III. Broken Glass of Every Kind

Of Broomsticks, Cats, and Witches

Staring at the strange creature in front of him, the young man boldy proclaimed, "I will only let you eat me if you can prove your might." The monster, furiated by the young man's words, puffed out his chest.

"We shall see, foolish man. I will cut down twenty-five trees with my claws in one blow. Will that prove my might?"

The young man shook his head. "It will not."

The monster snarled. "Then I will cut down fifty trees in one blow. Will that prove my might?"

The young man shook his head. "It will not."

Enraged, the monster roared, shaking the cave. "Then I will cut down one hundred trees in one blow. Will that prove my might?"

After the exciting meeting with Minseok, Chanyeol decided that he really needed to do some research on how to avoid being attacked by monsters.

He really didn't want to end up as a stone statue.

Or drowned.

Or clawed to bits.

Or covered in some magical, glittery light for that matter. Like he knew how dangerous Yixing could possibly be.

As he gathered up his plates and brought them to the sink, a loud, thundering crash startled him, making him nearly drop the dishes. Carefully putting them on the counter, Chanyeol dashed back to the main room to see what was going on. "What happened?!"

Standing up slowly, Tao tossed out his yogurt container, still reading his textbook. "Welcome back, Yifan. Can't you find a less-flashy entrance?"

There in the main room, surrounded by shards of broken glass, was a tall, blonde male with a strong jawline and dark eyes, a bright smile on his face. "Oh, hey guys! What's up?" Flashing another bright smile, Yifan turned to trail after Tao casually slinging an arm over his shoulder - which was promptly shoved off. "But Tao," he whined, his handsome face comically pulling a pout. "Flying through windows is so much fun!" Tao rolled his eyes, returning to his textbook.

"I would tell you to stop being all touchy-feely, however you would continue to bother me with your useless pestering anyway."

Sighing melodramatically, Yifan placed a hand on his heart, falling backwards in a mock faint. However, before he could touch the ground, he stopped, floating mid-air. "You wound me, Tao. Am I really that annoying?"


The sentiment was echoed by everyone present in the room.


Tao left the room without a word, dragging the chair he was sitting on with him.

Rolling his eyes, Kris stood up, before grabbing a bowl and a package of instant oatmeal from the kitchen. "I haven't seen you around before. You're the new tenant, Bark Chanweol, right?"

Chanyeol deadpanned, unamused. "Park Chanyeol. And yes, I am new to this dorm. I'm assuming you're Yifan?"

Yifan guffawed, a bright smile spreading across his face. "Absolutely! Nice to meet'cha. Say, are you doing anything later today? Sehun and I were going to go down to the track field. You can come too! Sehun's pretty cool, so he won't mind if you joined us."

Scratching the back of his head, Chanyeol smiled sheepishly. "I was actually planning to go check out the library later today. Maybe next time?"

Yifan snorted, pouring hot water into his bowl of oats. "Please. The library here is really ty. They've got really outdated books and absolutely nothing on psychology even though we've got an entire ing psychology wing. You're better off borrowing books from a ing garbage dump."

Shrugging, Chanyeol started to walk back to his room. "I'm still going to check it out. Can't hurt, right?"

Rolling his eyes playfully, Yifan sat down at the table beside Jongin. The boy shyly scooted over to give the tall blonde more room, smiling softly.

As Chanyeol opened the door to his and Baekhyun's room, Yifan, the ever lighthearted soul, started to sing. And it was a duet, too.

Chanyeol snorted. Yifan was such a dork.

He then went into a surprisingly good falsetto, singing out the female parts.

Jondgae said something in a quiet voice, nearly inaudible.

Yifan stopped singing. "Oatmeal can sing too, you bastard!"

Chanyeol left laughing.

Somehow Chanyeol ended up being dragged over to the track field anyway. One second he was putting on his shoes, ready to leave for the library, and the next he was out on a field with Yifan - still overly peppy and possibly high off of sugar (although the so-called 'sugar high' is false, as carbohydrates break down into glucose and then your body produces insulin which - he was going to stop now before he started lecturing people) - and a slim boy with platinum blond hair whom Chanyeol presumed to be Sehun.


How did he even end up there?

Yifan was being hyperactive, bouncing around the field as he laughed at something one of the other students there had said. They all called him 'Kris,' although Chanyeol wasn't sure why. Nicknames were such bothersome things. If you weren't going to use the name given to you, then why have your birth name in the first place?

Sehun hadn't said much other than a brief introduction - Chanyeol learned through this that Sehun had a slight lisp, but it only came out when he was nervous (the slight fidgeting and the subtle eye twitch were easy enough to read) - and was currently stretching. What they were doing there exactly was still a mystery to Chanyeol.


A small, lithe body slammed into him from behind, nearly sending Chanyeol flying.

What the actual ?! Who the hell calls me 'Yeollie' and then attacks me?!

His assailant turned out to be a fairly petite, slim boy with honey-blond hair and wide doe eyes. "Oh, you are Chanyeol, right? You have to be! Because Baekkie said that 'Park ing Chanyeol is a ing tree. You can't miss him at all unless you're blind.' But Yeollie is so much cuter than Chanyeol, right Yeollie?"

Sehun snorted. "Calm the down, Luhan. You're scaring him less."

The boy, Luhan, squealed, dashing over to latch onto Sehun's arm. "Sehunnie! You're back! Luhan hasn't seen you in hours!" Rolling his eyes, Sehun shook the blond off, a small smile creeping on his face as Luhan jumped around, a massive smile on his face. "It's so much better be here instead of Luhan's stinky old studio!"

Yifan dashed over, ruffling Luhan's hair. "Welcome back, you damn brat! How's your work going?"

Luhan pouted, batting at Yifan's hand to no avail. "Kris-Kris! Stop being such a meanie ! Luhan doesn't like that at all!"

Chanyeol winced as Luhan's voice rose an octave or two, progressively growing louder.

Why was it that the smallest person of them all was the loudest?

Finally escaping Yifan, Luhan turned back to Sehun. "Anyway, Sehunnie how come you're not doing anything right now? Luhan came here at this time because he wanted to see Sehunnie and Kris-Kris running. Sehunnie and Kris-Kris are really fast, you know?"

Oh god.

Someone kill Chanyeol before his grammar senses explode (That third person speech was driving him nuts! Not to mention those useless nicknames!).

Sehun chuckled, rolling an ankle in preparation. "We were actually going to be playing soccer today. Wanna join us?" Frowning, Luhan shook his head.

"Luhan doesn't like playing soccer."

"But you're an amazing soccer player, Luhan! Maybe play just one game?"

"No. Luhan doesn't want to play soccer! If Sehunnie doesn't stop asking me to play Luhan's going to scream!"

At those words, immediate chaos broke out across the field.

People sprinted across the field, getting as far away from Luhan as they could. Some people took cover behind the bleachers that neatly lined the field, cowering as the occasional brave soul peaked over the metal seating anxiously.

Sehun sighed, raising an impassive eyebrow. "Fine. But you have to stop talking in third person."

Luhan pouted. "But Luhan likes talking in third person!"

Sehun's expression didn't change. "But it's getting annoying."

Puffing out his cheeks, Luhan waved a finger at Sehun. "Sehunnie simply doesn't understand the finer points in speaking in third person. The entire reason why Luhan speaks in third person..." His expression morphed, growing devious as a mischievous smirk crossed his face, eyes flashing. "...is to piss people off, Se-hu-nnie!" Playfully singing out Sehun's name, he let out a peal of laughter as he skittered backwards, avoiding a playful swipe from Sehun.

Dropping the emotionless poker-face, Sehun chased after the retreating form of Luhan, yelling for him to come back so he could properly hit him over the head. The people who went into hiding slowly returned to the field, murmuring about how close a call that was.

Chanyeol was thoroughly confused.

The again, when was he not?

It turns out that Sehun was ridiculously fast.

As in he could outrun a speeding train.

Scratch that, he could outrun Superman and have time to spare!

Sehun could be on the other side of the field and then he'd be next to you. Chanyeol was pretty sure that he could ing teleport! I mean, how else was he that inhumanely fast?


Right. School full of monsters. Got it.

The entirety of the soccer game went like this: Sehun aka Speedy Gonzales ran at you full speed, STOLE THE ING BALL BEFORE YOU COULD BLINK, and scored. Yifan hopped around and occasionally kicked the ball, laughing the entire time. Luhan was more focused on the poorly painted lines in the grass than anything else ("Oh! How bad! These yucky lines are all crooked and this ugly white doesn't complement the different shades of green! How crude!").

Sehun's team won 90-15.

Tired, sweaty, and semi-amused by the honey-blond boy that was chatting up a storm, Chanyeol decided that when he got back to the dorm he needed a shower and a nap.

"- and really, Sulli always complains about her height but what can she do about it, I mean she's a giant for goodness sake! Literally, though. Her parents are actual giants. But she still complains! She's always like, 'Oh, I'm so tall, I hate this, why can't I be small like you guys, I envy you,' but then she wears high heels! if you want to be short wear regular shoes. Don't go complaining to me! Isn't it so annoying to be tall all the time, Yeollie? I mean everyone complains about how tall people are, like 'oh my god why can't you be shorter?' or 'I wish I were as tall as you.' Well those people should just go shut up and fall into some ditch 'cause it must be so annoying to hear that all the time! Am I right or am I right, Yeollie?"


Maybe Luhan's constant chatter wasn't so amusing.

"...I guess so?"

Luhan squealed, clinging on to Chanyeol's arm. "You are my absolute most favorite person in the world right now! Sehunnie, Kris-Kris, you two should be more like Yeollie!"

​Sehun rolled his eyes, a small grin crossing his face. "Whatever you say, Luhan. Hey, how about instead of dragging me to your art convention thing later you take Chanyeol instead? I've got something I need to do."

Luhan's face lit up like a light bulb, flashing a brilliant - almost blinding, really - smile at both Sehun and Chanyeol. "OH MY GOD, SEHUNNIE YOU'RE A GENIUS. Yeollie~ Come to the art convention with me! Please? I've got a stand and everything and all of the little brats who want to compete with my beautiful masterpieces are going to try and kill them so I need someone big and tall like you to scare them off!"

Chanyeol sighed, shaking his head. "I'm doing something later today. Sorry. Maybe next time?"

Luhan's eyes flashed as he pouted childishly. "I'll scream if you don't come." Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. Really? Luhan thought that by threatening to scream it would actually deter him and make him want to come to the art convention?

"I'm seriously really sorry, okay? I'll go and... buy you ice cream or something."

Luhan screamed, his voice shattering a nearby glass window.

Chanyeol thought his ears would burst.

Holy how is such a little thing so loud?!


Luhan's bright smile returned, but the devious glint in his eyes remained. "I knew you would, Yeollie! Let's go get ready for it, okay?"

Ears still ringing, Chanyeol let himself be dragged away by the blond devil in disguise.

Sehun laughed at him.

Yifan was still too busy trying to figure out what had happened to his shoes (there were at least fifty knots in the laces) to really care.

Once they reached the dorms, Luhan pushed Chanyeol down onto the couch, putting a hand on his hip. "Now you sit there while I do some things. When I'm done we'll leave, okay Yeollie?"

Baekhyun, who was sitting at the dining table, raised an eyebrow. Luhan spotted him, squeaking in excitement as he flung his arms around the equally petit boy. "Baekkie! How are you Luhan's adorable little kitty-cat? Luhan hasn't seen you since last week and that phone conversation was too short for Luhan to properly socialize! You've been getting along with Yeollie, right? Oh Luhan knows you have 'cause you're Baekkie and Baekkie always gets along with people! Luhan thinks you're probably besties by now! But enough about Yeollie, Luhan wants to know how Baekkie's been doing? Minnie's been feeding you properly, right? And Kris-Kris and Tao-Tao aren't being too loud, right? If Chen-Chen's being a meanie poo you just tell Luhan and Luhan will scream at him, okay Baekkie?"

Baekhyun laughed, pushing Luhan away from him. "And when did you turn into such a mother hen?"

Luhan pouted once more, crossing his arms and sassily cantering a hip. "Luhan can be worried about his friends. Plus last time Luhan left Baekkie alone he managed to slip, fall down the stairs, and successfully break his arm for the third time. And then Baekkie forgot to do all of his homework and nearly failed his entrance exam. So Luhan only worries about Baekkie. Baekkie should feel special."

Baekhyun huffed mockingly, putting his hands on his hips. "Gee, that makes me feel really special, Luhan. But what are you even doing back here? I thought you had an art convention to get to."

Shaking his head, Luhan tucked a stray strand of hair behind an ear. "Luhan needs to get some things first. Yeollie's coming with me to scare away the stinky artists who want to kill my babies. Does Baekkie want to come with us?"

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow before glancing over at Chanyeol, his gaze immediately hardening. "Nah, I've got some important errands to do today. How about you take some pictures and show it to me? It'll be a great opportunity to practice your photography skills."

Hardly looking convinced, Luhan looked at Chanyeol, then back at Baekhyun. "...Alright, Baekkie. Luhan totally understands why you don't want to be there. No worries." Glancing once more at Chanyeol, Luhan leaned in, whispering so loudly Chanyeol could hear him anyway.

"It's because you've got a crush on Yeollie, right? And you don't want to spend three hours in the same spot as him with nothing much to do, right?"

Chanyeol nearly choked on his own saliva. Where in the world did Luhan get that idea from? Bakehyun paled, looking utterly mortified. Sputtering, the pale complexion slowly grew a rosy blush until it engulfed his face in a bright red.

"L-Luhan! Don't be silly! Chanyeol and I are roommates. Nothing more, nothing less."

Chanyeol tilted his head. Right now, Baekhyun wasn't just embarrassed, but he was also angry too. His hands were balled into fists and said fists trembled slightly. A single eyebrow twitched subtly every now and then, his lower lip trembling... Not to mention the angry blush that refused to go away.


So Baekhyun hated Chanyeol enough that the thought of them being together made him angry, but he liked him enough that the thought of them being together made him embarrassed. What a strange guy. But sometimes a little strange is good...

...Where on Earth is this train of thought going?!

Luhan raised a suspicious eyebrow, staring at Baekhyun intently before shrugging. "Meh. It's not my problem. Now... TO THE LULU CAVE!"

The 'Lulu Cave' turned out to be dorm room D.

After he was dragged around a fairly large convention by a hyperactive blond who criticized each and every painting, sculpture, and drawing they came across, intimidated people with his height, and tried not to fall asleep while Luhan lectured him on glass blowing, Chanyeol was totally exhausted.

Yes, Luhan had some very beautiful pieces (he especially liked the delicate little glass kitten Luhan had on display), but it was tiring to keep up with the boy.

As he flopped down on the couch, Chanyeol felt his eyelids fluttering shut.

What he really needed right now... was a nice, long...

He was asleep before he could even finish his thoughts.

Chanyeol woke from his short nap to someone screaming. Leaping off of the couch with a start, he darted over to the laundry room, flinging the door open. "Luhan are you alright?!"

The blond smiled cheerily, standing in front of the washing machine. "Woke up, I see! I'm fine, why do you ask?" Chanyeol was about to answer when Luhan began screaming again, picking up a laundry basket casually.

From out of nowhere, Sehun appeared from behind him. "Relax, it's normal. This is why we don't usually let him wash his own stuff."


Wait how is screaming while doing laundry normal?!

Outside, the door to room C flew open as Kyungsoo stuck his head out, hissing in the direction of the laundry room. "Be quiet, you idiots!" Closing the door with a loud slam, Kyungsoo shut himself off from the world once more.

Chanyeol sighed. "I've been meaning to ask this, but what exactly is Kyungsoo? I heard that he's something that everyone, including other mythological creatures, hates, but I've been unable to come up with such a creature."

Sehun shrugged. "If you really want to know I can tell you, but he'll probably murder you and eat your liver later. Just so you know."

Piping up from behind his mountain of laundry, Luhan beamed. "I'm a banshee, though! And Sehunnie's a werewolf! Is Yeollie an elf or something?"

A banshee and a werewolf.

Well that explains the extreme speeds and the incredibly loud screams.

Chanyeol shrugged. "I'm a human. That is, that's what I've been told all my life."

Sehun's face split into a grin. "Cool. So, did you grow up with stories about monsters and stuff?"

Chuckling slightly, Chanyeol shook his head. "No, I grew up with science textbooks."

"You're just like Tao."

Chanyeol laughed, a grin splitting his face. "There was this one book I read where an angsty werewolf and a vampire that sparkled fell in love with a very character-less girl, though."

Sehun looked thoroughly offended. Chanyeol laughed again.

Sehun and Chanyeol had migrated to the kitchen after Luhan tottered away with his freshly washed laundry to go put it away.

Sehun was easy to talk to, someone who really was a funny guy. Once you broke past his slightly awkward phase and his poker face, he really was just a big kid that was easily amused and found fun in everything.

Sometime while they were talking, Kyungsoo had come out of his room and started rummaging through one of the kitchen drawers. Chanyeol left him alone and tried to ignore his glares.

Sehun, on the other hand, found a spider to mess around with.

"Hey, Chanyeol! Look at this spider! Isn't it big?"

Glancing at the spider, Chanyeol tilted his head. "That's just a pholcus phalangiodes. Nothing to worry about."

Sehun stared at him. "A what-a-what-a-what?"

Huffing mockingly, Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "A pholcus phalangiodes, Sehun. The more common term is a 'daddy long legs' spider."

Sehun rolled his eyes back at Chanyeol, playfully nudging him in the ribs as he watched the spider crawl along the surface of the table. "Call it what it is, Chanyeol! Enough with the fancy names!" Ignoring Chanyeol's protests ("But I did call it what it was! It's a pholcus phalangiodes!"), Sehun continued to talk, picking up an abandoned pencil and poking the spider with it, watching it scurry around with amusement. "I heard that they're the most poisonous spider on Earth, but we're safe because their fangs are too small to break through our skin."

Chanyeol scoffed, affentionately ruffling Sehun's hair. The werewolf growled in protest, dropping the pencil to fix it. "Nonsense, child. The pholcus phalangiodes - " Sehun glared at him. Chanyeol sighed. " - the 'daddy long legs' has no known poison glands in its body and has pincers rather than fangs. They're harmless."

Sehun put his head on the table, poking the spider again. "Yeah... But what if they were dangerous? Like, what if they ate humans instead of insects or something?"

Chanyeol absently fiddled with the hem of his shirt, 'hmm'-ing thoughtfully. "If the five trillion spiders in the Netherlands decided that they wanted to eat humans rather than insects, all 16.7 million Dutch people would be eaten within three days."

Sehun gaped at Chanyeol in awe. "Are you serious?!" Chanyeol nodded. "Dude, that is so cool! Thank god spiders don't eat people!"

At the point in the conversation Kyungsoo had turned totally white. His hands shook as he continued to look through the drawers, finally finding the item he wanted. He then retreated. Quickly. Without looking at the spider.

Sehun turned to Chanyeol as Kyungsoo shut the door to his room behind him. "Was it just me or was Kyungsoo muttering 'don't look at the monster' as he walked past?"

Chanyeol shrugged. "It was probably just you. I didn't hear anything."


And we're back! I'm sorry for the slight delay, my life decided that it hated me and prompted my group members for a project to dump all of it on me (I am never looking at the internal parts of a computer AGAIN if I can help it)! Some people have been asking me about future pairings and stuff like that and I REEAAALLY want to tell you but I can't :P SO! I'll tell you that there are only three confirmed pairings right now, one of the three being Baekyeol, and the others will probably be voted on! (Or it'll be me picking randomly out of a hat. Whichever works.)

Luhan is honestly one of my favorite characters in this story. Along with Sehun, because both of them are really just so quirky and funny that it's hard to stop writing them once I've started XD

The list has grown! So far we know that:

Suho is a kelpie! Lay is a unicorn! Baekhyun is a cat-hybrid! Kai is a caladrius! Tao is a dryad! Xiumin is a gorgon! Luhan is a banshee! Sehun is a werewolf!

So I want to know your guesses for the rest of the EXO members! We still need to know what Chen is, what Kris is, and what D.O. is! If anyone can guess what they are I'll give them a special surprise ;) Guess away, people!

The next chapter features the Chen's almighty power, Sehun eating roadkill, and... DUN DUN DUN DUN. THE BEGINNING OF UNIVERSITY!

And now for our short sneak peak! (Please comment, subscribe, and maybe upvote?)


Chapter IV. Moonlight Sonatas

Chanyeol never knew that someone's singing could be so beautiful. It was like the chime of a piano, or maybe it was like flowing water? It was... indescribable.


...Then Luhan decided he wanted to ruin it all and let out a small shriek - which, by the way, was still loud enough to shatter someone's glasses.

"What?" He said, batting his eyelashes innocently, lower lip sticking out ever so slightly. "It was too sad for Luhan to listen to!"

Ooh, one day Chanyeol was going to smack that devilish brat in the head and teach him some proper grammar.


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Woot! First chapter is UP! Expect the next one to come sometime this month, because I figured out a way to work on this at school, too.


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DEVastator #1
Chapter 3: Looking forward to your next update! ^^
xiuhanislove #2
Chapter 3: OMO I like Luhan so much xDD and Sehun too xD they personalities are so special xD I loved this chapter, though it has just a little Baekyeol in ii but I'm waiting for the next chapter *_____* and I honestly have no idea about what the others are because I'm not english and I'm not familiar with creature names xDD but anyway please update soon~ <333
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this cracked me up orz The fact that Chanyeol reminded me a LOT like Sheldon (from the Big Bang Theory) is the best part here TTwTT

AND JOONMYUN!!! he's not the same, old, gentle, joonie here. XD
xiuhanislove #4
Chapter 2: SOO here I am xD I'll start with that I like Baekhyun in this story and I'm wondering what his problem is... T_T I can't wait till Baekkie and Channie start to like each other *____* I love Chanyeol's personality *w* aaand I have to ask... why is Minseok a gorogon? xDD I love him soo much *___* xD ohh my, I almost forgot, I'm wondering if it could be Suchen maybe(?) cause I like them so much together and I think they are cute *w* and I want to know why Suhho acts strange around Jongdae:3 please update soon I'm curious about the next chapter... especially about Luhan xDDD (and can I ask if he'll be paired up with someone? and if yes, with who? xD sorry if there are too much questions but I'm curious ><) please update soon~ ^____^
xiuhanislove #5
Chapter 2: OMO I'll write a proper comment (expect a very long one) later cause I don't have time now but a lot to say so yeah xD for now I LIKED THIS CHAPTER PLEASE UPDATE SOON *_______* <333
pinocchio_hae #6
Chapter 1: this looks really interesting, and i really like the what Junmyeon is, i love how you connected his ability to manipulate water means he's fluid, like i think that's really clever. can't wait for chanyeol to meet baekhyun
xiuhanislove #7
Chapter 1: OMO I think I'll like this story *w* can't wait till channie and baekkie meet ^w^ though, I really don't like (hate) sulay I loved the first chapter.... ^^ please update soon~ <33
DEVastator #8
Im looking forward to ur next chapter!!! >< update soon!