one of one

Let It All Out

"Thanks hyung, you're the best! I know I can always come to you for advice."

Junmyeon just smiled as Sehun left the room, closing the door behind him. Despite his easily-bullied image, Junmyeon actually enjoys a great deal of trust from s. Some perhaps expected, like from the mature Kyungsoo, or some less expected like the playful Sehun.

Whatever it is, the members don't have to think twice before going to Junmyeon for help or advice. He's more than willing to guide them along as much as he can, since he isn't actually that much more experienced than the rest.

On one hand, he feels like a contented father whose children trust him. On the other, he sometimes feels lonely. Not in the sense that he has no company (ten other members, mind you), but that there isn't really anyone he can go to.

At times where everyone is about to fall apart, he must stay strong as the leader to support the rest; he cannot afford to break. But he's worried that he wouldn't be able to take it one day, and the thought scares him.

Just yesterday, Jongin complained about his brother-in-law, and today, Sehun needed some motivation. Before he could even think about what is awaiting him, he had to rush the kids to bed because they had practice in the morning the next day.

Junmyeon plopped onto his bed with a sigh. He sat up and rubbed his temples. They've been through so much lately and were too busy to think about everything that's happened.

He's tired, physically, mentally and emotionally, but he must not break. He needs to hold the group together. But right now, he probably really needs some healing.

The room is dark, and Junmyeon sits cross-legged on the bed. 

There are just so many thoughts running through his head; they're all so jumbled up that his mind seems pitch black, just like the room. It seemed impossible to focus on just one thing.

His thoughts get interrupted by two soft knocks on the door. A familiar voice, that immediately makes him feel at ease, asks, "Can I come in?"

Junmyeon half-shouts a "yeah" in reply.

The doorknob turns silently as ever, and a black-haired male peeks his head into the room before letting himself in. Gently closing the door behind him, he asks, "Do you want to turn on the lights?"

Junmyeon mutters, "Not really," but the other male catches it anyway, so he just makes his way to join Junmyeon on the bed.

"So, you look really stressed these days, are you okay? Don't lie to me because I know when you do."

Junmyeon instinctively replies, "Yeah, I'm fine-" He catches himself not being entirely truthful, and presses his lips into a thin line, but pretends nothing happened and says nothing.

The other male seems to have sensed something and deliberates before saying, "You're lying."

Junmyeon sighs in defeat, "It's just that my thoughts are so confusing and overwhelming and... I don't know, I just can't think straight."

The other male takes his hands and says, "Why not, you tell me each and every one of your worries, and we'll see what can be done? Just let it all out."

Junmyeon takes a deep breath, and exhales before speaking. 

He is like the sole pillar of support for the K kids, in addition to being a caregiver and somewhat a mother. He's also in charge of maintaining order among all 11 of them because he is the leader. He also has to shower the M kids with love and care (but he's really just referring to Zitao) because they trust and rely on him a lot.

With all that, because he is a hyung to most of the members, they often go to him for advice, which he is more than happy to give. It's just that by listening to all their troubles, everyone else's worries become his worries and when it starts to accumulate, it eventually becomes too much of a mental burden.

Junmyeon needs to pour his own problems to someone too, but he doesn't know who to go to.

"You have no one to go to? But I'm right here, listening to you, aren't I?" The other male chuckles, still holding Junmyeon's hands in his.

"Yixing, you know that I don't want to burden you with my own worries," Junmyeon says looking down, even though he cannot see anything in the dark.

"It's not a burden to me, hyung. In fact, I'm willing to share your worries and help you as much as I can."

"But... That's unfair to you, isn't it?" Junmyeon didn't want someone else to go through what he had to. It's part of his job as a leader.

"Isn't it more unfair for you to have to carry the whole group's worries? Look, even though I call you hyung, we're just five months apart and I think it's only right for me to help a friend in need." Yixing sounds so determined that Junmyeon didn't think it was possible to turn him down.

"It's part and parcel of being a leader, Yixing, you don't have to do this. Besides, there's still Minseok and Luhan."

Yixing sighs and continues, "Of course I don't have to, but I want to. I've seen how you care for all the members, but who will care for you then? I will, and I want to care for you, Junmyeon-hyung. I don't want to see you suffering alone, silently anymore."

Junmyeon's eyes widen as Yixing pulls him into a hug.

"Share your worries with me, I'll always be here to listen to you, okay?"

Junmyeon can't reply because he's already letting his hot tears stain Yixing's shirt on his shoulder. Junmyeon is touched, so much so that he cannot find any words to express his gratitude for Yixing.

Yixing's hands feel so warm and comforting, Junmyeon thinks. He composes himself soon enough thanks to Yixing.

"Thank you, Yixing. You have no idea how much that means to me."

"It's nothing, and I'm glad you let it all out. Feeling better now?"

"Yeah, I suppose. My mind feels... more relaxed."

Yixing chuckles, "That's great, seems like my superpower actually works."

Junmyeon rolls his eyes, "Yes, yes, my healing unicorn. What would I do without you?"

"You can enjoy my healing services anytime, if you agree to my terms and conditions."

"And what might that be?"

"I get to cuddle with you, hug you, and kiss you?"

Junmyeon understood that straight away, and smacks Yixing in the arm, "What?! Wow, I'm sure you can ask me out way more unromantically that this."

Yixing laughs and says with a smirk, "So, deal or no deal?"

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep. You should too, there's morning practice."

"Since you didn't refuse, I'm just going to cuddle with you tonight," Yixing taunts. Junmyeon pretends to be asleep, and Yixing takes the silence as consent.

Junmyeon playfully pushes Yixing away, "Get off me! I can't sleep properly if it's hot."

"Sorry for being hot."

Junmyeon just facepalms.

Word Count: 1181


Alright, so that was that...
Probably not the best I could do, but I've been having this idea for quite a while.
I just needed to get it out, because I have 5 other ideas that have been sitting in my phone untouched LOL.
So yeah, I hope it wasn't too unbearable.
Thanks for reading? :D


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Chapter 1: my cod, i ADORE comfort fluff, and this is no exception!!! love the patience and reassurance from lay, and the ending was funny :3
eyesmilegyu #2
Chapter 1: Yixing's 'sorry for being hot tho' xD
Chapter 1: Love this !! Lol Yixing xD
fuschiapinks #4
Chapter 1: that is cute. super cute. thank you!
we need more sulay in this world ; n ;