Best Friends


  Baekhyun could feel his entire 174cm long body trembling from excitement.

  This was it.

  After a whole year of training, he was finally debuting.


  That single word sent a shock of shivers down his spine, and unable to help it, a smile broke out onto his face. And trying to downplaying the excitement a little, he had decided to arrive at his new dorm extra early.

  He started to regret that rash decision the moment he found himself face-to-face with the door of his new dorm. What if he was the only weird, overeager person to arrive at this time? He'd be stuck down here for who-knows how long. Trainees to debut with only a year's worth of experience was rare: he would probably be the only one in there. Everybody else would probably be really cool and calm while he'd be the overexcited puppy that stuck out like a sore thumb.

  Just as he decided to lug away his entire suitcase and arrive at a later time, the door suddenly opened, and a head stuck out between the gap created by the door and its frame.

  Woah, he's tall.

  That was the first thought that formed in Baekhyun's panicked mind as he took in the tall figure with big eyes and wow those ears really look like a monkey's.

  Monkey Ears glanced in a shock for a second at the figure behind the door before his face broke out into a smile.

  And those are really toothpaste worthy teeth.

  Baekhyun snapped out of his reverie as a deep voice interrupted his thoughts.

  "I heard someone outside, so I decided to come check. What's your name?"

  "Umm...Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun."

  Baekhyun watched as Monkey Ears' eyes widened in excitement.

  "Omigosh! Hi! I'm  your new bandmate!"

  No sooner had those words popped out of Monkey Ears' mouth did Baekhyun then find a hand stuck in his face for a handshake.

  Cautiously, Baekhyun shook hands with Monkey Ears, asking: "And who might you be?"

  "Oh, I'm Park Chanyeol! I thought I was going to be the only insane one arriving this early. Even my best friend was telling me that there was no need to be this early."

  Baekhyun didn't know whether to feel excited or insulted.

  On one hand, Chanyeol had shared his exact sentiments: it was nice to not be the odd one out.

  On the other, he had just called him insane.

  Baekhyun decided to ignore the insult; he was pretty sure that Chanyeol was only being friendly and honest. "Who's your best friend? Is he going to be with us?" He asked, trying to match Chanyeol's enthusiasm, albeit feeling excited himself.

  "First things first," Chanyeol said, gesturing to his suitcase. "Let's get you and yourself inside. There's a couch for us to talk plenty on."



  "Do Kyungsoo's my best friend. I mean, we got on pretty well when we were trainees, during duets together. We already have a bunch of songs planned to perform together for small side performances." Chanyeol explained.

  "That's cool." Baekhyun said, wishing that he too had someone to call his best friend.

  "Yeah, but he doesn't have time for me as a best friend now. He's got his boyfriend." Chanyeol mumbled, seeming to wilt a little.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Yeah, Kyungsoo's gay. Do you have anything against it?" Chanyeol asked, his eyebrows raising a little in suspicon.

  "No! I'm not a homophobe!"

  "Good," Chanyeol visibly relaxed a little. "I still look out for the little guy, you know."

  "Anyway, they're cute together." Chanyeol continued. "And Jongin has been friends with Kyungsoo for longer than I have. He just grew the balls recently to ask Kyungsoo out. I'm glad for Soo. I've known that he had a crush on Jongin for quite a while, the way he always talked about Jongin."

  "They must be great huh?"


  Suddenly, Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun by the arms, startling Baekhyun.

  "You know what, why don't you be my new best friend?"


  "Kyungsoo's gonna be spending whatever time he has with Jongin. I need a new best friend! C'mon, please Baekhyun! The two of us are the only ones crazy enough to arrive at this time. We must be destined to be best friends!" Chanyeol pleaded, eyes sparkling.

  Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol for a while before saying: "You know Chanyeol, you might not want to tell your new best friend that he's crazy."

  He let his words sink into Chanyeol, mentally seeing the light bulb go off above Chanyeol's head, before a pair of arms engulfed him and Chanyeol's voice was screaming to the heavens: "YES! Baekkie's my new best friend!"


  "It's your new nickname, as best friends."

  "Then I get to call you Yeollie."

  "Whatever, so long as you're my best friend."

  Maybe Baekhyun misjudged his new bandmates a little too early; seems like not all of them will be that cool and calm.



  Baekhyun got to meet Kyungsoo, Chanyeol's best friend. He was surprised to see the contrast. Chanyeol was tall, while Kyungsoo was tiny, shorter than Baekhyun. Chanyeol was loud, while Kyungsoo was shy and quiet. Nevertheless, he could see the strong bond of friendship between them, and Baekhyun had outwardly cooed at Kyungsoo for being cute.

  He also soon met Kyungsoo's boyfriend Jongin, who had strolled in a couple of minutes after Kyungsoo, and had wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist while introducing himself, eyesmiles and all. Baekhyun once again couldn't handle his teenage-girl self, and squealed at the both of them when Jongin had planted a kiss on Kyungsoo's temple, leaving the latter blushing furiously.

  Another tall guy strolled into the dorm after a while, silver portable suitcase being dragged along behind him. He gave Jongin a one-armed hug and was introduced as Jongin's best friend Oh Sehun, also the Maknae of the group. His face, albeit definitely handsome, was cold and expressionless, and Baekhyun shuddered to think what would happen if he were to anger the Maknae.

  The leader, Kim Junmyeon, was the last to arrive, and immediately proved to be a stark contrast from Sehun, being all bright smiles and a warm attitude. Baekhyun felt somewhat reassured that he was going to be the leader; there was just something about Junmyeon that you could trust.

  The first issue that Junmyeon addressed was the rooming. No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Jongin was grabbing Kyungsoo and staking his claim.

  "He's my boyfriend, Junmyeon Hyung. I think that's enough reason for us to be roommates."

  Kyungsoo glanced at Chanyeol, asking: "You don't mind, do you Yeol?"

  He needn't had worried, for Chanyeol waved him off saying: "No problem! Besides, I found a new bestie and roommie, Baekkie!"

  "Ah," Kyungsoo murmured. "Well, help me take good care of Yeol here."

  "No problem." Baekhyun beamed.

  "Well, since they've decided," Junmyeon began, turning to Sehun. "I guess that just leaves you and me."

  "Whatever." Sehun muttered, stalking off to a room, silver luggage in tow.

  "Don't worry about it," Jongin chuckled. "He's just being cranky and bratty and moody. He's a lot better once he opens up."

  With that, he tugged Kyungsoo along in search of a room, leaving a slightly bewildered Junmyeon with Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

  "Well, I guess you guys better get settled or something." Junmyeon said, before walking off in pursuit of Sehun.

  "C'mon," Chanyeol said, dragging Baekhyun along. "Let's go get our room, Roommie."



  Rooming with Chanyeol turned out to be more fun than Baekhyun thought. Chanyeol was a complete ''No Limits' guy, open to any ideas, and soon the room started to take on a more homey feel.

  Girls' Generation poster adorned one wall while 2NE1 posters aligned another. Chanyeol and Baekhyun decided to dump all their music equipment in a corner of their room, and Chanyeol pulled out a guitar to stuff under his bed.

  Clothes were put away, rugs were arranged, more posters and merchandise were set up (Baekhyun's Girls' Generation mug and Chanyeol's 2NE1 tumbler were sitting on their coffee table), other things were haphazardly tossed around, and soon both boys stepped back to admire their handiwork.

  The other rooms though, had a different spin to them.

  Jongin and Kyungsoo had pushed their beds together to form a bigger bed, and had some photos of the two of them around their room. Multi-coloured mugs and coasters were on their coffee table, and everything looked neat but lived-in. They looked like they had just moved all their stuff from one dorm to another (Which they had).

  Sehun and Junmyeon's were a total reflection. While Jongin and Kyungsoo's looked like a couple's house, Sehun and Junmyeon's looked like half a room combined together. The only similarity was that both sides were neat. Junmyeon's had a pastel bedspread and a pastel rug. His things were neatly arranged and pastel or white. Sehun on the other hand, posessed a spartan sort of decor. His half of the room was plain, but Sehun had somehow managed to make it look inhabitable, instead of looking like it was on show display.

  Baekhyun was amazed at how different they all were. Yet at the dining table during dinner, he couldn't help but think that they'd all get along together swimmingly well.



  Their debut came and went, and Baekhyun was on an euphoria. It was maybe because of that, that he started noticing strange things.

  Whenever Chanyeol smiled his toothpaste-advert smile at him, Baekhyun started feeling happier. When Chanyeol brushed his hand against his, he felt the metaphorical butterflies fluttering about in his stomach. When Chanyeol changed in front of him, Baekhyun started getting all hot and bothered.

  Feeling bothered, he took all his worries to Kyungsoo, whom he had grown close to due to the latter being his fellow main vocalist. Kyungsoo patiently heard him out, and then proclaimed that it was love that Baekhyun was feeling.

  "It's Chanyeol, isn't it?" Kyungsoo quipped while Baekhyun was wondering distractedly.


  "I know it's Chanyeol, you don't have to worry." Kyungsoo said soothingly. When Baekhyun just covered his face with a pillow and made no reply, Kyungsoo continued: "Love is a wonderful thing. When you've found him, you just want to spend every single remaining second of your life with him. He's going to know all your little secrets, all your shortcomings, all your worries, all your flaws, and he's going to love you all the more for those."

  "I'm guessing that's how you feel with Jongin."

  "More than that. I don't think I can bear to lose him after everything. Jongin's walked too deep into my heart to come out, and I think I'd just die if I woke up one day to find myself breathing and not him. Everything applies to him too. If you truly love someone, this is how you would feel."

  Kyungsoo smiled as he rubbed Baekhyun's arm. "If you love him, go for it. Chanyeol needs someone to love too. And if I've seen it well in his eyes, that person is you."



  Baekhyun was confused as to how Kyungsoo could know, but the younger just smiled and said: "I trust my gut feeling. And my gut is hardly inaccurate,"

  So Baekhyun tried. He tried to see if Chanyeol had any affections for him. But their schedules were so busy, and Baekhyun was worn out everyday. Some days he could see Jongin carrying Kyungsoo into their room after an exhausting day. And he couldn't ignore the sight of Sehun video-calling Lu Han every single night. Baekhyun would look at those scenes, and wish to feel the same amount of love emanating from him.

  But Chanyeol remained painfully oblivious every single day.



  Soon New Years' Eve arrived, and EXO could be found celebrating as the year of 2012 threatened to spill into 2013.

  Jongin and Kyungsoo were cuddled on the couch, with Junmyeon resting in the armchair. Sehun had EXO-M on webcam, and his rare-but-bright smile matched Lu Han's

  Baekhyun was at the balcony with Chanyeol, the both of them drinking fruit punch. The latter had been quiet all day, occasionally throwing glances at Baekhyun. Just as Chanyeol downed his cup of fruit punch, the clock struck twelve.

  Around them, cries of 'Happy New Year!' could be heard. Jongin kissed Kyungsoo, Junmyeon was wishing EXO-M and Sehun beamed at Lu Han, mouthing a 'Happy New Year' so that the message could get through to Lu Han.

  Fingers tilted his face, and soon Baekhyun found his eyes boring into a pair of warm brown ones.

  A 'Happy New Year, Baek' could be heard, before a pair of lips descended onto his.

  He could still taste Chanyeol's fruit punch on his lips as Chanyeol pulled away, face red but smiling.

  And Baekhyun couldn't help it, he smiled back.



  "I've liked you for a while now. Maybe ever since I saw you behind that door, I don't know. All I know is that I really like you. And...maybe love." Chanyeol admitted, tracing circles on Baekhyun's back.

  They were sleeping together on Chanyeol's bed, as Baekhyun claimed that he liked Chanyeol's scent.

  Baekhyun snuck a small kiss onto Chanyeol's jaw, mumbling: "I don't know about me either. All I knew was that I was in love with you one day."

  "Hey, aren't you supposed to be more romantic than that?"

  "I love you, why do I have to put it so eloquently?"

  "Does this mean we're going to be those obnoxious PDA couples?"

  "We can if you want to. Heck, I get to annoy Jongdae this way. That guy won't stop trolling me."

  "So I guess we're just going to be an annoying and obnoxious PDA couple."

  "Loving. You forgot loving. We PDA 'cause we're loving."

  He could feel Chanyeol placing a kiss of satisfaction on his hair, and smiled as he cuddled into Chanyeol, decidedly feeling safe and warm and loved.

  Just as he drifted off to sleep, he heard Chanyeol mutter an 'I love you.'

  He knew that the moment they woke up, they would no longer be just best friends, but lovers.

  Baekhyun fell asleep with Kyungsoo's words and Chanyeol's 'I love you' replaying in his mind.

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KohanaChai #1
Chapter 1: That was beautiful and perfect and awwwww
BaChannie #2
Chapter 1: [ Baekhyun watched as Monkey Ears' eyes widened in excitement.
"Omigosh! Hi! I'm your new bandmate!"] <---- this <3 XD omaygad XD hahahahahaha . I like this sentence most XD hahahahaha .
WangBi #3
the feeels
knytvsprncss #4
Chapter 1: Sorry for this comment being short, but I sadly only have one word for this.


.... is that even a word?
xxxyenxxx #5
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl baekyeol feelzzz