
Too Bad He Didn't See It
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The cafe wasn't congested as usual that day. Maybe it's because of the time. Kyungsoo took a peek on the black digital watch on his wrist.

3.37 pm.

He sighed. As expected, Jongin was late again. Perhaps he was busy eating chicken to his heart content or he went to another dance class that he didn't even realize the current time.

But it's fine. Anything was fine to Kyungsoo when it came to Kim Jongin.

Because he would spend his whole life willingly waiting for that dark-skinned younger boy.


He opened his Calculus text book and started his mini study time while waiting for Jongin to show up. Soon enough, the sound of the bell clinging on the door echoed across the cafe , signing that a person had just walked into the cafe. From the mere sound of the footsteps, he knew that Jongin was there.

Except that his paces were overly excited that day.


"Hyung!Guess who got asked to prom??Me!", Jongin beamed in happiness as soon as he took a seat in front of the elder, who was indulged into his Calculus textbook.

Kyungsoo's Adam apple bobbed up and down his throat as he swallowed his saliva. He was nervous, thinking of the most appropriate respond to give to the happy boy.

"Hyuuuung~", Jongin whined as he didn't get any respond from him. Kyungsoo let out an exasperated sigh and looked away from his textbook, to the whiny high school senior in front of him.

He closed his thick Calculus textbook and looked at the work of art in front of him while sipping his iced Americano.

Somehow, the taste was even bitter than the usual.

Way too bitter to his liking.

He frowned and put down his iced Americano. Jongin grabbed it and sipped some of it, not even bothered to ask Kyungsoo's permission. He always did that and Kyungsoo never mad at him.

He smiled beautifully at his hyung, making Kyungsoo's heart bloomed in happiness. He couldn't help but to fall more and more deep for this young boy who was a year younger than him.


"Finally that buckethead Oh Sehun grew some balls to ask me to be his date!", he continued his happy story. Kyungsoo's smile disappeared at the mention of that so familiar name.

Oh Sehun was the captain of Jongin's school's baseball team. Jongin had a huge crush on him and Kyungsoo had always been the one to hear Jongin's jovial rambling about the said boy.

Kyungsoo tried to control his facial expression. He didn't want Jongin to notice his sullen looks.

He wanted to be happy for Jongin. But he couldn't.

He was slowly dying inside.


"Congrats then ..", he simply said in an unamused voice, unfortunately undetected by the ball of happiness in front of him.

"So I need you to help me to choose my tux!OMG I'm so excited!", Jongin squealed like a school girl. Kyungsoo just simply nodded in agreement and smiled at him.

After gathering his things into his backpack, they left the cafe. Jongin happily slung his arm onto Kyungsoo's narrow shoulder, pulling the elder closer to him. Kyungsoo was about to fell all giddy and happy when Jongin's rambling about Oh Sehun started again.


Too bad the younger didn't see it.
He didn't see his little heart that had shattered on the floor into tiny little pieces.



That day was a hectic day. Jongin just done with his registration into his university. Then, he had to get ready for his orientation week.

Thankfully, Kyungsoo was there for him.

He helped Jongin in almost everything. He even filled the forms and folded his clothes neatly for him. Starting from his registration to organizing his things in his room, Kyungsoo did everything.

Just for the boy he had loved for 3 years already.

Jongin, on the other hand, was thankful for Kyungsoo's willingness to help him. He knew Kyungsoo was busy with his part-time job and studies.

But there was Do Kyungsoo, in his room, organizing his overload shoes with different styles and brands on the shoe rack.

He was happy his Kyungsoo hyung was there.


Kyungsoo was always there.


Too bad the younger didn't see it.
He didn't see how Kyungsoo happily spent his precious time and energy just for Jongin's happiness.


When Jongin had told him how he lost his ity to Oh Sehun at the prom night,
Kyungsoo was there.
When Jongin had told him that he and the captain was an item,
Kyungsoo was there.
When Jongin had a breakdown after he got dumped two months later,
Kyungsoo was there.


Too bad the younger didn't see it.
He didn't see how Kyungsoo gained some hope in making Jongin his.



A month after the semester began, Kyungsoo's room was shaken with a loud banging on the door.

Feeling annoyed, Kyungsoo stomped his way to the door. He wanted to scream at the person for being so rude and loud for banging his door as if he had never knocked on a door before. His concentration on finding the c value of the function x2 + 3x +6 with intervals [-3, 3] using Rolle's Theorem vanished due to the annoying continuous banging on his door.

His anger died when his eyes met the beautiful pair of eyes that he loved so dearly. The boy he hadn't met for a few weeks due to his obligations was there in front of him; in a flesh.

It turned out to be the ever-so happy Kim Jongin in front of the door, grinning foolishly at him. Beside him stood a doe-eyed guy who Kyungsoo recognized as his senior who got held a year as he failed his Geometry paper. Kyungsoo's Adam apple bobbed up and down his throat because of of the nervousness for the second time in his life.


It felt like dejavu.


"This is Kyungsoo hyung .. Hyung, this is my boyfriend, Luhan hyung ..", Jongin beamed excitedly. Luhan smiled at Kyungsoo, who he knew very well from the Geometry class that he repeated for the second time. Kyungsoo was quite well-known as a smartass in their university. Thus, it wasn't a shocker to Luhan that Jongin was also as smart as his hyung.

"Hi there, Do Kyungsoo ..", Luhan said and smiled as he looked at Kyungsoo with his doe-like eyes. Kyungsoo faked a smile and greeted the elder back. He welcomed them inside the room and served them the leftover of his kimchi spaghetti that Jongin loved a lot.

Jongin happily ate it. Kyungsoo smiled at the sight of Jongin eating so deliciously. He purposely made kimchi spaghetti everyday, in case Jongin would barge into his room abruptly, just like that day. If he didn't came, Kyungsoo would give some to the lovely and ever so disgusting mushy couple, Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol, who occupied the room right next to his room.

Kyungsoo's happy little bubble burst into the air as he saw Luhan wiped the smudged sauce at the corner of Jongin's chapped lips. Jongin chuckled and blushed slightly at his boyfriend's sweet gesture. Kyungsoo started to feel slightly envious of the Chinese guy for being able to be loved by Kim Jongin, the only guy that he wanted in his life.

But he knew he didn't stand a chance. Jongin was in the dance crew while Luhan was in the Mathematics club. They both were popular due to their talent and looks.

While him .. Just an Average Joe who happened to be good in study after suffering from sleepless night. In Luhan's case, he was smart. But he was too lazy to study, which caused him to repeat the easiest subject on earth named Foundation of Geometry, twice.

(Like come one!What's so hard about understanding Euler's Polyhedron Theorem and some mathematical provings?The solid geometry's formulas that we had learnt back in school .. Someone please enlighten the smartass Do Kyungsoo on the difficulties in finding the volume of pyramid which is only 1/3 of the volume of a prism!)

As Kyungsoo was busy cursing and mocking Luhan in his pathetic little head, he was completely appalled when Luhan stole a quick kiss from Jongin. The younger just grinned and leaned to the former, molding their perfect lips together.

And there it went again.

Too bad the younger didn't see it.
He didn't see Kyungsoo's already abused heart crushed like it was hammered with a big, fat stone.


That night, Kyungsoo slept with salty tears being his loyal company.

Too bad the younger didn't see it.
He didn't see Do Kyungsoo sobbing madly while punching his heart several times to sleep.



A year passed in a blink of an eye. Kyungsoo was done with his degree finally. It was when his convocation ceremony was around the corner. Kyungsoo was busy with his graduation ceremony rehearsal. It was an important rehearsal to him as he had to get on the stage and deliver a speech as the best student of the university. He was busy memorizing his script when his phone rang.

"Hyung ..", a sad voice that he loved even more if it was happy echoed to his ears. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down his throat once again in nervousness.

And once again, it felt like dejavu.

"What's wrong??", Kyungsoo asked softly. But he didn't get any answer from Jongin. Instead, his sobs went wilder. Kyungsoo's clenched his fist as he couldn't bear to see his loved one in pain.
He hated to hear Jongin's cries. He wanted Jongin to be happy, because he deserved all happiness in th

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Chapter 1: Thank you for making me crying in the middle of the night n the rain outside...sooooo sad
Caramel9395 #2
Chapter 1: omg i read it fast ;; i can't i can't ;; its so hurt ;; jongin u r so dumb *sorry authornim*
White_Tiger_baek #3
Chapter 1: Ahhhh the feels! It's too much! Aghh
Hello~ i loved it so much, It was really beautiful! You made me cry a lot! Haha good job! TT.TT