
Bloodstream [Broken Memories #1]
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“Where’s your holiday spirit?”  Seungwan .  “Christmas is next week and I’ve already decided you’re staying at my place during break.”


It was the last day of school before break.  Coincidentally it was also a Wednesday and the girls had taken it upon themselves to plan out the entire winter break in which she would be going from house to house to stay with them.  Seulgi didn’t really want that.  She just wanted to go to dance practice and then go home.  She hated the fact that they felt obligated to take care of her like that.  


“Guys, I don’t want to intrude.  The holidays should be spent with your families.  I have family left even if it’s not much,” Seulgi said.


Seungwan’s face twisted into that of disapproval.  Sooyoung however understood which family member she had meant.  Joohyun seemed to as well and that only made her look more worried than she should have been.  


“If you see your grandma, will your dad get angry?”  Sooyoung asked.  They’d all seen how he’d reacted the day her grandmother had been admitted into the hospital.  Seulgi knew that nothing would be the same after that night.  She just hadn’t expected things would change as much as they had.


“He won’t find out.  I promised her I’d come more often.  She deserves that,” Seulgi said, more determined.  She felt stronger whenever she theoretically made plans to outsmart her father.  Unfortunately, she had no way of knowing if her plans would actually work.


The girls settled for sitting on the sidelines during dance practice to see her progress.  They’d been pestering her about coming to any of the competitions and Seulgi was always horrified at the thought of them watching her.  She wasn’t exactly shy but the three of them and Kim Hyoyeon were the only ones that ever seemed to have the guts to judge her.  Seulgi just happened to care more about what her friends thought.


She went through the routine feeling like she had something to prove.  Her friends had been treating her as if she couldn’t handle what she was going through in life.  She wanted to show them she was capable of doing something and being able to do it right.  Seulgi had grown the courage to add her own flair to the choreographed moves as Hyoyeon had been trying to get her to do for a while.


The music pounded loudly and she forgot about everything else.  There was nothing but the beat.  Her legs stomped and twisted and her arms moved fluidly through the air.  She could feel the sweat forming on the back of her neck.  Then just like it began, the routine was over.


Seulgi smiled as she glanced at her friends who were at the corner of the gym.  They clapped politely and both Joohyun and Seungwan shot her a thumbs up.  Sooyoung just looked proud of her.  


“Girl, you can do all the drugs you want.  Just keep dancing like that and I might even go lesbian for you,” Min joked, throwing an arm around Seulgi’s neck.  


“Seulgi, not going to lie.  That was a huge improvement,” Hyoyeon commented.


Seulgi nodded awkwardly, not used to receiving that much praise.  Hyuna came forward and backed them away from her.  She smiled at Seulgi kindly.


“You did good out there Seulgi.  Do you want to come eat with us after practice?  Your friends can come too,”  Hyuna asked.


Seulgi didn’t think there was harm in it anymore.  Her father didn’t care where she was anymore so as long as she didn’t go to the hospital.  She nodded and felt a bit happier than she had in a while and she didn’t think it was a bad idea to capitalize on the feeling and socialize with the girls on the team a bit more.  Plus they were also inviting her friends which would make her feel a bit more comfortable.  Sooyoung had walked over, yet kept glancing over to the other side of the gym where the boys were.  Seulgi rolled her eyes and only just managed to keep from laughing.  


“Why don’t we just have a party tonight?  Seungwan’s parents are out of town and the house is up for it,”  Sooyoung said. 


Min threw her head back and pumped her fist.  “Yeah, party!”

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If anyone is interested in Seungwan and Sehun's story after reading Bloostream, you can check out its sequel, Photograph, by clicking on this link!


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I just ran into this fic! I must say it looks really intriguing. I’m adding this to my “must reads” ^^
woah, overall this story is really good! I finished it in one sitting :D
mymaiee #3
Chapter 28: This story is so beautiful so deep so meaningful. This kind of piece is what I'm living for! You did a wonderful job with my favorite pair, thank you <3
windinmyhair #4
I've subscribed some time ago but havent had the chance to read it up. I'm glad I ran across it again and i finished it in one go. The fact that Seulgi and Kai are real people gave me this feeling I dont know how to describe. Somehow, I'd like to wish Seulgi all the best and I hope she'll grow stronger and even more amazing woman than she already is. I'd like to thank Kai for saving her and thanks Seulgi for letting yourself to be saved. Being strong is not just by bearing everything by yourself. Thanks for proving that :)
douxsoleil #5
So, I just stumbled across your story as I was trying to search for stories that makes my heart flutter(cause most stories these days could not be helped and I am more stoic than usual so it's quite difficult to read) as I tried to look for stories eith depth.
First of all, I have heard of this SeulKai ship a couple of times and I'm okay with it and I know this is not an important point but I am a Yoonkai trash(basically a yoona trash and I ship her with so many people, including girls for christ sake as she is a muse to me) and I have been obsessing over Kai these days and a SeulKai sounds okay just because I found Seulgi to be a cute fluffy bear. So i began. And I did not regret every single time that I have spent reading this.

First of all, I love how human you create Seulgi to be. I can relate to her problems with dealing school, ty people, not trusting friends with her problems, family issues, and conflicting mind battles with herself and her constantly trying to be independent, cause by the end of the day all we get is ourselves. Then you decide to insert sassy punk dude named Kim Jongin who turns out to be just a good optimistic guy who loves his family with a tiny bit of crack for his father's debt. You showed me how Kim Jongin is just a misunderstood guy, shows how society judge us based on attires and faces worn.
You showed me how love is not all about kissing and faces and heartfelt 3 am talks, but it's about two people seeing each other at their most tiest state and yet still be able to love one another. It's about two people growing up as they fall for each other. This stiry made me like SeulKai a bit more.
And Sooyoung's got to be my favorite character. She's vibrant, understanding and true, and I had to quote "The sass is strong with this one" because this reminds me of a Star Wars quote which is also my favorite. Anyway, I had a great time reading this. Good luck on your next story!
Chapter 28: Omg!!! LOVED THIS FANFIC SO MUCH! AH! GREAT WONDERFUL ENDING <33333 QwQ wait so this was your friends real life story? She is so lucky to have a Kai well actually to have him but as Kai in this story! Omg so so so so so so cute! I can't x'D how heart melting. TwT
Chapter 25: Awww...... ;-;
Chapter 22: Who would get tired of looking at my baby bear's smile? c: we'll both of my baby bears >w< but ah! Loved this chapter <3 Awww QwQ
Chapter 21: SeulKai!!! YES YES! *^*/ ahdlsbsjhsjs