First Conversation With Him

Vampire In Love

Tiffany with Uee, Jaejoong, Kahi, and Yoochun, becoming part of this circle. She now only glances at Jessica's car, a white M3 BMW, as they arrive, driving past. She only sees Jessica, Yuri, Hyoyeon, and Nicole in her car. And Seohyun, in a red Ford Mondeo, only her and Yoona, no Taeyeon. Tiffany disappointed, she turns around, returning to her friends. She finally forgetting about him.

Science Class
Rain beats on the roof as Jaejoong walks Tiffany into class. She brushes water off her coat as he chats her up.

Jaejoong: Prom committee is a chick thing, but I got to cover for the school newsletter anyways. And they need a guy to help choose the music-- So, i need your playlist.
Tiffany: Sure.

Yoochun comes up behind her. He shakes his cap onto Tiffany's head.

Tiffany: Terrific. Got water in my hair.

She heads toward her seat, brushing off her hair. But she freezes when she sees Taeyeon. Tiffany straightens, she calms down. She walks to her table, and she confidently puts down her books on her desk. Ready to address him. But he looks up at her---

Taeyeon: Morning

Tiffany stops, stunned. He is direct, precise,as if every word is an effort for him.

Taeyeon: Hello, I didn't have a chance to introduce myself the other day. My name is Kim Taeyeon.

She to shocked to answer because he's talking to her. 

Taeyeon: Your Tiffany Hwang, right.
Tiffany: I'm.... Yes

She sits down, feeling like an idiot. He abruptly moves to the extreme edge of his seat. She's even more baffled now.

Yuri(from behind to Tae): Tae, just sit properly, she not gonna bite. (To Tiffany) Sorry, about him, he just nervous around other people he doesn't know.
Tiffany: Oh, it's okay.
Taeyeon: Shut up, I'm not nervous.

Yoona was reading his book, he said something without looking up from his book.

Yoona: Then sit on your seat properly. Or you scaredy cat.
Tae: I'm not.

Tae sits on his seat properly. 

Yuri: There you go, we don't want you to be sore for are game tonight.
Tiffany: You got a game tonight.
Yoona: Yes, you should come and watch. It's here at 5 o'clock. 
Tiffany: Sure, can I bring some of my friends.
Yuri: Sure.

Mr. Lau enters in and talks to the class.

Mr. Lau: We will be working in a group of two. Each of you should have a microscope and some slides. We will be looking at microorganism and guessing what they are. Now get to work.

Everyone sets to work. Taeyeon pushes the microscope to Tiffany,keeping his distance, his voice controlled.

Taeyeon: Ladies first.

She grabs the microscope defensively and snaps the first slide in. Adjusting the lens. She's curt as she addresses him.

Tiffany: You've been gone for awhile.
Taeyeon: Out of town for some personal reasons.

She glances at him but he just leans far away, his face tight. She looks back into the microscope.

Tiffany: Algae.

She was about to remove the slide but, Taeyeon stopped her.

Taeyeon: May I look just to see if you're right?
Tiffany: Go ahead.

She slides the microscope over. He glances through the lens. 

Taeyeon: Algae.
Tiffany: Like I said.

They write it on the worksheet. Then he puts in the next slide, he breathes in trying calm himself down. He looks at her with enormous effort.

Taeyeon: Enjoying the rain?
Tiffany: Seriously, you're asking me about the weather?
Taeyeon: It appears I am asking you about the weather.
Tiffany: No, I don't like rain or the cold.

Taeyeon smiles, for the first time, he seems more intrigued than agonized. He studies her, she can't tell if he despises her or not. 

Tiffany: What?

He shakes his head and turns to the microscope. She looks at him, and keeps looking. 

Tiffany POV

His cheekbones, his lips. So perfect, like a sculpture.

Taeyeon: Fungi.

She snaps out of it.

Tiffany: May I?(she looks through the microscope) Fungi.
Taeyeon: Like I said.

I take a glance at him, and this time I see a smirk. I simply hold out my hand for another slide. Taeyeon handed me another slide. I put it in and look through it.

Taeyeon: Why did you move here if you hate cold and rain?
Tiffany: it's complicated
Taeyeon: I think I can keep up.

He actually seems interested. I look into the microscope.

Tiffany: My mother remarried. His name is Lee Joon.
Taeyeon: so, you don't like him or something?
Tiffany: Lee Joon is fine. Young for her, but he is nice. Protozoa. Wanna check.
Taeyeon: No, it okay. I believe it's Protozoa.

Tiffany exits out, and runs into Taeyeon. Who's directly in front of her.

Tiffany: What you doing?
Taeyeon:Why didn't you stay with your mother and stepdad?

He waits for her to answer, studying her, as if he is trying to decipher her. She's drawn in by his attention.

Tiffany: Let's continue walking. Lee Joon is a famous baseball player. So, he travels a lot. My mother stayed home with me but it made her unhappy. So I decided to spend time with my father.
Taeyeon: But now your unhappy, right?
Tiffany: No... I--I just..

Tiffany turns around feeling embarrassed, vulnerable. Taeyeon saw this, he panicked. He didn't know what to do.

Taeyeon: Hey, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get to know you. You're very hard to read.

He's clearly trying to read her. Their eyes meet again. But now she looks more closely at him. There something wrong with his eyes.

Tiffany: Hey, just asking Taeyeon, did you get contacts? 
Taeyeon: What you talking about?
Tiffany: Your eyes were black when we first met. Now they're golden brown or--
Taeyeon: Yeah, sure. Don't worry about it. Oh, look Yoona and Yuri. 

He sees Yoona and Yuri, he turns away and walks away. As he does, Tiffany saw his hand clench into tight fists. Tiffany utterly bewildered, both intrigued and frustrated.


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Chapter 49: Oie si
sadeblade34 #2
Chapter 1: Oh God please tell me it's not a remake of the Twilight series
sadeblade34 #3
marked couple and theyare vampires. I wonder how they'll deal with high school kid's
Uchinagaeri #4
Chapter 1: the prolouge where you said lets pretend taeyeon is tall got me laughing so hard ! coz its kinda hard to imagine her being tall and mighty lol ! but for the sake of the fic ill imagine her but ill be laughing everytime i do :) thanks for this fic :) love it !
Thunderette #5
hah do you actually read this story. I changed bunch of stuff around, yeah it's from twilight but I ain't going to completely copy the whole. I took some things from the movie, but I added some of my own things and if you don't like it LegendaryShipper, then don't read it. Read the whole bloody story and you don't have to like it, so don't read any of it.
kkuma_yoong #6
Chapter 48: Its look like twilight. Twilight in soshi ver..^^
tipco09 #7
Chapter 49: I've not been following twilight so most of this is new to me. I like the story very much.
Chapter 49: thank you for changing the character tho.. and u change some the scene in it... well I'll always seen TaeNy character instead of bella and edward lol... cute ^^
Chapter 49: Yeayy ~ I can't wait for the sequel ~~ ;D