Ch. 1

My Kittens

The sun was hiding behind purple-tinted clouds, not yet starting the day, but getting ready to receive it nonetheless.  I loved moments like these.  Moments just for me, moments where nothing else existed but the wind and me.  The feeling of the sand in between my toes and the scent of the salty wind caressing my skin relaxed me beyond measure.  The stress of my daily life leaving me whenever the waves crashed into the beach.  And although I knew that I wouldn't get a chance like this ever again and that I should take complete advantage of this "me-moment," I knew that I had to go back to my room.  Because in that room lay the existence of my life.

Walking back to my room I can only hope that the quiet means that everything is all right and in slumber.  Nobody is outside and I'm grateful of that as I open the door and have no noise from the outside coming in with me.  The sight of the half-filled bed waiting for me brings a smile to my face and I can't help but sigh contendly.  Lifting the covers slowly, I get in the bed as quietly and as slowly as possible.  Wrapping my arm around the most precious Gift life has given me, I fall under the same spell and join in on the world of dreams.

Voices wake me.  Loud and giggly voices wake me up.  And without even trying, a grin appears and I can only laugh as tiny bodies attack me all at once.  And then a deeper voice joins them.  Startled, I look around for the man that the laugh belongs to but all I find is my laptop open and my father's face on the screen, laughing.  My mother and sisters soon join him and they all see my morning party.

*How are the Kittens?* my mother asks.

"Meow, meow, meow," is the answer she receives.

"Sarang, you really made them believe they are cats!" my second sister said.

"Auntie, meow.  Meow, Auntie," the oldest Kitten, Ray, says and laughs, pulling his little sister and brother down with him to the bed.

*They are just like all of you.  Good thing they were only three and not four,* my father joins in.

At this moment the phone rings and I rush My Kittens to say goodbye to their grandparents and aunts.

*Take care and enjoy Korea!* my parents bid us farewell.

Answering the phone, the front desk informs me that a package has been delivered to me, if I would like for it to be sent up.  After telling her that yes, I would like for the package to be delivered, I start preparing the bath for My Kittens, they have a big day ahead of them.

Usually kids don't like baths, they start crying, screaming, throwing tantrums.  I was lucky to have three 2-year-olds that enjoyed theirs baths and followed the rules when told.  Once they were drying themselves, the package came along with our breakfast.  But upon hearing the door bell, My Kittens ran to the door, giving the young man bringing our things a cute show of baby ness.  The boy could only laugh as he took out some lollipops from his pocket and kneeling down, gave them to My Kittens.

Without having to be told, the three of them bowed down and gave him their thanks.  He smiled at them and then turned to me.

"Ma'am, your package is underneath the cloth.  The manager of the hotel has sent a special breakfast for your children and you.  We hope that you enjoy it.  If there is anything that you need during your stay here, please let us know.  Have a good day," and he closed the door behind him.

"*Mami*, let's eat, let's eat!" Ray starts to scream while jumping on the bed, still with his little  for the world to see.

"Kittens, stop jumping on the bed and go get your diapers.  Then we eat!"  Soon after, their little voices scream and they run to their individual bags to get their diapers.  Such smart Kittens.

The breakfast is cute.  Smiling pancakes with some yogurt and fruits.  And then some oatmeal cookies along with chocolate milk for My Kittens and some scrambled eggs and orange juice for me.  How thoughtful of the manager.  Under the cloth, there was the package that had been sent. 

On top of it there was a big heart with my name on it.  It couldn't get anymore ridiculous than that, but it did.  It was a simple cardboard box, but it was completely covered in drawings.  And I could tell who had done each one of them.  Some were flowers, others were cats and there were some occasional chickens.  And to top it all, it had a humongous ribbon tied around it.  I couldn't help but laugh at what Oppa had done.

After putting it on the bed, I set up to work.  Get My Kittens in diapers to at least be able to eat breakfast.  I had them lie down on the bed next to each other so that I could do this in single file.  Them, thinking it was funny, started throwing baby powder at each other until I told them they wouldn't be eating the lollipops the nice man had given them.

*Si, Mami,* they recited together and helped clean each other off with the wet wipes as I finished with Ray and Tuli.

Mati, being the youngest, was the last one in line to get his diaper.  While I did this, Ray and Tuli had been cleaning the powder off of Mati, so when the three were clean and dressed, partially, I had set up their breakfast on the table.

"Kittens, let's eat!"


"Yummy!!! Mashida!!" Mati smiled with some fruit still in his mouth.

"*Mami*, what is in box?" Tuli asks me as she pulls on the ribbon.

Shrugging, I walk to her and swing her on my hip as Ray and Mati start opening the box.  Once the flaps of the box are down, the boys hand me a letter.

"*Mami*, paper," Ray points at it.

"Yes, Kitten, paper."



How are you~?  I bet you are surprised to get this, right?  Right?  Okay, so I really can't wait to see you and the children!!  I'm so excited!!  They do know who I am, right?  How could they forget me?  I'm unforgettable!

I sent you a little something that I want you to use when we meet up later today.  I can't wait to see you, Sarang.  You have no idea how much I've missed seeing you and holding you and laughing with you.  And the children even more.  I only held them when they were born.  It broke my heart to have to let go that day.  I wish you didn't have to leave again.

Prepare yourself because I have another surprise when I see you~



the most wonderful and amazing Oppa EVER!!!!


Typical Oppa, so cheesy.  How could My Kittens even forget someone like him?  And inside the box the cutest outfits for the children and me were folded, ready to be worn on this beautiful spring day.

I couldn't wait to see Oppa as well!!



Anything that is in between these *--* means that it's spoken in Spanish.  And anything in italics is in English, please pretend that everything else is from a Korean-speaking point of view.  Thank you.
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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 3: Awww thats so cute please up date soon!!
Maan2442 #2
Chapter 2: Please continue this story its really good. Update soon please.