Gone, but still here

What Isn't To Be Seen

Kyungsoo heard the alarm clock ringing and he quickly slapped it down without opening his eyes, silencing it's harsh noise. He wondered why he had even bought stupid the alarm clock. The warmth of his bed was telling him to stay. He groaned as he lifted himself off the bed, blindly walking to the bathroom where he ran into the wall a couple times. Groaning in pain, Kyungsoo took off all his clothes and climbed into the shower. He shampooed his hair, he scrubbed his body clean and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist.


Something felt different, or did it? Kyungsoo took the advantage of the the fogged up mirror drew hearts and stars before he wiped it all off, hearts, stars and all to check his face. He felt like he had a few pimples, maybe that was why he felt a little strange. Kyungsoo opened his eyes and screamed in surprise, or was it dis-belief?


It wasn't what he saw, but it was more like what he didn't see. His body, gone. Or more like invisible. He could feel his body... He just couldn't see it. Kyungsoo waved his hand in front of of the mirror, and he could see a shadow, but no hand. The towel covering his invisible body fell to the ground.


Running out of the bathroom in a panic while and wet, but still invisible, Kyungsoo reached over his desk and tried to grab a pen, drenching papers and books. He sighed knowing the papers would distort, but he continued to try to get a pen. Try, as in he missed. Not being able to see where his fingers were really made things hard. After a few frustrating tries, Kyungsoo got a ballpoint pen in his hand, and he wrote his name on his arm. He stabbed himself a couple times, leaving blue dots on his skin. Kyungsoo could see the pen markings, but just not his arm. A taunting blue 'Kyungsoo' floated around in the air as he shook his arm around, silently begging it to turn normal again. Stop being invisible please.


Kyungsoo ran into the kitchen where the biggest mirror was placed and checked all the other mirrors around the apartment frantically, hoping this was just a big bad dream or some nasty elaborate prank his friends decided to place on him.


His friends! Kyungsoo had totally forgotten about his friends in the middle of his crises. How was Kyungsoo going to tell Baekhyun? Well... He thought that it would be best if he didn’t tell Baekhyun. He had recalled that Baekhyun was a complete scaredy cat.


"Oh God! Please, please please!" He muttered, running a hand through his damp hair. "Let this be a dream, please!" However, God, if he existed, did not answer, but Kyungsoo jumped when his stomach growled. He was too stressed out to realize that he was hungry and wandered into the kitchen to find food, but there was no food in the fridge but a few apples, which he grabbed one to snack on. After waiting a few agonizing minutes and suffering through multiple pinches to double check if he was dreaming or not, Kyungsoo stalked back into his room dejectedly, placing on his most covering clothing. Well, he thought, time to go outside.


Kyungsoo donned on a hat, shades, a turtleneck, a jacket, jeans, a pair of socks, and boots, and he went back to the kitchen. He peered over to look at himself in the big mirror in the kitchen and smiled weakly. "Good enough." He whispered to himself. Kyungsoo could almost pretend like he was actually visible. What would be the point, though? Maybe, just maybe, he could go out fully so that no one would notice he was even there. But just the thought of that idea made him cringe. Kyungsoo liked to think that he still had some dignity even though he was invisible for now. For now. If he was really feeling desperate, maybe he'd go out . He paused, wondering if his invisibility stay long enough for him to actually get desperate.


After stuffing his wallet in his pockets Kyungsoo nervously walked out of his apartment, turning around too quickly to lock his door, looking around to see if anyone saw him. He ran to the elevator, begging silently that it would be empty. Kyungsoo pressed the down button and waited a few seconds. He could hear the churning of the gears and that terrible ding as an elevator appeared.


Looking inside there was only one other person, a man. Much taller than him. But that wasn't the only thing he noticed. The stranger was agonizingly gorgeous. His eyes were gazing at the floor but Kyungsoo could see a set of full lips, cute nose, tan skin, and beautifully messed up hair. He could just reach over and run his hand through the stranger’s thick black locks. Kyungsoo bit his lip and walked inside, gently bumping into the other guy to press the ground button, knocking over some of the stranger's belongings in the process.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Kyungsoo felt himself flush and he heard his voice squeak. He heard the man laugh, a chocolatey sound that was just as beautiful as the man himself, before he spoke up nervously. Kyungsoo could see the man clutch the handrail inside the elevator.


"It's alright, c-could you pick it up?" He asked cautiously. Kyungsoo nodded furiously, forgetting that the man probably could only see the hat bobbing quickly and bent over to pick up the object he knocked over. A cane, well in fact, a white cane. A strange feeling washed over Kyungsoo. As he stood back up, Kyungsoo curiously looked into the stranger's eyes while handing him the cane back. They were dark brown like any other Korean person’s eyes would be, but they seemed lost, anxiously wondering here to look. It hit him, the stranger was probably blind.


"Thanks," The blind stranger said, relief flooding into his voice. “Your name?”


"Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo quickly replied.


"Thanks Kyungsoo, I hope I didn't freak you out or anything." He heard the man laugh again, but this one seemed a little off and it didn’t brighten up his face like the other one did.


"No problem. Hope to see you aroun-"


Before he could say anything more, Kyungsoo heard the familiar ding and watched the door close slowly catching a sliver of the gorgeous blind man scanning the floor with his cane, before he got a distorted reflection of himself, or well just his clothes. Dammit.


Sighing, he decided that he would just go back up to his apartment, his mood for adventure spoiled. I'll just go out tomorrow, I'm not that hungry anyways. As the elevator took him northwards, his mind was swimming with thoughts. Maybe I'll see him tomorrow. Kyungsoo hopefully thought as he reached his apartment door again, opening it and quickly walking to his room. He stripped all of his clothes off and climbed back into bed staring at his smudged name on his arm while wondering about a certain tan complexion and the matching chocolate laugh and brown eyes as he let his dreams wash over his thoughts. This was all just a bad dream. Yeah.


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