looked up. "But why me? Can't you just call her or something?"

"She refused to come. I just need you to see if she is still alive. The last time her mother spoke to her was two days ago. She hasn't picked up her phone since then." Nodding, Kris hid the piece of paper in his pocket. Saying a quiet goodbye to his chief, he walked towards the hospital's parking, from where he drove off.

"Miss Kim?" As he knocked for the tenth time, Kris sighed. The house was dark and no sound was coming out. She wasn't outside, since he saw her car in the garage. "I am doctor Kris Wu. Your uncle sent me."

"Get out!" He finally heard a female voice. Chuckling, he             knocked again. "Not until I see you are okay."

Jenny wanted to scream, she wanted to break something, she wanted to feel pain. Somehow, pain was the only thing she could feel in order to feel reality. "Please, leave me alone." She cried softly, giving up. She was going to die alone, she understood it. No one was going to love her. She wasn't pretty, she wasn't cute, she had a disorder, she had basically everything, the perfect combination for rejection.

As his smile faded, Kris sighed. "We want to help you, miss. We don't want anything else. Believe me, you will feel better." There was a long pause before the door opened. Kris widened eyes, as soon as he recognized her face.

She was different now, the shine in her eyes was replaced with dull  and empty feeling, her nose was red and her cheeks were slimmer. "When was the last time you ate?" He couldn't help but ask. Everything about her appearance showed that she was starving.

"Please leave me alone." She barely whispered, her hand ready to close the door on him.

"Wait!" Kris grabbed the handle, pulling it towards him. "Give me two weeks." Receiving her attention, Kris smiled. "Two weeks in a hospital under our supervision. I guarantee you that you will feel better."

"I don't want to keep swallowing your stupid drugs!"

"You won't!" Kris hurried to say, feeling how he got her attention. "Talking. Communication, this will help you. No drugs, I promise. You will feel better."

Jenny sighed as she felt the urge to cry again. She was beyond tired and angry at herself. In her life has she never felt so vulnerable as now, when her own body gave up on her. Seeing that it wouldn't get better, she finally gave up. "Okay."

Kris blinked in surprise, wondering if he heard right. As soon as she stepped back, Kris hesitatingly walked into her house, scanning the area. It was cold and dark.

"Jenny, was it?" He sighed as he saw the empty kitchen. "When was the last time you ate?" He noticed her silence and looked at her. He bit his lip. He wasn't left without a response on purpose. She actually didn't know.

Walking to the sink, he took a glass and filled it with warm water. Opening the cupboards around it, he took the pack of sugar and put a spoonful of sugar in the glass. After he stirred the mixture, he turned around and handed her the glass. "Small sips, up to ten gulps. This will prevent you from starving more." Looking over to the fridge, Kris ruffled his hair. "If I give you solid food, your body might reject it."

Ignoring the fact that she obeyed to a stranger, Jenny drank from the glass as much as she was told and found herself staring at this same stranger, who was now looking through her fridge.

Kris sighed, her fridge was empty.

"Gather your stuff, we are taking you to the hospital."

And again, Jenny obeyed.

After half an hour, the ambulance arrived. Helping her get on it, Kris took the luggage she had taken with her and walked to his own car, from where he drove after them to the hospital.

Before they departed, Kris made her a promise that he would be close to her and wouldn't leave her. Jenny didn't know why, but believed him and somehow, the thought of being watched over made her feel better already.

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Chapter 3: BTW I also loved the other one, Fix me ft Kai :)
Chapter 3: Soooo far its really cuuutee <3 I like it :D
Awww... i surely going to love it like the other one. Fix me. :)
Update soon!
beautifulady #4
Chapter 3: update soooon!!!!
Chapter 3: Updateeee!!!
lionfart #6
Chapter 3: o HMY G DO OH MY G OD OD OH M Y
kris and jenny are so cute, holy . jenny's past intrigues me, and i'm so excited to read more! i'm loving it already!
ParkEunIn #7
Chapter 3: Updatee soon pleaseee... New reader heree
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter!

I'm really liking the story, especially Kris' character.

(I miss him....)
rxdicxl #9
Chapter 3: this is so good!! can't wait for the next chapter <3