Chapter Six


“ChanYeol, I’m tired…”

“Really? We only have walked for like ten minutes, look at the clock, it shows 18:40.”

“Are you serious? It seems like it has been ages since we started walking.” BaekHyun pouted. “Are you sure there will be more people here? It seems deserted, like everyone just disappeared with a “pop”.”

“They really disappeared with a “pop”, BaekHyun.” He sighed but, before he could keep talking, both of them embraced the warm floor.

-    -    -

“What the hell did you do? Oh my God, why had you kicked them!? Are you stupid or something?”

“What? If they are the ones who trapped us here we can tie them and then they will tell us how to escape!”

“Tao, really, you’re stupid. Don’t you see they’re the same age as us? We just saw them wandering around and you can only think they’re the bad ones?”

“But it’s logical!”

“No, it’s not!” Lay screamed. “Probably they were trapped like us here.” He reached both guys and he started to wake them up. “Now they won’t believe us and they will think we’re the ones who trapped them here. Thank you, Tao.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry… I really didn’t think about that possibility.” Tao reached the guys too and he started to wake them up too. “Hey, you giant elf, wake up.”

“Giant elf? Why are you so mean to him?” Lay pouted, slapping smoothly the other boy face. “Hey, boy, wake up please.”

If Lay’s words were magical, the boy started to open his eyes.

“What happened? Ugh, my head…” He stood up a little. “Who are you?” He frowned.

“I’m Lay. We saw you but that stupid thing beside me kicked you because he’s really silly and he thought you were the ones who trapped us here.”

“Wh-what? We were trapped here too! We’re not the bad ones!”

“I know, I know, I’m really sorry. See, Tao? They were trapped here too! You jerk…”

“Fine, I get it! Stop being so mean to me and help me wake up the giant elf.”

“He’s not a giant elf! He’s ChanYeol.” The boy pouted. “And I’m BaekHyun, by the way.”

“Hahahaha! It’s like bacon!” Tao started to laugh, but he was the only one who enjoyed the joke.

“Shut up, Tao. I’m sorry, BaekHyun-ah, he laughed at my name too.” Lay sighed and went to wake up ChanYeol. “Hey, ChanYeol, wake up.”

As he caressed his face, the boy started to open his eyes.

“B-BaekHyun?” He sniffed. “What happe- Wait, you’re not BaekHyun.” ChanYeol frowned. “Who are you?”

“I’m Lay. That stupid boy right there kicked you both because he thought you were the bad ones. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, I would have done the same.”

“Of course, like you know Wushu better than I do.” Tao replied.

“Shut up Tao, I’m serious. You’re not helping at all.” Lay stood up. “It’s starting to get dark although it’s 19:00… I think we should start to search for some food or something. Maybe there’s someone else too.”

“I think I only have 17 dollars, it will be enough for us to dinner?” ChanYeol said.

“ChanYeol, I don’t think the money is important here. No one will say anything to us and there’s no one to attend us so you can’t pay to anyone.” Lay slapped smoothly the boy’s shoulder. “Let’s start walking and tell me about your lifes! I’m a little bit curious, you know…”

All of them started walking and, when they were about to turn right, Tao, who was talking lively ran into an unknown and very tall body.

-    -    -

“Perhaps it was only coincidence. I don’t think they know us.”

“Are you sure? They knew I hate public restrooms and germs and they trapped me there I purpose. I don’t think it’s only a coincidence.”

“But how did they know then, SuHo? They couldn’t have been spying you or something.”

“Who knows? If we’re trapped here, alone, everything is possible.”

Kris was starting to think that the boy beside him was very paranoid and he didn’t like that. He hated paranoid people.

“Okay, enough. Stop being so paranoid please, I can’t handle it more! Gosh.”

“S-sorry… I didn’t know. I’ll stop.”

SuHo and Kris had walked until now for almost half an hour and they were starting to feel pain in their feet. Of course, their walk derived in a total failure.

“Do you really think there’s anyone else here? We had walking a lot and we didn’t see someone.”  SuHo started to talk again, cutting the silence that prevailed almost 30 minutes.

“Yes, I’m sure. You saw someone lying in the floor, you remember? And I heard a voice calling me. Minimum there is two more people here.”

“You’re right, I forgot the boy I saw. He was just lying there in the floor and he just disappeared in front of me.”

When Kris was going to answer him, they turned left and he ran into an unfamiliar body.

-    -    -

“So you say you’re Kris and you’re SuHo?” Lay said.

“Yes, we are. In fact my real name is Yifan but Kris is cooler for me.”

“Can you please stop staring at me? What’s wrong with you?” BaekHyun screamed.

“S-sorry!” SuHo bowed. “I think I saw you before. I’m not sure if you were the one laying on the floor but you’re really similar.”

“You saw me? Why didn’t you tell me anything?”

“You just disappeared.”

“I just- what? I disappeared? What are you talking about?”

“It’s true! When I saw you you just disappeared.”

“And I heard some voices calling me too!” Kris said, clapping his hands.

As he said that, Lay started to remember. He was the boy who Tao and he saw when they left the circus.

“Tao, I think Kris’ the boy we saw before.”

“Are you sure?” Tao looked at Kris. “It’s true!”

“Kris” Lay started to say. “I think we were the ones who called you.” He was pointing to both of them. “You disappeared before we could reach you and we just started to find you but it was in vain. We found BaekHyun and ChanYeol in the way.”

“So you were the ones… I see. It’s a relief if I’m honest. I was starting to think I just heard a ghost or something.”

“A ghost?” BaekHyun asked, the fear present in his voice.

“There are not ghosts BaekHyun, believe me.” ChanYeol said.

When BaekHyun was going to complain, a distorted voice in the sky started to talk.




Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. I started the school this week and I'm really busy. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Love you guys!

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I was so happy I had 43 subs but now I have 42... OTL I'm here to say today or tomorrow I'll post the (maybe) last chapter!! Be patient with me please!!


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Chapter 16: Aww, it's so cute~!! They finally got back together!
Chapter 15: woww. amazing. everybody is protective towards kyungsoo. aww~~
Chapter 15: I'm going to kick Kai! I'm just getting started! Hyaa~~!
Chapter 14: Holy !
Chapter 14: This is coming out
great. thanks for sharing(",
Chapter 12: This is amazing! Please update soon!
Chapter 12: are they going to get out? I hope kaisoo stay friends if they do, or maybe more (:
Chapter 11: xIUCHEN YES
Chapter 10: Is there TaoRis and SuLay?
Chapter 10: Aw poor Baekhyun, Tao will probably be crap in the dark XD